The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, February 21, 1917, Image 1

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She ton. THE 8UMTKR WATCHMAN, EataV.Uhed April, 1850. "Be fact and Fear not?Let all che eodt Thon Alme't at be thy Oouafcry'*. Thy Uod'? awo Trat* a." l'lUfi VIIV1S AUUIULUON, Fit!tlMlllHi J' Oonsolidated Aur. 2,1881. 9 SUMTER, S. 0., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1917. Vol.XLlV. No. 2 TAI m INCREASED. LEGISLATIVE APPROPRIATIONS GALL FOR A STATE TAX LEVY OF KIOUT AND ? ONE-HALF MILLS. t* 8U11 Fighting to Retain Quart a Month Provlaftou in Prohibiton BID?House* are Far Apart?No Adjournment Tonight. Columbia. Fob. 17.?The general appropriation bill, carrying 8 1-2 mill* and a total of $8.961.000 for all purpose*, went to fro conference this afternoon. The committee on the part of the senate Is Senator Nells Christensen, of Beaufort; Senator Alan Johnston, of Newberry, and Senator J. W. McCown, of Florence; on the part of the house, Junius T. LUes of Orangeburg, and Victor i E. Rector, Darlington. The senate Mil carries an increase of one-half mill over the measure as adopted by the house an increase in the total general appropriation of 1290.800. The house, by the narrow margin of one vote this afternoon, refused to recommit the bill putting the election , of game warden in the general elec? tion. A direct vote on the measure will be taken late this afternoon. The senate settled down to strategy for session into next week. The Rickey bill, which wss wiped from the senate calendar, with other sec? ond reading bills last night, was re? stored today, as machinery for con? ciliatory amendments on which the two houses can compromise on li? quor legislation. The houses a *e far apart. The Du Rant bill left the sen? ate providing for one quart of liquor Oh a physician's prescription. It wa? returned to the senate bone-dry. The upper house is not disposed to cut out liquor altogether or to allow ship? ments of beer. Adjournment not likely before late Into next week. PLANT FOR CHURCH PAPER. i ?it.os > Columbia, Feb. lt.?An effort to Stise 110,000 towarl purchase of mechanical equipment for The South era Christian Adovcate, owned by the two South Carolina conferences of the Methodist Episcopal church, South. This action was decided upon by the board of managers of Tho Advocate at a meeting held recently In Columbia. The Advocate is now printed In Anderson by arrangement with a Job printing house. The Jour? nal owns neither editorial quarters nor mechanical facilities. The Rev. W. C. Rlrkland Is the editor. SENTRY KILLS MAN. iber of Second Sooth Carolina In? fantry Shoots Man Who Would Not Halt. El Paso, Texas, Feb. 17.?Sentry from the Second South Carolina in? fantry, on outpost duty, shot and kill? ed an unidentified American civilian last night who refused to halt at challenge. The sentry has been ar? rested. GERMANY'S PROPOSALS AN NOUNCED. State Department Makes Public Text of Proposed Amendments to Treaty Washington, Feb. 17.?The text of Oermany's proposal to amend the Prussian-American treaty so as to place all Hermans in America and Americans In Germany on the sm, bants as other neutrale fSgSfdlnl their proporty and freedom of move? ment wss made public by tho State department today. There Is no Indi? cation here that Immediate action will be taken. REBEL 111 A DO. E A RTERS CAP TV BED. Cuban \drnmrllration Claims Iba Backbone of Revolution Is Broken llavans. Feb. 17.?It Is ofhYlalh announced that Col. Pujol's force have occupied Clego Avila, the rebe' headquarters In Camaguey province The rebels fled, breaking Into smnV bgnds. Administration officials cla lie that the backbone of the uprising ii Camaguey has been broken. TO BELIEVE PAPER SITCATIOV. Paper Manufacturers submit Scheme to I id"nil Truth- Commission. Washington, Feb. 18.?It Is au? thoritatively announced that pipe manufacturers hn\e submitted a pin" to the federal trade commission to r Have the paper situation. The d? S ?'n of the tdnn will l?c announce later. BERNAUS HAMPER BELIEF. RESTRICT MOVEMENTS OF SHIP AND CARGOES. Let AmeYicuns stuy, but Make Their Efforts Far I jess Successful Than Before by New Regulations. London. Feb. 16.?While restoring American control to the relief work in Belgium, tho Germans still are hampering the work by restricting the movements of relief ships and their cargoes. They have cancelled the safe conducts for those vessels, j reports received here say, and have absolutely prohibited the transport of merchandise between Great Britain and Holland. The Germans permit vessels to approach and leave Rotter? dam by the North sea route, but this passage way is so full of British and Genman mines as to be almost im? practicable. The purchasing activities of the commission overseas amounting to ; 100,000 tons of foodstuffs monthly al ! ready have been suspended for a fort I night. Obstructions raised by the j Germans have held up 160,000 tons : of foodstuffs. Under existing com' 1 tton the suspension means more than 75,000 tons has been lost to the hun? gry people of Belgium, while the de | murrage and other charges on detain? ed ships exceed 50,000 pounds ster? ling and increase at the rate of 1,000 pounds dally. CHARGES RAILWAY FAILURE. Southern Hardwood Traffic Associa? tion Alleges Failure in Moment of Crisis. Memphis. Tenn., Feb. 16.?Resolu? tions adopted at a meeting here today of the directors of the Southern Hard? wood Traffic association, called to consider action regarding the existing embargo In effect on Northern and Eastern railroads and addressed to the interstate commerce commission, wpnt. forward to that body by mall tonight. Tho resolutions declare that "the transportation system of tho soundnr .has ???A.^^aL^AoAiiaa when kk" ^^^^^ ^^eaanM*vn*4Mess*w**~ * the nation to faring a critical period in its history." Tho commission is urged in the resolutions to take such immediate action, however drastic ar may be necessary In Its judgment to afford prompt relief and insure to tho American public a transportation system adequate to meet the commer? cial and military necessities of the na? tion. Tho membership of the associa? tion represents 120 manufacturing concerns in the States of Kentucky, Tennessee, Missouri, Arkansas, Missis? sippi, Alabama and Louisiana, ship? ping normally over 250,000 cars of forest products annually and em? ploying approximately 15,000 labor? ers. The directors at the meeting today said a complete shutdown must come unless relief Is given very soon. ASYLUM VISITORS REPORT. "Impressed More Than Ever With Efficiency" of Superintendent, Dr. Williams. Columbia, Feb. 17.?Gov. Manning has sent to tho general assembly tho following report from the board of visitors of the State Hospital for the Insane: "We met today and in a body visit? ed and Inspected tho above institu? tion. We arc exceedingly pleased with tho improvements made on the build? ings. We urge that the improvement on the women's ward bo done as early as possible. There Is a great con? trast between tho women's depart? ment and the men's department. We further suggest that a. separate de? partment for the feeble minded be erected, and that this class be taught [ or trained in whatever way may im? prove their condition, that they may become able to supporv. themselves. We found tho condtlon of the dairy to be Ideal. We are more than ever impressed with the efficiency of Dr Williums, the superintendent, in suc eeggfeily discharging the duties of his office." AMERICAN LINER SAILS. Philadelphia Homeward Round From Europe With Passengers. London, Feb. 16.?Tho Philadel? phia, the first American vessel to leave Borons nlnoe the beginning of the new submarine campaign, sailed Wednesday, Tho ship carried II pas sengers, of whom 3S are Americans. The Philadelphia is unarmed and the report of the nailing was delayed. A license to marry has been Issued to 'a*. I,. Bvana, Sumter, and Miss I Viola Ardis, Mayesrllla a colored onpif to secure a license was Danh I Rtngleton, Wedge field, and Qertb Pitts, Sumter. ??-= w -^^^?^?f?? Ordered To Disable Interned German Ships Captain Polack of Worth German Lloyds Says He Was Ordered By Member of German Embassy To Disable Ma? chinery of |Steamer Kron 1 Prinzessin Cecilie. Boston, Fob. 17.?Captain Charts A. Polack of the North Ooi Lloyd steamer Kronprinzessin C| declared in the federal court hei today that he had been ordered a man officially connected with Germany embassy to disable steamer's machinery. He said was done to prevent the ship bei used by the United States in event of war with Germany. He declined to give the name the man giving him the order. Polacl; said he was in Hoboken, Jersey, when he received the .< and telegraphed the chief en| here to disable the machinery- T?e work o/ destruction was donei January 31st and February 1st. ? ; In declining to give the name 0?J man who gave him the order i Polack said he was an officer L. - German navy and might be tried treason in Germany if he did so, | also said that the order to disal the steamer was given in the ppq ence of Capt. Moller, superintend of the German Lloyds in the Unit, States. The hearing is being held petition for the sale of the vessel. Federal Judge Morton said they pressed the point he would the vessel owners for contei acquiescing to the ship's damage. VOCATIONAL i PLAN PA? Conference Report on Wilson Washington, Feb. 16.?The confer? ence report on the administration vo? cational education bill was adopted In the house today and as soon as the senate has taken similar action the measure will go to President Wilson for his signature. As amended in conference the bill provides for administration of the new system by a board comprising the secretary of agriculture and the commissioner of education and one representative of manufacturing and commercial interests, one representa? tive of agricultural interests and one representative of labor, to be nomi? nated by the president and confirmed by the senate. Tho system of specialized educa? tion in agriculture, trades and indus? tries would bo administered in co? operation with the State, each of which would be required to appro? priate an amount equal to the fedex*al fund allotted to It. NEWS FROM BATTLE FRONT. Berlin Reports Repulse of French At? tacks?French Gain in Alsace. New York, Feb. 17.?French at? tacks on the Aisno front west of Ber ry-au-Bac in the Champaigne re? gion south of Ripont have been re? pulsed, according to Berlin reports. Paris reports a French attack penetrating Herman Salient at Am merzweiler, .Alsace, capturing pris? oners. Apparently tho Germans have not followed up the attack reported yes? terday in which a half mile of ground over a front a mile and a-half long was gained in the Champagne. The British steamer Lady Ann is reported sunk. She struck a mine. ?_!_ PLENTY OF TIME YET. Iii I man In No Hurry to Make An? nouncement. Washington, Feb. lfi.?Senator Till nian has received many letters fror, persons in South Carolina on the sub? ject of his again being in the race for the senate as brought out by the statement of Congressman Ragsdalea few days ago. Asked today whether he would or would not again offer for the place, Senator Tillman suhl: "I Will have time t<? di?> and come to life live or Sin times before it Is neces? sary to announce for another term." St. Paul, Feb. 10. The Minnesota bouse today passed the State-wide prohibition bill passed by the senate yesterday after concurring In the amendment extending the time toe law would become effective from Jam uary l, j'.? l'o, to July i, id?o. FOOD HOT ONLY PROBLEM. GERMANY IS HAVING SERIOUS TROUBLE WITH TRANSPOR? TATION. Railroads and Rolling Stock Have Deteriorated During War as All Available Workmen Have Been Pressed into Service of Munition Factories. Berne, Feb. 17 (By Staff Corre? spondent Associated Press).?Al? though the food problem is the most serious question in Germany, trans? portation is presenting real difficul? ties. At the beginning of the war Germany's railroad was splendidly equipped, but the deterioration of rolling stock is causing hardships. The failure to keep up railroad re? pairs has been duo to pressing all available workmen into munitions manufacture and the shortage of oil. Trains are used primarily for troop movement and foodstuffs have been moving by rivers and canals. COUNTY SUPPLY BILL PASSED. Senate Begins Discussion of Appro? priation Measure?No Changes Made From Committee Report. Columbia, Feb. 16.?The senate to? day passed the county supply bill and discussion of the appropriat? ed by the finance committee were sustained thus far without excep? tion. The law enforcement fund o/ $5(,000 and $11,000 for the State Hospital for tho Insane, the law building appropriation for $40,000 have not yet been reached. The militia appropriation increase from $15,000 to $30,000 was approved, along with the restoration of the salary of George Brown, mill school supervisor, to $2,000. This was $2, 000 last year, but the house last week cut it to $1,500. WILSON THREATENED ACTION. News Print Paper Manufacturer* Brought to Terms by Threat of Remedial Legislation. Washington, Feb. 17.?It became known today that the news print manufacturers agreed to permit the federal trade commission to deter? mine a fair scale of prices only when confronted with the alternative of personal action by President Wilson and an extra session of cognress to pass remedial legislation. It is said Secretary McAdoo at the president's direction summoned one of the principal manufacturers and informed him that the government did not propose to remain idle while the alleged restraint was imposed on the press. MORE COLONELS CREATED. Gov. Manning Adds Six New Members to Mis Staff. Columbia, Feb. 17.?Eugene H. Blake, of Greenwood; B. P. Davis, of Barn well; W. H. Keith, of Timmons ville; J. C. Duckworth, of Williams ton; G. D, Walker, of Johnston, and E. A. Hill, of Tucapau. have been appointed lieutenant colonels on the staff of Gov. Manning. PRINT PAPER INVESTIGATION. Officers of Paper Manufacturing Com? panies Before brand dury. New York, Feb. 10.?Officers of the news print paper manufactures' as? sociation, comprising sixty-el ghi companies and individuals, began tcs tlfying before the federal grand jury investigation of paper prices for al? leged restraint of trade. The publish? ers Will be called later. The investi? gation will probably last a month. NEW YORK PROTECTED. Steel Net to Guard Against Subma rlne Attack. New York, Feb. 17.?A steel net designed to protect tue port of Next York from hostile submarines ha been put in place. DRASTIC PROHIBITION \ A POSTOFFICE BILL IV IX SEX ATE WITH ML' * US CUSSED "DRY" / - TURF v IM Its Terms Will P* ? Shipment of Whiskey into v ?tates for Any Purpose?IIas\^, Go Back to House for Concurrence or Dis? agreements of Amendments. Washington, Feb. 16.?With its added drastic prohibition legislative provisions, the annual postoffice ap? propriation bill carrying $332,000,000 was passed by the senate today after a week of vigorous debate. It was sent back to the house, which will ask for a conference on the amend? ments. The senate wrote into the bill a pro \ ision making it a criminal offense to ab'P llQUOr into States which pro? hibit its manufacture and sale, thus nullifying the statutes of certain pro? hibition States permitting tho impor? tation of limited quantities of liquor for personal consumption. | Another provision would bar from the mails letters, postal cards, cir? culars, newspapers and other publi-! cations containing liquor advertising in States having laws against such advertising; violation to be punishable by a fine not to exceed $1,000 or im? prisonment not to exceed six months for the first offense or more than one year for the second offense. Determined efforts made by the postoffice comniitte to increase second class mail rates and establish 1 cent postage on drop letters were made and bitterly contested and the pro? posals finally were thrown out on a point of order. FISTICUFF IX THE HOUSE. Two Greenville Members Soon Scpa | rated by Brother Soolns. Columbia, Feb. 14.? Representa? tives W. B. Stafford and Oscar K. Mauldin, of Greenville, engaged in a short fist fight on the floor of the home of representatives tonight, 5irst before the house session began. Other members of the house separated the Greenville, members before any dam? age was done. The incident grew out of a story in the local afternoon paper, in which Mr. Mauldin was reported as having I charged bad faith against Mr. Staf? ford as the result of a motion by the latter this morning to recommit the Cothran bill, reducing tho mem? bership of the Greenville county Char? ities and Corrections board from sev? en to five. Mr. Mauldin, in opposing the resolution, said the bill had been agreed upon by all the Greenville del? egation and that he was tired of the Greenville members promising one thing "and then coming here and do? ing another." The incident created a great deal of interest on both sides of the Cap? itol. Mr. Mauldin said that Mr. Staf I ford came to him tonight and asked j if he meant to call him a liar. "I told him that I meant what was in the afternoon paper," said Mr. Mauldin. "He asked me again and I told him j that I did," added Mr. Mauldin. In speaking of the actual encounter, Mr. Mauldin said: "He scratched at me and I hit him ocne or twice, whereupon we were separated." Mr. Stafford said: "I went to Mr. Mauldin and asked him if he meant to say what he was reported as saying in the afternoon paper. If he meant to pay that I lied. He said yes.' Then I hit him in the face. Then he hit me over the head two licks and T got him in the mouth and held him there and hit him several licks in the stomach. We were then separated." TURKEY IS FRIENDLY. Tells Ambassador Elkus They Desire Cordial Relations to Continue. Washington. Feb. 17.?A dispatch from Ambassador Elkus says that Turkey has given him an expression Of friendship for the United States and a desire that cordial relations may continue. No reference was made to Turkey supporting the German sub? marine policy. PANAMA CANAL TRAFFIC. Nearly Three Thousand Vessels Have Passed Through Canal. Washington, Feb. 17.?-Two thou? sand, seven hundred and eighty ves? sels passed through the Panama ca? nal from the opening, August. 1914, to January 1. Their gross ton na? was more than thirteen million and their cargoes amounted to more than 11,000,000 tons. RICHARDSON WINS BY 1 VOTE. HOUSE PASSES BILL EXTENDING WARDEN'S TERM. Cotliran and Hughs, Riehcy and scar-on Among Spokesmen of Op posed Views. Columbia, Feb. 18.?After a hard fight into which the question of fac? tionalism was more than once inject? ed, the house yesterday afternoon passed on third reading the game warden bill, which as amended takes fi'om the Audubon society the duty of recommending the chief game war? den, puts the question in the general election and retains the present war? den until the fall of 1918. The pas? sage vote was 54 to 48. A similar bill has passed the senate. When the bill was up for second reading there was a lengthy debate. Yesterday on third reading there was a motion to recommit, which the house rejected by one vote, 53 to 52. "Gentlemen, I insist that a more determined effort has never been made in the legislative history of the State to hold a man on a job when he was not wanted," said Represen? tative T. P. Cothran of Greenville. "The governor does not want this bill, does not want the incumbent and will not reappoint him." Representative Martin of Orange burg stood by the chief game war? den. "I simply take the position that it is nothing but right and fair if ho has made a good game warden, ac? ceptable to the legislature and to the people; that it is not right, not fair to cut off his head for being per? nicious In politics." "I am tired of debating this ques? tion," said Repreesntative Searson, who favored the present game war? den, "and I think we should settle it once and for all as affects the pres? ent game warden and the present governor." Representative Hughes of Oconee made a vigorous speech, declaring that if an official was pernicious in politics, he should stand or fall with his side. "This is a slap in the face of Ore governor," said Mr. Hughes. He de? clared also that those who were sup porting the present chief game war? den were doing so through personal friendship. He asked the question: "If Gov. Blease had been successful I and the game warden had been ac | tlve for Gov. Manning, how long would the game warden have remain? ed in office?" Representative Fromberg of j Charleston said that if the legislature did other than indorse the present chief game warden, the people of the S*atc wouldn't stand for it. "This is no factional fight with me," said Representative Byrd of Laurens; "I never supported Gov. Blease." Mr. Byrd thought Mr. Richardson had done his duty and on this ground, Mr. Byrd said he supported Mr. Rich? ardson. Representative Riehcy of Laurens said he wanted to go away with the knowledge that he had not injected politics into any fight that had come ojp. He said that Represntatlve Hughs was being made a tool of and that Representative Cothran backed by the governor of South Carolina was trying to inject politics into a fight to cut off the head of one of the most efficient officials in the State. The legality of the matter was dis? cussed by Representative X. G. Evans of Edgelleld, who said that a man should not be legislated out of office and that a man should not be lefrir lated into office. "All this hullabaloo about Blee seism and Ifenningism is beneath the dignity of this house," said Mr. Evans. He said that it was the legislature's duty not to tic the bands of any part of the government, especially the executive. Mr. Evans bad a copy of a report from W. W. Bradley* State auditor, on the chief game warden's office for June-Decem? ber, 1910, and he analyzed it, criticiz? ing the amount spent for traveling ex? penses and automobile and boat hire. Columbia, Feb. 17.?The Victor Monaghan Mills of Greenville has been commissioned with a capital of $?*?, Tue petitioners are: C. P. Haynsworth and A. O. Hart. Tho principal offices of the company will be at Greenville. The company will do a general cotton milling business. Havana. Feb. lfi.?Several rebels were killed in heavy fighting last night at Hoyo, Colorado, seventeen miles west of Havana. Havana. Feb. 10.?President Meno cai In s proclamation issued inst night denies the intention to perse? cute his political opponents as la charged In rebel proclamations.