DU WVIN?. Fl>K .II Hiills t.ramt mimI IVtit MNRj hrnwn for t tun mal Court \Yhl< Ii Meets Soon. At the olticr of tin- . Ink of COUTl Saturday warning iwohri furors were drawn on the nr,n.?l Jgff] for the en? suing year anil the petit .iui\ fftf drawn for the approaching term of i riminal court, which r on\ ?? nes here ths second week In February. Judge I Pggdl H. (Jury. presiding. Juror* on Grand Jury. Xew? W. J I'ri'wh.in, Sr. T. J Huker. K. H Hodge. \ \ l\Ulott. I I Mason. J R HrutiHnn, 0 I smiths. Jr.. A. f. I mtlteld, t v stuckey. I' W. Allsbroukg. i J. 0 Punbar. .In... H Wilson. Hehl over? B. C PuPre. 1 N Hill, ? J i; Tweed. I R Mnunon, Jr. U J. Newman, J. II For beg. * First Week Jurors. I |gjgj King, T A. Nettles. B. R. James. j K. H Lynam. w. f tititr. II J. Monier. P. D. McGee, A P Mima, W. D Coklongh, J. H Warren. J. W Spencer, j W. H Hradford. | J. W (?dorn. I: f. M< Flveen. P. H. Hrtiner, < J w OomV ' . I R Mayen, 4 Jnn K MeKIvseo. * J. P. Gordon. Jam- mo. K. T. Hral sford. J. A Skur- \ . W W Hennia. H s. D.dlard. I at Wilder. G. W. McBride. )j B. F. Wilder. J. R Mercer, U H Utlleld, H. L Boykln. I M Guthrie. It F DeeChampa, J. I" I eoper. 1 Pt. B M? Neal. J. K White. ? 1 MA Ilk FT LOW GRADE CORN. 1 idu.nbla. Jan. 4.?Commissioner Watson of the department of antiri ? niture. In view t?f the man > Saaet that hsvg arisen hi the past few days, wishes to warn all merchants in this State against the purchase ot Wes? tern ? oi ti In the past few days ship ments have been found In the m.u ke?s of Columbia and elsewhere and luve been taken off the markets by the inspectors. At Clio yesterday a shipment of .'??'hadcs: regular SOr valors, Sale price.SSc NAPKINS ion dosee Napkin*. 1.2."? Vahns, on >ale at.. , $1.50 Values on gute at .. siT'> \nines on *ale at.. %:\ (to values on sale at. . M S2.00 \alue., im Mile at . $1.00 value* on sale at. . . .98c ,tt.ss 11.41 ?2.2.-? ?1.0)1 $2.77 DAMASK Ha Voo Need I la mask'.' 7 2 in. Ilunuuk at.3?e 72 In. Damask. I?C quuU.\ at. .. .55c 72 iu. Damask. $1.0)1 quality ai . 7?c 72 in. Damask. $1.2.'? umlitv til . 93c 72 in. Damask. |1.SS quality at $1.10 M in. Damask. S5c qiialit* at., . . ISc 72 iu. Damask, $1.75 Qttlell) at .$1,33 SPREADS \ever Enough. l ull fcize.93e M.98e M.Sl.lt 4* 11.$1.28 *.$2.0? M.$2.28 ".79e SHEETS Sheets two at a time: 0-4 Sheet?.48e 0-4 Sheetm.44c 10-1 Sheets.8?c 10-4 II. S,.'.tSe 12-4 JI. S.Ii.lt RED SEAL GINGHAM A special lot of Kcd Seal gingham*. Zephyr, Tie Haven, and Columbia. Ask the price. LONG CLOTH The holt. $1.25 values at.98c $2.00 values at.$1.8? $1.75 values at.$1.1? Short Lengths 3 to 10 yard;., at. the yard.8 to 12 i-2e NAINSOOK Nainsook by the holt, at a price. 10 iu. 20e quality, sale price, yard ISC 40 in. 15e quality, sale price, yard. . lOe CHECKED NAINSOOK I'or dresses and kid's aprons, 15 and 25c values, sali- prices, 10 and 15c POPLIN Lot 8, memorized poplins. 25c qual? ity, now 15 and 18c the yard. FLAXON l laxon Cheeked. Snow, dash lace. atrlped, 15c line at.H*' 20e line at.Mc 25 and 10c line.17 and 20e susine silks tor light slip at, the yard. ..Wo CAMBRIC Don't Pass Them up. Cambria bar? gains in short length**: :U> iu. Short lengths at 10 to 12 l-2c 36 in. Short length at.12 to 14c 10 in. Short hngtlis at .... 13 to 18o SCRIM Lot 4, Stei cilcd scrim 40 in. in white and ecrv. good values at 25 and 35c. Now on* ?.a!e, the yard.18e DIMITY Special in di.nity spreads at a iwico. SILK NOVELTIES That are wo th notice, now ou aale et.29c CREPE DeORIENT 00c quality no'*/.SSe PILLOW CASES That rest the mind, liecause they don't pull the |x>cketbook. From to to 18?? each. TOWELS Don't forget tluit you iu?ed towels at 98c dozen up to $12.00 dozen. HANDKERCHIEFS Children's school handkerchiefs, 39c dozen. Ladies 39c to $2.19 dozen. EPONGE Kpongc, 27in. for dress or one piece dreeeei for this sale.39e ( FLORAL SILKS Printed floral silks, something new. the thing- for afreet wear. Regular 00c. sale price.39e HOUSE DRESSES The wash kind in madras percale gingham, pique, all trinuned and up to-now. from 98e to $1.08. SKIRT WAISTS A| you like them. Tare, nets. mar? quisette*, lawns, lin*?n, cambric med ra? and tlgured p. k. at 98c to $2.9$ SKIRTS If you do. we have them in pieee. 98c; niarecUies. $1.18; poplins, ?8c; linen. 79e to $2.00. MERCERIZED MADRAS 20!) yds. mercerized b go red mad? ias lor waists, 15 and 25o quality on sale, the yard.10 to 17c LINEN PONGEE Linen pongee, something new in ail shades, 33c values now.. ... . .2$c LINEN Plum white linen, special sale [lift 25, 3?, 43, 53, 09 and 98c. COL. CRINKLE Lot 1, colored crinkle cloth for childi*en*s dresses, 15c regaler, now 11c RATINE Ha i ne, the shades for spring. 29 and 25c kind, on sale, at the yard 13 and 15c. DIMITY 1.000 yards pa jama cloth, this sale. omI j . , .. .. . ? .. p... 8c CORDED MADRAS And peivaltM for wear. The 12 l-2c line for.10 BARRETTE CREPE Another novelty Barnette crepa in food colors for spring. Regular 35c. on *a!c at.23c Rivers-Bultman Outfitting Co., 59 S. Main Street. - Sumter, South Carolina