JldfOCHATH WILL PROBABLY 1AVI MAJORITY SN UPPER HOU8K. Are That Ad Party Win Have Only Plurality, With one I?fepeud Oue Progressive Woman la Choeen to Hew York, Nov. Congressional returns, which war? nearly completed tonight, aaeured Preoidont Wilson In the forthcoming administration a X>e;nocraUc sonata, but with five dis? tricts still undecided.. the best that Iks Democrats could claim at mldidght was a plurality ef four votes In the touts, Upon the basis of rovised returns ths Democrats have elected til mam ttf the boast and the Rtpublt 111. In addition th?w? havt been titcted tot Independent ont Soolal let. out ProtTtttlvt and out ProgTts srvo-Protectionist. Four districts In Watt Virginia, two of them normally and two Republican, and tittriet In Ntw Mexico, are still If these davtriett do not tkt Democrats sill havt SIT uns tat RstHibttcent t>t, s plurality of only three. As there will bo four St stairs of other minority Partie? a wmtsss: majority for thi Democrat! It l ?probable unlttt soots of ths mi? nority members should cboost to cast User lot with the admlnittraUon 1st statu, according to latest fls> tns will ?oatsst of 14 Democrats and 41 Ropubnoaaa, a majority of 11. tenoeratic majority In the eeaate It 14. Tkt only d?vel in tkt senatorial situation to? las strongly indicated elee Uos of A. A. Jones, the Democratic sswluttlt In Nsw Mexico, who was sis Republican opponents A. Hubbtll. by s majority wusch DsmocrsUc leaders regard as At unusual feature of tht election it) list election of tbt flrit woman to Spent, Mitt JeanneUe JUnkl* of the V. M. 0, A. with the South Carolina troops on the Mexican DOT1 der. to th* effect that a big win 1 storm blew down the Y. M. C. A. tent last night end wrecked it Other quarters will be provided for the Y. M. C. A. work for the Pnlmctto sol? diers. WILSOH HIS 276 TO. NEW MEXICO AI>DE1> TO DEMOC? RACY'S TRIUMPHAL COLUMN. Latest Returns Leave Minnesota Still In Doubtful Column and State May Yet Go to Wilson?Republicans are Bitterly Sore and Refuse to Admit Wilson Victory?Will Demand Re? count but Leaders Admit This Step Is Hopeless. New York, Nov. 10.?With Hampshire, California and New Mex? ico safely Democratic, and Minnesota still doubtful, Wilson has 276 elector? al votes, with a possibility of 288. Chairman McCormick's claim of 288 seems about to be f ulMlled. At Republican headquarters, how? ever, Judge Hughes and other lead? ers refused to concede the election of Wilson and announced, after a once, that a recount would b? de? manded. At the same time some of the Republican leaders admitted that this step seemed hopeless. With a few Democratic precJUypts I still out Wilson's plurality in Califor? nia 1? 3,131. He Is leading in New Mexico by 1, 400, with a few precincts still un heard from. Hughes has a lead of one thouaand In Minnesota, which the Democrats declare will be overcome by the tote of militia on the border. This it borne out by the Internet News Service figures collected on the border. ?; ?? Asbury Park, N. J., Nov. 9. Bc?TO tary Tumulty wired formal nc fjea tlon to the president of his re-elcctieh. The message was wirelessed to?the president aboard the Mayflower. \ it was aa follows: "I am hei rounded by the loyal Dornet old Monmouth, and beg leave j your our greeting and congratul The cause you have so nobly sented has at last triumphed, greet you. Our hearts, our thi j and our affections to you." Secretary Tumulty waited for flash from the Associated the president had carried Call When It came a shout of Joy w< inside the executive office and. tary Tumulty, who had told ldent he would not congratulat until the definite news wag sent a wireless message to the floor giving his congratulations. ? ; HOUSE A TUB* Washington, Nov. 10.?] g w^lstfrwhe* th