Outflank French and English on Allies Left and Capture City of Lille. RUIMIAX VICTORY IN EAST Ol IM I* (.I IIMAN AI>VANTAGE IN REfOHTEO TIIAT OER MANS ARE STILL ENDEAVORING TO CAITVHE HEIiOIANS AND ENGLISH WHO DEFENDED ANT WERI??GERMANS mans operating against Ghent. The fighting Is getting nearer and nearer the English channel. The German cavalry is advancing in front of the Infantry and held artillery. The fighting at the north is being carried on with unprecedented violence. Ghent Is reported to have fallen, hav? ing only Kruges and Ostend in the hands of the allies. The battle line is now practically two hundred and ttftv miles long. Unspeakable conditions prevail along the month-old battle lines. The sickening stench nauseates many soldiers. Belgian* Move to Havre. Bordeaux. Oct. 13.?It is otllciully announced that Helgian government will he transferred from Outend to Havre. France. Some Melglan offi? cials have arrived at Havre. Germans Occupy Russian Poland. Berlin, via. Amsterdam. Oct. 13.? It is officially stated that the Germans are masters of all of Russian Poland wsst of the Vistula river, but it Is ad mttted that the Germans have lost a little ground in Russian territory near the East Prussian frontier, but declares that this is of no consequence as they never planned to occupy ths government Suwukli. The territory the Germans claim to have con? quered west of the Vistula, is rough? ly estimated at over seven thousand square miles and contains a narnher of impo rtant manufacturing t ?wns. Rebellion In South Arrha. London. Oct. 13.?A Reuter dls Sut a from Capetown says tt is Indicated I'v dispatches roin Ihres different sonn es today. '1 w o bowed that the Germans ire m??v*ng rapidly Westward from Antwi rp and the fhlrd reported that i SjtfSSJg German de? tachment Is moving SjOftltWtSt, till apparently oon\? r.mg on Ostend An uncoiihr no d i-p. rt lodaj Uttes Ilm! tho Germans aft SOsnkardlng r.rug< ;i. fourteen miles southeast ofl Ostend. Heavy Oerinan forces art concent rat' ed around fpfei Tin French admit that th? Germans have . aptured Boye. Ru*-Ium VstSSfJSI Mutiny. H rlin, (Wir* less to Suyvl'lo. Oct. Ii.?Otfli t.il. The Russians hu\e s? nt two regiment* IS suppress the milt In) of fhe Siberian reservists from t>Sgramt which occurred at iiesu ntliia, Poland. The Pritish ambassa? dor ut Constantinople has ordered the women to leave the embassy today. The Kassian Mack sea squadrons are sailing southward to he on hand at the crisis in Turkey. Gcrmuns Capture Koye. Paris. Oct. It.?It is ottlcialb an? nounced that the Germans have cap? tured Lille but the French have made some progress between Arras and Al? bert and also at the center of the ' battle front. The censorship is tight I er than ever. l*russla's Terrible Loss. P.er'.ln. Oct. Lb?The oltlcial state? ment today adndts that Prussian army corps alone have lost one hun? dred and twenty-three thousand otll eers and men, killed, wounded and missing since the war started. Ostend Panic Stricken. Ostend, Oct. Lb?-Three German aeroplanes circled over Ostend last night dropping two bombs. The pop? ulation is tlcMng panic stricken to England. The Germans have occu? pied Ghent and are proceeding west? ward. Paris, Oct. It,?An aerial battle, fought thousands of feet high, which was witnessed by troops of both armies, resul.ed in the wrecking of a ; German aeroplane and the killing of . the aviator. Another German ma ' chine escaped. t.HAM) JURY PRESENTMENT. Recommendation That Guard House H<' Hitilt?favor Warehouse System ?Other Matters. To the Hon. H. F. ltice, Presiding Judge: We. your -jrund jury beg leave to submit our tinal present for the fall term of court of general sesions of Sumter county. We have passed upon all bills handed us by the solicitor, endorsing our findings thtreon. The commltteo appointed for the inspection of public buildings report that on account of tinancial conditions the bath tubs have not been put In the Jail, but are advised that this will be attended to In the very near fu? ture. A lavatory has been placed In the sheriff's office as recommended. The committee app ointed to inspect the chain gang have made two In? vestigations during the year, and have found everything in a very satisfac? tory condition and as sanitary as possible. And we wish to commend the overseer. Mr. Holland, for the satisfactory way of handling the chain gang. The committee to audit the books of the different ofllces, report they have audited tho books, checked up vouchers, etc., and found everything satisfactory. We again recommend the building of guard houses for the use of rural policemen and that our legislative delegation Introduce a bill appropriat? ing eight hundred dollars for this use from the county surplus, If there be any. If not introduce a hill levying one-quarter of u mill for this pur? pose. We are advised that there is some question as to who should pay the [jurors drawn on coroner's juries. The law provides that these jurors should be paid, and we recommend the court issue an order on the proper Ollletal to pay these jurors when drawn by the coroner. We recommend that the transpor? tation of the rural policeman, when acting on eg emergency call, l?e paid out of the county ordinary fund, when i approved by the county sheriff, as the law requires that they furnish their own transportation only In the performance of their regular duties, We recommend that our legislative delegation which is now in Attendance at m special session of lbs general as? sembly, use their efforts in having ? *11 acted a law providing for n State warehouse system for the storing of cotton. We have attached s petition from the lag payers of the Plsgah com? munitv in regard to the condition of the roads i i that community. \\Y have called Supervisor Pitts' litten* lion to this matter and In- advises In will be unable to give it any atten? tion before the lirst of the year, but will do so as soon as possible. Thanking your Honof and all the otli? ers of t ic court for courtesies ex? tended. tSlgm il) J. d I mnbar, Foremuu. ENGLISH DUPLICITY PROVED. Germans say they have lOlM) PLANS or English Intervention in Belgium. Dated turns. Berlin, <>ct. 13?(Via Wireless to Bayvllle, L. i. >?The German general headquarters has given OUt the fol? lowing report: '?Gorman military authorities searching the arehlsvss of the Belgian military staff at Kr?ssels discovered a portfolio Inscribed 'BSnglish interven? tion in Belgium,' whic h contains Im? portant documents. "One of these is a report to the Belgian mildster of war. dated April 10, ltO*, which gives the result of detailed negotiations between the chief of the Belgian general staff and the Krltish military attache at Brus? sels. Lieut. Col, Kernardiston. "This plan is of English origin and was sanctioned by Lieut. Gen. Sir James M. Qrlerson, chief of the Brit? ish general staff. It sets forth the strength and formation and desig? nates landing places for an expedi? tionary force of 100,000 men. "Continuing it gives the details of a plan for the Belgian general staff to transport, feed and And quarters for these men in Belgium, and pro? vides for Belgian interpreters These landing places designated are Dun? kirk, Calais and Koulogne. "Lieut. Col. Asernardiston is quot? ed as having remarked that fcr the present Holland could not be relied upon. "Another confidential communica? tion declares the British government, after the destruction of the German navy would send supplies and provi? sions by way of Antwerp. There is also the suggestion from the English military attache that a Belgian sys? tem of espionage should be organized In the Prussian Rhlneland. "A second document is a map showing the strategical positions of the French army and demonstrating the existence of a Franco-Belgian agreement, and a third is a report from Baron Ortend, the Belgian min? ister at Berlin, to the Belgian foreign ottico, dated December 23, It IS." MUTINEERS MURDER OFFICER. Constitutionalist Soldiers Kill Com? mander ami Loot Custom House ut Santa Rosalie. On Board U. S. S, West Virginia, Mazatlan, Oct. 8. (via wireless to San Diego, Oct. 10, Delayed in Trans? mission.)?Constitutionalist mutineers at Santa Rosalie have shot Muj. Aguayo, the military commander there, looted the custom house, seized the IfOXloai steamer Korrlgan III and put to sea. This is tne news sent by wireless to Rear Admiral Howard, command? ing the Pacific lleet, by the cruiser Al? bany, which the admiral ordered to Santa Rosalia as soon as he heard there had been disorder. Santa Rosalia is the headquarters of an important French copper mining concession. The troops mutinied Tuesday night and tried to capture the steamer which is owned by Bole rl company (French), but which Hies the Mexican Hag. The resident di? rector turned it over without resist? ance. All the troops except 25 em harked and put to sea, presumably bound for Guaymas. Many persons were placed under ar? rest during the rioting, including the Gorman consular agert, a Mexican, who was released after paying 1,000 pesos ransom. Conditions at Acapulco have grown so bad that a Red Croat ship is needed urgently. The troops continue pil? laging. Supplies are scarce and dear and there Is much suffering. Other west coast ports are quiet. EXHIBITS FOR STATE FAIR. Demonstration Agents Striving to Make Good Showings. Clemson College, Oct. 12.?In every county In South Carolina the farm demonstration agents of Clemson Col? lege are busily preparing their ox j hibits for the State fair. The demon? stration forces of the State, Includlns the men agents, the canning club agents and the headquarters force at Clemson College, will have approxi? mately seventy-live booths in the large steel building at the State fair and v ill give the people of the State the It rgesl exposition of demonstra? tion Work ever gathered together ?lu? der one roof anywhere, Money prises of value have bet n offered to the agents whose booths are best and there is Keen competi? tion, i:n il demonstration agent will he required to have an exhibit of his county's agriculture und people PANAMA CANAL CLOSER. Landslide in Culcbra Cut Block* Truf? fle. Panama. Oct. IB.- \ big landslide occurred in Culchrn Put, I*auuinn Ca? nal, today. The canal will probably I. b? cloned temporarily. GUY COUNCIL MEETING. ANNUAL TAX AN I) LICENSE OR. DINANt Es REAR AND ADOPT? ED. License on Junk Changed?Church Street Work Ordered Next in Or? der?sumter Electrical Company! aud Sumter Warehouse Must Pay I Waler Kent?Last Installment Paid <); dis? missed 4; suspended 2; not guilty, 1; Continued 2. Twenty-nine gallons of contraband liquor were destroyed during the month. The manager reported that Mr. D. A, Howe, the contractor, who had done the work on Liberty street, had g'ven tin- required maintenance bond of $1,500 covering a period of five \ Mi!;, with a premium of $:'?7.">0 to be paid by the city. Upon the execu? tion of the bond Bo We was due the remainder of the amount owed hit . $1,046.32. Council authori:" the payment of this sum. A large number of bills were audit? ed and ordered paid. MOVE BELGIAN GOVERNMENT. In Order That it May Dave l ull Lib ert| <>f Action in the Future. DordeaUX, Oct. 13.? It has been de? eded to transfer the liclglun govern? ment to Prance In order that it may! have full liberty of action. The fore going was announced officially in llordeaux today. Impose Dig Fine. London. Oct. 12. Oeriniiny has Im? posed a fine of $100,000.000 on Ant? werp as a wur indemnity. NOT LONG TO WAIT. Circus Day Not Far oil and The Kid arc Claiming a Li- Holiday. - On Friday, October 2::, Sparks' World Famous Shows will hold forth in this city for a matinee and night exhibition, and the rare, unique und wonderful things that have been promised on paper will become a reality. The airy riders who, In diaphanous! skirts have been pirouetting on the expansive backs of beautiful and speedy circus horses (on the bill boards) will he seen in all the gor? geousness of tulle and seductive smile; the elephant will copy their pictured acts of comedy and go them one better; the contortionist will proceed to dlslntangle himself from the knots he tied in his re sponslve body last year; the acrobatic families will turn dizzy somersaults and the clowns will work off their la? test comedy stunts to the great de? light of the crowds present?we all like the clowns. There Is nothing on earth like the circus. It is the people's show par excellence. It is the one great Amer? ican amusement that appeals to all the people. The expert knows What is coming every minute of the show, but he wouldn't have it changed for worlds. The very conventionalism of most, of the performance is what makes it so delightful. The merit In a big circus like the Sparks shows is in the fact that ev? erything in the show is the very best of its kind. There must Inevitably be riding acts, but the riders are the leaders of their [profession. There must be acrobats, but the acrobatic artists and aeria lists are gathered from the wide world, and are the best that money can procure. It is this superiority in the quality of the performers that makes the Sparks shows such a welcome visitor. TO DISCUSS WINTER GARDENS. Laker School Grain and Cattle Club to Hear Prof. Nlven on October 1ft. Mr. Editor: I wish you to extend to the public of this part of the county an invita? tion to attend the meetings of the Farmers' Grain and Cattle Club of the Baker school. We shall have to talk to us at our next meeting, next Tueaday evening at 8 o'clock, Prof. Nlven, of Clemson College. Prof. Nlven is the horticulturist of Clem? son and conies to tell us all about gardens and fruits, especially about winter gardens. This is one of the most important subjects to farmers just now when we are compelled to economize in our living. At the meeting a week hence, Tues? day the 20th, the live stock expert, Mr. Paul Calvin, will speak. The sub? ject of grain and cattle, especially hogs will be thoroughly discussed, all queatloni Will be answered, and the farmers taught how to raise some? thing to cat and to market the sur? plus. Prof. Calvin will remain In the neighborhood a few days and will assist any one to locate his hog crops and pastures and discuss with him the entire problem?his individual problem. Later we shall have other Clemson and stock experts, men who are in the business for keeps, to come and talk with us. We are de? termined to go into the grain and stock business to stay and make a living. We do not propose to have any more cotton panics in this neigh? borhood nor be the slaves any longer of the one-crop system, nor to give our lives to the merchant and fer? tilizer man. We cordially invite all similarly minded farmers to come to our farm school and learn with us how to achieve this consummation Which is devoutly wished by all of us. The Secretary. BRAVES STILL THE FAVORITES. Today Is Six to One 011 Hoston Team. Boston, OcT IS.?The weather is clear, cold and windy today. Thirty six thousand arc expected to attend this afternoon's world's champion? ship game. The batteries will prob? ably be Lender and Schang, or Lapp, Rudolph and Qowdy. The wagers to? day are six to one that the Craves will win the series and live to four that they will take today's game. The ticket speculators are reaping a rich harvest. SENATE AMENDS WAR TAX. Southern Members Try to Aid Farm? ers in Crisis. Washington, Oct. 13,?Senators from the cotton States today p ret Mi red to submit a senate amendment to the war tax bill, designed to aid tin farmers In the war crisis. Germans Take Ghent, London, Oct. 12.?The Belgian town of (Shent is now occupied by the Germans, according to an Amster lain dispatch to the Renter Telegram company. I'hlans have arrived at Sel7.no to, a short distance from Ghent, ami the commander announc? ed that 11,000 soldiers must be quar? tered in thw village. | six mi:\ or N\\ y i>Ko\\ \i:i>. IIcinI I'Vom Cutter Maiming .-?wamped in rnnlaga Pass. Washington, Oct. 12.?Assistant Surgeon I*, w. Jenkins, Ignited states public health service: Coxswain De murco, Seaman Oalsg&rd, Seaman Lundhaug and Seaman Keely and Luke Luuks were drowned off Cape Hariches, I lehrt ng Sea, Saturday, When a la?;it from ilu* cutter Manning was swamped in LTnalgS l'ass. A wireless message to thai effect was received today by the revenue cut? ter service from the commander o* the Behring Sea fleet. Coxswain Demarco was one of the crew of the Tahoma, who ware rescued when that ship was recently lost at the western end of the Aleutian chain. SUPREME COURT Si l Washington. Oct. 12.?The su? preme lourt reconvened today, alter a four months' recess. Justice Mo IteynoldSi as the successor to the late Justice Ljurton, took his seat on the bench and the court adjourned to pay its respects to the president. All business was postponed until tomorrow to allow the court to traits act the ceremonies set for the day. The call oi cases for argument will begin tomorrow when motions will also be received. JCo decisions will be announced until ne xt Monday. Mr. sic Reynolds took the oath of office and was escorted to his seat on the bench. UNLESS THE BLOOD IS PURE you can't expect to have a healthy, ?nergetic body or a clear, cheerful mind. When the blood Is poisoned or impover? ished, indigestion, nervous dyspepsia, rheumatism, scrofula, and a host of other ills bring bad health and unhappi cess. Mrs. Joe Person'? Remedy quick? ly purifies the blood aids it to resume its work of carrying life and energy to i every part of the body; tones up the system, and drives away disease and misery. Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy is a vegetable compound scientifically pre? pared from purest ingredients; and has been used successfully for forty years. I Your dealer should have it. If he hasn't send his name and $1 to the ! manufacturers for a large bottle. Remedy Sales Corporation, Charlotte, N. C. Mrs. Joe Person's Wash should as used la con* nectioa with the Remedy for the cure of sores aud the relief of infltmed and congested sur? faces. It is especially valuable for women and I should always be used for ulcoratloas. MEN Cured Forever By :t true spe? cialist who I?ossesses the experience of years. The right kind of : experience ? I doing the same t h i n I the right way hundreds and ! perhaps thou \ sandsof Ihnes. with unfailing i permanent re? sults. Don't you think it time to get ! the right i treatment? If you desire to consult a j reliable long-established specialist of vast experience, come to me and learn i what can lie accomplished with skillful, scientific treatment. I hold two medics! diplomas arul cerUftcates by examination i and other requirements from the l>oards I of medical examiners of 14 states in the U**.!on. together with over years' ex {Mfiencc in specialty practice. I inrrcee Oily treat blood Poison. Varicose Veins. Ulcers. Kidney and bladder Diseases. Uheumatlsm, Gall stones. Paralysis Dts cliarges. Piles and Kectual Trouble, i Stricture and all Nervous. Chronic and private Jtseasesof Men ami Women. Examination free ami strictly eonfl 1 dental. Hoars; I a. m. to 7 p. ml Sun i days,!' to:.'. I Call or Write I DR. REGISTER, Specialist, 606 UNION NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, COR. MAIN AND GERVAIS SIS.. Columbia, S. C. i R- KILL? Without Odors ATS and AVlCE ^ Rat CoriLii;;;.-^^ th? ceMMesl ml de?tro>er iu the world. It sntiin it.tn, s rain und tuioe quirkl> und without bud. dunitrroua or dlsun . .>??),? ,?Di?.ciui-iu ??*. Aoceot DU Mjlwdituteti. . ?tSe. {St! und SI.00 Can*. AU OTCUera, or *ent hy mall. Rotannical MTg Co., Ith a U: I. .? ate. rhtiiMlriphla. over 66 years' experience TRADE MARKS Designs Copyrights Ac. Anyone sending a sketch mid do*ortntton may quickly McerialS our opinion free whether an invention ih probriMy pntentabla, Comnmnlea ilomiMrictljriimildontUI. HANDBOOK on Patents m-ut tree. OldoKt agency tor securm* patenu. Ru?. in? taken through siaan A. to. reestea ?jijvi.it n?ticft sahosjtshares, lutho Scientific American. a handioniHv Illustrated wppklv. i rtr cnlatkMl ?f iiuy K ioMtttlc t?urtu?. Term*, II a rear: four months, St. SuMbfaN iinwiliotata MUNN & Co.3R'?"^ New York