Cfet fflat^nu oft &utyoii ?HAB VI Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Dtck and chil? dren and Mrs. tX P. Osteen snd chll drsn leave this evening fer raw ley's l*a?* Mr. 8. M. McCaU. of Florence, was In the elty today. Mass Agnes CorheU. of Greenville, is ?Iiisinn her aunt. Mrs. Charles Q Rowland on Broad Street. Mlus Jennie Chandler has gons to Paerstyw Island to stay several weeks. Mr. Bills C. Lowry. who has been visiting his mother on South Sumter street, has returned to his home at Montgomery. Als. Miss Lucia P. Roach has cone to Sniuda. N. C. to spsjfsl the remaind? er of the summer Wjk her sister. Jirs. Hsnry Lena Mr. John D. OIUsspl*. of Floreice, Is attending several days in the city vhsttasT relative* and in the Interest] of Cfelrora Collage. FALSE CHECK TURJKEJp DO THed to Pass It OeT on ?Maj Wednesday roaming a nice looking weans a in purchasing sosne articles at Ihe levUs* Outfitting Company of? fered in payment a First National Bank check muds out on tbs Bank of Lauretw for $?? and made payable to cash. The check was signed C. P. Vlnson snd ths women stated that the company r*lght ring up the Bank of baurons and find out If the check waa good. This was done by Mana? ger Lern mo n and the bank stated that C P. Vlnson had money In their bank, but that probably this check was) a false one and that the Signa? tare had been forged. The bank was asked If there was sny charge against the woman snd It was stated thst there was no charge against her. bat that a chargs was outstanding against the woman's husband, or the man nits whom she was working. Upon being told Urs substance of the bank's statement the woman at once left the store, leaving the check in the hands of Mr. Lemmon He turned It over to the Chief of Po? lios, who at once went to the station to see if he could locate the man and woman. The woman was en board a train for Columbia and was question ed by the chief of polios, who did not srrast her because there was no warrant out agalast her as far ss hs knew snd hs was without legal au thortty to stop her without the war rant Ths man was not with her. She stated In snswer to Mr. Sum tar's questions thst she was Mm Vlnson an<, lorn _ \ (1 V t NOT ILL-TREATED. Supervisor Pitts Investigates Reports That Convict Died as Result of In? human Whipping. To the Editor The Daily Item. I am informed that the relatives of one of the two convicts, Robert An? derson and Norman Gamble, who re? cently died of pneumonia at the Tourney Hospital, have started a ru? mor to the effect that the men came to their deaths as a result of severe whippings, administered while on the county chaingang. As a result of this, I have made a thorough investiga? tion and find that this report is ab? solutely false and am satisfied that the two convicts were not subjected to inhumane treatment and I submit the following affidavits to support this statement. I deplore the fact that it is neces? sary at any time to inflict corporal punishment and have always instruct? ed the overseer to inflict it in as hu? mane a manner as possible. So long as criminals are sentenced to the pub? lic works, It will be necessary to force some of them to labor by using the strap. The fact that only three convicts out of an average of about thirty-five each month, have died in the last live and a-half years shows that the health and treatment of the men is carefully looked after. P. M. Pitts, Supervisor. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Sumter. Personally appeared before me, Geo. H. Hurst, who being sworn says that he prepared for burial the bodies of the two convicts, Norman Gamble and Robert Anderson, who recently died at the Tuomey Hospital, and that there were no scars or bruises upon the bodies nor any signs of violence to their persons. GEO ,H. HURST. Sworn and subscribed to before me this 27th day of June, 1914. W. D. OWENS. Notary Public for S. C. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Sumter. Personally appeared before me, Dr. W. S. Rurgess, who being sworn says that he attended the two convicts, Norman Gamble and Robert Anderson who recently died at the Tuomey Hospital, from the time that they were first taken sick and that both men died from the effects of pneu? monia and that there were no signs upon their bodies of rough treat? ment. The deponent further swears that he had an opportunity a short time past to see the physical condition of all convicts upon the county chain gang and that none of them showed any signs of severe whippings or ill treatment. W. S. BUROESS. Sworn and subscribed to before me this 27th day of June, 1914. B. C. WALLACE. Notary Public for S. C. To whom it may Concern: This is to certify that I attended, with Dr. W. S. Burgess, Robert An? derson during his recent illness up to the time of his death. The cause of his death was lobar pneumonia. The day that he was dying his father told me that he had some sores on his back, said to have been caused by whipping. I tried to turn him over to examine these sores, but the patient was so ill that I decided it was best not to disturb him. The only sore that I saw was a small one, about the size of a dime, on the front of his left thigh. CARL B. EPFS, M. D. Sworn and subscribed to before me this 29th day of June, 1914. R. L. McLEOD. Notary Public for S. C. Indigestion 1h ofton the result of poor blood. The rIhtkIh that secrete the gastric Juices can? not get tho right chemicals from i>oisoned blood, and undigested food Rets Into the intestines, causing fermentation, head? ache, constipation, neuralgia and rheu? matism, with n whole train of attendant disorders. These disorders make the blood worse. Until it is cleaned of poison there can he no relief. Clean the blood and most all ills are cured.' " Rheumatism has disappeared after the use of Mrs. Joe Persons' Kemedy for the blood. The stomach has regained its strength, and the whole digestive [tract has been toned up to do Us work well, (Jive Nature the chance she wants. She will repair tho damage. V Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy Aide Nature That is one of the reasons It has been so successful for forty years in healing the sick, restoring strong muscles, stendy nerves and good stomachs to the 111. Hun? dreds of your DSiehbora can and do testify to this sterling remedy for blood diseases and woman's ills. Your druggist ought to have It. if ho cannot supply you. send his name and u dollar to tho manufacturers. REMEDY SALES CORPORATION, Charlotte. North Carolina. s h mi t (f bo used Mrs. Jot Person's Wash in < <>miem^cratic primary. WILLIAM J. SEALE MEN Cured Forever By s true spe? cialist who possesses the experience of years. The right kind of experience ? doing the same thing the right way hundreds and perhaps thou sandsof times, with unfailing permanent re? sults. Don't y