the Game Cock County Fair. The Sumter County Department of Education, the Sumter City School System. The Home Demonstration Work, and Farm Dem castration Department of Winthrop and Clemson Colleges, work bag la cooperation with the organ Iced busincsa interests of Sumter' County represented by the Sumter Chamber of Commerce, and tho Sumter County Farmers' Union desiring to bring about a spir? it of cooperation between the people of our county, und seeking la Inaugurate a system of "Diving at Home, and Patronizing Home ?merertee" In preparation for tr e Inevitable approach of tho Mas>san Cotton Boll Weevil, have udopod the "Matte In sumter Oouuty 1 ?emoiiMtrw tlon." Repreeente*! by the numerous friendly contests and exhibitions la this Pretmtum List. v Hence "The Gamecock County Fair." We cordially invite all who may bo Interested in furthering the prosperity of the agricul? tural and incorporated communities of this State to participate. Tht? joining of tha city, town, and country, exploiting each and ovary auction, and the social, educational, moral, and industrial la ten eta of all for "The Greatest Good to The Greatest' Number." Dei us r.'A pull together for the common welfare and a few days of wholesome recreation and exchAngd of ideas. Respectfully submitted. j. frank WILLIAMS, Local Farm Demonstrator, Chm. MX88 MARY LEMMON, Homo Demonstration, Agent, M18S XATY PITTS, Asst. Home Demonstration Agent, MISS JULIA obenschaiN*. Supt. Domestic Science Sum? ter City Schools. MRS. nina solomons, President Sumter Civic League j. h. hayns worth, County Supt. of Education. H. O. OSTEEN. H. H. BRUNSON, Members Sumter Coun? ty iloa-d of Education, ft H. BDMCNDS. Chairman of Committee on/ Education. Clamber of Commerce, and Supt. of Sumter City Schools. t j. M. liCOLB, E. W. DABBS, J. C. DUNBAR, h. L. THOMAS, T. E. mims. m. l PARLER, of The Rural Bclbool Trusteea Association. II. L. TI8DALE, T. H. sidl'all, a. H. WILDER, a L, M RASNOFF, LUCIAN I. STRAUSS. R. B. BE LS E It, President Sumter Chamber of Commerce and J. Z. H1SARON, President Retail Dealers' Association. Executive Commlttoe Gamecock County Fair. lnfornvu4ioa and Rules Governing Exhibit. While the ctnmH.e? will provide guards at night, and will ex? ercise all precautionary methods possible to safeguard exhibits, nevertheless) all exhibits are* entered at owner's risk as to danger of loss by fire or otherwise. AH exhibitors must ugree that they will abide by decisions of judges and rulei governing this fair and all contests, placing of exhibits In the tutldlng or other departments by exhibitors makes th|s agreement binding without further formalities or understanding It is understo >dV that all exhibitors are presumed to have read teens idles end regulations before placing exhibits in any of ths departments, and that they will abide by same. All school children,- and tsachers of ths rural and city schools ef Sumter county will be admitted free to all departments. But telnet polo of schools must arrange with the Cham ef ftuttiter. S. C, for free ?tickets so ss to gu teachers and] pupils take advantage must pay for admission ruKgji of Commerce het none but free admle txhtbttoro of it price admits tc*grrWl? .part men te of the* Fair un? der the direction and control of the "Gamecock County Fair Com? mittee" of Arrangements. Ths committee Is endeavoring to arrange for special wholesome recreational attractions to amuse those who participate either as exhibitors or Spectator* For further Information see Chairman of Departments, or write The Sumter Chamber of Commerce, J. H Haynsworth, County Su? perintendent of ECducation, Miss Mary Lsmmon, Home Demonstra? tion Agent, Sumter, S. C, J. F. Williams, Local Farm Demonstra j Ageht, Sun cr. 8. C, or E. I. Rcardon, Secretary Gamecook County Fair. PREMIUM LIST. Home Demonstration and Domestic Science. Miss Mary Lcmmon, Home Demonstration Agent, Miss Katie Pitta, Assistant Home) Demonstration Agent. To the Home Demonstration Club winning the greatest number of prize*. First Prize.A Trophy Cup. To the Home Demonstration Club winning the second greatest number of prizes second Prise.$20.00 Cash To the Homo Derrmnstratlon Club winning the third greatest num? ber of prises. Third Prise-?A Throe Burner Oil Cooking Stove, dosated by Du Rant Hardware Company of Sumter, S.j C, Aluminum Roaster and Baker for Oil Stove, donated by the Surater Chamber of Commerce. To the Three or more Teacher School winning the greatest number ot prises. First Prize $25.00 Donated by tho County Board of Education. To the Two Teacher 8chool winning tho greatest number of Pri/e.?. Second Prize $15.00 Donated by the County Board of Education. To the One Teacher School winning the greatest number of prizes. Third Prise, $10.00 donated by tho County Board of Educat) ?n. This prise money donated by Sumter County Board of Kducu. under tbe following requirements: 1st?All articles competing must bo made by pupils of rural schools. 2nd?Money won must be used for school Improvements. 2rd?A report must h* submitted to County Superintendent of Education, of how money was spent. To th* two girls making the best records In the Canning Club, trips to Winthrop College Short Course, money ,donate I by Harby A Company. In? . of Sumter, 8. C. To the girl making tho best record In tho Poultry Club, trip to Winthrop College Short Course, money donated by Haiby & Com? pany. Inc., of Sumter, S. C. Note: Sumter City Schools will not compete for prices and will have domestic science demonstration only for cooperative pur Llterury Prices. Individual Orlalnal Work, to be done by School Children. First Prize. Second Prize. Bluo Ribbon. Red Ribbon Best Msp. Best Collection of Mups . Bent Illustrated Booklet on the Record of my 1-10 acre. Best Collection of Illustrated Book? lets on the record of 1-10 acre Best Illustrated Booklet on my acre ? of corn. Best Booklet on the Products of my community. Best Composition on the Manage? ment of my Chickens. Pest Composition Book. " Best Collection of Composition hooks " Best Copy Book. . Best Collection of Copy Books .... Best Drawing from different grades lit:?t Hygiene Sketches from different grades.. 44 ,44 , CONTESTS IN HOME DEMONSTRATION WORK. Domestic Science. These articles are to be made by School Girls. First Prize, Second Prize. Blue Ribbon. Red Ribbon. Rest Baking Powder Biscuit .... 44 Best 10 Baking Powder Biscuits .. 44 M 44 Dost Sour Milk Biscuit. ?? Best 10 Sour Milk Biscuits 44 best Beaten Biscuit. Best 10 Beaten Biscuits. 44 Best Roll. Best 10 Rolls. Best Loaf of Lightbread. 44 44 44 M Best 10 Loaves of Lightbread ..... " M 44 44 Best Peanut Cookie. Best 10 Peanut Cookies. Best Oatmeal Cookie . Best 10 Oatmeal Cookies. 44 " " * Best Chocolate Cake (Layer) .... M 44 M 44 v Best Three Chocolate Cakes (Layer) M M " Best Pound of Home Made Candy .. Best can of Tomatoes. 44 " .. .. Best 3 cans of Tomatoes.i.. " Best can of Beans.? .? Best 3 cans of Beans.\ 44 44 M M Best can of Soup Mixture. Best 3 cans of Soup Mixture .... Best Jar of Canned Peaches. N M M M Beat 3 Jars of Canned Peaches.. .. M 44 Best Jar of Canned Pears. 44 M 44 Best 3 Jars of Canned Pears. 44 44 44 Best Glass of Jelly. Best 3 glasses Jelly .. ..,.' \ Best bottle of Catsup. Best 3 bottles of Catsup. 44 These articles are to be made by women. First Pr\ze, Second Prize, Blue Ribbon. Red Ribbon. Post Baking Powder Biscuit. \ " Best 10 Baking Powder Biscuit . . ' 44 Best Sour Milk Biscuit. Best 10 Sour Milk Biscuits .. .. .. Best Beaten Biscuit. Best 10 Beaten Biscuit. Best Roll.i. Best 10 Rolls . Best Loaf of Lightbread. V 44 " 44 Best 10 Loaves Lightbread. Best Peanut Cookie-,. Best 10 Peanut Cookies. Best Oatmeal Cookie . Best 10 Oatmeal Cookies. ? Boat Chocolate Cake (Layer) .. .. ' 44 44 ? Lest three Chocolate Cakes (Layer) Best pound of Home Made Candy ^ Best can of Tomatoes. ** " 44 " Best 3 cans of Tomatoes. 44 " 44 44 Best can of Beans. 4' 44 44 44 Best 3 cans of Beans. . 44 44 44 44 Best can of Soup Mixture.^ Best 3 cans of Soup Mixture ...... \ Best Jar of Canned Peaches . Hait i Jars of Canned Peaches Jar. dsss^njed^ears^ . Best 3 Jars of Canned Pears .. Best Glass of Jelly. Baft 3 glasses Jelly . J. Best bottle of Catsup. Best 3 bottles of Catsup. Best Sponge Cake. Best 3 Sponge Cakes.n Best Pound Cake. Best 3 Pound Cakes. Best Pound of Butter. Best 3 pounds of Butter. Best balanced School Lunch .. . Best 3 balanced School Lunches Best Home Cured Ham. liest 3 Home Cured Hams .. . Domestic Art. These articles are to be made by School Girls. First Prize, Second Prize. Blue Ribbon. Red Ribbon. Best machine made Shirt Waist .?' " Best 3 machine made Shirt Waists " Best Plain Skirts. Best 3 Plain Skirts. Best Child's Dress. 44 Best 3 Children's Dresses...' liest Half Dozen Button Holes .... Best 3 Half Dozen Button Holes. " Best Specimen of Darning. " Best 3 Specimens of Darning .... " Best Canning Club Apron. " Hest 3 Canning Club Aprons. 44 Best Canning Club Cap. 44 Best 3 Canning Club Caps.. " Best French Hemmed Napkin .... " Beut 3 French Hemmed Napkins .. " Best Piece of Rolling and Whipping M Best 3 pieces of Rolling & Whipping Best Hemstitched Towel. " Best 3 Hemstitched Towels. 41 liest Specimen of Tatting. 44 Best I Specimens of Tatting. M Best Specimen of Crochet. " !:est 3 Specimens of Crocheting .... " Best specimen of Knitting. Best 3 specimens of Knitting .... " Best specimen of Embroidery .... '* Best 3 specimens of Embroidery .. " These articles are, to 'be made by Women. First Prize, Second Prize, Blue Ribbon. Red Ribbon. Best machine made Shirt Waist .., Pest 3 machine made Shirt Waists Best Plain skirts. Best 3 Plain Skirts., Best Child's Dress. Host I Children's Dresses. Hest Half Dozen Button Holes liest 3 Half Dozen Button Holes .... liest Specimen of Darning. Best 3 Specimens of Darning .. nest Cannliift Club Apron. I'.eKt 3 Canning Club Aprons. Best Canning Club cap. Best Canning Club Cape*. Pest French Hemmed Napkin .. .. liest :i French Hemmed Napkins .. Best Piece of Boiling and Whipping Best 3 pieces of Rolling & Whipping Best Hemstitch, d Towel. Best 3 Hemstitched Towels.J Uest Specimen of Tatting ... ,. $ Best 3 Specimens of Tatting. ** ? ?? Best Specimen of Crochet. * ? ?? Best 3 Specimens of Crocheting .... * ? Best specimen of Knitting. M ?? ?? n Best 3 specimens of Knitting .... M M ?? " Best specimen of Embroidery .... m m k m Best 3 specimens of Embroidery ,, M * ?? Best Wool Dress. n n Best Baby Dress. ?? Best Patchwork Quilt in Silk. ? ? ?? Best Patchwork Quilt in Worsted . M " Best Woven Counterpane. " N ?? ?? Best Child's Cap (Tatting). - ?? Best Centerpiece Embroidered .... M ?? ?? Best 3 Centerpieces Embroidered . M M ?? Best Crocheted Centerpiece. M " ?? Best 3 Crocheted Centerpieces .... * - ?? ?? Best Embroidered Gown. M ? ?? Best 3 Embroidered Gowns. M ?? ? ? Manual Traiidng School. Articles to be made by School Boys and Girls, for the School Booth, and by men and women for the Demonstration Club Booths. First Prize, Second Prize. Blue Ribbon. Red Ribbon. Best Fireless Cooker made at lowest Cost.). M * * Best display of Fireless Cookers .. '* N ?* ? Best Home Made Wheel Tray .... " M ?? " Best 3 Home Made Wheel Trays .. " " *' " Best Ironing Board., ... . M M " - Best 3 Ironing Boards. M M ? Best Iceless Refrigerator. " " M " Best 3 Iceless Refrigerators ... ?. ?? ?. Best Fly Trap., . . .. " M " ? Best 3 Fly Traps." ? ? Best Window Box., ?? " ? ? Bcsw 3 Window Boxes. M M ?* m ? 1 PREMIUM LIST. Agricultural Products Exhibit. Mr. J. Frank Williams, Local Farm Demonotrator, Chairman. For best farm display of products produced on any single farm. Variety to count 1-3, display 1-3, and quality 1-3. First Prize.?. $25.00 Second Prize, .v. 16.00 Third Prize. 10.00 Only one contestant'would receive third i prize if exhibit shows merit. All prize money not to be paid unless there be five con? testants. 1st Pr. 2d Pr. Best Ten Ears of Yellow Corn.$1.00 Ribbon Best Single Ear of Yellow Corn.60 Ribbon Best Ten Ears of White Corn. 1.00 Ribbon Best Single Ear of White Corn ... 1 .60 Ribbon Best Peck of Wheat, Any Variety.50 Ribbon Best Peck of Fulghum Oats, or Early Oats.50 Ribbon Best Peck of Cow Peas, any variety.50 Ribbon Best Peck of Rye, Anyj Variety.50 Ribbon Best Peck of Spanish Peanuts.50 Ribbon Best Peck of Parching Peanuts..50 Ribbon Best Sheaf of Oats.60 Ribbon Best Peck of Iron Peas..?.60 Ribbon Best Peck Brabham Peas.50 Ribbon Best Peck of Velvet Beans.50 Ribbon Best Peck of Table Peas .....60 Ribbon Best Peck of Cow Peas, Any Variety.60 Ribbon ? ~ Best C?lTecton of Cow Peas ,.?.f. Ribbon _ Best Bale of Cow Pea Hay.50 Ribbon Best Half Bushel Largest Sweet Potatoes.50 Ribbon Best Half Bushel Sweet Potatoes, Any Variety.60 Ribbon Best Peck Irish Potatoes.50 Ribbon Best Bundle Velvet Beans, Any Variety.60 Ribbon Best Half Bushel Rutabaga Turnips.50 Ribbon Best Half Bushel Rough Leaf Turnips..60 Ribbon Best Peck Chufas.50 Ribbon Best Peck Soy Beans.....60 Ribbon Best Bale of Any Kind of Hay Besides Peavine hay .50 Ribbon Best 5 Stalks Sorghum...60 Ribbon Best 5 Stalks Sugar Cane.50 Ribbon Best Ten Heads Sorghum, Any Variety.50 Ribbon Best Sheaf Lowland Rice .50 Ribbon Best Sheaf Upland Rice.50 Ribbon Best Gallon of Rice for Seed.50 Ribbon Largest Pumpkin.60 Ribbon Largest Squash .60 Ribbon Largest Citron.50 Ribbon Best Five Stalks of Short Staple Cotton.50 Ribbon Best Five Stalks Long* Staple Cotton. .60 Ribbon Best Display Fall Vegetables, Green. 2.00 Ribbon Best Bale Short Staple Cotton . 6.00 Ribbon Best Bale of Staple Cotton. 6.00 Ribbon Best Pound Country Butter.50 Ribbon Sunitcr County Boys' Corn Club Con testa. Prize Money donated by Harby & Co., Inc. Sumter, S. C. 1st. Pr. 2d. Pr. 3d Pr Best Ten Ears of Corn. $5.00 $3.00 $2.00 Best History . $5.00 $3.00 $2.00 Best Five Stalks . $5.00 $3.00 $2.00 Best Single Ear. $3.00 $2.00 $1.00 Best Paper on How I Selected, my Seed Corn in the Field. $3.00 $2.00 $1.00 Greatest Yield. $5.00 $3.00 $2.00.. Sumter oCunyt Boys' Pig Club Contests. Prize Money donated by Harby &. Co., Inc. Sumter, &? C. ' Best Sow and Pigs. $8.00 $5.00 $3.00 Rest Record_. $5.00 $3.00 $2.00 Pig Making Greatest Gain. $5.00 $3.00 $.2.00 Women's Department. Open to all Women and Girls in Sumter County. Mrs. John R. Sumter. President Sumt- r Civic League, Chairman. Miss Julia Obcnschain, Teacher Domestic Science, Sumter City Schools, Supt. Domestic Science. Best Can of Tomatoes. $ .50 Ribbon Best Can of Beans. -50 Ribbon Best Jar Canned Peaches. 50 Ribbon Best Jar of Canned Pears. 60 Ribbon Best Jar of Figs. -50 Ribbon Best Glass of Jelly. -50 Ribbon Best Bottle of Catsup . .50 Ribbon Best Jar of Chill Sauce. 50 Ribbon Best Jar of Sweet Pickles . .60 Ribbon 1 Best Jar of Sour Pickles. .60 Ribbon Best Pound of Home Made Butter. .60 Ribbon Best Gallon of Syrup, any Kind . .50 Ribbon Pest Five Pounds of Honey. . .60 Ribbon Hcst Home Cured Ham, Cooked. .50 Ribbon Boat Jar of Peach Preserves. .10 Ribbon Best Jar of Jam . .50 Ribbon Best Collection of Preserves . 2.00 Best Combination of Cooking. . 2.50 Ribbon Cooking Contests. Best Pound Cake. .60 Ribbon Best Chocolate Cake (Layer) . .60 Ribbon Best Caromel Cake. .50 Ribbon Best Dozen Biscuits (Baking Powder) . * .50 Ribbon Best Loaf of Light Bread . . tUbbee*