The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, April 16, 1910, Image 5

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K\a (UHattdnai ano ?ju!ljror, SATURDAY, APRIL 16, 1910.* ?c*l mi the Pnstomce at Sumter, S. ( . ih vroiiil ('Ihm* Mauer. L PERSONAL. Mr.1 C. W Klncmiin and daughter. Miss Slndey, have gone t>> Statesvllle. N. C. Ig visit Miss Kva C. Klngman who la atten.ilMg UM st iteavllle Fe male collage. Mrs. H. W. I.ucus, and children, ?rho have been visiting at Wisacky. have returned home. Miss Annie Beckham, of St. Charles, spent several days with her sister Hiss Lois Beckham. Mrs. T. O. Sanders, of Hagood, was shopping In the city Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Fetlt are visiting in Charleston. Messrs. Robert M. and Roland Jones, of Brogdon, are spending a few days In Charleston. Miss Hattle Lou Jone has returned home from Rlchburg. where she haa "been teaching the past winter. Miss Natalie Norman has gone to Bennettsvllle. where she wKl visit friends for a ?h?rt while. Mr. Alfred DeLorme has return? ed to Atlanta to resume his studies at Georgia Tech. Mr. George Baker, of St. Charles, was a business visitor to the city on Tuesday. Mr. W. a. Troubleflekl went to Wedgefleld Tue??' | ? Mr W. C. Wise of The J. D. Cralg Furniture Co.. left Tuesday to at? tend the Retail Furniture Deal -er's Association at Spartanburg. He will also go to High Point. N. C, on businesa before returning. lion McDonald Ore??n, of Lee ?County was In the city Wednesday. Miss Grace Hearon. of Bishopvllle. Is the guest of Miss Mabel t'arrott on Haskell St. Mr I A Ryttenburg went to Florence and Timmlonsvllle in his machine this week. Mr I> V. 1 mi Rant has returned to his home at Bishopvllle. Mr. J. D. Shlrvr has returned from ?Charleston. Mrs. N. E. Leak, of Wlnston-Salem, n. C. Is visiting her son, Mr. Oscar Leak, on Main street. Mr. E. C. Haynsworth has returned from Charleston. Senator Clifton has returned from Charleston. Miss Louise Teadon returned to her studies at Winthrop Thursday. Mr. W. A. Bryan went to St. Charles Thursday. Mrs. J. 11. Johnson spent Wednes? day in Columbia. Mr iml Mrs W. Hurrougha Col clough. of Da sell, were In the city Thursday. Dr. R. Y. M. i.I. of Bishopvllle, was In the city Thursday. Mrs. Achureh, of Charleston, is visiting her mother. Mrs. E. A. Cutti no. Mrs. Chevls Wray. of Ridgeway, is ^siting her mother. Mrs. S. A. Wil? liamson, on Oakland averue. Mr. C. K. Stubbs. Jr. was 'n St. Matth, vs and < irangehurg this week. Mr. K. A. Bultman. of Orangeburg, is In the city. Mr. W. P. Houxeal. the Dutch weather prophet, of Columbia, accom? panied by Mrs. Houseal and daughter, passed through the dty Thursday, returning from So, b ty Hill, where they arent ti> 11? ml the wedding of a son. Mr. w. c< Towtea went le Columbia Thursday. Mr. <\ p. Kxum went b> Charleston Thursday. Mi-> KeAla Bui ley, of Columbia, i ets?tag Hg family ??r Mr, B, w. Hen C I i? I ? 11/. ;i. Mr.v w. j. Crow son, who has been ? ?n an ? xt?mi, i \ isit lo relatives In North Carolina, haa returned homo. sheriff atppsrnaa arem t?? Columbia ?>n bu.s'to ss vest* rday. Dr -nd Mrs. F. H. Williams ar rtfSjd hi Sumb r W- dm sday afternoon an I are at home |g their friends at ih.- b..m" of Capt, Qeo, a. Bruner on South Han In St. .Mr. C, W Stair i'l hOJ UtOVed into his homa on Weal Liberty street. Hi v. h. 11. Covtagtoa win hold ser? ai aa itt st nritttngf Church, Drndford Spring*. Sunday. April 17th. at 11 o'eloek n. m. Engraving of nil kinds. C, M. Jove, at Savoy. I?ll?lw, I:\??; .\amor Qlena varttl apeak In the Preeojrterlan ? lun ii en neat \\Viii lay fl t Governor Qlenn b asjM el Ina n ? t dl ling ilehed i ay arogfu t in the South and the gsssaj amaouncemenl Ihal ie> hi te apeak should fill tin church. I'r.mtit work a spet laity. C, M. .r.,\,-. Wab hmak??r and .b weh r, at Savoy. 4-15-lw. MARRIED. I>r. F. Hi Williams?, the popular prescript ion ist lor Uearon's Phar? macy went to Johnston, where he was wedded Tuesday aftSFOOn to Miss Andrena Outz, the wedding tak? ing place in the First Methodist church. He was accompanied to Johnston by Mr. Waverly Levy and Fr. K. K. Green. The bridal couple returned to Sumter Wedm sday af? ternoon and will be at home to their tri. nds at the home of Mr. Georg* K. Kruner, on South Harvin street. A Coming Wedding. Invitatio is have been Issued by Mr. Robert M. Cooper to the marriage of his daughter, Miss Rosa Isabelle to Mr. Frederick Claude Manning on the evening of Wednesday, April 27th at 7:30 o'clock, at his home at Millwood near Wisacky. DEATH. Mr. Robert P. Bradwell was called to Clarendon county Wednesday by the serious Illness of his daughter, M"s. Thomas Rich. He went to her home Just in time to see her before death called her to her reward. She died a few minutes before 2 o'clock. Her remains were burled at Home Branch church Thursday at 3 o'clock. Mrs. Rich was married to Mr. Thomas Rich, of Clarendon, last July. The bereaved loved ones have the sympathy of a host of friends in their Irreparable loss. 1)IFI> ON THE TRAIN. Mrs. Gilbert Brown Dies on Way Home for Treatment. The remains of Mrs. Gilbert Brown arrived in Sumter Tuesday ac? companied by her husband and two small children. Mr. and Mrs. Brown left here several years ago for Gaines? ville. Fla., Mrs. Brown was in very poor health and her husband started with her to Sumter for treatment. Retween Jacksonville and Savannah she died. The body was brought on here. She was buried at 4 o'clock at the cemetery. MR. MOSES OPERATED I PON. Tumors Successfully Taken From His Neck. Mr. A. J. Moses was operated on at the Mood Infirmary Monday by Dr. J. S. Horsley, of Richmond, Va., the noted surgeon, who was called here for that purpose. Mr. Moses was suffering with tumors of the throat. These tumors were taken out and the patient Is doing as well as could be expected. COURT HAS ADJOURNED. Judge Davis Made a Fine Impression Here. Court adjourned Wednesday after? noon. Before adjourning, Capt. W. C. I?a\is. special Judge, thanked the members of the bur for the honor conferred upon him by caling upon him to serve in the capacity of Judge. Fol. R. D. Lee, chairman of the Bar Association thanked Jude, Davis on behalf of the Assoc iation for quit? ting his private business to come and perform a patriotic duty, stating that Sumter was the one under obligations and not the judge. Capt Dgvla has given satisfaction In every rsspi el and all are pleased With the manner \n which ho handled the matters coming before him. Watch. Clock and Jewelry repair? ing, ai*.. wsjgravlng, promptly and ac? curately dona, charges reasonable, C Iff, Joy,-. At Savoy. 4-11-1W. There is a marked falling off in the re *tpt? of whiskey by express. Very little bo?,/. is coming in these ,! 1 : By notfc ing the expi. 2% coming In one can note this falling off very readily, I ? eS your eh,, k k. ep accural ? lime? If not. send it to C, m. Joy,-, at Savoy, i-i". -1w. Tin Union Brokerage Co., has been given permission to Increase its capi? tal from $r,.ooo to ?>. This com? pany has bees remarkably success? ful Since starting business January 1st Watch, Clock ami Jewelry repair? ing by c. m Joye, ;it Bavoy, 4-15-lw Messrs. R, J. and w. K. Dunn state thai they have been awarded the < ou? tre f for drawing the plans and sp. i if ans for the Mer- h nits' and Planters' bank, of Habana, Cuba, if your wat- h Is out of tlv or needs ittentlon, take it to C, M. Joye, the wateh repairer, at The Bavoy, Accu? rate work promptly done. Satisfac? tion gtl tr 'lit. ed. I I '-I U\ The i >. j. < Mi,hi Her ?nothing (fo? has received the latest styles in ?tlltfl for the men Who ward to be wa ll dressed. Sec the new advertise? ment today. HORSE RACING IN TOWN. Several Exciting RftCCfl linn on Salem Avenue Tuesday, Bome very exciting raced were run on Salem avenue Tuesday afternoon Four <?r five heats were run. The animals were quite Spirited, and at? tracted a great deal of attention. Sa? lem avenue is well clayed and 1b idt al for racing l?oth horses and auto? mobiles. It is nothing unusual for automobiles to run at their capacity. Twenty miles an hour is slow for them. The police department should give the people with children some protection. Last Sunday afternoon a motorcycle was run at full speed up and down the sidewalk on West Hampton avenue, and it is hard to walk on that street without running into a child. When somebody's child is killed or crippled for life it will be too late. There is a law against speeding, and the custom of breaking this law is so prevalent, that the police department might give some relief to parents living along the streets where the violations are greatest. V. M. <\ A. SMOKER. Several Speakers of State-wide Repu? tation to be here. The Executive board has determin? ed to make the Y. M. C. A. a cer? tainty. The matter has been up in a business like-manner and the Asso? ciation is almost a certainty. The committee in charge of securing the speakers announeee that Dr. George Ii. OTomer, of Newberry and Hon. Goodwyn Rhett will make addresses on the occasion of the smoker on the evening of April 21st. Other speak? ers are expected to be here, but they have not been heard from yet. Mr. L. W. Parker was asked to come, but he has stated that he could not come. The, committee, however, have taken the matter up with him and hope to secure him anyway. The speakers are all business men. The matter of the Association for Sumter will be taken up as a busi? ness proposition, and will oe push? ed as such. There is no*question about Sumter needing an Association. No man will question the fact that we should have it and have it soon. The likelyhood of having the association at an early date will be glad tidings to many. Attention is invited to the adver? tisement of I. Murray Hair, who an? nounces the opening of a new and up to-date jewelry and art goods store on Main street, in the building form? erly occupied by the Carolina Hard? ware Co. A large and carefully se? lected stock will be on display at the opening Saturday and the people of Sumter are cordially invited to visit the store. WILL OPEN SATURDAY, April 16th, 1910. No. 18 N. Main St. Carolina Hardware Stand %\ Full line of Jewelry, Watches, Diamonds, Cut Glass, Silverware, China, Art Goods, Etc. ?][ The assortment and selection is one of the best and most complete ever brought to Sumter. \ Every article sold here guaranteed exactly as represented. \ Watch and Jewelry Repairing and Hand Engraving done by expert and experienced workmen. ?T The public is cordially invited to attend the open? ing. I. MURRAY HAIR ii Ii DR. CHEYNE AT WFAHiEFIELR. Lectured the School There on Tuber? culosis. Dr. Walter Cheyne, accompanied by Mr. E. 1. Reardon, went to Wedgefleld j Wednesday and addressed the school | on subject of tuberculosis and meth- j ods of preventing the disease. He used the graphophone records to illustrate ; _ i his address. There was a good num- j her of the parents and guardians pres ent to hear the address. Prof. McMillan, the principal of the school shows that he is wide-awake to the best interest of his pupils when he sets aside a day and gets the as? sistance of scientists to teach his pu? pils to guard their health. Dr. Cheyne delivered a very in? structive talk, one that will bear fruit in better sanitary conditions about the school and the home. Mr. Reardon addressed them on sanitation and school hygiene and dis? tributed some literature. ? The trees around the A. C. L. Pas monger station are being trimmed up and the place beautified. Coroner Flowers was called upon to investigate the sudden death of Dosia Keith, which occured at her home on Harvin street last Sunday. The attending physician pronounced it a case of heart failure and no in? quest was held. The secretaries of the several ward and precinct clubs had better get busy with a call for the reorgani? zation of the clubs and for electing delegates to the country convention which meets soon. The time is now short. DRESS WELL! NEVER overlook the fact that you [are always on view to other people, and that it depends in a great measure on your Clothes how you are sized up. tj You can find here, Sir, the now fabrics that will be worn this Season by the very best dressers. ij You will see the handiwork of the Artist in the cut of the liberal lapel?the drape ol Coat that outlines the figure?and the graceful ease and hang of the trousers. <3 Two and Three Button Model-. Suits $10, $15, $201 to $30. CJ Iwery Man, that wears a Suit bought here, will know it is Jto be w ell dress? ed. The . J. Chandler lothing Co Phono 1 66. Sumter, South Carolina.