The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, September 28, 1912, Image 7

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t OMMI rrt'K Ill i.lNs KIM. WOKK Ol' IN \ I fflfi M inN IN mmi"win m.. (< ur1 Hou?e \\a-> Packed und >im-c Uitor* \tteinptcd Howling Down RHfjKfl at DM Mugo or Pro? ***<mI lags*? iiica?e MkMrifetfi or t ommit ice und lllciv-o AttoriM*)* Sltotl Di -|h>*dtion to Obstruct u 'n'airli ing liM|iilr\ I Ihm W ill lie en I the Wnmi Spartanburg. Npt J4.?Although not quite sensational, the two open* Ing sessions 01 tre insestigution of the subcommittee of the State Dem? ocratic ? x-M 11i\?? committee to con? duct an Inquiry Into charges of fraud In the primary e ectlon of August II here t'?day pfSJSid far from quiet. The nolle of the two sessions was fur? nished by the crowd that practically filled the court house In the early afternoon gsjd it the later session packed the place considerably be? yond Its seating capacity. The ma? jority of the "fuss"' came from the spectators. In i more dignified man? ner continual objections from attor? neys for the governor kept the pro? ceedings from being monotonous. Despite the constant interruptions of practically all the first session and over half of the second the committee made a (food start In th.- IrvestPjat urn it set out to make. The subcommit? tee was organlxed; g plan of proceed ure was reached and put In execu? tion, reports were received and ad? mitted from J. fl. Park's divls on of the State. Including the counties >m which he has received Infor? mation; the routine work of the com? mittee was disposed of and when the committee meets tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock W. H. Wilson, Jr.. will make hin report of the counties In? vestigated In his division. At the opening of the first meeting, called to order In the court house r.t 1 p. m., attorneys for the governor, chiefly through F. H. Domlnlck, ex? plained at some length to the com? mittee the position taken by them. At the afternoon session S. J. Nlcholls hsd much to nay. At one time In the first session cheers and yells of ap? plause for J. M. Oreer by the spec* tators consumed considerable time and at the afternon session the crowd cheered lustily 'n approbation of remarks by Mr. Creer and II. M. Jeffries. In the crowd that filled the court room were many supporters of the governor and ?>ome of the Hlease leaders of the Piedmont as well as Bpartanbur,? cou^y. Visitors from several nearby counties wer?- in evi? dence, including Cherokee. Cnton and Greenville. '1 he most exciting Incident of the duy came shortly after the commit? tee met at 3.30 (.'clock after the din? ner recess. Just after the commit? tee had endorsed the action of W. F. Stevenson, chairman. In mapping out the work of the eosnnvttOS from Charlotte, J. M. Oreer demanded In a loud ton?? "your" authority for meeting members of the committee In Charlotte. This created a demon? stration that deep, ne.l In a moment Into an upro.,r. Cri.*- of Give it to >n\ Oreer." and Go to i h..rh-tte. 1 ?uine from \ Iftotjg part* of the rootl am) u.? n in all part* of the ha,, rot* in their *?-uts ami pu.-h.- 1 t ?w ud the Use loners around the Jud ?? s stand VI I l ?? v >l Ml < Hl ?I I N \. its .itt i. of sundary e*< uttoiu 1 o BJM dir?. t. d. 1 ?til leil at pUl lie au? ction, so ihe I ?ghe-t : Iddi I for < ash. during the usual h an ol ale, at the Court MotlSe d -er. .-' . nl r. Mouth ?'ir ollna. ??n .Yl*>mla\ i?eioi..r 7th. I l C?? it . . i . >.i , i . follow** ing describe l i .i . f , nd, to Wit! Vi P. Rajgdji nore or less, i.ound. d ? ? Bjortg by land ad B* 14 singi.t oi. sooth sswii and West by Bloom lim i a Mane best ef township, i. ie?i upoH ? f d to i ? sold In the ?mit ..r si .t, net COUnt) tor I iv Tllus lie. -. i . , mop ? r 1 ??? bound* d Nonh I . |and of J. II Ajreoeb and I* na; h uth hj Kntate > I W. .1 Man iy; I. . i . land 01 hiium BisTsjensi ffmi ? land t>l J H \. o k and lens, in Mid lit l< n township. Levied upon ami to be sold In the toil? ?>f the State and Counts fof t iiea\ BBssaaSi ?b Davit Thai lot < r i md, stunted Jusi outside the ? rpoi t|< limit** of the rMy of Humter, and dev|K|,at?d J|S |o| No. |g| r.i . K 1'. on pint r- ? ordjed la o filet of ? etjsjfl for Manttei county In [took v. v. v. at p un 7;* md hounded on the North b] M He It, K Ml I y hit No. Mi Bouta by lot \o. 11 ;if,d w. i ?.v Bra w h ?tg? 11 0s M lot meaaui 50 feet on Its F. i t and Wi I line . and l*?e feel .?n I?-* North i el South iin* *?. Levied upon und le ..? told In the swM of the Btnte, County md C i; for t i xes. Sheriff's S*ali ?oiiui? r t oiini \. w. Ii BFPKRKOX, Sheriff Surnt*r County. where the chairman Ml w i 111 the msmbcri of the committee grouped Just outside the railing. Vr, Stevenson Announced lhal un? it ? there wui order the committee would adjourn to i room whore the audience would be s" imall it wou d have to I??' orderly. Mr. Qmsr shout? ed MY?U can't do it." The 01*9 WH tahen up by many in the crowd, s. j. Ktoholhi made an appeal for order. Mr. Stevenson reminded the crowd thai if any ? an is declared the nomi? nee for governor it will be on the re? port cTf this Committee and if the coin mlttee could not proceed in the court room the Work WOllld he continued eisen here. in the midst of th i uproar J. T. hi nenn, sppcaring as a contestant. Spoki at some length, and the yells of the crowd turned t I cheers for Duncan. "We are glad to have an audience, but 1 will ask that members of the audience will not participate in the procedure of the committee and will fi frail from voting on motions." cau? tioned Mr. Stevenson after order was restored. Not hm? after the demonstration the roll of OOUntiOl was called, and with the reading of more or lest ugthy reports from subcommittees in the various counties the ardor of the crowd waned and a large ma? jority of the 600 persons left the court room. Just after the convening of the committee for the second session on motion of Mr. Park, the work of the vhairman in apportioning the work of ?he subcommittee was "approved and ?onhrmed." Convening at 1 o'clock, the com? mittee, with every member present nil atorneys on hand representing loth Judge Jones and the governor. ' ? can the work. ft, M. Jeffries and T. It. Butler were nominated for sec? retary, but Col. Butler declined the honor and Mr. Jeffries was elected i by acclamation. Mr. Stevenson in a statement ex? plained the position of the subcom? mittee. He reviewed tne three sources of evidence?information in the hands of the contestants anc the contestees; reports from people throughout the State who had Information which this committee would not be ihle to get unless furnished by the people who bad the information, "as it is not gifted with the art of mind read? ing and could not possibly interview 14 0.000 voters," and last the records to which the committee has access. To get the evidence from trie pub? lic, therefore, notice and tl:ne was required to SO given to the public and to get the records required time. "."'?me criticism has grown out of the postponement, which. 1 th nk. was ? ads without considering the situa? tion us It existed." naid Mr. Steven? son. "As the report which this com mlttse makes must be used in jus? tification and must show an tndsSVOr te get the evidence from reliable sources who were desllOUl of fur? nishing it, and if it then reported that everything wni all right then the public WOttM no have the right thereafter t ? rise and condemn us for not getting Information whloh it It? self failed to furnish upon Invitation and sufficient time given, That Is the reason for the orfji nhmtlon of Ihe w rk SI it was dOgS, and for the postponement of this meet ng until Ihst organisation could hsve Ihe op p> riunity to do this work, "Criticism of the probable outcome the Investigation has been made our distinguished senator," said I )fr. tftevenson, Hwhos< advice wll 11 wayi be duly cons lered by me and who-, wlsdon1 I wl I always respecta s h< thei ! f >IU?w his ad\ let- or not, i ? ?? ii e ! differ* d politically from the g efnor, I a n nol retponslble ?? being on the committee, was not ;?? sent S hen it w :.s . rd< n dj and for ns or two di yu declined to lerve bul hnalh did i.nsldi r and d< ? i?!?- to : Wi eha * n n th n rt \ w< l th. ippninti ? fii oi Hi.- iw . sul'commlt i nd i he dh i on of the Mate, i r? point, d out th it tie chali men o leal attorn* yj who !, : ?;? i i? ?I with had im* pa rated bun m sue i e id< ncc In ie implied inft i ? n< ? n itor -' .| would ' led his hi ni l pt evidence thai v ii hottl unnecen ool ng iImc h i. ? ? ? u hi he sa i-i lion eras Mi order to adopt n s< t of i ul* ? i d sui st< d n i lan prei i"us ly outline il by the < h ilrman through the Mouth ('srol n t rial j | ress. "I ffon'1 m ike It," exclaimed Mr, Oreer, ? ml ?In I aaf.ll h -I the gl -1 out burst "I 1 tht d i\ from the < rowd. When the I n??l ? suhslded Col, Butler moved I he adoption ot rule* of procedure previous!) suggested lo. Mi, .-??, , tl son. This w i- done Tb? chairman In i ? ponse to a nm r. from U r, I tomlnlch held ihnl n ith. i party to the contoil waives gnj legal rhfhts the) may have in appearing before the committee, The rulei as adopted are as fol? lows : "l. That the burden of proving lr- | r gularltles or fraud sufficient to an? nul the election or reverse the face of I the returns rests upon those charging the same? ?'j. That ilnce the entire public Ii si deeply Interested and have been Invited to furnish evidence of crook? edness if known, the public will have the right to be heard In support ??f charges made and those making ? harges whether the public generally or the contestants should produce their proof in opening. That the contestee has then the ri^ht to offer proof In rebuttal and the contestants in reply, "i. That where no proof is pro? duced as to county, either by the con? testants or by the public as heretofore requested, and the records as fur? nished the commltec show nothing wrong, such county shall be passed as Correct, proof of crookedness not hav? ing been forthcoming to overthrow the presumption of correctness which always, prevails. "". That applying such rules, only those counties Will be investigated where tangible specifications are in hand, either produced by contestants, the public or appearing from the rec? ords collected by the subcommittee appointed heretofore, and it will be the endeavor of the committee to take up the counties and complete them, one at a time, beginning at Spartan burg, this course to be varied as jus? tice may require, of course. "?*>. The character of evidence and the method of production will have to be determined by the committee from time to time as the questions arise." At the second session of the day much discussion was had by the at? torneys for the governor as to the /?rocedure of the committee and the method of inquiry adopted. Appear? ing for Judge Jones at the hearing are H. \V. Shand and \V. II. Town send. The governor is in the city, but did not attend the hearings. He is represented by F. H. Dominick, E. S. Blsass, J. M. Cannon and S. J. Nieholls. A roll call of the counties in the district apportioned to Mr. Parks was made and reports from the counties entered In the record when available. IpartSnburg was first considered. I. A. Phifer, for the subcommittee of the county Democratic executive com? mittee, presented the report. Mr. Phifer presented specifications of al? leged frauds. The subcommittee has not completed the work of making the probe of the county, but present? ed numerous alleged irregularities. Instances are given of persons voting twice. negroes voting who are not eligible to last a ballot and of per? sons voting who did not have their names on the club rolls. The partial report admitted today gl/es a large number of names arranged as to pre? cincts as voting where their names ?lid not appear on the club roils, a further Investigation must be made by the county subcommittee to ascer? tain whether or not certain votes cast ore than one.' mil the tame name at. repeaters or persons of the sann1 ns me. Abbeville co mty was called. a con? test there wai recognized by the county committee and two boxes? <*ii<l Springs and Antrevllle were tin >wn out because the managers and ? : v ere nol ->w orn, hi Alken thi subcommittee has not i .i ? rted but specifications as to al? ii t ? i :': ;? ud are made, Thi report of ihe sub ? mn Ittce of the county committee in Anderson was pi i in evidence, After reading only a portion, further reading was dbtpens d with and the document wfis . ntered In the : cord. , ne BUbcommitl.f the Hamb. :,: . < (ecutlvi committee has not Hied it.- i port. No report Ins b< en rei elved from liarnwell, in Hea ufort t hi re Is no e\ i<i? nee of fraud, \ \ > p 11 from i !h< roki '? stab d the . xistence of Irrogularlth a but no proof of Intent to commit fraud. The prlnvirj was conducted In a slipshod manner, according to the report. in KdgetloUl no Irregularities were in ticed, V i' j ? 11 fi on) thi subcommittee of tin ci unt) exet utlve commltb e In (Ireenvillc - y "There were numer? ous Irre'.'ularltI ippearlng of one ? <i und nnoth p bul In Ihe main we - a n not Und . v Ul< nee thai these Ir? regularities were wi'h fraudulent In leiii oi iccompllshi ?I a fi auduleni loop."-,.' The committee Is Inclined l > bellevi many hitmen enrolled are He tit lous. (Central box it ?Irei nv lite was free I) considered. "Many name* on Ihe club i olhi t hej ,? , a n n,.t be IdontHied, At euch of the clubs ? \ aniltu .I i'ii 11? i . ? 'it in I pi r cent of th.. , w ho \ \. .i . hi not hi Ulentl I ? d. N.tow Im 1th nt- vv < i ? ? ,li ev ri d wh i - ; eraons v?. ho ar, dead ? ?r rei oved from l he count) ire n ? oi tied . ha . |ng \ nti d." ? In - i a.I'h report was i .-t read) vhen ih 11 count) wu n called, In Hampton Ihe ubcommlttec re ports the primary conducted loosely, but no more << than In previous years, M' ?'. iirles innoum ed ?hat in .la^ per the county chatrnv n said that he was not advised cf an investigation. When Laurena was called Mr. Park announced that hi* request for the appointment of a subcommittee was not regarded. J. M. Cannon announc? ed that under a telegram received from John Gary ESvans. State chair? man, a recount was made and a reso? lution passed calling on the State committee to exonerate that county from the charge of fraud. Mr. Park announced that his request for the appointment ?f a subcommittee in New berry was not heeded and F. if. Dom 1 nick told ??f the correspondence between himself and Mr. Park already familiar to the public. Xo report was on hand from Diekens and OcoTiee. it was announced that Baluda had re? fused to appoint a subcommittee, as did Union* Mr. Greer said the Union county chairman had reported to the State executive committee. Tomorrow morning at la o'clock W. B. Wilson, Jr., will present his reports. Mr. Stevenson announced that he had taken up the question of the number of male whites of voting age in South Carolina and from Director Durand had secured the following figures for 1910: Native whites. 159,000; foreign and mixed parent? age but native born, 3,405; unnatural iaed foreign horn, 3,355; naturalized, 1,602; first papers taken, 18 4; aliens and unknown, 239; unknown. 830. The chairman announced that he hoped to get the figures for eaoh county in a few days. It Is expected that the inquiry here will bo concluded tomorrow. Al? though no announcement has been made by members of committee, it Is believed that the scene of investiga? tion will he shifted to a nearby coun? ty, possibly Greenville or Anderson. Itub-My-Ti*m will cure you. Neither Got u Bite. Washington Star. "Lady," said Meandering Mike "will dat dog bite strangers?" "I don't know," was the reply. "We've been wanting to tind out for sure for a long time. If you'll stand in the yard while we unchain him I'll give you a sandwich If you care to wait for it." Rub-My-Tlsm will cure you. People who are crippled in the head get less sympathy than any other cripples.?Wilmington Star. The New York Herald says a Phila? delphia judge holds that kissing* Is no crime and that at worst it is only a violation of the anti-noise ordi? nance, or a mis-demeanor.?Colum? bia Record. The Joyful?The men who got the most votes.?Columbia Record, 5 or 6 ?loses 666 will break any case of chills and fever; and if taken then bs a tonic the fever Will not return Price 25c. DP. CARL P. ESPPS. Physician ami Surgeon. Office over DeLorme's Drug store Residence 307 N. Main Street of? fice hours 11 A. M. to 2 IV M. Of flCi phone 119, residence. 371. ? EBHHSr ? 'V Geo. H. Hurst 1 \D1:R l Kh Kit A v D EMBALM ER. Prompt attention to day or idgl t calls. VI ; IL1) J. I>. CRAIti S 1 WD. 202 ^ Main Street, |)HJ Phone 539, NlglU Phone 201. i it >ou are thinking of buying \ DIAMON11, w( heu to have tin how i of \oiir attention lo our grills ol pill e-| I I \ Wo lire itlwiiy* in a portion lo nIiou m*u diamond* ol llic nued exquisite diameter, (,malit> u? ins oiil\ i- oin \\a\ NN e ba\c ih? in it right pi e i - a ml will gi*?e a guarantee with each Mono us lo 1111 a 111J and - i / c. W. A. Thompson, ?I NN I LI It \\l> < UTK NN. TO COMPEL REOPENING or ( I s. K ?.M llol SES. I'ii Uicnt lall si^n-? Order 'or 750 ? urine*, I'ndcr Col. r. .1. Hose*, to Proceed to llaytlan Border ami ?. .ulo Work of Revolutionists. Washington. Sept 24.?Seven bun? ded and llfty American marines, un? der Col l\ J. Moses, will sail from Philadelphia Friday on the transport Prairie !'or San Domingo to compel* the reopening of Dominican custom houses along the border of Hayti closed by revolutionists. Authority for this step was given by President Taft today after a con? ference v'th A? ting Secretary of the Navy Beckman Winthrop betwei n Washington and New York in the pri? vate car on which the President was returning to Beverly. Acting Secre? tary of State Huntingt? n Wilson and William T. S. Doyle, chief of the La tin-American division of the State department, had advised the Presi? dent yesterday of the necessity for Immediate action in San Domingo. Arrested for Storing Liquor. Something of a sensation was sprung on the town Wednesday morning when it became generally known that Eugene Hogan, a well known farmer, trucker and dealer in beef and vegetables, had been ar? rested for storing liquor for unlaw? ful purposes. The arrest was made W< dnesday morning about 7 o'clock | by officer H. G. McKagen, who made a raid on Mr. Hogan's place in the Curtis block and seized a large amount of whiskey packed in half pint packages, Mr. Hogan at once put up bond for f 100 and was released. The ca?e was set for trial Wednesday afternoon by the recorder. Mrs. "Gyp. The Blood" has had her pictures in the New York Journal and the wife of "I^efty Louie'' has been interviewed by a woman reporter. What more could their distinguished husbands ask'.'?Baltimore Sun. "A Chicago policeman," says the Savannah Press, "who accepted a bribe of fifty cents ? .as stripped of his uniform and called a disgrace to the force. Sure he was; he had no right to take less than a dollar."?> I Columbia Record. A Thing of Beau thy?The Hobbl A Dream?An honest primary. skirt.?Columbia Record. ART i IA Ii I VTKRTArXl I? s* ? EMcile t'rowwon h,,~i, _ at Fhrat of .Tall Meetings Monda > Ali? r noon. The Art Club was entertained for the Ural time this aeaaon by Miss Es telle Crowaon <>n Monday afternoon. The Veranda had been transformed into an out-door living room by the eogy arrangement <?f rugs, rockera, tablet and potted plante. Mere ? en* rial hour paaaed quickly in "summer girl" reminiscences of various moun? tain ami seashore outings, while busy needles plied the Intest embroidery stitch. Th? n the guests were asked into tin- dining r..m where the table ap? pointment- sugg*<ted a "Farewell to Summer.'* A Mat mirror centerpiece representing water, was outlined in sea shells and sea weed, on its sur? face proudly "rode" a miniature boat, "The Art Club Yacht." Ices in the club colors of pink and white, were served in large pink sea shell3 and a number of unique souvenirs of the seashore were given as favors. The club members and guests in eluded Mieees Natalie Norman, Holly Brown, Jennie Walsh, Marie De Lorme. Eleanor Mason, Lucile De Lorme, and Estelle Crowson; afesdames Clare McKnight, Stewart Mason. S. C. MeKeown. Wilbur Dowl llUJi Jno. Jackson. A. J. l'.ynum and Leon Scott. DIED IN* Hl SBAND S ARMS, Capt. H. 1\ Alexander, Aged 80, waa Rescuing Wife from Flames. San Antonio, Texas, Sept. 23.?Mrs. Minerva Alexander, 76 years of age, wife of Capt. Robert E. Alexander, 80, died in the arms of her husband, early today while he was carrying her from their burning home. Heart failure superinduced by excitement was given as the cause of death. Capt. Alexander was seriously burn eJ in rescuing bis wife. j George W. Perkins says h.s cam? paign subscription for the election of I Colonel Rosevelt Is an investment for his children. The Colonel must think all the Perkins children are grand children.?Wilmington Star. j Chin Man is the name of a Chi n< S6 opium smuggler arrested in New ( York a few days ago. His name sounds like he could have passed himself off as a political spieler en? gaged in the distribution of cam? paign dope.?Wilmington Star. An Erratic Animal?The Bull Moose.?Columbia Record. Some People Think Differently ? Naturally you don't And everyone agreeing that ? savings ac count in a good bank is the iure road to prosperity! BUT Vor think .['what it means: \\ HEX \ Of MM SICK. WHI N Yol NEED A VACATION, WHI N YOV XEED CAPITAL nsid othei where*." THE TIME, \<>\V. THE PI ICE The Peoples' Rank. A *or cent on Savings From Day of Deposit. .vasuAA.i.i" . .'? ? > art.; ,.f ^*.-?*(# t.* ^ js^j i- ; ^ to. **?v*W*** *? <wm e>a-..sgt wee?? A Gage of Your I Progress * of your achievnient in getting ahead in the world, a stimulus to greater effort and larger accumulation a growing bank account. A cordial im itation is extended to you ( come in and open an account w ith this bank. A capital in.I surplus of $207,000.00 hacked by a rei ord of 25 years consistent, sale banking, a gradual accumulation of $300,000 GO deposits, together with tin service and fa? cilities afforded our customers for the transacting of their financial affairs make this invitation orttiy of your very careful consideration. The First National Bank A Steadily Growing Institution A Satisfied Clientage? ARGUMEN I ENOUGH. Tili; FAR?RS BANK & TRUST CO.