W?l You Spend ONE DOLLAR to Elect Wilson President? How deep is your conviction that this government ought to be in new hands, in clean hands ? How much are you in favor of a clean slate from Wilson and Marshall clear down the line to the very smallest offices in your locality? The Democratic National Committee has every reason to believe that every pro? gressive voter is willing to spend a dollar to elect Wilson and Marshall and their ticket. And that thousands are anxious to contribute to the Wilson Campaign Fund in amounts of $2, $5, f 10 and $20. To such we make our appeal. To such we must look for victory. Time An Important Factor This is another caie where time is money. The enemy have their fund* ? supplied instantly by the Interests. We bave oo'y a (ew days and contributions to be effec live must be received at once. There is no question of the money of the People being able to defeat the money of tbe Trusts. Becsute it is greater even in volume and will he used in Straightforward tell ng ways. it it to be effective it must be received and used within the next (ew days. Quick sction is absolutely necessary. Let us have your contribution or tbe list you make up from your friends and co-workers today if possible, tomorrow sure. How Your Money Will Be Spent Wondrow Wilson, our standard bearer, has never had the time or disposition to talk about himself. He has never used spectacular mctbods to place himself in the spotlight. His greatest work has been done without ostentation, in the most expeditious, dignified manner. Tbe great mass of voters do not know what a really great man Wilson is. They do not know all be has done. They do not understand all tbe features of bis platform. Ws must tell them. To educate this great nstion of voters, especially the clear thinking Independent Democrats, Republicans and Progressiv i who choose their leader on his merits, means the expenditure of s vast smount of money. We propoee to use your dollars in just this way ? Judiciously, and without a penny frittered away for an un? necessary item. We know you have confidence we will do this thing?and successfully. Why the Dollar Counts la this campaign the issues lie between tbe fortes of Representative Government end Popular Government. Id Represenutivc Government onlv a part of the people have influence ? those with no political faitb, who spend fortunes in any direction where tbeir own ends arc fur? thered lor money. In Popular Government all the people have influence, because their executives and legislators do not dare to thwart the expressed will of the people. Representative Government, as ever, this year is being supported by the money of the Interests, it is being spent lavishly to give the voters a wrong Impression of Wilson. Popolar Government, this year, to win, must depend on the troth being told shout Wilson. We must publish his record and platform hroadesst so that n< ?ne can controvert it. Your $1 your fcJ. your to, your $10 gf $20 will count snd ount to win if socut in ibis work. Head a List For the Fund If you know several Wilson votcts, or work in a place where there are Wilson voters, take up a subscription irora all of them. Place your name and the amount of your subscription at the top of the list and get the others to join you Mention the name of this paper on your list. Then mail the list and contributions to C. K Crane, Vko Chairman Finance Committee, Democratic Natiui>al Com? mittee, 900 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 111 This is the most helpful work you, as an individual, can do for clean government next to casting your ballot lot Wilson and Marshall on November 6th. How to Contribute to the Wilson Campaign Fund Sign the Coupon in this corner and fill in the amount you give. Then attach your Money to this Coupon and mail today to the address given on the Coupon. Issue all checks, money orders snd address ell con? tributions to C. R. Crane, Vice Chalrmsn Finance Committee Democratic National Committee, 900 Mich Igen Avenue, Chicago, III. Then write a letter to this newspaper giving your name as a contributor and stating your reasons why you believe Woodruw Wilson should be elected President of the United States. In this way you will be listed as a Wilson con* tributor. A Souvenir Receipt, handsomely lithographed, well worth framing, will be sent to you. Your letter will help tbe fight by encouraging your friends. Do everything you can to hold up Wilson's hands in his clean campaign for the people who do tbe work and fight? ing of the country. Woodrow Wilson Campaign Fund LOYALTY COUPON Te C. R. CRANE, Vice Chairman Finance Committee. The Democratic National Committee. 900 Michigan Avenue, Chicago. Ulinoia. As a believer In the progressive ideals ot' government repre? sented in the candidacy of Woodrow Wilson ttT Pres.dent of the United State?, and to the end that he may ta.te the oOFce frev handed, untrammeled. and obligated to bobs but 'he people of th?, country. I wish to contribute through you the sum of |. toward the expenses of Gov. Wilson's campaign. Name.?. Address. R. F. D.State. Endorsed by CRIMINAL C8URT ABJOURNS. tftftllU MMHER OF CASKS l)\ IHMKKT OQMIIIIIB t'NTIL NEXT THUM OFI OIHT. Munl.r Trial Set for I'rl.la). Wltr,*s e? Come, but No Court?Most of Continue*! Case* Are fi?r Ylolutloit of Prohibition Law?Ap|teak? fn?m RwnnW i Court?Mr. MoUe R*b**s rim* Point of Law. The Court of General Semi ob? ad? journed Thursday afternoon after a number of appeal* from the recorder's court bad been beard and other busi? ness attended to. The caaea on the docket, of which there were more th.iu twenty, were nil continued c\ w hi. u a n?.I p. oased by the Solicitor. .Mont of th?m- etna a ere for vlolu n ii of tbt prohlb ?on law und came in that class which the Orand Jury raeommend?>d should ???? pla in t>u Jurisdiction of the magistrates. < ?ne murder case was sot for Friday, the case of the State vs. Oneal Jack? son, und K r i d i v m'Tinrm' MVfJfss of the witnesses In he case who had l>een summond arrived In t(?a'n and appeared at the ct urt house ready to testify In the caie and were sur? prised If And that court bail adjourn? ed ?'ounly Clerk i'irtott. however, was obliged tu appease their feelings hy shin* th. Mi th-.r thsjsji ,l? witness ??x und allowing t ism to go nun h earlier than th?*y |>a i ? M" ?? d to k?crjivat.d nature. whereas the charge was assault and battery with Intent to kill. Hees wa.*? senten? ed to P ?\ i tire ??f $ 10a ..r t<> ?u-rve 3 month.* Philomena '?dorn who had S)SSl found sulltv Wednend ?v of larceny from the person, wss s? ntom ? d |0 serve an IH month*) SegjtSgCS In the Stat?- penitentiary. Olenn West plead guilty to Violation of the prohibition law ami wax sen? tenced to pay a tine of |1M or to serve one month. Se\?nt> five dollars of the tiro- wa-? suspended during food t**h ?\1>r I Miring the two we? ks c ourt con tinned thers were live convictions I: M Sanders plead K'?llty to forKer> to| Olenn West plead guilty of viola of the prohibition law and Mom.-h HolSSeS WSJ f-und guilty of simple assault and battery, Philomena lios- | wird was found guilty of iarency from ' the person and Isaiah Hees wan found J guilty of assault and battery of a , high and aggravated nature. All oth? er cases which were tried resulted in a< quittala. Thi? cay es for violation of the pro? hibition law which were continued were: ? The State vs. Harry Wundern. Hees H. James, Otaaad Jackson. Carrie Smith. Henry Wafts. Mitchell Smith. Frank Anderson. Susanna Watson, GatTtS Kamsey, ;.lias Mattie Wright. Charles Lane. OthOf aaaai continued were: Hardy Johnson, househreaking and lyarceny; Henry Watts. disturbance of religious worship; John 1*. Smiling, discharging tlrearms at dwelling hous?*. OneSjl J.tckson, murder; G. H. It urges*, obtaining goods under false PfStSMSa; Robtti Havls, resisting an othYer, assault and battery with intent 0 kill and carrying concealed wea? pons; Alex I ia 1 lard, false packing cot? ton. C? Sadler, assault and battery of t high and aggravated nature; Henry Smith, assault and battery with in? tent |g kill; V.. W. Williams, alias. W. W Blaton, aaagUll and battery with intent to kill; Cephas T??io y, murder. A number of appeals ffOlll the |t dganent and sentences of ths Re? 1 order's ot urt were hard and in every ise the Judgment of the lower court was aUtrmed. City of Bumter ra, n. i> Moles, ap? peaJ from Reeorder*! court. Mr. Mots.- a.is lined for riding a blcyole on ? sidewalk at night without a light He s?ated that there was no ordinance in the city et vertag the point of rid Ing i bicycle >n a sidewalk without a light; there e*ai aa ordinance against rldlni i blcj ie on certain sidewalks and there arm >n ordinance against riding ' bl< y< le on the street at night without a llght? but there was no or? dinance making M a misdemeanor t<> tide a bicycle on a sidewalk without a light Judge spam listened to mi. Mo toe's argument* bul sustained the riding of the Recorder. He stated. however, th. Ihll Was QjUttC ? title point of law and thai Mr. Mois. might take it up to 'he Btate Hupreme Court Mr Moles represented hlmaelf and Mr cilf^on appeared on behalf o( th> city. Tht n? \t appeal from the Record* er's court was in the case of the City of Burnter agalnat Mar? us Bossard for VlolattOSJ of the prohibition ordinance. Mi. 11 11 Molae appeared for 8< ?aeerd iad Mr. Clifton for the elty, Again the recorder's sentence was sustain Appeals of E. L?. Parker and Lafay? ette Anderson, found guilty of viola? tion of the city prohibition ordinance, were also heard and the judgment of the lower court sustained. ?J. (>. CttsWSll, a painter, living at 640 North Mulberry St.. Hagerstown. Md., states: "I had kidney trouble vhh a severe pain across my back, and COUld hardly get up after sitting down, I took Poley Kidney Pills and BOOP found the pain left my back. 1 coui get up and down with MUM, and the bladder action was more regular and normal." Try them. Sibert's 1 rTUg Store. Marriage ldcouse Record* Marriage llcentei were issued to the following couplet on Thursday: Mr. Hodge Lee Benenhaley and Miss larah Benenhaley of Dalsell; also Mr. A. M. Cubbage of Paxville and Miss Rachel Kidgoway of Manning. The following colored couple also secured ? llcsnsjs! Thomas Clarkson and Nora Wright of Sumter. ?Mrs. Peter Hnlan, 11501 Kuckeye Rd, Cleveland, O., says: "Yes, in dted I can recommend POley'a Hon? ey and Tar Compound. My little boy had a bad case of whooping cough, some times he was blue In the face. I gave him Poley'i Honey and Tar CompOUttdi and It had a remarkable effect and cured him in a short time." Contains no harmful drugs, Blbert'a Drug store. The Bhrlnera Club of this city en? tertained their ladies and themselves Thursday night by forming a circus party to attend the circus. Alter the CircUS the I lUb and its guests enjoyed a Dutch supper and b dame in the Armor) Hall, ?Mrs T. A. Town. 107 Gth St., Wa tertown, S. I?.. writes: "My four children are subject to hard colds and I always use Poley's Honey and Tar Compound with splendid results. Some time ago | had 0 severe at? tack of la grippe and the doctor pre si rlbt d Poley's Honey and Tar Com? pound and it soon overcame the Is ?rlppe J can always depend upon Koley'a Money d Tar Compound and am sure of good results." Stibert's I ?rt ' Store. The Interest In the work- on the skyscraper still continues unabated, ;i l though most of the steil frame work has ilready been put in place. ?Mrs. Paul Webling. 31? Smith St.. Pnorla, III., had kidney and bladder trouble, with terrible backache and pain scross the hips, .lust Imagine her condition, she further says: "i was also very nervous, had headaches and dlssy spells, and was fast getting worse whan I took Poloy Kidney Pills, and now sill my trouble* are cured Poley Kidney Pills have done ho much for me I shnli always rocom mend them." Stbert's I>rug Store. (iREECK JOINS ALLIES IN WAR ON TURKS? sr.it \ iA FIRST TO ACT. Turkey Takes Initiative Against Sis? ter States Which are Ready to Meet ..n> Advance of Turkish Arniiesi Athens, Greece, Oct. 18., 2.30 A. M. Greece, not wishing to detach herself jnni her allies, sent instructions early this morning to the minister at Con? stantinople to communicate a declara? tion ?>f war to the Porte. Greece at the same time sent a fraternal greet? ing to the allied States. Bervia was the first of the three States to declare war last night. Bul? garia followed a similar declaration. Turkey Takes Initiative. London, Oct. 17.?War today be? came peneral through the Halkan pe? ninsula. Turkey, already engaged in fighting Montenegro, this morning la sued a formal declaration of hostili? ties against Bervia and Bulgaria. Greece, supposed to be in sympathy with Bervia and Bulgaria, was not mentioned in the declaration. The Greek minister has not been asked to leave the Turkish Capital. The Turk? ish minister, however, left Athens. It la also announced that lighting be? tween the Turkish and Greece armies l as begun on the frontier. In the declaration of war, Turkey p! ces the blame on Hulgaria and Ser Vi '. Although Turkey has anticipated the Halkan States and ordered a si? multaneous advance of her armies against Hulgaria and Servia, it is ex? pected that the Servians and Bulga? rians will be ready to meet the Turkish invading force by the time it reaches the frontier. Turkey's withdrawal of her troops from the immediate vicin? ity of the Greek frontier and the omission of Greece from the declara? tion of war were doubtless dictated by Kaimil Pasha, president of the council of State, and the real head of the Turkish Government. He wants to avoid a tight with Greece, whose interests, as he recently told the Greek premier are identical with those of Turkey. He also desired to cede the Island of Crete to Greece. There is an inclination among mili? tary men to think the importance of the Montenegrin victories has been ex? aggerated. The Montenegrins are fighting desperately, but they neglect the commissariat service and the hos? pitals, which are essential in such a campaign. Turks Start Fighting. Constantinople, Oct. 17.?Hostili? ties were opened at half-past 2 this morning by the Turkish troops at vari? ous points on the Bulgarian and Ser? vian frontier. The divisions of the Turkish army were ordered to make a simultaneous forward movement. In giving the order for a general advance the Ottoman war minister mentioned only that the movement was to be made against the frontiers of Bulgaria and Servia. There is a powerful Turkish army concentrated near the Greek fron? tier, but this has not yet been put into motion. The Ottoman Government this morning handed the Servian and Bul? garian ministers here their passports and they will leave immediately. A note addressed by the Turkish Government this morning to the Bul? garian and Servian legations hero said it was impossible to maintain peace any longer, notwithstanding that it was the ardent desire of the Porte to do so, It was, therefore, obliged to put an end to the missions of the Bulgarian and Servian lega? tions, ami the diplomats were invited to leave Constantinople at the earliest moment. The note stated that the step was taken in consequence of the recent note handed in to the Turkish Gov? ernment by the Balkan States, which Turkey considered constituted an in? terference with bei- internal affairs. A second factor was the mobilisation undertaken by Servia ami Bulgaria, and the third reason was the daily skirmishes on the frontier. Not Agreed Plan. Iinodon, (>ct. it. ? lihe ? ?fta cor* respondent of the Times says So far from Montenegro having be? gun the war as part of the allies plan. the Bulgarian and the Greek Govern? ments addressed remonstrances to King Nicholas against precipitate ac lion. The Montenegrin King, howcvei was resolved not t.. let pass the op? portunity to begin a war which hoi been foreseen for many years, ami tie conduct of which be was reluctant b leave to posterity." lied I'niNH Funds, Washington, <> trie On Sal. Day of Exhil.itim at DOWN TOWN TICKET OFFICE at CHINA'S D RUG STORE. A New York man has asked tYt* America Red Cross to send five young physicians to aid the American lied Cross Society. Reply has been pent that the request Will he consid? ered if preferred by the Government <>f Montenegro. Turkey Withdraws Money. Berlin, Oct. 17.?Turkey has with? drawn a large sum of money reported to be $17,000,(t00 from Germany, ac? cording to reports from Bucharest. The money Was deposited in Germany during the reign of Abdul Hamid and was ear-marked exclusively for a war fund. Greek Gunboats l .scape. Athens, Greece, Oct. 17.?A daring feat was accomplished this morning by the commanders of Ihe Greek gun? boats A. and D. At 2 o'clock they made a dash to force the Turkish blockade in the nar? row entrance to the Gulf of Arta, one side of which is Turkish and the other Greek. They were observed from the Turkish fort at Prevesa, which domi? nates the entrance, and heavy lire was directed on ihem, which they returned with spirit. They succeeded In fighting their way through ami at 4.30 o'clock reached the Greek town of Vonltsa, on the southern shore of the bay, with very little damage. Cotton receipts on the local market tie more than 5,000 i f bales behind last season, according to the public weighers' records. The best Informa? tion obtainable indicates that the crop of Sumb r County would scarcely ex? ceed iwo-thirds ol last year's crop. xa\,.p!ng cough, quinsy, ton *iiitH, hemorrhages, v trial will con vlnoe you. !>?<> and $1.00. Guaran? teed by Blbert'a Drug store. A Marvelou* Ks*?npo. "My little boy had a marvelous es? cape." writes P P. Bastlams ot Prince Albert. Cape ? f Qood Home, "it occurred in the middle of the nlrht. He got a vcrv severe attack of croup. As luck would have it. I had a largi* bottle ot Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in the house. Alter following the directions for an hour and twenty minutes he WnS through all danger." Bold by all dealers. ClAflPttdOfl Teacher-. t?> PoTM \-M>oia tlon. Manning Times, The white tt sehen of the county will meet at the grade! school building Saturday t?? reorganise the Teachers* AasoclattOP. Kvery teacher should fill his or her part in what? ever movements that may be planned for the educational advancement of the county. Supt. Edmunds of Sum ter. is expected to address the tench" ers on this occasion. Let there be a full meeting. ??? had 1 could not work. 1 tried Several kinds at kid? ney medicine which gave me little or no relief. Two bottles of Poley Kid? ney Pills cured nie and now I can do any kind of work. 1 cheerfully rec? ommend then to my friends." ?lbeet's I >riiK Store. Florence Greeks Volunteer. Plorence, Oct. is The Oreek col? ony here has r< n( several of its mesa* hers to Greece \<> j<>in the war against Turkey, and Don l subscription 1st is being circulated for aid to carry on the war. A number of people in this city have contribute d to the muss of the cross sgsInM. tb res ? r.t. \\oi,i fodntive * ongh Medicia w it you want t.. contribute dlrectli to the occurred ?? of capillary bron? chitis and pnuemonis use cough mad* iclnes that contain eodlne, morphine, herein ami other .sedatives when you have a COUgh or COld. An eirpeclor atit like Chamberlaln'i Cough Hom? ed v Is what is needed That denn* out the culture beds or breeding places for the >?eims ,>t pneumonia and other diseases). Thai i- why pneumonia never results from * cold when Chamber lain . Cough Remedy is used, it has ? world wide reputa* lion for its euren. it contains no morphine or oth< i sadatlve. For sale by all dealera.