The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, June 21, 1911, Image 8

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COUNTY CORRESPONDENCE. IJCTTKKH FKOM OUR 8PK C1AL CORRESPONDENTS. / From all Parts ot Adjoining Counties. NOTICE TO CORRBSPONDBNTS. Mall jour Isttsrs to that they will eeaoh this office not later than Mon? day erhea Intended for Wednesday"! paper and not later than Thureday for Saturday's Issue. Thia. of course, applies only to regular oorreeposd la oaas of item* of unusual value, sead In Immediately by small, telephone or telegraph. Such ?ewe stories are acceptable up to the Sear of going to press. Wednesday's >r Is printed Tuesday afterneen Saturday's paper Friday after Ooori Crops In County. Dalsell. June 17.?Not seeing any? thing in your paper from this sec? tion. I have decided to write a few lines, hoping they m ay escape the waste basket. Crops are looking very well, especially corn. I don't think 1 have ever seen finer prospects for that special crop. Mr. William? son will never get any to'o much praise for what he has done along the line of discoveries in how to make corn and then publishing his plans, etc. to his brother farmers. There Is more corn being made in South Carolina and lean imported from the West now, than at any time sance the War Between the Sections. The inspiration and enthusiasm seems to have taken hold of the farmers, for snaklrig corn, with a relentless grip. Ten days ago, we had a very heavy rain which seems to have been rather too much for cotton. The plant was ssttng tine previous to that, although It had been so very dry through May and for some time before. The ex ??salve amount of moisture seemed to ?ffect It In a wsy to retard the growth somewhat. Oettlng back to the corn crop. It Is hard to say who has the best held of St. as It Is all fine. The writer took a flying trip to Wedgefteld yesterday be being comparatively a new ter In the county, his eyes were sssmewhat opened by what he saw on Ca? way. One of my friendj and my ?elf were summoned there, so he took me In his automobile and off we put, going by way of the city of Sumter. along the route, which Is about itv-two miles, it wss a pleasure to look at the pretty crops of both corn and cotton. That progressive spirit seems to be at work in earnest. Intelligent supervision Is getting In lt.? work. I >n the t.. Suinter. we passed a beautiful piece of cotton aear the road? which got ray at? tention for a few seconds and I rc saarked to my friend: This Is the first time I have seen a crop on that land." HIs reply was, that this is the first time yon base ssosj Henry Harby hehlnd it. Intelligent super on always counts. Mr. Editor. JTrorn Sumter to Wedge ti e m . ws id a very good road. Part of it splendid ami then was when we In some of our flying. I almost tsaagtned at times I had wings or that I could feel them putting out. Through that section we saw a lot of Slice fsrms with tine crops, among which was Mr. Pitts', our County Su? pervisor. While passing his place, a gentleman who was ridlnc with us called out It me. this is Peter Pitts farm. ?>n looking out I readily dis? covered that he is not depen lent on the supervisor's j.?h for a living. There lay sssjN bOOQllful land and It was Intelligently handled, with a OOS? and lovely home sitting baek some little distance from the road. On we bounced(until w. v ? he.l mir destina? tion when-. :?fter Kettln? thr-omh with the huslne* on hand. we were es? corted around to the Methodist par? sonage and partook of the sjosm r<?us hospitality of that % ? t- i i n -ervunt of Ood. Itev. j. N. Wright and his con? genial familv. who did mmm to add to our pleasure. After dinner we *ai In the ?diade of the cosy little parsnnsgS until the. wane of the afterl.>. <a ht n my friend suggested tb it it was time for us to begin to look ton ird home, vi hlS Suggestion We I.etC.HI t , MO,\e in that dir. - lion and it was noi long be? fore We V\ e! ? I t I' O |?|^ I , ,M |,.,? ?ay steps, for. Mr. Editor, ws w i< not walking hut part <>f r,,? ?.tue ..I most Hying. n.:ain. s?, will xa> mir route. Before I ?ng we were back in the city. gftOf WhtOalOSJ through Ihs rotintrv from We.iireUeid. Wi got to the i Itv ah..ut the tmu- the bUsU n*nm htojasg were elooing up f? , the day, r.nd oo th.? streets ws saw man] smNIng and happ\ fie.s. .\ I It 11 recreation always does uh good \ ?u know. After roaiolnlng la ths i ity for a Mie.rt while, we look our Right for home waste ws sr? todsj look* lag ?ft??r ?>ur firm In rests, h< | ? to make n good crop of cotton ,u rj to get n good price f..r It. to make a lot of com and to rals*> a lot of | i?s, that we may have our own hog and hominy whereby, if WC smcceed, we may bi able to pa\ ??ur subscription to the Watchm in and Southron. "Suhsorlher." I>alzeii. B. C, Jun?- 17. Clearing House Statement. New York, June is.?The state? ment of Clearing homt hanks for the week shows that the hanks held $68, 'J 1.7 50 more than the requirements of the 25 per cent reserve rule. This Is an Increase of $29,481,550. in the proportionate cash reserve as com? pared with last week. BF, A BOOSTER. 1)0)11*1 Be a Knocker?You C an't Build a City b) Knocking Any .More Than You Can Build Up Your Business b] Running it Down to Your Custo? mers. Every clthien of Bumter can help advertise the resourcei of his own oommunlty by boosting the oppor? tunities offered in that city, "Know your own city first,'' would he a good Slogan for every man, woman and child living here. Then tell it ?.Ml ?IIP UM???UM?; ' to others. The world h;i.s no pos? sible use for a pessimist. De an op? timist. Qet busy and keep at it. The time is now, not tomorrow. Sumter has a market for her goods in every i direction. Get your share and see to it that Sumter secures her's. Co-oper? ation Is the watchword in every thriv? ing American city today. Pull to? gether, in helping to boost your City and when speaking to strangers about her, don't forget that there are other goods sold in Sumter, just as good if not better, at better prices i in any neighboring town or city. Pat- i roniS? the stores and all establish? ments of your own city. See to it I that every dolar possible comes to Sumter and stays here. Spend your own dollars here. Join the Chamber of Commerce and join now. It is organized and working in your interest and working i for you. It is Pull Together Club. If you are interested in a larger, better, ; more thriving city in every respect, if you desire to secure new Industries and new enterprises for Sumter and to help in the uphudding of those al- I 1 ready here, if you want to incease' ?tmmmmm ?i?m ? ? mmnnn mtmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmm your own individual business, you .should net sow and co-operate with your fellow citi/.? ns by not only join? ing your Chamber of Commerce but by assisting it by personal efforts in every way possible. ? The salient difference between a n an and a woman is that a woman lives in the past, a man in the future. What has become of the old-fash? ioned copy-book which was supposed to mold character as well as promul? gate the Spencerian system? TTHE Contest Department of the Item-Watchman and Southron has made several Special Vote Inducements in its Popularity Contest. To-day we take pleasure in announcing the Big Offer of the Contest. It is posi? tively "The Big Offer" with a Big *'B." Here it is: -50,000 Bonus Vote Ballot Will be given for every $30 worth of subscriptions to the Item or Watch? man and Southron turned in to the Contest Department by candidates and their friends this week. This Offer Ends Wednesday, June 28th, at 9 O'clock P. M. 6-PRIZES IN ALL--6 I Player Piano, I 3-Piece Parlor Suite and Four Gold Watches IF NOT IN ENTER NOW. If not in enter. While the contest is yet young is the best time of the en? tire race to get in the lead and retain it. This special offer enables every candidate to get a large number of votes now. Candidates are not restricted to one 50.000 Bonus Vote. Any kind of a combination of sub? scriptions will count. Here is an op? portunity for those now near the bot? tom of the list to get votes by a little effort and take the lead. This is an opportunity for new en? tries to start work now and win. If you have not entered now is the time to send in your name. Do it now. Then start to work among your friends for one of the bonus ballots. Call on your friends, tell them of the prizes, show them how they can help you win, explain to them that they will re? ceive full value for their money paid on subscription to the Item or Watch? man and Southron and at the same time they will help you in a prize of considerable value. They will help you not only with their subscriptions but will interest their friends in your welfare and when this contest is a thing of the past and you have been fortunate in winning a prize, you can thank your friends for their support. Address: all communications to Item-Watchman and Southron Contest Department, Suniter, S. C.