The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, November 13, 1918, Image 1

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TOK SUMTEli WATCHMAN, E&t3b **feed April, 1850. "Be Jtaftl rear not?JLet *il tb<r c-nd* Ti><?u ?e ?> ?03 ^.w.^ry- i ?*> m?o> *w<* Tr???-t?." THE TRClt SOU l\HKON. fiffftbttsfeed J*Wfc CODSOlidated Aug. 2, ?II ~ SUMTEli. S G~ WEDNESDAY. NOVEMEER 13, 1918 Vol. XLVII. No. 26. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ jggUmm^Kt^mmans^lgB_MBngBaaBBp_i-n-flfTrA^-rTT?dBa?^gaMM>m|MB_[|d>J||a|t[M|iM:M^M|nB>aBaM)^^ .. ? ? ? \ ? ' X * ^ ? ' ? ? ? "' ? ? ? ? . * * * ? ? v . * Bulletin Carrying the First Authentic Notice of Surrender of Germany. (By Associated Press.) Washington, Nov. II?The World War will end this morning at 6 o^clock Washington time, 11 o'clock Paris time. ? The armistice was signed by the German representatives at mid night. This announcement was made by the State Department at* 2:50 o'clock this morning. ?UN M M GAUNTLET HE ARRIVED AT GERMAN HEAD QUARTERS AFTER LONG DELAY. Germans Fired on Road and French Offered to Take C'apt. Heltdorf. the German Courier, by Airplane But He Later Decided on Auto. London, Nov. 10.?(British Wire less Service).?The German courier bearing-the text of the armistice con ditions arrived at German headquar ters at 10 o'clock this morning, ac cording . to the official announce ment from Paris. The courier, Capt Heltdorf, was long delayed, while the German batteries persisted in bom barding the route he had to follow. On Saturday morning the German de?egaies suggested that the cour ier's.message might be attempted b\ airplane. The French high com mand saw no objection to this and offered to furnish a machine on con dition . that the German high com niand jpledge itself thai the airplan? would vnot be; fired at. A radio mes s?ge was sent to German headquar tttp^wjiiqh was replied to without de Ia>;.;ast follows: : ^We* .grant free passage to th? F^achr air plane bringing our courier. ^f.?'?1^ issuing- orders that it shall iwjt^be attacked by any of our ma K-f?nes, For the purpose of rocog ftfriOa' it'shouhd -.carry two white flags, vcry'eiearly, marked." [The-orders from the German head charters staff were inoperative as re g5a>ded; the land batteries, for on La Capelle-road the enemy fire, despite reiterated requests to desist, went en without- intermission. A French airplane, piloted by ar. officer of the-French air service, was tfGpn. available and the pilot was or dered to hofd himself ready to start en.-iiis. Journey. About that time a niessage came from general head quarters announcing that orders for the^ cessation of fire had been given t a ihe~ batteries directed against La C4P?fte road, and that Gap:. Heltdorf was>at liberty to start by automobile Almost immediately the fire ceased and the courier set out on the road for f-'pa at 3.20 o'clock in the after noon. German headquarters was notified of his departure and informed that he might be expected to arrive in th evening. But the road was long and hard and many delays occurred. ANNOUNCED IN W ASK Df< i T( )N SVith, Victory and Pence for Allies Tomes Anarchy and Bloodshed in Germany. .. By Associated Press ? Washington. Nov. 11.?The world war ended at <> o'clock tins morning Washington time, with a red revolu tion raging in Germany, and with William. Hohenzollern, former emper or of Germany, a fugitive from his native land. The announcement ih::t the ar mistice had-been signed by Germans at midnight last nie:ht (5 o'clock a. rfi. -Paris tfme) and that hostilities ycould ceaso six hours later, was made by the State department at 2.45 thi? morning. The terms of surren ?.<?: have riot yet been made public. LONDON HEARS NEWS. Premier* t?oj? George Annonjiec5 Victory Over Hun to English Peo ple. Bv Associated Press. London.'Nov. 11, 10.21 A. M.?It Is officially announced that an armistice between the aliiec and Germany has been signed. In announcing it Pre mier Lloyd George said the armis tice had been signed at o'clock this moming and that hostilities are to cease oh all fronts at 11 o'clock to i RUNS LIKE k pi. WILLIAM HOHE'NZOLLERN TAKES REFUGE IX HOLLAND. Evil Genius of Germany and Curse or Civilization Flees From Ruin : Tiiat He Caused. ! London, Nov. 10 (Midnight).? j Both the former German emperor ' and his son, Frederick William, 1 crossed the Dutch frontier Sundu.: I morning, according to advices fro;.. ! The Hague. - j London, Nov. 10 (11.23 A. M.)? | j The former German emperor's party, j j which is believed to include. Field ! I Marshal von Hin den burg, arrived at I Eysden. on the Dutch frontier, at I 3.20 o'clock Sunday morning, ac | cordm^ to Daily Mail advices, j Practically the whole German gon-j * oral staff accompanied the former em j peror. and ten automobiles carried i the party. The automobiles were i bristling with rifles and ail the fug; ! tives were armed. i The ex-kaiser was in uniform. Ho J alighted at the Eyden sation and ! paced the platform, smoking a cigar j ette. Eysden lies about midway between ? Liege and Mastricht at the Dutch j border. _ Washington, Nov. .19.?William { Hohenzollern arrived this niorning in ! Holland and is proceeding to Mid j dachten castle in the town of Des- I j t re eg, according to a dispatch rereh i ed by the American army genera; j staff from The Hague based on press! reports in the Netherlands capita":, i The dispatch, dated today, sa*d: "Press reports state that the kais er arrived this morning at Maastricht. Holland, is proceeding to Middatch i ten. in the town of Dcstreeg. Out-: -recht." Destreeg is on the Guelders Ysseh! i an arm of the Rhine river, about 40 _ ! miles east of Utrecht and 12 miles j from the German border. The cbat Leau Middachten, to which the former' j emperor is reported to be proceed:: tg,' I belongs to Count William Frederick j Charles Henry von Berrtinck. lie is a' ?member of the Prussian guards and! j before the war was attached to the! j German embassy in London and a. '? j member of the English turf and roy-j al automobile clubs. He is 3S years: i of age. He belongs to the fa.mohsj [Anglo-Dutch-German house of V>er.-\ j tinck. the continental branch of the; family of the Duke of Portland. Middachten cast;e dates back to: the year 1697. NAVY STTLL OX GUARD. _ _ i Xo Stops Will be Taken f mmedialoly to Demobilize Naval Forces. By Associated Press, i Washington. Nov. 11.?Secretary j Daniels announced today that no im | mediate steps will be taken toward : demobilizing ai;y part of the naval ; forces of the United States. REVOLUTION IX WARSAW. ; iv>:es Take Immediate Stc^s to Throw Off German Rule. Ry As^oej ii"<l Press ! Amsterdam, Nov. 11.?Street fight Iing is taking place in Warshaw. Th' : laIIway station has been occupied hy . Polish forces. LIGHT ORDER Sr^ENDED. Xo Limit on Dlumniation for Victor; Celebration. _ Bv Associated T'resa. "Washington. Nov. 11.? Fuel Direc tor Garfield today suspended the I lightless night order for tonight, i i ! only, for celebrations of pea(.e j throughout the counry. "OUR PRESIDENT" The World's Greatest Statesman President Issues Proclamation Announcing Signing of Armistice Washington, Nov. 11.?(By the Associated Press.)?President Wilson issued a formal proclamation at 10 o'clock this morning an nouncing that an armistice with Germany had been signed. He wil read the armistice cerms before a joint session of Congress this morning. Arrangements have been made for a joint sessiou of Congress at one o'clock this afternoon, despite the fact that many members an still absent on election vacations. Word was received by wireless that Premier Clemenceau wilt read the terms of the armistice to the French Chamber of Deputies about the same hour. Drastic Terms of Surrender Imposed Upon Germany. By The Associated Press. Washington, Nov. 11.?The terms of the aimistice panted N Germany were read to congress by President Wilson at one o'clock this afternoon. Assembled in the hall of the House, where nineteen months ago the president asked for a declara tion of war, the senators and representatives heard the word which hearalds the coming of Ipeace. The strictly military terms of the armistice are embraced in eleven specifications, and include the evacuation of invaded territories and trie withdrawal of all German troops from the left bank of the Rhine, the surrender of all supplies of war. Terms also provided \for the abandonment by Germany of the treaties of Bucharest and Brest-Litovsk. The naval terms provide for the surrender of one hundred and sixty- submarines, fifty destroyers, six battle cruisers, ten \ battle ships, eight light cruisers and other miscellaneous ships and allied vessels in German hands are to be surrendered. ! Germany is required to notify all neutrals that they are free j to trade at once or. the seas with the allied countries. The financial terms include restitution for damage done by j German armies, restitution of cash taken from the National Hank of Belgium, and gold from Russia and Rumania. Military terms include the surrender of five thousand guns. ! two thousand airplanes and the immediate repatriation of pris oners without reciprocity in respect of , risoners held by the Al lies, I '^Ilfllj^ fffl^HI^ li^?^P^ ^^H^iH^ I _ ? - ' V I The Revolution a Fact?Fourteen of the Twenty-Six States Are Securely Held By Revolutionists. By The Associated Press. Copenhagen, Nov. 11.?The revolution in Germany is today, I to all intents and purposes, an accomplished fact. The revolt I has not yet spread throughout the whqle empire, but fourteen j to twenty-six states, including all four kingdoms, are reported ! to be securely in the hands of the revolutionists. i duft nurmmi i . - I XO MORE AMERICAN MEN TO BI: CALLED TO COLORS. - j President Wilson Takes Prompt Ac j tion to Re^in Putting: tiic Country on a Peace Basis. By Associated Press, j Washington, Nov. 11?Ey order o. j President Wilson, General Crowdei I today directed the cancellation of al j outstanding- draft calls, stopping the I movement during the next five day. j of 252,000 men, and setting aside al November calls for over 300,000 men Calls for the navy and marine j corps will not be affected by th'. cancellation of the draft call. Secre j tary Baker announced later that s; j far as practical all men who hav< i been called and haven't yet complet j ed their training will be immediate!; ! turned back to civil life. NEW YORK CELEBRATES. ! Stock and Cotton Exchanges Closet Today. _ Dy Associated Press New York, Nov. 11.?With Wai I Street riotously celebrating th j dawn of peace the board of govern j ors of the Stock Exchange decidei j not to open today. The cotton am consolidated- exchanges later an nounced similar action. TERMS XOT PUBLISHED. No Announcement Yet Made of Con dit"ons Imposed upon Defeatcc Huns. Oy associated Press. Wash-' gton, Nov. II.?There is nc advance information of the definite terms of the armistice and no detail. as yet of the scenes at Gen. Foch'. headquarters at the time the armis tice was signed. AMERICANS TAKE STENAY. j Face Heavy Machine Gun and Artil lery Fire. With the American Forces on the Meuse Front. Nov. 10.?6 P. M.?(?>. the Associated Press)?Gen. Persh ing's troops this afternc n captured Stenay, on tbe east bank of the Mouse, notwithstanding terrific oppo sition. Stenay. which was strongly Ccrti l fled, was taken in an attack from th. south. The Americans swept for I ward against streams of machine i.gun bullets and artillery fire from the ! hills southeast of Stenay; I The entire district in the region o: j Stenay was Hooded by the German* i j who dammed the canals and rivers ! : The Americans. crossing the river I J^Meuse from below, took Ttenay in a j I great northward push, j \The First and Second American j ariaies in their attacks today extend-1 i ing a^ong the Moselle and the Mouse J I advanced on a front of approximately J J 115 kilometers (seventy-one and a I half -milesO AN INDEPtENDEXT REPUBLIC, j S<'h!es\vi--!io!stoinV? to Be Proclaim j etl Siichv London. ;.\*ov. 10.?Schleswig; Hoi- i stein the Prussian provfl8??-' which formerly belonged to Denmark is t;; be proclaimed an independent repub lic, says an Exchange Telegraph dis !>? t< h from Copenhagen. OX TJIE AMERICAN FRONT. M Consideralile Gains in Ground Rc ported by Pcrsbing. < Washington. Nov. 10.?Gen. Persh- ' Ings communique for this evening j1 says that ;i series of local operation j < by the Firsl and Second armies be-j 1 tween the Mouse and Moselle rosnli ,? ed in considerable gains of ground to- i day. Six villages were raptured and j ( the Bois Dommartin cleared. C FIGHTING IN BERLIN. ! ! Struggle Between Revolutionary Foroes and Imperial Troops Broke Out Afresh Sunday. By Associated Press. Basel, Nov. 11.?Fighting between! the revolutionary forces and the im perial troops was still in progress in Berlin Sunday morning. The Strug i gle which began Saturday evening j started afresh at nine o'clock Sunday^ i morning. MUST CROSS RUINED Huns Given One Bay More to "Get Out. By Associated Press, i London, Nov. 11, 10.54 A. M.?The period given- for the evacuation of the left bank of the Rhine by the , Ger mans has been extended by twenty four hours, according to a French wireless message received here. IvAiSER SIGNS ABDICATION. Details of Historic Scene at German' Headquarters. London, Nov. 10?2.04 p. m.?-Em peror William signed a letter: of ab dication Saturday morning at the Ger man grand headquarters, in the presence of Crown Prince Frederick' William and Field Marshal Hinden burg, according to a dispatch from Amsterdam to the Exchange Tele I graph Company. The German Crown Prince signed his renunciation to the throne short ly afterward. It is believed that King Ludwig of Bavaria and King Frederick August of Saxony also have abdicated. The ex-kaiser and the former Crown Prince were expected to take leave of their troops on Saturday, but nothing has been settled regarding their future movements. Before placing his signature to the document an urgent message from Phillip Scheidemann, who was a So ! cialist member without portfolio in the imperial cabinet, was handed to the emperor. He read it with a ; shiver. Then he signed the paper, saying: ^ '"It may be for the good of Ger many." The emperor was deeply moved. He consented to sign the document only when he received news of the latest events in the I pire. Serious food difficulties are I ed in Germany owing to the I of trains. The council of^^e re gency will take the most dj^c steps to reestablish order. 2D ARMY'S FlRgr ATTACK. Limited Object!vj/Attained hy Amer ica na*rii Lorraine. With \^ American Forces on the Lorrair^ Front. Nov. 10, 5.40 p. m.? (By^/the Associated Press).?The Second American army this morning launched its initial attack in Lor raine. Its objectives were limited. The village of St. Hilaire and Marcheville wore captured as also were a number of woods. One of Uncle Joe's. Cnclc Joe Cannon tells of a con i-ersaticn overheard in his home town in Illinois. "Was the wedding a success?" "Yes. in most particulars; but some >f the guests thought the bride's mother did a lot more crying than ivas necessary. You see. the young *ouple are to make their home with lor. so she really isn't losing her laughter." "Maybe that was what she was trying about."?Pittsburg Chronicle* Celegraph. ? ^ .