HEED OUR Dil SER SIGNAL! 4u>p patting your funds la ?lockt and bonds, baaks etr. where they are at the mercy practically of Uie management of tbe company or IsHtltutien. Put your f .1 nds where they will earn a substantial return Iwlth sbsolut*safety, vi/ : So. SOS South Main su. Lot SO by 20a, eight room dwelling, all modara con rentance*. good -?am and stable. Flo til H Main HL. Lot 50 by *J08, 8 room dwslllng. all modern convenience*. This la Main street Property and very ciose In. No. Ml W. Hampton Are., nice all room dwelling. No. ? North Salem Ave., nice six room cottage. We havs some very choice country property for sale, that is worth Investi? gating, would be pleased to show you any or all. ft." price* and terms, apply to SUMTER REAL ESTATE * INSURANCE CO., Farmers' Bank & Trust Co. Bldg. Sumter, S. C. The Bank of Sumter, Sumter, S. C. Capital and Profits, $140,000.00 YOUR BANK ACCOUNT; OUR DESIRE. Your Satisfaction ; Our Pleasure Vonr Need; Onrs to Supply Let i Till It Over I THE PEOPLE'S BANK, v_ Coitil $5u,000 18 \V. Liberty St Sumter, S. C "Time and Tide Wait lor no Man." But the Farmers' Hank & Trust Company is always waiting with the gaods. Having the largest capital stock of any bank in the county, and a steadily increasing surplus, its prepared to take care of you and wants your accouut. The Farmers' Bank and Trust Co. Birnie's Drug Store, 6 W. Liberty St. Stjmteb, S. O. Dealer In Pure Drugs and Medicines, CHOICE PERFUMES AND FINE TOILET ARTICLES, COMBS AND BRUSHES, PATENT MEDICINES AND DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES, A FULL LINE OF CIGARS AND TOBACCO. :: :: :: :: OUR MOTTO: PURE AND RELIABLE GOODS. ii Our stock is complete and we cheerfully solicit your patronage. is :: :: I? ri.AeTKk. Hill NO LR* IS. rikN .PKK K. IHIAIN LIME. CEMENT, (flk* i;nv flrain I lew Float, *utp StatT.TB ii.'v. vriniii. HuftvOowsjMOktokso F Horm, Mule?. |?Ui,ts< 7*?* Nu < >nler To?? lstrfr* Or Too Small run .I Booth-Harby Live Slock Co. m Ml I k, south CAROLINA. SAWDl ST MAI)K INTO ALCOHOL. Atlantic GOMl Lumber Company of I Georgetown Turns Los* into Profit ! by Comcrtlng Waste from Lumber into Salable Commodity. Special to The Dally Item. Columbia, Dec. 10.?Turning an actual detlelt of $60 a day Into a profit of $100 a day Is the feat being accom? plished by the Atlantic Coaat Lumber Company at Georgetown, the largest tlnglfl sawmill plant In the Cnited St.ius. This Is being done by convert? ing slabs and sawdust into wood alco? hol. At first regarded as an experi? ment, officers of the corporation DOW realize that the plan is a success. A year ago it cost this mammoth company just $60 to dispose of the waste material of the mill. A $25, 000,000 corporation though It Is, a saving of $60 a flay is a good sum. A scheme was devised for converting the slabs and sawdust into wood al? cohol, the legislature, by special act permitted its manufacture and the Dupont Powder Company financed the scheme, the proposition being that if the inventor were successful In mak? ing alcohol the company would re? imburse. It now appears that the huge concern is doing this thing. The powder company needs a great deal of alcohol in the manufacture of dynamite and other explosives and was quick to seize a proposition cal? culated to lesson the cost of raw ma? terials. In addition to solving a problem for the Atlantic Coast Lumber Company, the inventon of a plan to take care of the refuse will eventually revolu? tionize the saw mill industry?or at least give to the business a profit that has heretofore been waste matter. The experiment at Georgetown therfore Is being watched with interest by saw mill men everywhere. Banks ob Sur? Thing Now. ?"I'll never be without Dr. King's New Lift PUIb again," writes A. Shlngeck, C47 Elm St., Buffalo, N. T. "They cured me of chronic con? stipation when all others tailed." Unequsled for biliousness, jaundice end debility. 25c at 81b*rt'a Drug Store. Sarad From Awful Death. How an appalling calamity in his family was prevented ie told by A. D. McDonald, of Fsyettvllle, N. C. R. F. D. No. 8. "My sister had con? sumption," he writes, "she was very thin and pale, and had no appetite and seemed to grow weaker every day, as all rejnedies failed, till Dr. King's New Discovery was tried, and so completely cured her, that she has not been troubled with a cough since. It is the best medicine I ever saw or heard of." For coughs, colds, lagrippe, asthma, croup, hemorrhage or bronchial trouble, it has no equal. iOo, $1.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by Slbert's Drug Store. Ml ST "PI LL" MILEAGE, North Carolina Supreme Court Rules That Refusal to Do So is Breach of Agrement. Charlotte, N. C, Dec. 7.?The su? preme court dealt a knockout blow to the regulation of North Carolina rail? roads which requires holders of mile? age books to exchange mileage at stations for tickets today when it handed down an opinion sustaining the lower court in the case of Harvey vs. the Atlantic Coast Line. Harvey, a traveling salesman, was unable to exchange his mileage at Wilson, N. C, because of a waiting crowd of purchasers ahead of him, and when he boarded the train the conductor refused to pull hi 3 mileage, putting him off at the next station. He sued for $2,500 and a superior court jury gave him the full amount. In the opinion Chief Justice Clark declai that the mileage book regulation is a breach of faith with the State, in that it violated the agreement made be? tween the railroads and the legisla? ture and was therefore null and void. * Worse than an alarm ef fire at night Is tre metallic csugh of croup, i bringing dread to the household. j Carefcl mothers keep Foley's Honey and Tar In the house and give It at the first Blgn of danger. It contains no opiates. W. W. SiberL I_ ?Feier Kisser Fills are tenlo as a?tion, ?ulok tu rewslts, and rasters th* natural aatlea ef the kidner* and bladder. Tk*r oerract lrregw larlttes. W. W. Msart. . . HUNT'S , . . LIGHTNING _ tlie one unfailing seicnUfc ecau?e the) air Is excluded, und the oil covering BOtfl nI ;n ilfi< ial skin. The quick? est, fastest healing oil known? 111'NT'S LIGHTNING OIL. IB cents and 50 cents little*. All Druggists Always A. B. RICHARDS MEDICINE CO.. Storni, Texas Sohl By simmrs DRUG STORE. ONLY ONE. The Record in Sumter Is a Unique One. If the reader has a "bad back" or any kidney 111 and is looking for re? lief and euro, better depend on the only remedy endorsed by people you know. Doan's Kidney Pills relieve quickly?cure permanently. Sumter citizens testily to this. Here Is a case of It: P. it May. 115 E. Liberty St., Sumter, S. C, says: "Two years ago I was injured and as the result my kidneys became disordered. My back ached severely and I had such acute pains through my loins that I could hardly move. I tried liniments and several remedies but did not re- j celve relief. My kidneys were also wtak and the secretions from these organs contained sediment and were irregular in passage. Since using Doan's Kidney Pills, procured at . China's Drug Store, the backache and ! lameness has all disappeared and my kidneys are more normal. 1 feel fifty per cent better and It therefore gives me pleasure to recommend Doan's Kidney Pills." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name?Doan's a*id take no other. No. 25. IN THE POLICE COURT. Only two cases came up in the po- j lice cuurt Friday, and as the offenders plead guilty in both cases, they wer?- speedily completed. Robert Newman, white, was charg? ed with reckless running of an auto? mobile on Liberty street and was let Oft with a fine of $3.00. Morgan Green, colored, was charg? ed with the offense of riding a bicycle In a reckless manner. He paid a line of $3.00., Lucy Hicks, one of the n^gro wo- J ! men committed to jail several days ago, was released today when a friend of her's came up and paid the 'fine of $15 for her, promising at the same time that she should leave town to return no more. For A Long Life. Fresh air and exercise, with proper | food and a sufficient amount of sleep I are the essentials. j Under such a regime of living, germs cannot develop and many dis? eases are prevented. Should the system require a tonic, take only such as you know their In? gredients?such as Vinol, which Is a j l delicious combination of the health" | giving propertes of the cods' livers, j ! with all the useless grease eliminated I and tonic Iron added, happily blend- j ed In a mild, medicinal wine. For this reason Vinol Is regarded as j ! one of the greatest body builders and ! Invlgorators for aged people. It in? vigorates and builds them up and ? keeps them up. We sell Vinol with tho understand- \ ing that if it does not give satisfaction I the price will be returned. De- ' ! Lorme's Pharmacy. Just make a few comparisons of our prices?-our qualities, to realize that we prefer to convince you by "deeds" that our Fine Furndturo cannet be bettered in quality?in price. We don't wait for others to set the pace?we lead in giving most for the money. Why not do your shopping early and have the beat choice? Witherspoon Bros. Furniture Co. Let your money come to us when you wish to buy silverware. This s+ore has a reputation for its exclusivencss in wares and much so in sterling silver. Our collec? tion of serving pieces is most complete. W. A. Thompson, Jeweler and Optician. f> S. Main St Sumter, S. C. Doll Basar a Success. The doll bazar which was held at the Lyric theatre on Wednesday af t rnoon was quite a success for there were a largo number of children i present to take a look at the dolls and a great many of them were sold. The lobby of the Lyric was beauti? fully decorated in Christmas style and the dolls of all sizes, kinds and colon were laid out in the show windows and on lounges furnished for the occasion. Mrs. S. C. Baker and .Miss Kate Moses were in charge of the decoration and the bazar and as? sisted by several oth?r holies of the town everything passed oft nicely, Alter the dolls had been Inspected those in attendance upon the occasion were Invited into the Lyric where they were entertained by moving pic? tures representing different phases of tree and plant life. Miss Agnes Richardson gave a lec? ture on the same subject which was much enjoyed by all of those who heard it. A considerable sum was raised but aa not as large a number of dolls were sold as hail been expected the prize doll was not given away, but was left in charge of Miss Holly Brown, to be given to the owner when a sufficient number of dolls are sold and the envelope with the lucky j number is opened. The money j raised Is to go toward education of the mountain children of South Caro? lina. Dandruff and Itching Scalp Yield to Thi ? Treatment. Why experiment trying to drive j the dandruff germ from underneath j the skin ith greasy lotions or fancy hair dressing when DeLorme's Phar? macy will guarantee Zemo and Zemo soap to entirely rid the scalp of the germ life that causes the trouble. Zemo and Zemo soap can be ob? tained in any city or town in America and are recognized the best and most economical treatment for all affec? tions of the skin or scalp whether on infant or grown person. One sham? poo 'with Zemo soap and application of Zemo will stop itching and cleanse the scalp of dandruff and scurf. We Invite you to try Zemo and Zemo soap and if not entirely satis led we will refund your money. No. 4. WINDING CP OF CORN EXPOSI? TION". People (>lad to Hold Imposition in State?Prises Announced Soon. Columbia, Dec. 10.?South Caro? linians throughout the State, while re? joicing In the scccess of the South At? lantic Corn Exposition, are none the leas pleased that the exposition will not be held in any other State. At? lanta's check for $1,000 was turned down and proposals wer? not consid? ered to move the exposition. It is desired that North Carolina and Georgia cooperate as at this exposi? tion. The judges are today winding Up their work, and all prizes will be announced soon. A monument was unveiled to Baron Von Steuben in La Fayette Square, Washington on December 6th with fitting ceremonies. President Taft made the principal address and Miss Taft unveiled the monument. This is the fourth monument placed In the square to foreign heroes who helped the colonies win their freedom, monuments to La Fayette, Rocham bean and Kosclusko having been erected on the other three corners of the square. WOMEN Women of the highest type, women of superior education tad refinement, whose discern****! and judgment give woight and force to their oninraat, highly praise the wonderfnl corrective and curative properties of Cham? berlain's Stomach and Liver Tab? lets. Thronghout the many stages of woman's Uf>, from girlhood, through the ordeals of mother? hood to the declining years, there is no safer or more reliable med? icine. Chamberlain's Tablets are sold everywhere at. 2Sc a box. PATEN When You're Candy Hungry no other candies taste so good as Nunnally's. Pure, cleanly made, and delicious to the utmost degree, these candies are famous throughout the South. Candies are the very high? est grade money can buy. They're shipped to us almost daily by fast express. Hence, always fresh. W. W. SIBERT. EIRE IX A. C. L. ROX CAR. Eire Burned Rox Car Rut Did Xot [g?lte Barrels of OH iu Car. The Atlantic Coast Line freight yard in the southern portion of the city was the scene of a fire about 11 p. m. Wednesday night, which might have done considerable damage, but which luckily the fire department reached and extinguished before it could do much damage. It is not known how the fire origi? nated but it was discovered some? time about 11 o'clock in one of the old box cars placed in the Coast Line yards near the turn table for yard material and the various oils that are used for train and signal lights. EIRE OX MAGNOLIA STREET. Residence of J. P. Commander Dam? aged by Eire Friday Morning. The second fire on Magnolia street within a space of twelve hours oc? curred Friday about half past ten o'clock, the hose wagons being called out to extinguish the fire which they did before it had time to burn through the roof of the building. The fire originated in the closet next to the chimney In the living room of the house and burned Its way through the ceiling In which It was smouldering when the hose wagon ar? rived. As the fire had not yet burnt through the roof the dense smoke from the shingles and the cracks In the walls made it appear as if the whole body of the house was on fire. Three streams of water were turn? ed on the fire and It was extinguish? ed in a few minutes. , The damage, which amounted ro several hundred dollars, was caused as much by the water and the work of the firemen in getting the fire un? der control as by the fire itself. The damage was fully covered by insur? ance. All of the furniture and fittings of the house were removed and litUe damage was done to them. Are You Lociditq for a Posiin>n? We can offer you good , Paying Employment that you will enjoy and at home. Write to-day *ddr*?s Tbe Buttcrlck Pl?dJafclafl Co. Butt crick Uuiltllnj> ,v York. N. Y. An tob? totaling a nket rh snd d*?or1pt1o? *iaj qutoklr ascwntin our OpotUta fr?e wiieihar an invention U proaably p.uontJiMft. Communis?, tioaaatrtctlyponUdoiittnl. rTliilUOCK ?*e?f?uU ?eul free. OMnat mumucr f..r curing patent*. Patent? tarn on through Munn A Co. racalvt tpmal n?tict\ * ii hout ch>irno, in the Scientific American. A handtomolT 1tinatrat??d wI?iiUDa lournaL IVmia. S3 a yenr; four m< Mi ha, SL. fcolU by all n?>? ao>* om. MUNN ? Co."???? New York. Srau^h Oflaca, trj.s y St.. Wa?htn^?. n, 1>. C killthsg^ugh .> - ? \*\*\ r I ? m 8VERYI i MM mm