s* M is* k'wmv at Huiutsr, 6, OU as sVcimuI Claas Matter. I'F.ltSON \l Mr. Fred \igle?. who enlisted "> the nav) several month* ago und la niHtion?*(i at the Charleston Navj Vard, 1? in tho city on furlough. Num. tleppner, of Chicago is visit Uta her suiter, Mrs. I. A. Rytten Lerg. Mr. A. S. Mcl\er. of Darlington, I sp? M ytstenlav in Sumter. .Mr. Alexun.hr Noful, a Persian r i?.-chant. (?f I >ai hnnton. has conic -tu inter and opened business. Herat. S. L. Smith oi Camp Jackson tu m lit the week-end with Ins parent^ In the city. Iii?? Katherine Murchison and In 1 ii.4'ther of Camden are spending i few days with Mr and Mrs. S. ft. J AnSth. Mr. T. P. Impose, of Pl P.oso. wa < in the cfty today. Mr. c w. Banders, of llagood ipeet tfie day in town. Lieut. R. M Cantev. who is witl the engliieers, C 8. expeditionary ffMc? s. has urri\ed safely in France. - PCMtll. From The Pally Item. Feb. 8. Mr. John .V Whittemoi ! at his home on llarbv avenue at 2 o'eh morning ..Cor a long ill? ness. The funeral services will he held at his late residence at l\ o'clock tomorrow. Saturday.* morning. Mr. Whittemove was a native of New F.ngland and came to Sumter ?Aon after the \\ i r )??> ? w . .n t h Stu e? ami had lived In re ever since He h:ih saalaaasasff fat i gasgaag mi yeais prior to Clc\ da nd's lirst term. Mo hi ggrvidcd hy two dauKhters, MlS'iee |x>u.?e and Pmily Whitferuore. Farmers' Inion Meeting. There will h? a meeting of the Settel Local Farmers' t'nion. Wed? nesday afternoon, the 13til. Farmers desiring to Join this locul are invited to n'tfinl this meeting. M C Jackson, Sen. 1.1' v a ml Ti c s Tlie Primary Christian f'ndeavor ? Sassety gave a valentine social Satur da> , afternoon. About fifty boys am. K?rj? ei ths occasion. After a?yii'g games on the Presbyterian ftaur> h lawn kodac pictures of the vonnug Sndeavorers were taken. Re? freshments were served and before jfjelag home each little guest called by the "Postofflce" and was handed a /a lentis?. Trvsevau*-Moore. St Matthews, POD, I. Miss Ncna trans rant und Ueot Pssjawssure MoorO, or Sumtcr, stationed ;ii Comp i.i* rooh, wore saairtsfl ??t Ihe homo of the bride, ? row mllei front st. Matthews, yesterday afternoon by the ?JtV, Mr. London Of OrUngObUrf . I '?In bride came in 00 the arm Of her feiner end ins trooni with MeKensis MoorO, The bride wore a brown trav? eling suit with accessories to match. The bride la Ihe daughter or Mr. and Mrs. .\. s. Tieaovant, The wadding unites two srell known South Carolina ? famllteO. Mr. Rnd Mrs. Moore will, bf at hOtne in Columbia after a hon-! eymoon In Florida. Hngiffld News Notes. Mis S VA\ AUOfl ami children have ill boon quite siek with some . < ?. afoLood'i of Rembort today. Feh ru:uy 9th. '1 lagood." ItOOinoVt, Feb. l t] |, Between live hundred anil a thou? sand persons accepted the invitation of tho Smith Greater Shows to visit their wild animal show Sunday after do Ns. The animal show will T?? Open to the public Sunday and Monday af? ternoons during the remainder of the Uay of the Smith shows in winter quarters at the tobacco warehouse The collection of animals is quite large ami IntOffanting for a carnival show and well worth a visit. Waterford, Ireland. Jan. 31 (Corre? spondence)?All Waterf >rd is in mourning as the result of the blggSOl llrOphe that has befallen this Irish east coast city in thirty years through the loss of seventy or its men it sea. The victims were in two Henaucti which lert an English port ut were never heard from again. ' They left |0| women and children so destitute here that relief funds have been started in all parts of the coun? ty. (Ol Kl' IN sissloN. t'olirt Uf (aOnCItll IsOBSlOtUI ()|M llS for Winter Term. The court of general sessions con? vened tins mornlni with Judge T. s. Bease presiding, The grand Jury was organised with i.\ M, Hall as foreman and Judge Bouse delivered the accustomed charge, briefly explaining the duties ami powers oi the grand jury, Solicitor McLeod had a number of billa of Indictment ready and the grand Jury immediately goi down to work. The following bills had been report? ed befofS recess: The State vs. .Take Butler, assault And hattet.\ with intent to kill. No hill. The Slate vs. Ferdinand Martin, murder, true hill. The State vs. Sam Davis, alias Sam Gathers, grand larceny, True hill. The State vs. Frank Smith, alias Frank Davis, alias Frank Jefferson, housebreaklng and larceny. True hill. THrSe en sot*.' The Stale vs. Willie Molliday, lat eeny from held. True hill. The State vs. Hattic Holliday, re Celvlng stolen goods. True hill. The State vs. .lohn Harris, manu fatcuritlg alcoholic liquor. True hill. The State vs. Willie Anderson, alias Willie House, assault ami battery with intent to kill. True hill. The State \ s. Liner Davis, assault and battery with intent to kill. Enter? ed plea of guilty, Sentence 2 years and fl months imprisonment. The State vs. Manning Hall aim Sally Hall, larceny of live stock. On ti ial. FATAL AUTO ACCIDENT. Woman ami Twit Men Killed in Itarn welL Harn well, Feh. 10.? one woma and two men were killed and anothei woman was seriously injured here this afternoon about ?? o'clock wh m an automobile in which they wen riding dashed head-on into a west? bound freight engine j?t the Atlantic Const Line depot, where the railroad intersects the public road leading from Da in well to Allendale. The dead are: Miss Heady. Fred Lee white, and a negro named Johnson; Injured is Miss Moody. Ail of the oo* oupaata pf the cat were from Klint and were on their way home whon the accident occurred. Farmers who have corn on hau I do not have to purchase corn meal or other ?ftren] products to obtain Hour. <.i:hm\nk ambvsh Americans. i Ivo of drafting's Bfon Killed by tii<* Enemy. With the American Army In Prance, l'?*i?. 9 (By the Aeeociated Press).-?Five American soldiers arel believed to to have been killed, loin arc missing ami one was wounded when an American patrol was am? bushed In No Man's Land last night by a superior force of Germans. The spot where the encounter oc? curred is an Isolated one and reports concerning the casualties inflicted bj both sides are meagre. Only one American is known to have escaped the trap of the Hermans, which was Ibid in front of our wires. The one survivor, who crawled back 1?? tin American lines, with a bullet in hi? ebest, is unable to talk. I Our artillery immediately laid a barage around the ambushing Ger? mans and 'some are believed to have been accounted for. The Infantry ac counted for Others BS it is certain tin attacked patrol fought to a finish ac cording to Information triokling In from tiie front lim. Our patrolling soldiers were walking in front of our wire entanglements when a big ene? my patrol that had been divided inl< pai ties Which took up concealed posi? tions opened lire at close range. The night w.as clear and the forms of ti.? Americans made the best possible tar .gets for the hidden Germans, Then is no doubht but that the American! battled gallantly until completed overpowered. The artillery duel In otir sector continued today. Scores ot airplanes were out observing and making phOtOgaphO. The men in tin line were thrilled by a number of an duels high in the sky over theil heads. AMERICAN SOUMKHS CAPTURED. Berlin Announces Capture Near St Vlhi? I. Herlin, Feb. 9.?Some American prisoners have been captured nortl of Xlvry, ten miles east of St. Mlhiel says the official statement. The announcement fixes deftnitel> for the first time the location of tin Rur boys who are waiting over there. ?Nancy Thayor. Rod Cross Seals. The following letter in reference to the Sale of lied Cross Seals in Su liter will he of interest to those who ha\a assisted in tho work: I bar Miss Wilson: Your letter re? ceived this morning. Your sale WSJ splendid, hearty congratulations. You I have sold one-third as many as was sold in the city of Columbia, and J have no doubt exceeded every other city in South Carolina, I do not know the exact return from the City of Cteenwood. At las' report Anderson had sold $3e bOO worth. Greenwood had sold $9:!').Ob in the entire county. We have not heard from gpartanburg, Greenville or Charleston. To date, we have re? ports of about six hundred thousand seals sold, ami I believe we will reach our million. 1 am sending you a. report blank vbich will be of assistance to you !I can be of any assistance to youi association In further organisation, i assure you I will be glad to asslsl you In any way possible. With best Wiehes, 1 am, Sincerely, L. A. Riser. Kx. Sec. S. C. Anti-Tuberculosis As? sociation. P, s.?i will appreciate it If you Will give publicity in your home paper ind also ask your correspondents for The State and News and Courier to write articles, telling what Bumter has done in the sale of lied Cros seals. This will stimulate agents to end in their reports. Columbia, Jan. 17. The sale amounted to $43S.14. Mary Wilson. Bonns arc Abundant. The United states Food Adminis? tration is urging wholesale and re tail grocers to push the sale of color? ed beans, both dried and canned. Tin Food Administration declares that i? food value the colored bean is equal, ? not superior to the white bean. There are about 3,000 carloads oi these colored beans in the Cnitod States today. In response to a re? quest for patriotic production tin farmers of the West produced the largest crop of colored beans the country has ever known. They can b< put on the market at a fair profit at i pine which will average JO or 4niy one thousand, four hundred and vventy-four tons were applied for by binder county farmers. The Jacksonville Times-Union ?dates that "Gen. Grant's picture is t printed on ihe new ten thousand dol? lar bill," in order that newspaper men may be able to verify that rumor ill they have to do is to look over 111 Lhelr ten thousand dollar bills. WH i mington Star. TAX RETURNS NOTICE FOR 1918 I will Attend in person or by deputy it (ho following named places and on the datee given, for the purpose of re cetvlng tax returns for the fiscal year beginning .unuury 1st, i?i8. Re? turns of Real Estate, Personal Prop? erty. Polls, i tadl and Dogs should be made. The office will be open to re colve returns from Jannary 1st to February 20ih: Tind.tls, Tuesdsjr, Jan. S. Privateer, Wednesday, Jan. 9. Levi Biding Thursday, Jan. 10. Wcdgefield, Friday. Jan. 11. Clarernont, Tuesday, Jan. 15. llapood, Wednesday a Jan. IS. Ren berts, Thursday, Jan. It. Dalzell. Friday, Jon. 18. Brogdon, Tuesday, Jan. 22. Mayesville, Wednesday, Jan. 23. Oswego, Thursday, Jan. 24. Pleasant drove, Tuesday, Jan. 20. Rhllob, Wednesday, Jan. 30. Norwood Cl >ss Roads, Thursday, Jan. IL, R. F.. WILDER, County Auditor. Colored Rod Cross Auxiliary. ooks ISM during month, 880; previously rep/Dtred, 104; total number of t?ooks Icj?t, 984. Financial reprt. * Received from rural meml>erships, $1.00; received from lines, $1.37; To? tal. |l.S7. M. GRACE HANDLE, Librarian. for SALE?On. big Bute* Four iOUling car, in pood running con? dition. Price $.7."?.<)Li:\?Ash coloi ed on with T> rns. Notify Peter Prloleau, R, P. I . 1, Dalzell, S. C. BIST OAT?To r plant is Coker'a Appier. A limited supply of seed at 11.11 bushel. 9S per cent ger? mination by State Department of Agriculture. Planted up to March 10th will beat the so-called early varieties, B. W. OabbS, Mayesville, S. C. CLEVELAND BIG BOLL?Cotton ?sod, crop 1919 s. veil lor seed and culled. Germina on test 9S by State D< partment of Agriculture. No I ett( i- seed .mywhere, $3.00 bushel. Same s*? 1 1917 crop not culled, price I3.CI bushel. Karts villa No. 11 saved for seed. One year from CokST. Sold at 4 2c in November. Price '2.00 bushel. Or? der at once. Suppi" limited. E. W, Dabbs, Mayesville, 9. C. FOR BALK?P. O. B. cars. Camp Jackson, stable ma iure; very little straw. Car load lots only. Chemi? cal and Fertilizer value rated very high by Clemson college. A. A. Strauss. Sumter. S. C. Geo. FL Hurst, Undertaker Hi Embilmer ProTpt AttenlIn o Day and N Qbt -alts At J. D. CRAIG 01c Stand. N. Main Phones: Mrs. Rose Bennett Skin and Scalp Specialist S BEAUTY PARLOR ^^?ia??*ias?UMnBBSBB*iMBiM.sasBMW*aWBasan Room No. 11 Nat'! Bank Of Sumter Bldg. Sumter, S 0.