(flu (??l; ttbiiuni aiti *outbron. Published Wednesday and Saturday. ?BY? osti:i:\ ri m iMiiM. company. IUMTER. S. C. Tornas: 11.10 por annum?In advance. Advertisements: Oos Square first Insertion.li.OO Every subsequent Insertion.50 Contract* for three months, or longer will t>e made at reduced rates. All communications which sub? serve privat? Interests will be charged for as advertisements. Obituaries and tributes of respect will be charged for. The Sumt r Watchman was found? ed in 1860 i.nd the True Southron la lift. The Watchman and Southron aow has the combined circulation and Influence cf both of the old papers* and Is manifestly the best advertising medium In Sumter. A naval holiday would undoubtedly prove a step toward the world peace that the dreamers long for and It would. uIho. lightest th?? burden Ol tax? ation t i.it is now grinding into the du?t th?> pnxUn ing classes of the great world \ iwtn The tirst cost oT the lire adnuught? and super-dreadMUghtS Is but a small Item in the ultimate lull of expenses that the taxpayers must foot. Dwry great battleship or ?niise. that \* turned out of the navy yards, at a c ?st of ten t' fifteen mil Hgej ieffcafl sieaV calls f(?r the an? nual expenditure of hundreds of thou? sands of dollars fet maintenance. In the mad ?cr.iml.le of the great pow ers to achuxe naval supremacy, or to retain a r? laii\e puistion in naval curbs. BSSg 1* not counted, or if Counted in dit remtrded. a'Wj the pro? ducing classes of the world are < ail? ed upon sa h .? a i - p.r. heavier and h? avler tuxes to build more ships and aupport a cor *tuntly increasing nav? al force. From all of this great ex? penditure of money that Is WfUng from the people they receive no di? rect benefit .therefore the mere talk of a cessation of warship building for a year Is halle] with delight by those .ho pay the tuxes. The naval holiday des Is not por. ular with the naval af? leers, the ahlp builders, the gun m?k? ln, and the powder mills, and MMKM pedal ? I.reo-.H that are glowing Bel n the labor of the people, nd SJMSJ a hundred arguments in ad\o aey of greater buttleshlps und gftttft ?f them Of c >urse there are strong irr.uments In fupport of an efficient lavy. but there should be some end to rn constantly n? reusing expense, for. if (hero is not, the harden will sunn be loo grin! lo be borne. Both EGng mnd and Uermeny arc staggering un? der 111?* burden that their navel rlv air) lias impoeed upon them and ai though the eonreei ol taxes have been almost exhausted, the naval ;m tfcorttles are demanding more money each star tor bigger ships and a larger The conditions have not yet reaehed this pass in the United Staus, hut ti?e naval appropriations grow larger year by yea*r and the end is not ill Sight. if tile experience of the past held out any hope that the navy would at some time reach a s ate of efficiency and preparednes that nn? uid permit of a halt in the program of eonetructlon the taxpayers would not OOmplaln of the present hurt en. hut a battleship costing ten million dollars is scarcely completed before it is on ti e way to the junk heap, und two larger and more costly vessels must be built to take its place. It is this prospect <>f Indefinitely Increas? ing naval expenditures that make taxpayer* restive and resentful. nee It Villa. Znpata and liuerta ktep on the way they are going there will he no rich men left in .Mexico, except themselves and their immediate fol? lowers. All the big estates SM being oonfiecated ami the rich men who do not th e the country are being executed as traitoi.s. see The annual report of Prof. W. K. TatOi State Supervisor of Kural Schools, should he read with care and umh-rHtanding by every man and WO? man who is at all Interested In the public schools and desirous of the ed? ucational system of the State being mads an efllolont and an effective in? strument for the doing of the great and need? d work that is now not halt done. Prof? Tale does not deal in Vague generalities. lie has delinii" and decided opinions as to what is n< ? iledful to be done to prevent the waste that is the outstanding char u? teristic of the present administra? tion of school affairs throughout The State, lie makes in his report sug? gestions that are soundly and broad? ly construc tive. He would wipe out i the slip-shod and Inefficient adminis? trative system that now obtains and build anew. The administrative sys? tem that he suggests would, to a large extent, divorce the schools from poll tics, both State and local, but would ut the same time bring them into do ;*? touch with the people and make the school a real, effective force for the betterment of the community. The makeshift school and the misfit tea? her would become less common, and, in the course of time, as the peo? ple realise the difference betwcti a .school that wasts the money of the poople and the time of the children and a school that accomplishes re? sults, Ignorance and illiteracy would become a disgrace and there would be little opposition to school taxes or a compulsory education law. * * s The House committee on elections dismissed the charges tiled by Mayor Grace against Congressman Whaley, but nowhere is it recorded that the committee expressed the opinion that the primary election in the First dis? trict was a lair and honest expression of the democratic voters At this distance il appears that the commit? tee concluded that it would be a hopeless task to attempt to unravel the tangle of fraud, bribery and all ma.nc" of corruption thai enmeshed the primary, and that, as Mr. Whaley Was no worse than the defeated can? didates, save in that he was success full no good would he accomplish? ed by unseating him. a is a The use of the recall in OrangebUFg to attempt to unseat Mayor Bryant and Commissioner Von Oshen is de? clared o be a partisan effort to dis? credit these Officials, without rhyme or reason. The petition is said to have been circulated and signed by the minority clement that opposed the election cd' these gentlemen in the lirst place, and that no act of these Officials since taking office justifies a resort to this drastic process to oust them from offlcs. If this stat* ment of the case he correct, the majority that elected them will find it easy to rebuke the effort of their enemies to undo the w? rk of the election of a few months ago. The recall is valuable to a people who lind their city govern? ed by corrupt or incompetent oilieials, but it should not be used by a dis? gruntled minority to discredit public servants who are doing their duty. If this is what is hac k of the Or angeburg election, the friends of com? mission government should re-elect Mayor Bryant and Alderman Von Oahen by a larger majority than be? fore. ? ? e The arrest at Georgetown <>f Promo Seltzer Emsrson and several of his millionaire guests for hunting, near ('apt. Emerson's winter home at Arcadia, without having first procur? ed the required hunters' license, will be noised among the four hundred as nil outrage inspired by the pre? judice of the lower classes against gentlemen of wealth and leisure. It is the lawless conduct of men of the FERTILIZER rly used, with careful preparation of land and thorough cultivation V uce* 80 to 85 Bushels oi Corn or?1 to 2 Bales of Cotton to the Acre Planters Fertilizers contain Phosphoric Acid, Ammonia and Potash in right proportions to supply the plants with necessary nourishment from start to maturity. Ranters "Cotton and Truck Fertilizer".7-5-5 Planters "Soluble Guano".8-3-3 Planters "Standard Fertilizer".9-2-2 Planters Fertilizer & Phosphate Co. Manufacturers Charleston, S. C. We use only tho best 8. C. Phos puato, hlsh Scrap, lilood, TftUk' age, Gorman Potash, etc* fjgggt Ask our agents about our brands. Write us for prices and information. Trade-Mark on ever/ bag your protection. Bmorson Itrlpe, who imagine that! their dollars elevate them above the law made for the rank and file of people, that creates whatever feeling of prejudice against the Inordinate? ly rieh exists in this country. Capt Kmerson could easily have obtained the necessary license and enjoyed his hunt unmolested, hut electing to dis-, regard the law he should been man enough to take the consequences. But he was not a good sport. He got mad. loaded his guests on a special train and sped away North. There are multimillionaires who arc good citi- i zens. good spons ai d gentlemen, hut they obey the laws and in all other respects conduct themselves so un unobtrusively that tiny never fur? nish sensations in the divorce courts or elsewhere. see Col. Roosevelt having made a fail? ure of his bull moose chase in North America will now try his luck with the wild hoars of South America, see Gov. Blease says he is dead against commission form of government. Just another good thing added to the ^ist of his constitutional antipathies, which already includes ministers of the gospel, education, impartial en? forcement of law, OOdrow Wilson and a free and unmuzzled press. ? * e The several savings funds conduct ed by the local banks will distribute between now and January 1st approx? imately $3?,.000. This annual savings funds idea which originated and was first put into practice among the em? ployes of the firm of Ryttenberg & Sons about twenty years ago, has grown year by year to the present proportions. Next to the local build- i ing and loan associations the savings funds have done more to encourage thrift among the salaried men of Sum ter than any other thing, and the prosperity and growth of Sumter are due largely to the successful opera? tion of the building and loan asso? ciations and savings funds. "The Rest Medielno I Ever Used.** "Chamberlain's Tablets is the best medicine 1 ever used for constipation, biliousness and headache," writes Mrs. A. W. Milne, Bt George, Utah. These tablets are very effectual, easy and pleasant to take. For sale by all dealers.?Advt. The gathering and* selling of acorns is a new industry, in Arkansas, to supply eastern nursery firms with material for forest planting. A Ranger Signal. Hoarseness in a child that is sub? ject to croup is a sure sign of an ap? proaching attack. Give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as soon as the child becomes hoarse and the attack may be warded off. For sale b'y all deal I ers.?Advt. Bumped up Against the Kcal Thing. "I think I have bumped up against the real thing in Chamberlain's Tab? lets," writes D. It. Thomas, of Tidioute, Pa. "They do the work and cause no unpleasant reaction." In Cases of constipation when Pills and saline cathartics are used, their use is often followed by constipation, as they take so much water out of the system. On the other hand the effect of Chamberlain's Tablets is so agree? able and so natural that you do not realize that it has been produced by a medicine, and no reaction follows their use. For sale by all dealers.?Advt. RFBELS OX TIIK RAMI\A<;F. "Come Hack" After Yeste-day's De? feat and Loot ami Burn Two Towns. Mexico City, Dec. 17.?Z.ipata Reb? els rallied their forces'today and at? tacked the government forces and in? dicted heavy losses. They surprised the Federals "celebrating" yesterday's victory at Milpa Alta, seventeen miles from the capital, captures i the town and killed over one hundred Federals. San Lorenzo and San Dregpro were raptured and looted by the Hebels. The Rebels closing in on the capital. Cure Your Cold While You Can. More real danger lurks in a cold than'in any other of the minor ail? ments. The safe way is ? to take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and rid yours*elf of the cold as quickly as pos? sible. For sale by all dealers.?Advt. Gifts Selected Here will be Sure to PI ao e a omr IV/lon We Seu tne Tmngs Men Like? r lease any IVAail?Things They Wear. q A Suit, Overcoat, or Raincoat would make any Man or Boy an IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT. % Then in smaller wares, we show House Coats, Bath Robes, Pajamas, Shirts, Beautiful Exclu? sive Neckwear. Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Silk Umbrellas, Pullman Slippers, Suit Cases, Hand Bags and Trunks, B > Everything Reasonably Priced < c: Still Selling all Suits, Overcoats, Raincoats and Extra Pants at 1-3 Off. The D. J. Chandler Clothing' Co., PHONE 166 :: :: :: SUMTER, S. C.