UARY 15th Our WHITE SALE will commence and continue through FRIDAY. JANUARY 17th. Read carefully a partial List of values below, and should you fail to see tije article you need, be sure and call for it, for I it is quite impossible to list every bargain, but cur store is full "of them. t?m% fr V 3 ? ^ AIP f:25 / SHIRT WAIST Some New $1.50 Waists that are Really Worth More Yes, judged by all prevailing Waists standards these Waists are WORTH MORE; worth .more than the modest price at which we're go ing to sell them .and worth more than other Waists obtainable at the same price. Figure it out for yourself, with cotton materials costing any where from two to three times what they used to and labor costs way up in the air just what an achievement it is to be able to sell really good, worth-while, serviceable Waist for this small sum. Sale price.SI.19 .SILKS?MESSALINE White, Black and Colors, $1.50, $2 and ?2.50, Sale Price $1.33, $1.69 and $1.98. Taffetas, all colors, values $2.00 to $2.50, Sale Price $1.63 and $1.98 Crepe de Chine and Georgettes, 40 inch, value $2.00, Sale Price $1.63 36 in. Chiffon Silk, ?Navy, Garnet, Copen, Rose, Green and Corn, value 50c. Sale Price 42c. Some very pretty new arrivals, Serges and Crepe De Chine. IT WILL PAY YOU TO READ EVERY WORD OF THIS AND TAKE NOTES. THE SAVING IS GREAT. EVERY ARTICLE A SPECIAL VALUE. OUR LADY FRIENDS WILL RECOGNIZE THIS IN EVERY QUOTATION. ENGLISH LONG CLOTH?Values 30c, 35c, 40c and 50c. Sale Price 23c5 29c, 34c and 39c. NAINSOOK?Values 35c, 40c, 45c and 50c, Sale Price 29c, 34c, 37c and 42c. BOX NAINSOOK?10T yard? value $4.50 and $5.00. Sale Price ?p3.59 and $4.19. VOILE?30c, 35c, 50c, 75c and $1.00 values. Sale Price 22c, 28c, 42c, 63c and 83c. ORGANDIES?40c 50c, 75c and $1.00 values. Sale Price 32c; 42c, 63c and 83c. SHIRTING MADRAS?White, value 50c. Sale Price 42c. COLORED ? value 50c and 85c. Sale Price 42c and 69c. BLEACHED M?SLINS ? Lonsdale and Advertisers, value 30c. Sale Price 23c. STAR MUSLIN ? 36 in., value 20c. Sale Price 16c. 36 IN. MIDDIE TWILL?Cheap at 40c. Sale Price 28c. COTTON CREPE DE CHINE ? Black, White, Rose, Lavender, Navy and Copen, value 75c. Sale Price 59c. COLORED ORGANDY?50c value. Sale Price 42c. ???8W??? ? I I WPI ? ? III ?B^?iHW? COLORED BATISTE?50c value. Sale Price 42c. LINE NE?Value 35c, 50c and 60c. Sale Price 25c, 42c and 48c. COLORED LINENE ? Value 60c. Sale Price 48c. 36 IN. WHITE POPLIN?Value 50c and 75c. Sale Price 42c and 63c. PIQUE?Value 50c asd 75c. Sale Price 42c and 63c. LONDSDALE CAMBRIC ? Value 35c. Sale Price 28c. NAINSOOK FINISH? Value 35c, Sale Price 28c. TENNIS SUITING?Value 60c. Sale Price 48c. DAMASK?value 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 and $3.50. Sale Price 4?c, 63c, 83c, $1.22 ; $1.48, $1.98 and $2.75. 36 IN. PAJAMA CHECKS?Splendid quality. Value 35c. Sale Price 26c INDIA LINON?20c and 25c value, Sale Price 16c arid 21c. ?NAPKINS ? Values $2.50, $3.00, ..$3.50, $4.50, $5.00 and $7.00. Sale Price $1.83, $2.39, $2.97, $3.63, $4.15 and $6.25. TOWELS^Value 15c, 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c and $1.00. Sale Price 12c, 19c, 27c, 42c, 63c and 83c. BATISTE?30c 35c, 65c, 75c, 85c, and $1.00 values. Sale Price 22c, 28c, 48c, 63c, 73c, 83c. FLAXON?35c, 40c, 45c and 50c values. Sale Price 28c, 33c, 37c and 42c. KERRY LINEN ? Value 40c. Sale Price 33c. SHEETS ? 63x90, 72x90, 81x90 and 90x90, value $1.50, $1.75, $2.00 and $2.25. Sale Price $1.19, $1.33, $1.48 and $1.75. BED SPREADS ? Values $3.00, $3.50, $5.00, $7.50 and $9.00. Sale Price $2.39, $2.83, $3.95, $5.95 and 7.18. PILLOW CASES ? Value 45c 50c and 60c. Sale Price 39c, 42c and 48c Don't forget Punjab, the best Percale made, Value 40c* Sale Price. 99 r Dress Ginghams, a beautiful selection of patterns, 27 in and 32 in, values 35c and 40c. 9?r and OQ Sale Price. ^'OL LJ r STYLE, FIT AND BEAUTY, From $2.09 Up. Colored Linen Suiting* and Colored Middie Cloths, Etc. LINEN SUITING ? White, Rose, Green, Pink and Blue. Value $1.00. Sale Price.83c MIDDIE CLOTH ? White, Pink and Blue, value 50c. Sale Price.42c COLORED VOILES ?Pink, Blue, Grey, Rose, Purple and Corn, value 50c. Sale Price.42c WHITE SKIRTING ? Stripped and Checked, value 50c, 75c, 85c and $1.00, Sale Price 42c, 63c, 73c and 83c. JUST RECEIVED A SHIPMENT OF THE SPRING CREATIONS. We hope to see you at this Sale and assure you a Cordial Welcome and Courteous Attention.