ELECTION IN MANNING. Nineteen Votes \Ntut Which Thorr is Contest leaves Result Doubtful in Thai Town. Manning. April 11.?The bi-ennlal election for mayor and aldermen was held here toda\, when 237 ballots were cast. 19 of which were protested and not yet counted. There were two candidates for mayor. A. C. Bradham. at present acting mayor, and Capt. W. C. Davis, a prominent lawyer. There were 11 candidates for the office of alderman, six to he chosen. The names of all 11 candidates for alderman were printed on all the tickets with instructions to the voters to scratch five names, thus leaving six voted for on each ticket. At the head of one set of tickets the name of A. C. Bradham for mayor was printed, and at the head of another set of tickets the name of W. C. Davis for mayor was printed. The IIS ballots counted resulted as follows: For mayor. A. C. Bradham SIS; W. C. Davis 100; for alderman, S. C. Horton 171; S. Oliver O'Bryan 171; David Levl 158; E. S. Ervln 150; W. P. Legs 132; 8. M. Reardon 104; R. D. Clark 98; C. M. White 98; O. L. Dlckson 93; T. M. Nimmer 55; O. W. McRoy 51. It has not yet been decided what oourae wilt be pursued as to the 19 protested ballots. In which the choice of mayor and one alderman, is in? volved, but it is settled that Messrs. Horton. O'Bryan. Levl. Ervin and Legg will be In the next board of aldermen. A ROUND THE COURT HOUSE. Mary Sander* Caught?Five Convicts to the Lang Five convicts. John Loney, five years; Henry Herlott. 18 months; Doc Du Kant, one year; Peter Divine, one year and Anderson Holman, one year, were sent to the chalngang Monday morning. It Is hoped they will know how to respect the law after taking a course In the Pitts Good Roads Class. Roland Williams, who was surrend? ered by his bondsman last week, and lodged In Ja 11. has been able to give bond again and has been released. He Is charged with being an accom? plice to the shooting of Mr. T. J. Klrven. of Providence some time ago Mary Sanders. wanted for grand larceny, has been located in Char? lotte. N. C. and will be sent for Just as soon as the papers can be pre pared Mary was arrested and gave bond with H. T. Edens as bo idsman. When called at court she was not here. A bench warrant was issued. It will cost the county and State a good sum to get her back. Lee J'ounty Corn Growers. Blshopvllle. April 11.?-The Lee County Corn Growers' Association was organised in the Court House here Saturday by L. L. Baker, mana ser of the farm demonstration work of Lee County, under which auspi? ces the Association was formed. The officers are as follows: President. W. S. Wheeler. St! Charb . Vice ^resident, W. W. Player. Blshopvllle. Se. rotary K. E. Wells, St. Char After a number of Intelligent and enlightening BBeeelMg upon the sub? ject of growing and breeding corn and the ncer.slty of su? h an organi? sation, the president appointed a com? mittee of three to draft by-laws and rub * Sgf the Association. This com? mittee will report at the next meet? ing "f the Asesjctettosi which win be upon the sag of the president. I n;i in GREENVILLE. ii i,i wi^ w. Parker Destroyed H?. Fin?I .,ono?Valuable Effect* Waived. QteoSJVtMo, April 10.?Fire n suit? ing In the destruction of Lewis \V. Park. r's resid? n?? o.-curred here early this sans alag Tie- building which was erected at n cost of ?ee Is reported a total loss. Many vain tide fco UBS hold effects were saved from tbc Sajaea A stubborn tight put up by the fire department was una'ailing as the fir,- had gained gre.it fceadWBJf BSJfof ISM arrival of the fire d- p irtmerif The amount of Insurance held on the property is not stated. CT? SShertela'S Stomach and Liver Tablets assist nature In driving nil Impi Title* ??ut of tho ST Stoat, insuring a free and r? gutaf condition and r? - storing the organs of the body to health and strength. Sold by W. W. Flbert. will the Democratic party jump fp?m n party of too innnv generals to BSH of luflj many Presidential enndi dates??Washington Post. Diarrhoea should be cured without toes of time and by a ssedlelne which like Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy led only cures promptly but produces no unpleasant after effects. It never falls and Is pleasant tnd safe to take. Sold bv W. W Slbert. IXVITEB TO DENMARK. 'E. I. 11." Can (ilvc 'Fin "Hot Air" to "Bent the Band.*' The business men of the hustling town of Denmark have invited Mr. E. I. Reardon to visit that place and give them a talk as to the best methods of organizing and manag? ing a chamber of commerce. The writer of the letter of invitation says that they have heard so much of Sumter and the way we do things over here that they are willing to get all of the Information possible from this city. FROM NATURAL CAUSES. Negro Died after Taking Brink of "Fire Water." Demas Scott, colored, died about seven miles from town on the Bishop vllle road last Friday after taking a drink of whiskey. The physician call? ed In at the time pronounced It a case of alcoholic poisoning. The Coroner was not called in at it was a clear case of death from natural causes. Such stuff as he drank will just naturally kill you. STOLE 20? POUNDS OF MEAT. Thief Enters Smoke House ami Makes Hood Haul. A thief entered the smoke house of Mr. Frank Mlms at Shiloh last Sunday night and stole about 200 pounds of home cured meat. At this time when meat is so valuable, that was a big steal. Several houses In the neighborhood were searched for the missing nieat, but no trace of it or the thief has yet been found. 'HUKTLNG BUSINESS.' There Are People Who Think the Truth Should be Suppressed. Not long ago a man in Illinois wrote to a newspaper, protesting against an agitation concerning certain high? ways, "It hurts business," he said, "to be forever talking about the mud? dy roads of Illinois." There was re? cently a mild outbreak of smallpox In a New England city, and earnest efforts were made to suppress the facts for fear that publicity would In? jure the commercial Interests of the community. One of the reasons why Montreal gave up Its practice of erecting a beautiful Ice palace each winter was the argument that it hurt Canadian business to have th impression of severe winters go abroad. When the gift of one million dollars was made for the purpose of fighting the hook? worm, a few people in the South re? sented it on the ground that the cru? sade would injure the good name and the business prosperity of that part of the country Similar Instances might be multi? plied. The cry of "don't hurt busi? ness!" is raised by timid souls who fear agitation of any kind, by politi? cians who have an Instinctive horror of publicity, and well-meaning people who honestly believe it is affected by various wholly foreign influences. As for the last class, it is a safe assertion that their fears are usually groundless, Trade is a matter largely deter? mined by the needs, conveniences and habits of the buyer. Business, local and secth nal, depends upon bigger and broader considerations than those mentioned at the opening of this article. No one will hesitate to buy Canadian lumbar bacaUM Quebec Province has cold winters, and Illi? nois es command Its prices regard? less of the state of its highways.? Youth s Companion. , Prompt relief In all cases of throal ami lung trouble If you use Chamber? lain's Cough Remedy. Pleasant to take, soothing and healing In effect. Sohl by W. \V. Sibert. _ \cw state Maps Read) Boon. Columbia? April 7.- -The new State map. containing the county of Dillon, v ill be issued soon by the department of tgriculture, commerce and indus? tries. There is no map now with Dil? lon on it. There will also be publish? ed a good roads map for this State. The map will be on plain white paper, showing the roads in color. I'.' ery family and especially those who reside in the country should be provided at all times with a bottle of Chamberlain' Liniment. There is no telling when It may be wanted in ? i^es of nn accident or emergency, it is most excellent in all oases of rheumatism, sprains and bruises, Sold by W, W. Sibert. Rosa A mirk, the 13-year daughter of Mr. .1. B, Amlck, of Lexington, was seriously bitten by a mad dog Mon? day. Your longUS Is coated. Your breath Is foul. Headache come and go, These symptom! show that your Stoma? h is the trouble. To remove the eauaa is the first thing, and Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will do that. Easy t ? take and most affective, Bold by W. W, Sibert. QUESTION OF SOIL FERTILITY. Secretary Wilson's Report on Impor? tant Matter. In speaking of the great question of soil fertility, which is occupying the minds of agriculturists all over the country and the attention of the people?as to whether the American soils are continually wearing out, as some authorities say and as the soil experts of the United States bu? reau of soils contend to the contrary ?Secretary of Agriculture James Wilson in his annual report deals with the subject as follows: "A great and fundemental prob? lem, which has confronted our peo? ple, as it has the people of the world, la the question of the permanency of soil fertility. Of late years, particul? arly, the idea has prevailed that the soils of varrious parts of the United States are wearing out through loss of mineral plant food, and that a serious condition is thus presented for the future of our people. So Important and fundamental Is this problem for the welfare of our peo? ple that I directed a thorough ex? amination to be made of the whole subject, and an exhaustive report has been issued, from which certain im? portant conclusions can be given in a few words. "It has been found from the rec? ords kept by our department that, on the average, crop yields per acre have shown a decided tendency to in? crease during a period of forty years, and that there is no evidence of gen? eral decrease over largre areas or in any particular State, as is popularly supposed. This Indicates, undoubt? edly, that on the average our peo? ple are farming more intelligently, and, therefore, more successfully, and that we are, through these more in? telligent methods, winning gradually larger returns from the soil. "It has been held, however, by some writers that even if the yields are increasing, the element of dan? ger Is that the larger crops remove larger amounts of plant food from the soils and bring nearer the time when the soils will eventually wear out. To meet this argument It has been necessary $0 extend the In? vestigation Into older countries, and the records of Europe have been searched for Information in regard to the past history of these older countries that can be taken as a safe guide for the future of the newer soils of the United States. These rec? ords Indicate that in the middle of the sixteenth century, or. roughly speaking, three to four hundred years ago, the soil of Central and Northern Europe were producing on the avergae about as much wheat per acre as the soils of the United States are producing at the present time. These European soils have been oc? cupied for agricultural purposes for at least a thousand years, during most of which period the country was more densly populated than the United States is at the present time. So far as records are obtainable, they indicate that as a result of increas? ing population and more Intensive and more intelligent methods of soil control, the averrage of their longer occupation, the average yield per acre has Increased, until in the case of Northern Euproe the soils are now producing about two or two and one half times as much per a^re as the newer su ill obtain a better price. The pi ices we name are the lowest a merchant can sell good goods at and st111 stay in business "cut" prices in most cases are prices on articles in which the value i-> i>l a "cut" character too. "( )ne price to all" and t hat price the lowest possible is our business motto. Witherspooii Bros. Furniture Co. ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT. AVegetable rVepara(ionforAs sirailatingtheFoofJanaRegula ting ?ie Stomachs and?owetsof Infants /Children Promotes Digesnonfl*?fuf ness and Rest.Contalns neJttier Opiinii.Morphine nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. ?tape o/OldlkSMJILmum ftcapkin Smd" % JbcSama * Jkd*Ut$dk jtniseSttd ? fluptrmmt' ISToftonabSuIa* WtmSetd tntlanc. Aperfect Remedy forConsfipa tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea Worms ,Convulsioiis.FcvErish ness and Lo ss of Sleep. Facsimile Signamre of . new york* \ GASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Atb months oldk 35 Doses-J5CENTS Exact Copy of Wrapper. In Use For Over Thirty Year CUSTOM TM K OKRTAVa WMMNT, NCW YORK CITY. Banking. The Farmers' Bank and Trust Co. Offers unexcelled banking facilities, and wants your business. ? ? ?? Remember That One Dollar in the Bank does more work than Five in your pocket. It is our business to make money work. Deposit your Dollars with us and help Sumter grow. Bank of Sumter. DEPOSIT With First National Bank THAT'S ALL. HORSES, MULES. BUGGIES, WAGONS, HARNESS, BUILDING MATERIAL, Lime, Cement, Acme Wall Plaster, Shingles, Laths, Fire Brick, Clay, Stove Flue and Drain Pipe, Etc! All kinds, Horse, Cow. Ilo^and Chicken Feed. :: Hay and Grain ?- SEED OATS. WHEAT, RYE ANO BARLEY. A car load or a single article. Come and see us, if unable to do so, write, or phone No. io. BEST LIVERY IN SUMTER. ?9 SUMTER, SC. AN ADVERTISEMENT PLACED IN THE ADVERTISING COLUMNS OF THE DAILY ITEM WILL BRING RESULST.