PULOWS Will SPEECH. AT HAMPTON DECLARES STATE m IN CRISIS GREAT AS IN ISIS. la Swearing Weather Candidates Ar? Weil Received at Hampton? Mian Will Not Carry a Single Coaaty Dvctarea Pollock. Hampton, June 15.?With the mer? cury hovering about the century mark United Statte Senatorial aspl rant* today mopped their brown and Rapt the campaign laauea quivering at fever heat. Mr. Pollock, who has boon gradually growing more and more warm In his utterances, made here today the most tlery speech of tho antl-Blease side nlnce the cam? paign opened. Hampton county, ac? cording to the speaker, waa organized Immedistely after the "Bed Shirt" po? litical upheaval of '76 and the county got tho name from the Illustrious leader of that dark hour. The crlala we are now facing Is similar to the one of 1878." the speak tr aald. "South Carolina is calling for the aama patriotic men to redeem bar." bo continued, while the crowd uproariously applauded hla challenge. Tho same apeaker said that there was much being said in tbe State campaign about coat tall swingers. T>.en he added: "There are not coat '.all awlnging now. There were once, but now there are not coattalla to soles to. as Jennings. Smith and I have cut tbam off." "Tea." some one In tho crowd shouted back, "but there's the shirt tall." "But we'll get that before the sum? mer is over." the speaker was quick to retort. "Ones thsre were coat tail swingers, but now they are afraid Too governor is Just the big 'boss' and bis subordinates are only pushing for him." Too man from Charaw prophe? sied that the governor would not carry a single county In the State on August II. "The governor is on the run" Mr. Pollock added. "The latest resort la that he's called his 'hench? man' together to tighten up the ma? chine, that the governor may be In tno second race, which in extremely donbtful." Mr. Jennings, in trying to discredit llonator Smith's claim* to having had tome part in advancing the price of cotton the last decade, said: "If Smith gets only the votes of those who believe that Senator Smith has caused this, then hla vote will not bo equivalent to that of Hampton county." ? Senator Smith, tbe first speaker, had started tbe election forecast. He again quoted Paul In the familiar fighting a good fight and keeping the faith' oaaaages, and added: "Hence? forth there Is laid up for me the greatest majority ever received by any candidate In South Carolina." There will be In all probability as many as 100 voters out to hear the candidates. The meeting today was held In the open air pavilion on the court house square. P. H. Qoodlng. the county chairman, presided, and the Hev. W. H. Dowllng made a brief prayer. The apeechee were kept within a Si-minute limit. Tomorrow the party goes to Barn well. Thla la a county which has al? ways been boisterously pro-Bleuse. As the governor has been out of the run? ning three days and attacks increas? ingly bitter have been ma'.e upon his record. In his absence, anticipations are that there *nay be some excite? ment at the Bsrnwell meeting. Senator Smith was first introduced. Ho at onco launched into a ulscun slon of tho national legislation re? cently Initiated by the Wilson admin? istration. At no time during the cam? paign has the banking and currency saw amendment fathered by Senator Smith been more kindly received. "What will be the rate of Interest?" the speaker was asked l>y one in the audience when the tlm?* extension feature and tbe amendment whereby farm producta and real estate have become collateral with the central re? gional bank were under discussion. "That will be detet mined just as soon ss the banks sre in full opera? tion under the new law." Mr. Smith replied. "There I? much reason to be? lieve that money will not only SS had easier, but at u lower rate of inter* a then ever before." The senator got a hearty response when reading list* of prices paid for cotton durlna tbe last two decades. When be came t<> the lean years whan I and 6 rents were the prices, ho asked: "In there any one here wbo remember.i that?" A farmer sitting directly In front said jocularly that be had sold bin crop at -1 rents. "And you felt that you were giving It to the buyer and giving him some? thing to boot to take it." the nenator answered, while the farmer chuckled over the misfortunes of the pint. Senator Smith answered Mr. .Iro? nings' argument that the law of sup pry and demand fixed the price by saying that Humter's mayor s spelling was wrong and that "it in the tupph aad do men' instead." THE MEDIATION SITUATION. PRACK CONFERENCE WAITING FOR ( AHKANZA TO ACT. ( all on Him to (Vase Ills Quibbling ?Believed to Be spurring for Time?President Hold? Confer? ence. , Washington, June 29.?Champions of peace In Mexico through the pro? cess of mediation are worried today over the report from Niagara Falls that unless Carranza ends his quib? bling and gives a definite answer to his intentions with regard to the pro? posed parley with Huerta the media? tion will soon adjourn. It Is now be? lieved In Washington that Carranza Is sparring for time und unless the me? diators take a decided stand he will drag the negotiations along indefi? nitely President Wilson Secretary of the Navy Daniels and Rear Admiral Fletcher held a long conference today which is expected to result in some sort of definite action. FIFTY MEXICANS EXECUTED. Constitutionalists Snoot Two Hundred Colorado* Captured Yesterday. Bl Paso. June 29.?Two hundred and fifty "Colorados" (federal irreg? ulars), captured by Gen. Benavides, constitutionalist, at Salinas yesterday, were executed by firing squads, ac? cording to a dispatch today. The rebels accuse the Coloradors of rapine and robbery under the guise of war. On The Way, but Don't Know Where He's Going. It la beginning to look as though Governor Blesse cannot find a trail.? Greenville Piedmont. ?ama?msmtBkWB--}----.L.ij_ji..jtit ? The senator has made much sport recently on his struggles with the lawyers both in and out of congress. Tuday when urging that there were now too many lawyers in Washing? ton, he Ukerted them to the negro's shambly mule, which the owner wouldn't fatten because it couldn't carry the flesh it already had buken on. Mr. Jenblngs opened by pointing to the court house and usklng why the citizens of Hampton did not razo its walls and use the bricks as flagstones in paving the streets. This was the bludgeon with which he struck the opening blow In attacking the gov? ernor's pardon rt^ord. "More than 1,200 criminals, in? cluding every class, murderers, thieves and forgers, have been turned loose. What if they all had come to Hamp? ton county to pillage and plunder your homes and despoil your wo? men?" he asked. This type of politi? cal surgery has been met customarily with some resentment and is general? ly answered by scattering applause for the governor. Today, if his fol? lowers were moved to wrath, this was smothered In utter silence, while the speaker was vigorously applauded for his statements. In his militant defense of the new primary rules, Mr. Pollock rend a list of the challenged votes as recently published from different Charleston wards. Among these "furriners," as the speaker termed them, were the "Karllnskls," the "Voutsals" and the "Stamatlades," and the names of the witnesses were as rhythmical ami equally euphonious. "These were not naturalized citi sens," said the speaker, "yet under the leadership of Vincent Chlcco ami Sottlle you and I and other hack woodsmen had no chance against them. These are they with whom the governor has sided. That wasn't enough. When it came to appoint? ing a coluned on his staff, the gov? ernor had to get an Italian dngo and If you are a military man, you have to pass before the governor with his wavy pompadour with the little fat dago behind him. And you can't help yourself, you the sovereign peo? ple How long, I usk, will the de? scendants of Sumter and Marlon and Plckens submit to such dictatorial tryanny ?" SPE AK AT ALLEN DALE. Candidates, However, Avoid Political Subjects. AHsnOntS, Juno ft,?Wbilo the candidates were Walling ovei hero to? night for a train to Uarnwell tomor? row morning, a small group of Al lendale citizens peristently urged the candidates to make brief speeches. In complying with this request, the injection or polities was carefully avoided. All that the candidates did was to Introduce themselves to the people and to spike fa h other with good natureil and pointed jukes, much t?? the assnnssnenl of nit who hoard them. It will not be the policy of the cum ulates to do extra campaign? ing as the schedule as arranged is ex? tremely heavy. With only one week covered and the touring extending until August -0, both Messrs. Jennings ami Pul? lock have nlrendy become extremely hoarse from the daily routine of speech makluK. WILSON INSPIRES CONGRESS. less COMPLAINING SINCE his prophecy OF business BOOM? Kcform of Mileage Abuse*?Senate and House May Compromise on Flat RatS ol' 10 Genta Per Mile. Washington, June 27.?If the effect discernible at Washington is a criter? ion it may be registered as a fact that President Wilson has never made a more impressive presentation of his views on any subject than he made Thursday at the White House to the Virginia editors in defence of his anti? trust programme. Since the delivery of his speech, with its lucid and masterful statement of the reasons which impel the presi? dent to insist on the trust-remedying measures at the present session, many of those who have heretofore com? plained of Mr. Wilson's "obstinacy" in holding congress through the summer have come around to the opinion that he is right, and that it will be better for business in the end to clean up house quickly and be done, leaving a solid two years of this administration rfee from disturbance. If during these two years after the enactment of the trust bills there shall be the widespread and substan? tial business revival which the presi I dent predicts, no doubt need be en-i tertained that he will be re-elected and that the two years of "business freedom" will be extended into at least six, with a good chance of one or two more Democratic administrations to follow, of course, if the president is mistaken in his opinion of what is best for business, his party must take tbe serious consequences, but it is no? ticeable that the calm confidence in the soundness of his policy, which he declares to have been formulated up? on the advice of some of the best business brains in the country, is tak? ing a lot of the sturch out of criticism. Not finishing up the year's busi? ness within the year is apparently get? ting to bo a habit with congress.- It is a very ugly one, too. While con? gress was protesting against the dis? position of tbe president to keep it there after July 1 on account of leg? islative matters outside of the regular routine, it would seem that congress would have been consistent enough to handle the regular routine with suiil cient expedition to have the appro? priation bills all passed by the close of the fiscal year. Hut with the end of the fiscal year only two weeks away, eight or nine of the supplv measures are still in congress' hands. In all probability congress will have to adopt emergency resolutions con? tinuing the appropriations for ten or fifteen days at the rate per diem as provided in the last Appropriation Acts. In 1912 it was necessary to do this twice, the first resolution ex? tending the old apropriations for tif teen days having to be renewed for another fifteen days before the sup? ply calendar was completely cleared. It is impossible to resist the impres? sion that the legislators could have proceeded with more dispatch this year. There has been much criticism of the manner in which Mr. Under? wood and several other majority lead? ers, whose bugle horns used to be in? fluential, have ceased to exert them? selves of late. (As to the minor!'y, it has been doing as much filibuster? ing as it dared.) / This disposition to "let go" is not confined to the representatives of the "safe and sane" school, of which Mr. 1'nderwood has been considered the best exhibit. Within the past few days Senator Hoheit L, Owen, of Oklahoma, who led the fight for the new currency system in the senate, has packed up his duds and gone off to Buropn, leaving his colleagues to "groan and sweat" through the dog days. Goanlp has it that he became miffed because the president would not add the Owen bill for the regula? tion of stock exchanges to the imme? diate programme of the administra? tion, Frequent references have been made In this correspondence to the campaign which a few persevering and right thinking men in congress have been conducting to reform the mile? age abuse. The opinion has been ex? pressed that the effort would bear substantial fruit at this session, in spite of much scepticism in and out of congressional circles, it is a hard struggle, because at heart the ma? jority of congress Is In favor of as much mileage as it can get, but the outlook is that the result will be a compromise between the senate and the house on a Hat rate of ten cents a mile, which Is generally felt to be bet? ter than the original house proposition Of 'actual expenses.' That the actual expense plan would have reduced the abuse to some extent, however, is obvious from tbe fact that its lead Inn opponents were those who are fore? most in the contention lor twenty cents a mile, Leaders in flic attack on the mile? age abuse have been Chairman Joseph T. Johnson, of the sub-committee of the appropriations committee, who h deals with this subject; his commit YOUTHFUL MURDERERS DEFIANT PRINZIP, SLAYER OF HEIR TO AUSTRIAN TifONE, BOASTS OF ins HEED. Says Ills Name Will Go Down in His? tory as Exponent of Liberty? ?Anarchists Being Arrested by Wholesale Discovery of Plot Against Government. Sarajevo Bosnia, June 29.?Defiant and boastful, two young slavs, di? rectly implicated in the assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand and his morganatic wife, the duchess of Hohenberg, here yesterday, subjected to an all night examination by police captains, acknowledged throwing tho bomli. Boasting that it was a good slavid bomb, and came from Bel? grade. There were more bombs in Belgrade, too, they said. The 18-year-old prisoner, Prinzip, who fired the shots which killed the Austrian heir and Consort, assumed a pose here, declaring that his name would go down in history. The homes of the prisoners were raided and docu? ments seized, discovering an organiza? tion for the purpose of harassing the Austrian government. Prinzip said that he did not intend to kill the wo? man. Scores of anarchists are being ar? rested today. Even in death the Austrian govern? ment refused to recognize the Duch? ess as the wife of the archduke. Prinzip, when arraigned this after? noon charged with murder, said: "I did it to avenge the oppression of the Servians." Ilioting against the Servians broke out tonight. Servian shops were looted. BODY OF BOULWARE FOUND. Man Who Disappeared From Home in Rock Hill Village Was Rilled. Fort Mill, June 25.?The dead body of a man, later identified as that of S. L, Boulware, was found this morn? ing about 8 o'clock by T. X. Lem monds, an employe of the Charlotte Brick company, on the tracks of the Southern railway, about two miles south of Fort Mill, who reported the case to the officials here. Coroner Black came over from Yorkville and empaneled a jury who went to the scene of the tragedy about 2 o'clock this afternoon. An examination of the body was made by Dr. W. Ci. Stevens of Kock Hill, who found the throat cut, the limbs broken in sev? eral places and the body badly bruised. The verdict of the coroner's jury wo? to the effect that the man had come to his death by having his throat cut, either by himself or oth? ers and being struck by a train though the jury considers it possible that the entire accident may have been caused by collision with a train. Mr. Boulware is the man reported missing from his home in the Man? chester mill village near Kock Hill since Monday morning who was be? lieved to be demented, and, having threatened his own life, had drowned himself in the Catawba river. THE COUNTY CAMPAIGN. Candidates S|>cuk First at Privateer on August Ith. At a meeting of the County Demo? cratic Executive committee held in the court house Saturday at noon ar? rangements were made for the hold? ing of the county campaign, and the assessments of the candidates for the various offices were decided on. The county campaign will meet first at Privateer on August 4th. Other meetings will be held as fol? lows: Shiloh, Wednesday, August 5th; Mayesville, Thursday, August t;th; Dalsell? Friday, August 14th; Hembert, Tuesday, August 11th; Wedgetield, Tuesday, August 18th; Sumter, Friday, August 21, evening, and Saturday, August 22, noon. Negro Murderer Hanged. Gadaden, Ala., June 2fi.?Walter Pryor, a negro, was hanged here this morning for tbe murder of Ceo. Quest, foreman of the Alabama Power Co., last November. teo colleague, Congressman Robert M. Page, of North Carolina, and Rep? resentative James F, Byrnes. The house IIrat paaaed a provision for a. - tual expenses, cutting the old appro? priation in half. The senate reject? ed this and declared itself for the old system of twenty cents. When the conferees reported the bill back to the house with this item in disagreement tbe house adopted an amendment offered by Congress? man Byrnes to make the mileage a list live cents a mile. Chairman Johnson expressed the opinion that tho result would be an agreement on the basis of ten cents a mile Mit. Messrs, Alken and Ragsdale were the only South Carolinians to vote against the Byrnes amendment. Messrs. Bymea, Pinley, Johnson and Lever voted for it. Representative Whaley was not present. A ROYAL ASSASSINATION. IIKIR TO AUSTRIA* THRONE SHOT DEAD IN STREET AT SARAJEVO. Archduke Francis Ferdinand and the Duchess of Ilohcnl>crg, His Mor- * ganatic Wife, Were Parsing Hi rough City on Annual Visit to Annexed Provinces. Sarajevo, June 28.?Archduke Fran? cis Ferdinand, heir to the Austro Hungarian throne, and his morganatic wife, the Duchess of Hohenberg, were assassinated today while driving through the streets of Sarajevo, the Bosnian capital. A youthful Servian student tired the shots which added another to the long list of tragedies that has darkened the reign of Bnt peror Francis Joseph. The archduke and his wife were victims of the second attempt in the same day against their lives. First a bomb was thrown at the automobile in which they were driving to the town hall. Forewarned, however, of a possible attempt against his life, the archduke was watchful and struck the missile aside with his arm. It fell | under an automobile followim, which carried members of the archduke's suite, wounding Count von Boss-Wal deck and Col. Merino. On their return from the town hall the archduke and the duchess were driving to the hospital when Gavrio Prinzip darted at the car and lired I a volley at the occupants. His aim was true and the archduke and his I wife w ere mortally wounded. With them at the time was the governor of the city, who escaped injury. The I bodies of his murdered companions collapsed across him and protected him from stray bullets. The governor shouted to the chauf? feur to rush to the palace. Physicians were in prompt attendance but their services were useless as the archduke and his wife were dead before the palace was reached. Until the emperor's wishes are known the bodies will lie in state at the palace here. They will doubt? less be interred in the Ilapsburg vaults in the Capuchin church in Vienna. In Sarajevo there Is mourning ev? erywhere with black draped Hags and streamers on all public buildings. Throughout the day weeping women were to be seen in groups while great crowds surrounded the spots where the bomb exploded and where the fatal shots were lired. This final tragedy which has come to the house of Ilapsburg is the cul? mination of the personal sorrows that have overshadowed the life of the em? peror. The reign began with sinister omens for the emperor faced inter? na, dissensions and external aggres? sions from the moment he came to the throne. In 1853 the list of tragic in? cidents began with an attempt on his life when a Hungarian named Ie benye wounded him with a knife. Fourteen years later his brother, Archduke Maxmilian, emperor of Mexico, was executed. Then followed the burning to death of a niece In Vienna, a sister in Paris, and the death by suicide in Stahrenberg lake of a cousin. In 1898 the emperor's wife, who was the daughter of Maximilian Jo? seph, duke of Bavaria, was stabbed to death at Geneva by a mad Italian anarchist. They had been estranged for many years but the emperor had never ceased to show a deep affection for her. Less than 10 years before the em? peror's only son, the Crown Prince Rudolph, a man of ability and prom? ise, met death In a mystery which to this date has not been cleared. On January 30, 1889, his body was found I In a hunting lodge at Meyerling, not far from Vienna. Beside his body lay that of the Baroness Marie Vetzera. Archduke Charles Francis, known popularly as Karl, who becomes heir t?? the Austrian throne, owing to the morganatic birth of Archduke Fran? cis Ferdinand's children, debarring their succession, differs from all other members of imperial family inasmuch as he is the llrst member of the im? perial house to have been educated in the public schools of Vienna, where he mixed with pupils representing every class of society. He associated with working men and trades people ami joined them In their games, getting closer In touch with the aspirations and ideals of the people than any of the other llasphurgs. He is a first lieutenant hi the Austrian army. Antl-Servian demonstrations began tonight. The mayor of Sarejovo Is? sued a proclamation to the residents of the city denouncing the crime and declaring that by the confessions of the assassins it was shown beyond all doubt that the bomb thrown at the archduke's car came from Belgrade. Serais Message of Condolence. Washington, June 29. The presl* dent st?iit a message of condolence to ; Rmperor Frames Joseph of Austria-1 Hungary saying: "Deeply shocked at atrocious murder," ami extending the] profound sympathy of the govern? ment and people of the United States MEETING AT BAMBERG PROVES RATHER EXCITING. Governor is Angry, Tente up Telegram 1 landed Him by County Chairman and Spits Upon it. Bamberg, June 27.?The United States senatorial campaign meeting here today partook in some slight de? gree of the boisterous nature of the gubernatorial campaign meeting of two years ago. That was the "rough" day of the entire campaign that year. It was on the morning succeeding the Spartanburg dictaphone episode, and the language of one of the candidate* in referring to the alleged revelations was so nauseating that ladies were compelled to lecvo. the grounds. At no other places visited this campaign have the lines of partisan cleavage been so definitely drawn, other voters have not been so emphatic in then* preference of candidates. At no other place were the candidates more lib? erally applauded. At no place have more questions been fired at the speakers, nor the parrying and thrust? ing and the acid replies been more appreciated or returned with more deadly effect. ! When the governor was introduced today, he was asked by H. C. Folk, the county ch irman, to answer a telegram sent during the recent ses? sion of the State legislature, asking why the governor was not supporting Mr. Folk for master, when Mr. Folk was the Democratic primary nominee, but had sent another name to the senate for confirmation. The chairman also propounded an additional ques? tion: "Is a mail who violates his oath at the ballot box a fit person to send to the1 United States senate?" The governor totally ignored the latter question, and taking the tele? gram, tore it into shreds, spat upon it and stamped it with his feet. The I governor ther said: "If that dirty coward who made the threat against me in the drug store is in the au? dience, now is the time for him to do his work." There was no movement in the audience, nor any response. Gov. Blease asserted that some one in a nearby drug store had said: "I want to hear Gov. Blease today, as it will be the last speech he will ever make." There was no response, and the governor again said if the coward were there it was the proper time to car v out the threat. The governor had come to Bam? berg prepared for trouble, as four State detectives were close by at all times, closely guarding the governor against any possible attack. A deputy sheriff from Xowberry was also in the party. FOR MOSQUITO ERADICATION. Health Officer and City Manager Unite With Chamber of Commerce. City Manager W. F. Robertson and Health Officer H. A. Mood have both written to the St ile Health Officer, Dr J. A. Hayne, as1 ing him to use his elTorts to secure the services of Dr. Carter and his Party in and around this city in eradicating mosquitoes. The matter was Brat taken up by the secretary of the Chamber of Com? merce and has Veen pushed by him. Dr. Hayne yesterday wrote that he had no control over the movements of Dr. Carter and his party and that an invitation would have to be received by Dr. Carter from the city and from the board of health before he would consent to come. Maj. Robertson, representing the city, and Dr. Mood, representing the board of health, at once sent the invitations to Dr. Car? ter and they may be brought to Sum? ter to carry on a war of eradication against the mosouitoes. _ EXPLOSION "NDED LAKE. _ Twenty-two Injured While In Tunnel ?Panned by Compressed Air. Milwaukee, June 29.?Twenty-two men were injured, ten being probab? ly fatally hurt today by an explosion a hundred and fifty feet under the surface of Lake Michigan at the end or the new intake tunnel, which extends from Lake Park out under the lake for over three miles. Many suffered broken bones and internal injuries. The explosion was caused by compressed air in the tunnel. MORE FOR INSTITUTE. Rockefeller Adds Some Millions to End< a incut. New York. June 27?A donation of $2,&S0,Q00 from .lohn D. Rockefeller to the Rockefeller Institute of Medi? cal Research was announced late to? day by Henry James, manager of the institute. This gift brings the total of Mr. Rockefeller's contributions to the institute up to $1 2..ror>0,0o0. The announce*** nl of the gift was accompanied by a statement from the institute that pat? of the sum will be expended to buy additional land in New York city ami the remainder for the erection, equipment and main? tenance of additional laboratories.