"Cardui Cured Me" For nearly ten years, at different times, Mrs. Mary Jinks of Treadway, Tenn., suffered with womanly troubles. She says: "At last, I took down and thought I would die. I could not sleep. I couldn't eat I had pains all over. The doctors gave me up. I read that Cardui had helped so many, and I began to take it, and it cured me. Cardui Mhd my I'fei Now, 1 can do anything." CARDU I Woman! Tonic If you are weak, tired, worn-out or suffer from any of the pains peculiar to weak women, such as headache, backache, dragging-down feelings, pains in arm, side, hip or limbs, and other symptoms of womanly trouble, you should try Cardui, the woman's tonic Prepared from per? fectly harmless, vegetable ingredients, Cardui is the best rertedy for you to use, as It can do you nothing but good. It coa+aJn* no dangerous drugs. It has no bad after-effects. Ask your druggist He sells and recommends CarduL Wmm to Ladto' Aditoer? Dept. Chattaooof* Medicine Ca, Chattanooga, Tenn.. tor fe*c*M ?utrmtuvfu. tad 6a-pa?a book. "Hoot TraataMOt lor Woman," ?cnt Irae. J 54 in Kl M Ml \ M ( \ WoltK. Iloonl of IHrtvtor? I>?m ide to Take ii|> Y. M. I . V Work rhciUMho. a.id Um> on With It. .From The Dally Item. July 21. At a called meeting; of the V. M. C. A. Board of Directors hold Th?rs day evening st 7 oYlock. It wo? <|. elded upon the recommendation of th* building committee that the building committee resume work on the T. M. C. A. building and pu.?h It on to completion. The work on the building was stopped about two months ago when the IMue Ilidge Construction com e peny went Into bankruptcy. since that time the company has been In the hands of receivers and Is at pres? ent unable to go on with the work, nor Is It apt to take It up at any time soon. Upon thij showing a meeting of the building committee was called for Wednesday afternoon st which the architect, Mr. Sompay rac. was present and he advHed that the building committee go ahead with the work ' " Hit* - wilttee after die consideration de rid' o to reT.-r : M. ?? hi v-> - Board <>t Ptieeton wb'? h met yew tarday afterr. >or t' i*ki up the rec? omm.mdatlon which was made to to them by the building committee that work be taken up ly the build < Ing committee with the architect. This recomelidatlon wa.? apprised by the board of directors and as a remit all arrangements will be made to have work begin at as soon a date as possible. It was stated yesterday that this would probably be on next Monday. The action of the Hoard of Dlroe tors will generally meet with the hearty approval of the people of the city who ha\e fre lueiuly expressed their disappointment that the build Ing was not now ne irlnx comple? tion. Instead of h*dng In the condi? tion M was In. The directors al-o 4s clded to hold the bonding ?????,. liable to the amount f b. n hi 1 "Id on them. < \ Pf (,o\/.\| i v in.m Ft KD. Columbia. July 21.?Capt, Gonxules. editor of The xt ite who b ft here this morning In hi* gSJtOMOblle, en route to Ashevllle, to loin Mr*, (lot. salts and their son Rol Sft, II kK Jurrd at Fountain Inn when his ma? chine wsa wrecked. It Is said b< r. that the car was ditched bjf investigate kxi'r?ss com iwnii s. Order Issued by Itallroud Commission Precedes Hearing In Express Kates Case. Columbia, July 21.?An erder ha I issued by the Katlroad Commis? sion calling on the Southern Express Company for comprehensive informa? tion and precede * a searching in \ . sti^ation. th?- first ever made in thlj state, into the whole express sit? uation. The purpose of the inquiry is to determine whether express rates, rules and practices are unreasonable, as alleged in various complaints lodged from time to time. The com? mission has been gathering date quietly for some time. The order tailing for information is returnable September 4th. after that date the data secured will be digested and a h eiringi or series of hearings, will be ordered. Th'.? is to be, it is said. one of the most thorough and sweep? ing investigations ever made in this - ... ^ _.. -1 ?rtoti* '*<-?->???? tOp m ..t 1?? l*?rno PhsrmSCJ ate! <-et ? IV ? Sample v,i /? too and / um Soap. The surest and most economical treatment for eczema, pimples, dan? druff and all diseases of the skin and scalp. Do not neglect thl3. They will give you prompt relief and put you on j the road to a cure. Oood for infants as well as grown persons. ! No. 6. Thowe Who Take Foley Kidney Ptlkv For their kidney and bladder ail? ment*, and for annoying urinary Ir? regularities are always grateful both for the quick and permanent relief they afford, and for their tonic and r ?? gthenlng effect as well. Try Fo ley Kidney Pills. W. W. filbert __________ S'lns will aid if men will call; I I'-. r Ills blue sky bends over all. ?Coleridge, i _ I -^e my Ills to this great throat and lung cure." Its positively guaranteed for cottgha eoids. and all bronchial affections. r.Oc and 11.00, ? u bottle free at Mbert'i Drug St?r?. ALhllK ll CONTRADICTS II I MX Former Senator Testifies that Taft Dkl Not Urge Loiimer Election. I Dashington, July 20.?The story of the Administration's attitude toward the eletclon ol Senator Lorimer as told by former Senator Aldrlch and R, J, shit-ids. of Superior, wis., fea? tured the Lorimer hearing today. Instead of sending Edward Hines, the Chicago lumber man to Spring? field, with word from the Washing? ton Adminsitration that Lorimer should be elected. Mr. Aldrlch testi? fied that he told Hines President Taft was not supporting the candi? date, but that Lorimer was not ob? jectionable to him. The former Senator said he told Hines previously that the President had no objection to Albert J. Hopkins or Henry S. Boutell for the Senatorship. A statement from thf White House last March in r-t?ard to the election was read to the witness. The only polnl Concerning which he said he knew nothing was the declaration that a request had been made on the President to sign a telegram statim? his views on Lorimer's candidacy. The White House statement given out March 2i? was as follows: "That facts with reference to the President's relation to Senator Lori? mer's election is this: 'That during the tariff fight gen? tlemen came to him and expressed Their interests in the passage of the tariff bill and said that it had been suggsted from Illinois that it would be wise for the President to express n opinion In favor of the election of Lorimer. He did not know Mr. Lorimer well, although he knew that he was an Influential member of Conpress, but he did know Hop? kins. He knew very little about Il? linois politics, but expressed a desire that there should be two Republican Senators from Illinois. but when asked to put that in the form of a telegram urging Lorimer's elec h? declined to do so. "The statement by Hines that the President was anxious for. and urg ? ing the election of. Mr. Lorimer If I unfounded." j C. F, Wiehe, secretary of the Ed | ward Hines Lumber Company, mid that P. J. Shields had connected the affidavits of witnesses who tetsifted yesterday, that Wiehe did not make ' known some of the conversation on ? arrangement had been mads t< I \ us ,iu.->i ctf> i MfOUiU iy mi ...... or to hand me a fan." ii ? said Shields ipent two weeks . travelling In Kansas, Iowa, N'orth WOtt Canaan and Washington to find the witnesses. For an hour Wiehe was questioned as to whether Shields represented the Hines Company in Wisconsin poll tics, and how it happened thav Shields would leave his own business to hunt up evidence for others with? out some kind of an arrangement, cbout compensation. Wiehe knew nothing of Shield's personal activi? ties for the company, but called at? tention to the statement that Shield.-i got about $f?,000 out of the Hine5i Company as insurance premiums He said he expected to pay Shield?! if he presented a bill. Wiehe said be could not assist the committee in locating shields. 1 Nov that the coronation is over possibly some of our fellow*oitisens and neighbors wish they had spent the tine and money seeing America. ?Philadelphia Times. (tapptest Girl in Lincoln, A Lllcoln. Neb., girl writes. "I had been ailing for somo timo with chron :<.nstlpatlon and stomach trouble I began taking Chamberlain's Stom? ach and Liver Tablets and In throe days I was able to If up and got bet* ?er light ab>n^T. 1 am the proudest irlrl in Linco'n to find such a good "..'r?.-" For bv ''11 dealers. A House is as Good as its Roof. All your roof troubles will end when you top your house with RU-BER-OID Roofing Gives better and longer protection, costs less to maintain than shingles, tin, tar, slate, or any other roofing. RU-BER-OID COLORED ROOFING In Ucd, Brown and Green is the only Prepared Koofing to be had in permanent colors. Hvfnre you deriJe uluit roofing to u*?\ writk- for uur Ritoting IhntkU-t. THE STANDARD PAINT CO., 100 \\ Uuam Street, New York. ?k ,v in.in i? i \? i < ?in . Niini' i, s. < A l T( ?MOBILE ACCIDENT: Pour \cgro Women Injured \\ n Bread Wagon Is Knocked oxer on Them. Pour negro women, Addle Mc Cray, Red Springs, N. ('., Josephine Green, Frogmore, S. C, Virginia El lerbe, Dove8Vllle, 8. C, Mary B. Mr Ivor, Sandford, N. C? were injured in an automobile accident which oc- , curred Wednesday afternoon on Man- 1 ning avenue. The automobile was run by C. C. Wooten, tin- manager of the Strauss (iarage. it seems from what can bo learn ed of the occurrence tha Mr. Woot en and Mr. Dlttler were riding in the ? i car which was going very slowly. J When they came to this place a wa? gon was on one side of the street and a horse and buggy was standing on the other side of the street. The horse, which was hitched to the bug? gy became frightened aa Mr. Wooten came opposite the buggy and was di? rectly between the two vehicles, and started to backing and to prevent its running the buggy into the car he turned the car towards the other tide. As he did it > truck the bread wagon, which belonged to Mr. Frank drier, and overturned it upon the ne? gro women who were standing at the door of a store at that place. Mary Mclver was cut on the arm and hand when she tried to get out of the way of the falling wagon by jumping back and breaking the glass in the store window. Virginia Ellorhe was hurt on the hip and one leg and Addle IfcCray and Josephine Green were injured on the leys where the top of the wagon struck them. A doctor was summoned imme? diately and the women were given medical treatment. Two of them were able to leave Thursday afcer noon for their homes while the other two were kept over for a few days until they were somewhat recovered. All of the women were delegates to the Ladies of the Knights of King Da? vid Convention which met here Thursday. WEASEL VANQUISHES SNAKE. Farmer's Opinion Of Combat Is Tfiat It Brats Bull Fight. Mr. Robert Pumphrey. a farmer of Marley Station. Anne Axundel county, witnessed a combat to the ? Mr. mphi ? v. ?? alkina u his farm. Kta way jay through a stretch of woodland. He had reach? ed the densest portion when he heard a loud noise coming from a mass of underbrush. He thought at first that something was after one of his turkeys and he cautiously advanc? ed to see. Drawn up in a natural arena wa3 a large black snake and a weasel engaged in mortal combat. The snake was coiled up, its beady eyes gleam? ing tire, at intervals ejecting Its tangs ready to strike. The weasel was just then on the point of re? turning to the fray. Suddenly, with a tigerlike leap, the weasel sprang upon the snake,' fastening its sharp teeth In the rep? tile's back and causing the blood to flow. But before the agile little ?nature could escape. the snake, with a mighty effort, coiled Itself around its body and held it as in i vice. For a few minutes there was r-.-at confusion, weasel and snake rolling around so that they teemed to form a single bundle, electrically charged. By a desperate effort the weasel managed to free itself ;,nd sprang out of reach. By this time the snake hi d ap? parently become weary of the en? counter- and wrapped itself around a sapling. Seising the opportunity to -deal r Icath blow, tha weasel sprang forward and sank its teeth Into the neck of the snake, severing its head. Then the weasel proceeded ;<> de? vour Its vanquished foe.?Baltimore Sun. Poley's Honey ami Tur Compound. is effective for coughs and colds In either children or grown persons. So opiates, no harmful drugs. In the yellow package. Refuse substitutes, w. W. Bibert The Steel Trust Is very h|g and . it eng. but it evidently doesn't con? sider it unmanly to shed a few rears for the poor farmer every limt r .il revision is mentioned.?ColumbUI ? i ?'iio ) State Journal. Sprains require careful treatment. Keep quiet ano. apply Chamberlain's Liniment freely. It will remove the soreness and quickly restore the parts to a healthy condition. For sale by all dealers, "When should rape be -owed for early t ill pasture?" For early fall feeding I would sow the rape in July in rows like rutabaga turnips and cultivate it. It can also be sowed broadcast, bul you will get a bet? ter crop In rows. For late fall and winter, sow in early September. Use the seed of the variety known as the - P iffd^nlva F 11 no r ? A Standing Case The State of South Carolina, County of Sumter. THE HANK. OF SUMTER, Plaintiff. Versus Idleness, Sloth, Poverty, Spendthrlftlness, Thriftless ness, Loss by Theft, Fire and otherwise, Lack of Bus? iness Habits and System, Loss by paying- Bills twice, j Loss of time in making change, Lack of business Credit and Standing, LOSS from lack of Competent bus? iness and financial advice, et al. Defendants I Court of Common Sense Snmmons for Relief (COMPLAINT SERVED BARTOW WALSH, Cashier, PLAINTIFF'S ATTORNEY You are one of the Jury to puss on this case. Let the Plaintiff's Attorney argue the case before you. The De? fendant's Attornevs are constantlv at work Large Assortment of FRUIT JARS When in need of these goods come to Sibert's Drug Store. We have the E. Z, Seal and Mason Jars in all sizes, also extra tops. Would appreciate your calling on us when in need of these goods. South Main St Phone Nw. 2Aa ACME PLASTER. SIHNGLES LATUS, FI RR BRICK. DRAIN PIPE. ETC. LIME, CEMENT. "LT_? Rice Flour. Skip Stuff, Bran. Aiay, ^IdllL, Mixed Cow and Chicken Feed. Horses, Mules. S?Ui?*' Z9"* No Order Too Large Or Too BmalL Booth-Harby Live Stock Co. SUMTER. SOUTH CAROLINA. Broad Street Property. The future of Broad Street Property l> ?o\h1. This section Ls (join? to Ik the residence section et the City. A street railway system is bound to come In the next four or live yuars. tu d with its construction Broad Street Pro? perty will double S?d treble in value. The T. W. McCallum property, consisting 1-2 acres of Und. is one Of the most attractive propositions In near-la property In that section. For the next 30 days we can offer a special price on this property. Can you roalUe'an opportunity eben it is offered, or only after it l> psssed 1 R. B. Belser Co. Real Estate Brokers Sumter, S. C. \\ B.?Funds of $200, S5C0, SSoo, $1,000, * 1,500 and S2.COO to loan on real estate. DON'T WAIT Wait for next Spring and higher prices?buy now and reap the pro? fit yourself. Seme of tte Choice Properties Listed With Us now at Quick Sale Prices No. SM West Hampton Avenue. No. 212 West Hampton Avenue. No. 24 Haskeil Street. SUMTER REAL ESTATE ? INSURANGE CQ, Farmers* Bank &-Trust Co. Bldg. Sumter, S. C,