r?il in the Po.Moilhc ut muhkt, S. 1 .. it* Stx-oiul i lu>-. .Matter. pkhkonai*. Mrs. H. T. Glllesple, of Huck HJU? wh? hau been visiting Mrs. Ko??? Jen? kins, returned homo Kriday. s .lieitor \V. Hampton i Ndib, ol Co lumMa. passed through thv city Thursday evening on hlfl way to Hartsvllle where he exacted t-.x or? ganise a b>dge of old Fellows. Vol. Kn"X Livingston, of Bennetts, vllle. paused through the city Friday morning on bis wsy to Columbia to attend court at that plaos. Mrs. J. C. Dove and Miss Tau line DfJfSSj have gone to Charleston t< visit Mrs, W. K. Renneker Mis l>o\?'s daughter. Mr. a. Gilbert Flowers, formerly h well knewn clttsen >f Sumter. but for the past eight years a resident Pi Washington. I>. C where he held an Important position in the Govern? ment Printing office, has recently re ' moved to Fayettevllb, Ark.. whers he Is engaged In the practice of law and the publication of the Arkansas Weekly S?ntlnal. of which he Is also editor. Mrs. Frlerson pass-? I through th 1 city hvai Friday on her way from Stateburg to visit relatives at Dar? lington. Mr. J. Pot.y Jer nlngs and family went to Wedgefield last Friday to spend the day with his fatmr at I that place. Mr. J. B. Ryan, of Wedgefleld, was In tht city Saturday. Miss Campbell, of Asheville, Mise Brand of Wilmington and Miss Bar field of Manning, are visiting Mise Mary Wilson on Broad street. y Rev. E. H. Kobn went to Colum? bia Saturday where be preached Sunday for St. Paul's congregation. Before returning h*> will go to Cher ryvllle. N. C, where he will dellvei an address al if the high school. ^ Mr. I WlUif .? of Flor ejaea, was in the city Saturday. Miss Elma Mayes. of Mayeevllle, spent Saturday In the city. Misses Oena and Theo Dargan and Mrs. John IV.erson wer* in the clt\ ' Saturday. t:Mr, Van ^iex-j Pair. I the Uni? versity of Pkt :-h Carol- as In tb< oity baiur?ay. Mr. K. M. Warren went to Atlanta Saturday In the interest of the Sum ^ I r Telephone Manufacturing corn pan f. Mr. Eugene Aycock, of Wedgefleld was In the* city Monday. Mr. J. V. Wilson, of Columbia spent Monday In the city on business I Mr. O. C. Scarborough, of Sum merton. passed through the cltj on his way to Columbia on Monday Mrs. Ab<* Weinberg returned frorr M.tnnlng on Monday 1 Iff re she ha; been visiting fog several days. Mr. R .M Oeagtf, of Wlsacky was in Ion ii M<>nday. i?i:ath. Mr I I \- ill Hurkett. formerly ol thHi i .utit>. Mad at Petersburg, Va. Thursday after a brief Illness. Th< body reached this city Saturday morning on the 5:45 train and wai taken to th... resident ?? of Mr. S Sherry on Wright street. The bur? ial services was held at th? eeme tery at 11 o lock Saturday morning The deceased was a brother of Mr. it Lk Hurkett of Dalzell und of Mrs. a Cherry of this city. A Ol"! ^ was Mr. s. B, Keaattl died ut hM nous* In Privateer at 7 o'clock Monday mornb i. - I 7 J >? nr.-i. Mr. Nesbp. a Confederate veteran, bavin* s? rv d through tto- w ir , ^ , ne-mb.-i of Culpepp* r's Buttery. The funera services were held at 11 o'clocl Tuesday morning from the real derive of Mr. W < >. Cain and th- in "lerment will be made in the r.iii urylng ground. ? w. \v Raaneey died about i \ i u\. MENT. Madoro's Father, Uosnra and Mian /. Io Id eVr Inaurreotoa at Coming Meetings, ?1 Paso, Texas, April :>o.?in a low idobe hoiiHt' .upon which th*- sun If it Men cly. leaden of the Mexican Insnrrsftlon. political ami mllitaryi ?at far hums today formulating an sjgruetnsnt to be preaented to the fed? eral government through Itl p< mi s envoys. At the conclusion of tin- confer -m Kranclaeo I. Madero, Jr.. president of t)? | presidential government, an nounced tin- election by ballot of Dr. Crancisc. yssonos Gomez, Francisco Madero, Sr.. and Joae Pino Buares as the peace commissioners of th ? i evolutionary party. Francisco Madero. Sr., was present at today's conference. With the prorlalonal governors of tin- various ?tatM in which th > iusurrectos have irfjaaJaed their govsrnmenl present, a definite basis of peace terms was agreed tipon. Through no Official an nouncne nt of the terms was made it was admitted by many that there may be break, is ale ad, The tirst obstac le, it is believed, will be no t \vh"ii Krancisco Carabajal, head of thi fed* ral peace commission, arrives, probably tomorrow night. The Insurgents will want to know ex? actly what powers have been be stowed on Senor Carabajal. It Is said, for Instance, that Senator Braniff and Senor Obrejon. who have been in? terested in the negotiations, will act with Senor Carabajal, but In what ca? pacity It 13 not known to the Insur reete leaders. Should it develop that Senor Cara? bajal is to be the sole envoy with plenary powers, the insurrectos will invest Dr. Gomez wdth similar cre? dentials, Francisco Madero, Sr., and Senor Suarez acting in an advisory capacity. Th* lnsurrecto leadtrs are deter? mined that formal negotiations shall not begin until the federal envoy's present credentials authorizing them to act for the government. The substance of the lnsurrecto demands Is known in a general way. The revolutionists Insist on parties pa ttbsj in government affairs an Mexican capital. The military leaders are invited to the conference merely to advise th" peace envoys of the progress of the negotiations. PRESS C. P. SANDERS' CLAIM. Representative Johnson Escorts Del? egation of Spartanbuig Lawyers to White House. Washington, May L?Representa? tive Johnson today escorted a deleaa tlon of Bpartanburg lawyers to the f White House for the purpose of hav? ing them discuss the Interests of c, I*. Sarnb rs as a candidate for tie r j federal Jndsjeshlp in South Carolina, strongly avocating the candlscy of Mr. Sanders wa re John Hary Evani tad h. i;. DePasa who told the pres I nt (bit Mr. Sanders was eminently I qualified for the Judgeshlp and that ! should hs be honored with the ap ; polataienf he would undoubtedly nil R , It with a Id I It y. n j f; e Y M i ill., mi I on l Miss Hinds s. Msnhlam and Mr. I Robert Lamar Rutt were married by Magistrate Janes II. FoWleS, Jr., at his residence in the ?ity all of the guestl ? went to the depot to gay farewell |c t the bridal couple, Mr. and Mrs. Mutt will spend tWC weeks in Florida BLE'STUDIES* "PRIDE QOCTH BEFORE DESTRUC? TION" II Chronicles 2b:8-21?May 7 Tridf yotik Utfort il$*tructlon and at , Ood was proud of him * would be ; very piocsed to have bin. enter the> ! temple after the manner of the priests ] and offer Incense nt the Golden A liar, lie knew of the rules governing the temple and its service, but considered himself above tbem. He would go di? rect to God and not recognize the priest. There Is but tbe One Way of Approach to God Many successful people fall into the same error of supposing that their success in business or In politics, their brilliancy of mind, or their polish of education are tho only requisites In the sight of Jehovah. They feel that If they go to Church and acknowledge Ood, God should be very proud to have them and, of course, should give them the first place in everything. This is a mistake. The great King Eternal, "the Lofty Ono that inhab lteth Eternity," has rules and regula? tions governing all attempts to ap? proach Him. There in the one way of approach and no other. King Uzziah knew of the Divine ar? rangement, that his prayers as Incense could be offered to the Almighty on the "Golden Altar" only by the priest, so those who now have come to a realization of tho fact that Jesus is the great anti typical Priest through whom com m unlcntlon with the Father has been opened up would come under condem? nation should Humility before honor. int?tle Into the Divine pres? ence In prayer, Otherwise than as pro? vided in the Divine arrangement, as King Uzziah was smitten with leprosy for his presumption and pride. A Lesson of Humility "Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth." (2 Tim. 2:15.) The lesson seems to be one of humility, both for the Church and tho world. Rome are born humble minded and oth? ers self conceited. Humility is impor? tant, not only on its own account, but also because the other graces of the Holy Spirit cannot be cultivated with? out It. The Apostle begins the list of these spiritual graces with meekness. How could one be patient and sub? missive in the trials and difficulties of lifo if not meek? How could ono be kind toward opponents and in all things if he were not meek? How could one be patient toward all if lie were not meek? How could ono be Godlike without meekness? How could ono be loviny In the Scriptural sense without meekness? Along these lines all who will he of the Churc h will be tested. Meekness and humility must be cultivated and must abound in the heart in order to enable the cultivation of the other fruits of lb,- Spirit. Mr. Lawrence Parker was in tin city Saturday. , TWELVE MILLION IN VOM KD. \|)|>ro.\luiatel) That sum I iidoi'sP?