S?ven Keys I TO Baldpate iv * 4lar atmosphere. Filling the door feeding to tbe outer room, he be? held the cause of bis awakening?the roe Tort of Reoton. Mr. Cnrgun regard? ed hirn with the cold steely eye of s Dtsrait lo action, but when be spoke ho evened the Jaws of a cocktail soUerV "Wsjl. young fellow." ho remarked. "It seems to me It was time you got up and fsced tbe responsibilities ot the day First of which. 1 tuuy men? tion, kf a little talk with me." He stepped luto tho room, and through tue doorway he flCnlsd Mr. Mai ?ons?' Mr. vImi slipped closer to tbe becl an ugly look on his face. The mayor glared fixedly Into Ma gee's eyes. The kuight who fought for fair Indies lu tho snow l&y-en his pillow und cor siderod briefly. 1 %vx what 1 go after," . n marked Cnrguu emphatically. ??Yes." sparred Msgee. "but the ret I point U keeping what you get aft?. r you've gone after It You dldu't make mOjch if im impression on me lust night hi tbi.t line. Mr CarRim." T never cared much for humor," n> pfrd tbe mayor, "especially at this early b^ur of the morning." "And I bate n fresh guy," put la Max "like poison" "I'm not fresh," Mr. Ma gee smllec. "I'm stnting facts. You say you've come for that package. All right but you've come to tbe wrong room. 1 haven't got It" Tbw h? you haven't!" roared the mayor "I^?u. look about a bit." ??Ijeok Shout ull you like," agree 1 Msgee 'Von won't lind it Mr Ca: gsn. 1 aiUsIt Unit I laid for you lunt night. 1 saw now onog the safe uc cording to the Intent approved met! od*. ?nd I tuiw you come forth with i psrtaige of money hut I wasn't rough with you I might have been, to he frfluk. but somebody beut me to f "sflstl" ,-(fhe man with the seventh key, 1 ?npfcose? thnt man ltlund beard walk Ing'about lust night when we wen st ilnner l>on't tell me you didn't fie Milm In tbut tnlxup at the foot of the* steps." ???fell, i did think there was nnotb er guy." the mayor nuswered, "but Lou ssld I was cruiy " "lou does you an lnju*tl< e. There was another guy. and If you are itnx loon to, fecover your precious package I advise yon to wake him up to the rssponslblllttee of the duv. not me." L: . c, A r-d Mi. Mat who had hastily made tho rounds of the three rooms, came back with emp? ty hands. "Well," ??kl the mayor, "I might us well admit It-I'm dp In the nlr. 1 don't know Just at this minute where to get off. lint that state of Uffeln don't last long with me, young fellow. I'll go to the bottom of this before tho da> M out. believe me. Aud if 1 can't du anything else I'll take you back to Kouton myself and throw you lu jnil for robbery.' "1 wouldn't do that,'* smiled Maeeo. "Think of the awful Job of oxplnlnlug to the white necktie crowd how you happened to ho dynamiting n safe on lluldpate mountain at midnight'' "Oh, 1 guess 1 can get around that.'' said the mayor. "That money belongs to a friend of mine? Andy Uuttor. I happen to go to tho inn for a little rest and 1 grab you dynamiting tbe safe. I'll keep au eye on you today, Mr. Ma gee. And let me tell you now that if I catch you or tiny of the bunch that's with you trying to tnal.o n getaway from Bnldpato there's golug to be n war break out." "1 dou't know about the other her? mits," laughed Mugee. "but personal? ly I expect to be here for several weeks to come. Whew! It's cold lu here. Where'* the hermit? Why basu't he bven ur to tlx my Uro?" "Yee. where Is he?" repented Mr. C'argan. "That's what evorybody'd like to know, lie hasn't sbowef! up. Not a sign of breakfast, und mo us hollow as a reformer's victory." "He's backslid," cried Mugee. "Tbe quitter," sneered Mux. "It's only u quitter would live on tbe moun? tain in ? shack nuyhow." "You're rather hard on p?or old Pe? ters." remarked Magee. "but when I think that I have to get up and dress lu u refrigerating pflegt I cun't say I blame you. If ouly the lire were light od" llo smiled his most ingratiating smile ou his companion. (To be Continued.) eTODGG KHNBHT HARY DKAD, Senior Circuit Judge Passes Away in Columbia. Columbia, July 1.?Kniest Gary, faajaaj of the Fifth circuit, died short-J ly after noon yesterday at his home, 13l?n tJcrvuis strict, Columbia, in the lith year of his age and in his ISrd yeur of continuous scrvh a on the bestell. He was the senior circuit ii ?Ige among tho II, his election hav l.ig antedated by some years that of tbe Judge next him in point Ol senior? ity. Jud.-e Clary bad boon la bad health for several years. Jndga Qary was born, January it, lH5, ut Cokesbury. lie was the sec? ond son of the late Franklin F. (Jury. M I). Ills father was i surgeon inj the Confederate .-lutes army during the War Between the loetloan, was for several terms a inemher of the general aaeouibly, was chairman of ? (tie Slate hoard of health, was prcs Ident nfl the South Carolin i Medical a atOOlatlon ami In Masonry was most o\< client grand high priest. "Qtllck perceptions, studious habits und a most genial i ispo.-dtion characterized In. Clary and made for him many friends." F?rbest of the Kn.iwn .\4peiican an ctatnrg of Judge Clary was John With erspoon, horn near Olnagow In I?70, who lied with his family to Irelaml under the persecutions of the Stuarts 1 .ami theme emigrated in 1714 to thai Iat <'tout of Mouth Carolina DOW known as Williatnshiirg county. Withcrspoon Waa the grandson of Mrs. I,ucy Welch, heist If a granddaughter of the doughty Hoottlah preacher and re? former. John Kiin.v, whose wife was Lady Margaret Stewart, descendant of Kohort, Doha of Albany, aaeond son of Robert It, King of Scotland. Judge Qary'a mother, who aurvlvoa tum. atOJI before her marriage Miss Mary Caroline Uhu khouru, daughter of I hO late Stephen Ulaokbum of Newberry county and doaoendant nf William r.lackhurn, an olliccr of tin Amern an army w ho died in the bat? tle of King's .Mountain. She is per h.|>s the only woman Hvlnn who has had throe aons on the bench i?t the same time. Rmeat Qnry waa for aovoral years a student at the Cokeshury Confer? ence achool in hla native village. He read lag in /fcuguala, In the olllce pi his Uncle, Ma.i. Win. T. Qnry, and af 1? 1 ward Waa the lnw partner at Kdgotleld of another mu le. den. Mart, v. (Jury, until Qen. Qary'a death In ||< then became nasoclated In the practice of law nt Kdgotlcld with ^f, <5. Kvnns and this lairtnerahlp nn du red nntu 1 \. hen Mr. I lurj an 1 ma 1] 1 he Im nch. Meantime Mr Cary bad heefl ?!?? Ilvt t\ In pu'-lle ur,-. ho bei im? 11 no in lie r o( tin gt n< 1 ?! .1 1 mbly 111 .IV*?; was roclocted I" Ihhn und iiwulu in 1 hjmi mid served In 11m hout ? j repl ohoiit.it l\? M With ' on-'no.IS l?bH My; notnhl) ua rhtitrmun of ?h? Judl? lekiry eoinmittei lit wua die?? county chairman ?-r I Im 1?. mm* ratk parly In Kdael ? Id, wua a dek ante '?? at . 1 ral \ lieiiits rath stit' convent luta und In 1 at i w as n olc< lor nt lurge on llu I? mo. rutli nation til Ik ket I "m ju ? oh Hrevanl Korulmw oi 'C nnden h.\hm declined feile? |ns bulge of 1 hi* Fifth ludlebil 1 ireuit. I 1 lie t < '? 11 W a 1 ? I? 1 t. a l?\ t h< Joint laaaembly in tats to succeed him nml alm e then .?- hut aaveral lernia huvc u.i' 1 v ? ??? ??? ( " roele? led IMI'KOV l\<. RO\l>S. Improvement of Road BotWOCn Rlaek River and County LI no May Rrlng Tobacco to Sinnlcr. ReocntI) Supervisor ruts has had a force of nun from the chain sang working on the road from the now crossing on uiack Itivor to the coun? ty lino mar Sardinia. This road has boon much Improved ami is now in prstty good condition, it is thought that this work may mean considerable to Sumter during the summer, as it may Induce the people from around Sardinia to bring a part of their tobacco to Sumter. There is a great deal of tobacco planted in this locality ami it is expected that the Sumter market will be sufii CJently Strong to warrant the people Coming hen." to sell. Formerly this to boooc has all gone to Manning or < mutts. Work will also he done on this road from the new crossing at Black River toward Sumter before the tobaeeo season sets In, so that prisons bring? ing produce will have a good road all the way to Sumter. The recent intensely hot weather j has delayed w ork on the new road between Black River ami Bhlioh, it belns so hot down in the cypress bot? toms, where the gang was employed that it was thought best to set them to work somewhere else until the Weather became cooler, as the heat was dangerous to the men on the gang and the animals used with the gang. WIN Timor EXAMINATION FRI? DAY. Several Scholarships Offered by Or? ganizations. Examinations for entrance ami scholarship! to Winthrop College will be held Friday at the court house, be? ginning at '.? o'clock in the morning, or as soon thereafter as feasible. While there are no vacant county scholarships this year, there are a number of free scholarships for which students desirous of attending Win? throp College may compete. The Winthrop Chapter of Sumter County has offered a free one year scholarship to tome girl from the county; the l\ I>. C, are giving a full four-year scholarship und a scholar* ship for one year in the business COUrsOi The State Federation id* Women's Clubs are giving two free scholarships, which will be contested lor by pupils throughout the State. This year applicant! will have only three HUbject! for examination, his? tory. Bngltsti ami mathematical geo? graphy being dropped. On tin- same day as the Winthrop examinations! examinations will be held for the College of Charleston. Examinations for entrance and scholarships to Clcmson College will Im: held on the following Friday, July HMh. There is one vacancy for a full four-year scholarship from this coun? ty this year. Ill OA l/l II KXI'KItTH AT WORK. Prom The Dally item. July 2. The party of health experts In charge of Dr, H. It, farter, senior surgeon, and of whom Dpi, Robert C. Derlvaux, I>. M. Mulloy, II. A. Taylor. M. LoPrince, are members, which ar? rived in the city yesterday afternoon on tins morning commenced their work, Turkey Creek being the initial Hold, of mosquito eradication and arc making good progress. The party was taken over the city and throughout the outskirts in auto? mobiles yesterday afternoon ami shown Condition! here. This prepared them for the work they had to do and they were road) to net out this morning. Madcap Madge. hollowing, is the cast of charac? ter! !taglng Madcap Madge at the Academy of Music, on July 8th, IHM. The play WU! written by local author, and local talent will Btugc it. All In? t? rmlMSioll! Will be pleasingly lilb d by the best musical talont that Suiutcr affords, accotupuidcd by tirclie!tra. Colin utid lot U! entertain you for :i couple of hours, with fan und rrolic. l*roccod! will go to swrll the Civic |.4uiguo llhrur) fund. ('ohm oik-. come all. Popular price!, Adults, r*Uc; general udiid?ioii, children der i - > * ;< i's, l'."a-. l ull I'ssl, Hnutuhu Jcnkliii . . M rs. I ?uum I ?obb> m i. , up m idac. . . . MIsh KrlMtlunson. Mary Ann. . . Min* lleorgh Mcctham. I . || v Dcwdrop.. . . M Ihm I 'l ?im I 'hilds. Furutci licwdrop ..Marlon Hcu brook. i m 11 i Minlnp . . . Wurroii H, Klshel. I;, i. 11 RtiMtli unit. . . KclHlcr Maek. I-1-Ii ni i? \ o(.Art bur i lurby. Dei i : i Hum ley., . . . . Harold Mel 'oj. I 'op. I.sili ycock . . . < leorge IU ? ? hsi in Hub Ititlihln .. ..Ainlirose Mcolliam. Hum .-'?d' k? t.II It, Chin.i I'OHtlllUU. Real I -1 ?le Tran-Irr?. \\ |i Wilson t?" Virginia Harb; i -| hnn . lot nn ' 'hurt h !l?< ot. | s.uwti i II iU VVIInou und Llsxb Vuiwlw h W lib '?? ?? lot h.V *"" m:yy i:xrm:ss rates ix effect < liungcs Rccommcmted by Soiitli Car? olina Freight Rates Association und Ordered l?ut Into Effect by Huil roud Commissioner. New express rates for Intra-state Shipment In South Carolina went in id effect yesterday, July 1, which are a radical change from the formerly existing rates. The new rates tend toward an equal!/ lion of rates and arc based upon a much simpler classi? fication that before. The new ratesi are higher in some cases, remain the same in some cases and are lower In other instances. While it would be Impossible to say just what effect they will have on the general public upon whom the company depends for most of its business, it seems from a cursory investigation that the new rates will to a great extent lower the cost of small sh!| ments, while it will to a similar extent increase the cost of larger shipments. The new rates for intra-state ship? ments are based upon the inter-state express rates which were formulated by the inter-state commerce commis? sion and put into effect by all express companies on first of February by order of the inter-state commerce commission. The State is divided in? to blocks and the rates are based on mileage, according to the block Into or from which the shipment is made. There arc comparatively little changes on the whole, probably, from former rates. Formely there were live class? es of shipments, while the new rates provide for only two classes of ship? ments. The putting into effect of the new rates has kept the express company employees busier than usual for the past few days, but It is thought that ratings will come easier, after the now rates are absorbed by those who have to deal with them. famous corn KAIsfk DEAD. Hennettsville, July 1.?Zuchariah J Drake, who has held for a quarter century the world's record for max imuin production of corn upon a test acre, haying harvested from one acre in INN!? corn to the amount of 85 bushels, died Tuesday night In his 71st year at bis plantation home near I Make. The funeral and interment will take place Thursday morning at the Drake cemetery near Blenheim. Capt. Drake was u member of one of the oldest of American families the lirst of them having come over from England and settled on the coast of Virginia. This original sturdy immigrant, who was an otliet r In the American army during tho War of the Revolution, Is said to have been in direct line of descent from Sir Francis Drake, England's great admiral. Details of Capt. Drake's still un? rivaled feat In corn production is given In circular 1& Of the State de? partment of agriculture, commerce and industries. Commissioner Watson had been in search of contemporary data on this record crop, but had nothing of the sort, except memoran? da contained in a handbook of the department and an old copy of the "Book of Corn," until there was found In a scrupbook compiled by the late It. Means Davis of the Uni? versity of South Carolina an original clipping of the circumstantial report printed In 1888 In Tho American Ag? riculturist. It was under the auspices of this journal that the contest was conducted In Which Capt. Drake made his record. The account covers six printed pages of law brief size. The dimensions of the Held and the quan? tity harvested are cert died t<> by Win 13. Alford, registered civil engineer and also magistrate; J. C. Campbell, rep? resentative of The American Agricul? turist; P. L. Freedom planter of Marlboro; s. A. Frown, editor of the Marlbor?? Democrat, and by three witnesses on behalf of Capt. Drake, these being O. V. W. Dunn, J. W. Reynolds and John J Tart. Manchester, x. II.. July 2.?Three men wen burned lu death this morn? ing when a lodging house on Flm street was destroyed by lire. illi i;i is NOTlMNt; i.lki: liming your wheel well looked nf ler. We Know all about wheels and gelling them in good shape; we Im VC ample fact little* and ask only fair prior, for doing HrM rla*i work. H. L. TISDALE, 49 S Mil in St. Phone 482 PLAY GROUND FOR CHILDREN. Apparatus Ordered and (.rounds Will He in Readiness Sometime Daring Month. The apparatus for the playground, which the Civic League is prepar? ing on the lot on the corner of Main and B?rtlettt streets, which was of? fered to the Civic league for this purpose by the trustees of the China estate, has been ordered end is ex? pected here sometime during the month, when it will he installed and It is thought that the children'! play? ground will be in readiness for them I by the middle or latter part of the month. The lot has been built Up and levelled off by the city force under the direction of the Civic League and will be a great boon for the smaller chil? dren, who have long needed just such a place in which to take ex? ercise and fresh air. A JUST PARDON. Alabama Convict Twenty Years for Stealing Fifty Cents. Mobile, July L\?Frank Williams, a Hale county convict was paroled to? day by the Governor after serving twenty of a fifty year sentence for stealing fifty cents. His health is broken. New York Couon Market New York. July 2. Opening July.12.( 5 Oct.1 2.4 5 Dec.12.(4 Chicago Product* Kxchnnge. Chicago, July 2. Opening Corn.C5 1-8 Ribs?July . . .11.1,7 Ribs?Sept. . .11.?2 Close. 12.58 12.28 12.39 Close, 65 1-2 11.70 11.70 A license to marry has been grant? ed to John [. Johnsen of Asheville and Clara odom of Sumter, colored par? ties. Coroner D. W. Owens this morning signed his bond and sent it to the Secretary of State. His commission goes into effect as soon as this bond is approved. I Geo H. Hurst. Undertaker taj EaSSMt. Prompt At* *-tion to Day or Mfot?l Calls: AT J. D. Cralfl Sgl Stand. N. Main Phones N?gh6t2oi W? Uwk R*?kk.*pUr, A.nklnr. Hhorlh.nil. Txprwrii? PeMMSfcl?. Aritkartle ?jwl ? ??la?*. Latter WrlMa?. Our eonrpc? are thorough' and our Collen? la the most highly recommend*^ Our graduate* an always preferred because of the thorough training they receive here. - ^r~r - "?????.r "THE SOUTH'S BEST'-' V^SRi^ s Time snows all the one way to independence* a Bank Account.* i ? 19i \' t ? H July 4th?Independence day marks our Nation's fight for liberty, and should re? mind all to strive for individual indepen? dence by starting a bank account. If Without effort there is little chance for accomplishment and none for oppor? tunity. If you earn money, it is a duty to save part of it and we are ready to aid those who have the desire to become inde? pendent. Start with $1. 4 Per Gent Interest Paid on Savings. THE BANK OF SUMTER ESTABLISHED 1889 "Waste Not-Want Not" YOU are wasting energy in trying to carry financial details in your mind. It's the want of good banking service which forces such procccdure. The check Account system of this bank promotes economy, in? creases business prestige, and supplies the wants of many business men. The First National Bank OF SUMTER 1905 1914 The Bank of South Carolina SUCCESSOR. TO THE FARMERS' BANK ? TRUST CO. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $350,000.00. I Our ability increases each year. In every depart? ment of banking wc arc prepared to make good. C. G. Rowland, Prest G. L. Warren, Cashier ,