The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, October 26, 1910, Image 5

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tiered mi the PustoaVc at saauer, tt. t . ?h M'vstnd Cla*s .Matter I'KKHONAL itrorktagtoa, PiasH liar. in. Isaajftai lirocklngton. of Manning and Mise Grace Brogdon of Manning are visiting Miss Jen It Chandler on Church street. Mias Luc Me Handle la at home for a short visit to her parents. Mlaa Ethel Carson returned from a short stay In Charleston Thurs? day afternoon It and Mrs. E. P. Du Kant went to Blshop\tili Thursday to attend the mnrrtage of Mr. Furgott of Oreo* .die and Miss James of Blshop? ville. Ota J- J- Dargan. of Stateburg, was In the city Thursday. Col. O. C. Scarborough, of Sum saerton. waa In the city Friday. Mr. J. E. Martin of Dalsell, return? ed from Thomaavllle. (la., on Fri? day where he went to purchase a new home. Mr. Qeo. W. Wlngate. of Rob bias eras In the city Friday on busl Mr. S. W. Raffleld, of Goodwill, was in town Saturday. Mr. Harvey Raffleld was In the elty Saturlay. Messrs. T. H. Edens and E. Park? er spent Saturday in town Mise Eleanor Laurena of Charles tea is the guest of Mrs. Geo. D. Shore. Col. Leaesne of Manning was In town Saturday. Mr. L. R. Williamson of Provi? dence spent Saturday In town. Mr. Lee Jenkins of St. Charles, was the the city Saturday. Mr. aad Mrs. W. J. O'Ilagan, of Charleston, are visiting their aughter, Mra. J. A. Schwerin. Jr. Mra B. D. Wilson, of Knoxvllle. is vtattlng her sister. Miss Mar/ Hugh son Miss Belle Duncan, of Columbia. Is visiting friends lit the city. Mr C J Gaillard. of Dalsell. was ha the 1 Itv Monday. Mlaa Gladys Boyd. of Anderson, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. ^4^pwUng for several weeks, re? ts* ' her n*uu& SjLUtdav mnrn. Tho gja emendmei n?wt gene aa follows | amendmei pttetad for fit, t ie? on Monday for a visit to parents at that place. CHIEF HOOD RESIGNS. llesul of Fire Department Will With? draw From Service. Mr. R. 8. Hood, who has been chief of the fire department for six or eight years and has been connect? ed with the department for at least twenty years, has decided to sever his connection with the department aad has placed hi* resignation In the hands of the chairman of the fire department committee. The rcs'g nation will kg Uid before council at Its meeting Tuesday night. I>eath of H. 1. Parker. Blshopville. Oct. 21.?The funeral ? 1 kaj al 11 C Parker, whose death occurred at the home of his son. J. It Parker of Amerlcus, Ga., on Tueaday. was held yesterday at Mat In the Methodist ehuri h, and hla body is'd t > rest In Old Bethlehem ceme? tery. The services w^re conducted by Rev. W. W. Daniel of Columbia, aaatated by Rev. P. A. Murray and Rev. Hugh Murr bison Mr Parker was 77 years old. He waa lariat married. Of the first union he la survived by Dr. Parker ? f this place. Pt< kney Parker of Mlaekvllle. i?r Thomas Parker of Columbia of the se< olid marriage. J It Darker and a daughter. Miss Anna, both of An, rh u?. Ga. New \udltor I ib > I...... t Mr Horace Harby filed his bond Haturduy and writ it to the Sec? retary of State to ?,?. 1 onflrmed and It i! probable that he will be In the auditor 'a office Monday to trai all business that turns up. It is ex pe? ted that the commission vw til f.e received today so that there will ha no ne**d to wait longer th.m Mumlav to begin business. This is quick work on Mr. Harhy's part for It was only Thursday that he received the recommendation of the legislative delegation as the ap? pointee untl*. some one could be se? lected by a called prlmnry election, making in all only three days In which the details of the appointment have been keasssd after and com? pleted. ??Iber names than those m.nthui ed Saturduv as BCneibC < an lldlates for the office of Auditor In the com? ing primary are Messr*. George War? ren. W. A. Brown, W. 0 Broughton. \ 1 Ion and Charley Thames. MARRIED Mr. II. N. ForestSf ami Miss Esther ?entrj wer? msrrtsd ai the homs of the bride's mother Thursday even* ing at H 30 o'i ha k, the ceremony being performed by Ihe Rev, J. P. Marlon. The wedding was ? very quiet hone affair, with no one present ao the bride's family and a few Very intimate friends of the bride and groom. Immediately after the ceremony the happy young couple left on the 9:20 train for Columbia, from which point they will go north? ward for a trip to many places of in? fer SSt They will be gone for about two weeks, when they return to Sumter, which will bo their future home. The young couple have the best Wish SI of their many friends in the city. Miss May Edens, of this city, and Mr. William Andrew Thomas, of Marlon, were married at tho home of the bride's father. Mr. H. T. Ed ens, on Broad street, on Wednes? day afternoon, the 19th instant, at 4 o'clock. The wedding was a quiet Bgm. only the relatives and a few1 ( lose friends of the contracting par? ties being present to witness the cer? emony, which was performed by the Rev. j. R. Wilson, pastor of the i ? i '.id Street Methodist church. After the ceremony delicious re? freshments were served. and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas left on the 0 0 ( lock train for Marion, their fu? ture home. Mr. Thomas is a graduate of i'lemson college, from which he se? cured an Important position in the 1 ?i partment of Agriculture Service with Marlon as his headquarters. Mrs Thomas who is the charming eld? est daughter of Mr. H. T. Edens, has the beat wishes of a host of friends In the city for her future happiness. Miss Alice Strother of this city and Mr. John M. Oreen of Florence were married at the home of the bride's father, Mr. Henry Strother, on Lev! atreet last Sunday at 4:30 p m. by the Rev. M. W. Hook, pastor of the First Methodist church. The wedding was a quite one, only a few relatives and fvlends being present. After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Oreen left on the ilrst train for T" i ence where they will make i me. many friends in this city m a long and happy life. ouiumbla, Out. 23.?No event of the fall thus far has been so far reaching in its interest to society in Columbia and throughout this State than was the wedding on Wednesday of Miss Alice Hagood, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. William C. Lester, and Richard Doxder Lee, Jr., of Sumter. The ceremony was solemnised at 7:3o o'clock In Trinity and the old church was never more beautifully deorated than with its brilliant ele< - trie lights, its stately palms, banking massive choir stalls and columns, and the pure, fragrant bridal roses tilling the altar vases. A beautiful programme of organ music by the organist, Paul de Launay, was brought to a ( Umax by the wedding march, and the bridal party entered, the four ushers, Lee Hagood. brother of the bride, Douglas McKay, Ralph K. Foster of Lancaster and Paul R. Moore of Lancaster coming first. ! The bride's lovely little niece, Jean ', Small Hagood, daughter of Capt. ? and Mrs. Johnson Hagood of Wash? ington, as flower girl wore an ex? quisite little white dress over yellow with yellow ribbons and bronze shoes and stockings, her small arms bur? dened with great golden chrysanthe? mums. The maid of honor and only other attendant, Miss Elinor Hammond, al- I ways charmingly pretty, was chic anl dainty in an exquisite yellow gown, reflecting the bright hue of the entire occasion?soft Parisian satin en train being draped with billowy chiffon and enriched with gold lace, Immense golden pon pon chysanthe mums being arranged in double sheaf effect to form her bouquet. The bridegroom with his best man, his brother, John D. Lee of Sumter, en? tered from the vestry and at the chancel steps awaited the bride, who entered with her stepfather, Dr. Les? ter. Never was she more winsome or lovely than in her exquisite wedding gown of soft shimmering crepe me? teor, draped with simplicity yet ef? fective grace befitting her own indi? vidual style. The bodice, the dainty sleeves and the front panel extending to the bottom of the skirt were of rare duchess lace and over her whole small figure' fell the misty folds of the wedding veil, caught to her hair with fresh orange blossoms. The bouquet she carried was fashioned of bride's roses and feathery delicate ferns in graceful shower effect. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Kirkman G. Finlay, rector of Trinity, and was followed Immediate? ly by a reception to about 100 guests at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Lester on Marion street. Mr. and Mrs. Lee went from Co? lumbia to Camden in an automobile and took the train there for New York, where they will spend a fort? night at the Waldorf, returning here for the State ball. The young couple will make their home in Sumter, where Mr. Lee is practicing law in partnership with his father, one of the foremost lawyers of this State. The bride, since her debut a few sea? sons ago, has been one of the most popular society girls In Columbia and has gone out a great deal here and In Washington and in other cities. Mr. Lee was graduated from the unlver Excellent Trousers m D O you know of the goodness of our Trousers. Sir ? Been paying your Tailor "big prices" for Trousers? Do you think you are oblidg ed to do so in order to get a per? fect fit? Do you think it necessary to do so to get a stylish pair of trousers ? If You Do. You're Wrong! Try a pair of our splendid Fall Trousers to prove our state? ment. Fabrics new?cut artistic and absolutely correct. Trousers made by experts. $2, $3.50, $5, $6.50 to $9 Boys' Knickerbocker Trousers, 75c to $2.5? The D. J. Chandler Clothing Co. PHONE 166. :: :: SUMTER, S. C. sity in the class of 1907 and in the years he spent in Columbia as a stu? dent he made many warm friends, both in and beyond college circles. Among the out-of-town guests ut the wedding were: Capt. and Mr6. ?'ohn son Ilagood of Washington and two little children; Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Lee of Sumter, Lee ilagood of Sche nectady, Mrs. Johnson Hagood, Sr., of Barnwell, Mrs. Norman Bull and Miss Dot Bull of Orangeburg, Mrs. Edward Mclver, of Orangeburg, Mrs. Isadore Tobin and Miss Flora Tobin. of Allendanle, Misses Kate and Edna Tobin of Sumter, Mr. and Mrs. Lor ing Lee of Sumter and Mr. and Mrs. F. Marion Whaley of Charleston. Daizell, Oct. 23.?Mise Mattie Jackson and Mr. Elijah Sander? were married on Sunday, October 16 at the home of the bride's parents, Rev. Mr. Wright o dictating. Magistrate Wells filed his commis? sion in the County Clerk's office this \v? ek and started in as Magistrate to fill the unexpired term of Mr. Horace Harby, resigned. The ladies of the Christian church have decided to continue serving lunches in the store room at 37 N. Main street throughout this week. Oysters, coffee, sandwiches and ice cream will be served. Come and help beautify the house of Worship, which will be dedicated next week. Just received a car of mules as fine as ever came to Sumter. Also a car of horses. Three extra fine horses. Call and see them, also another car of E. M. F's. Shaw nd Drake. I&W10-20-3t WALK-OVER ADVERTISING CONTEST We announced several days ago through the colums of this P'<?per that our 44Walk-Over Ad? vertising Contest would commence in a few days. We are going to commence to-day and run this contest until November 1st. This is the Proposition: WE will give to the boy writing the best advertisement on "Walk-Over" Shoes, a pair of $4.00 "Walk-Overs on November 1st, the advertisements will be given to Messrs. F. D. Knight and H. G, Osteen to decide which is the best ahd the winner^given the shoes. The advertisements will be numbered and the judges will not know whose advertisement they select until announcement is" made in the paper. Any boy in die County can try for the Shoes and a little work will bring results. ??Walk-Over" Shoes are to-day recognized as leaders, and we could not give the boys a better sujbect. Our ?'School Boy Suits," proposition brought out a good many advertisements, and we believe Sumter County will be able to fur? nish Ad writers to the business world. John Wanamaker pays his Ad writers $10,000.00 a year. Boys, you can see by this, that Ad writing is profitable, Write your name plainly on bottom of advertisement. The Sumter Clothing Company. Exclusive Agents for Shoes.