The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, January 26, 1910, Image 7

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ANOTHER BLOW FOR COOK. Unable to Find Anything In Explorer'?* Note? to Justify Ills Copenhagen, Jen. 1?.?The com mite? of the University of Copenha? gen has completed it* examination of Dr. Frederick A. Cook's original notes, end today confirmed Its pre? vious conclusions that not the slight? est proof that the explorer reached the North Pole had been submitted. The report was submitted to the con? sistory of the University today. The committee finde thst the copy of Cook's data upon which its previous decision was bseed conforms in the i main to ths original note book now la Its possession. The latter, the ex? aminers say, contain* various alter? ations, but ther? Is nothing to show whether the changes were made with the purpose of deceiving. MISSIONARY POLICY. ation? Adopted by she Laymen's Meeting. Columbia, Jan. SO.?Resolutions proposed by the executive committee aad adopted last night. "1. That ws recognise It to be the present urgent duty of the church of Christ to undertake to preach the Gospel to every cearture in the world. "2. That we rejoice that the lay? men of the churches are rising up In large numbers, to cooperate with their pastors and missionary boards to ths attempt to evangelise the world In this generation. "I. That we unite our efforts and prayers in a persistent sttempt to enlist ths Christian men of South Carolina in undertaking their full proportion of world-responsibility. "4- Thst we earnestly recom? mend the appointment in every con? gregation of a strong mlssonary com* mitte?, which shall conduct a cam? paign of education on the subject of missions, and shall also organise And conduct a personal canvass of every member of ths congregation, to the end that some worthy systematic con. trlbution to the cause of world-even gsllsstlon be made by every one. "h. That we strongly nrgs the adoption of the weekly system of missionary offerings, ss ths most Scriptural, fair, economical and pro i daetlve method, believing that when properly Introduced and worked, it ? secures the largest possible educe* fjoaal, financial and spiritual results. That we recommend that all churches la this Stats that havs not already resched a higher standard, aim to Increase their systematic of? ferings to ths extension of ths king, dom of Christ in the non-Christian world, until they shall bs brought up to at least tl per cent ' of the church's total offerings, for sll pur 1 Deluding congregational ex '7. That the Columbia churches ] undertake to follow this convention immediately by a thoroughly organ I - canvass by the missionary com? mittee of each church, to the end that every church member may be enlisted as a systematic contributor to missions, and that the total offer? ings of Columbia churches to work abroad may be Increased from $6,36 5, reported last yesr, to st Issst $12, 000 for ths coming 12 months, snd thst a pobllc meeting of the men of Columbia be held on Sunday after? noon. January SO. to hear the reports of the results accomplished. After .the $12,000 standard has been reach? ed It Is recomended that the churches of Columbia continue to In? crease their missionary offerings in harmony with the proportion lr?d|cat* in resolution f. 'I. Thst we recomemnd the or ktsatk>n In every city, town and immunity In the State of a cooper? ating oommlttee of the Laymen's Missionary movement which shall tep in touch with the methods of the general movement snd cooperate with ell Individual congregations In resch'ng and maintaining) their high eat mlssonary efficiency." Making life Safer Everywhere life Is being made more safe through the work of Dr. King's New Life Pills in Constipation. Bll llousneas. Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Liv? er troubles. Kidney Diseases and Bowel Disorders. They're easy, but sure, and perfectly build up the health 25c at Slbort'S Drug Store. The grand council of the three di? visions of Masons In South Caroltnn will be held In Greenville February S-t. A Wlkl niUaarti Raging, brings danger, suffering? often death ?to thousands, who take < >lds. coughs and lagrlppe?that terror of Winter and Spring. Its danger sig? nals are "stuffed up" nostrils, lower part of nose sore, chills and fever, pain In the back of head, and a tbroat-grlpplng cough. When (irlp attacks, as you value your life, don't delay getting Dr. King's New Discov? ery "One bottle cured me," writes A. L Dunn, of Pine Valley. Miss., "after being 'laid up* three weeks with grip." For sore lungs, hem? orrhages, coughs. colds, whoooplng cough, bronchitis, asthma, it's su? preme. 60c, |i. Guaranteed by Stbsrt's Drug Store. PAI*ACE OF C1LEHIGAN BUHNS. Iloiiae Where Turkish Parliament Meets Destroyed by Fire?-Loss Is Well Into Millions. Constantinople, Jan. 19.?The pal? ace of Cherlgan, where the Turkish parliament meets, was entirely ce stroyed by fire today. The loss is great, as the building alone cost about $16,000,000. The fire originat? ed between the private apartment re? served for the sultan and the cham? ber of deputies and is believed to have been due to defective heating apparatus, although there have been reports current that reactionary ga? rnets were responsible for It. The fire started shortly before noon and a strong wind fanned the flames, which spread with great rapidity. Little furniture and very few- of the Important documents were saved. Practically all of the archives of the department of deputies, including 60 bills and the budget estimates, were t.urned. As a consequence the busi? ness of parliament will be seriously interrupted. What few effects were saved were taken from the palace by sailors sta? tioned at the legations, principally the Russians and Americans, who were first to arrive on the scene. Orientals regard the Are as an evil omen. CLARENDON COUNTY FAIR. Manning Board of Trade Inaugurates Movement sad Begins Organization of Company. Manning, Jan. 21.?Some weeks ago the Manning board of trade ap? pointed a committee to investigate and report on the advlsabtlHy of holding a county fair at Manning some time during the fall of 1910. The committee consisted of C R. Sprott, F. P. Brvln and W. E. Jen klnson, all prominent citizens. They went to work at once correepondlng with fair associations In other coun? ties, and seeking information from all available sources. At the call of this committee a meeting of business and professional men was held In the town hall today. Ths committee made a favorable and enthusiastic re? port, snd the meeting resolved unan? imously that the organization of a county fair association should be un? dertaken at once. The special commit? tee was continued and instructed to ? apply to the secretary of state for a charter, and as an evidence of good faith subscriptions to a large p>rtion of the necessary capital stock were pledged on the spot. Ths Manning board of trade has al? ready done good work along specla lines, such as fostering the tobacco raising Industry In Clarendond coun? ty and offering prises for the encour? agement of the boys' corn clubs. It is safe to predict that they will see I to It that the Clarendon county fair la also made a success. NEW RAIL LINE TO CHARLESTON Road Direct From Charleston to Gulf Projected. Cordele. Oa., Jan. 20.?Eastern and Georgia capitalists today completed the organization of the Georgia. Southwestern and Gulf Railway, which 'will extend from this place to St. Andrew's Bay, Fla., with a view of handling the freight from steam? ers touching the Florida West Coast frony points beyond the Isthmus of Panama direct through the Interior to the Atlantic seaboard. The company proposes to take over the Albany Northern Road which ex? tends from this Plsoe to Albany and to build a line of road from Albany to the Gulf. It Is also proposed to build a d.iC from here to Hawklnsvllle. This will give a direct line to Charleston. S. C A loan of $4,000,000. It Is said, has been negotiated In France with which to build and equip this line. Five hundred thousand dollars of the loan Is now in New York banks subject t > immediate use. Work Is expected t^ begin. ?Foley's Kidney Remedy will cure any case of kidney or bladder trouble that is not beyond the reach of med? icine. It invigorates the entire sys? tem and strengthens the kidneys so they eliminate the Impurities from the blood. Backache, rheumatism, kidney and bladder troubles are all cured by this great medicine. Com? mence taking at once and avoid Hrlght's Disease and Diabetes. Sl bert's Drug Store. The Camden Water, Light & Ice Company has transferred Its stock and equipment to T. J. Klrkland. Saved at Death'* Door. ?The door of death seemed ready to open for Murray W. Ayers, of Transit Bridge, N. Y., when his life was wonderfully saved. "I was in a dreadful condition," he writes, "my skin was almost yellow; eyes sun? ken; tongue coaled; emaciated from losing 40 pounds, growing weaker dally. Virulent liver tumble pulling mo down to death in spite of doc t ?m Then that matchless medi? cine^?Electric Bitters ? cured mo I regained the 40 pounds lost and row am well and strong." For all stomach, liver and kidney troubles they're supreme. 60c at Slberfs Drug Store. RHODE ISLAND REFUSES BONDS House of Representatives Concurs in Senate's Rejection of Proffered North Carolina Bonds. Providence. R. I., Jan. 20.?The State of Rhode Island was saved from litigation with the State of North Carolina today when the house of representatives concurred with the senate and voted to reject a gift of $500,000 of North Carolina bonds. An act requiring the acceptance of all gifts and their collection by legal proceedings was amended so that the governor Is given discretionary pow? ers. The bonds In question will he re? turned to the donors, the North Car? olina bondholders' committee of New York. NEGROES DEMAND EQUALITY. Colored Cuban Congressmen Protest Against Treatment at Hotel. Havana, Jan. 20.?-Practically all the negro members of Congress, fol? lowed by a large crowd of colored politicians, visited President Gomez at the palace this evening, and pre? sented a petition demanding that the President take cognisance of the ac? tion of the management of the Plaza Hotel at which a negro demonstra? tion took place recently after the re? fusal of the clerk to permit two ne? gro congressmen trt be served with liquor and of the continued discrimi? nation against negroes requesting lodging and entertainment. The dele? gation informed the President that this was the first step on the part of the negro element of the whole Is? land In a vigorous campaign to se? cure all the rights to which the rac? is entitled by virtue of its numbers and Its eminent services in behalf of the Republic. The President told the delegation that he would do all In his constitu? tional powers to remove the cause o! irritation and secure to all citizens, irrespective of color, the full enjoy? ment of equal rights. An extra police guard was tonight stationed In front of the hotel. SORE THROAT. Colds, Coughs, Croup and Catarrh ? Relieved in Two Minutes. Is your throat sore? Breathe Hyomei. Have you catarrh? Breathe Hyomei. Have you a cough? Breathe Hyomei. Have you a cold? Breathe Hyomei. Hyomei la the best remedy for all nose, throat and lung troubles. It does not contain any cocaine or mor? phine and all that is necessary is to breathe It through the little black pocket Inhaler that comes with each outfit. A complete outfit costs only $1.00 at druggists everywhere and at J. P. W. DeLorme's, and ? Hyomei \s guaranteed to cure catarrh, croup, coughs, colds, sore throat and bron? chitis or money back. A Hyomei In? hale: lasts a lifetime and extra bot? tles of Hybmel can be obtained from druggists for only 60 cents. Sample of Hyomei and booklet, free. Ad? dress Booth's Hyomei Co. Buffalo,* N. Y. 1-12-24?W. 1-26 ?It is a dangerous thing to take a cough medicine containing opiates that merely stifle your cough Instead of curing It. Foley's Honey and Tar loosens and cures the cough and ex? pels the poisonous germs, thus pre? venting pneumonia and consumption. Refuse substitutes and take only the genuine Foley's Honey and Tar In the yellow package. Sibert's Drug Store. ? Mayor Gaynbr promises to be one of the most interesting and original chief magistrates New York city has had since its Dutch Governors.?Phil? adelphia Record. Rev. I. W. Williams Testifies. ?Rev. I. W. Williams, Huntington W Va., writes us as follows: "This is to certify that I used Foley's Kid? ney Remedy for nervous exhaustion and kidney trouble and am free to say that Foley's Kidney Remedy will do all that you claim for it." Sibert's Drug Store. ll is already announced that a bit? River and Harbor bill will be intro? duced In COngross this winter. The statesmen seem bound to have their pork.?New York Mall. Pneumonia Follows a Cold. ?but never follows the use of Foley's Honey and Tar, which stops the COUgh, heals the lungs and expels the cold from your system. Take at llrfct sign of a cold and avoid a dan? gerous illness. Sibert's Drug Store. The CltUens of St. Matthews are at work soliciting subscriptions to th ? capital Stock Of a cotton mill. Simple Remedy for LnGrippc. ?LaGrippe coughs are dangerous, as they frequently develop Into pneu? monia. Foley's Honey and Tar not only stops the cough, but heals and strengthens the lungs so that no se? rious results need bo feared. The genuine Foley's Honey and Tar con? tains no harmful drugs and is in a yellow package. Sibert's Drug Store. cm covxi ?I Special S< ?- on II? Id] tract for ! .1 w tlon ment Bu 1 M tig. Council \h 8 o'clock Mayor to tract witl tlon of ; Present Mayor errhen: H G. Stubb> sent: Aide C. Hayns-v i The sj ' were reac and Clerl wen utH rected to xecute half of th I Ity been expr of sand-ce of this ? free dlscuf Lee, City )! tested the in< with their to use the i Major L McGhee, i give perst tract with ty bond, the reques ed, provid ble to Council. The meeting then xnrt-ce' i itatt ring c< latli ti Council decided it brick. :bat Mr. J. D ictor, desired to ander his con stead of a sure of Mr. Wright 3hee was grant :les be accepta adjourned. Longevity is most frequent in countries of low birth rate. Farm Loans. Loans negotiated upon improv? ed farms, payable in annual in? stallments. No Commission. Borrowers pay actual cost of per? fecting Loan. For further infor? mation apply to 4 JOHN B. PALMER & SON. P. O. Box 282, Phone No. 1085. Office Sylvan Bldg. COLUMBIA, S. C. 12-8-2m. TAX RETURNS FOR 1910. OFFICE OF COUNTY AUDITOR SUMTER CO.. SUMTER, S. C., Dec. 3, 1909. Notice is hereby given that I will attend, in person or by deputy, at the following places on the days In? dicated, respectively, for the purpose of receiving returns of real estate, personal property, and poll taxes for the fiscal year commencing January 1st, 1910. Tindalls, Tuesday, Jan. 4th. Privateer, (Jenkins' store,) Wed? nesday, Jan. 6th. Manchester, Levl's, Thursday, Jan. 6th. Wedgefleld, Friday, Jan. 7th. Claremont Depot, Monday, Jan. 10th. Hagood, Tuesday, Jan. 11th. Remberts, Wednesday, Jan. 12th. Dalzell, Thursday, Jan 13th. W. T. Brogdon's Store, Friday, Ja n. ,14th. Mayesville, Tuesday, Jan. 18th. Shlloh, Wednesday, Jan. 19th. Norwood's X Roade, Thursday, Jan. 20th. Oswego, Friday, Jan. 21st. All persons whose duty It Is to make returns should be prompt to meet me at these appointments. All returns must be made before Feb. 20th, 1910. J. DIGGS WILDER. Auditor for Sumter Cj. 1-2-8-1-21-10 OUR mum* FUNDS OP DEPOSITORS : : : : Promptn ss in all transactions. atnJ :;cxcelled facili !ling yo'jr Laziness in every departm< nt ol banking is the basis upon which this :>ank, lac Oldest and Largest in the city of Sumter, invites your account. First National Bank, Sister, S. C. FOR RENT T F you desire to make a change see us. We offer * the following desirable residences at reasonable prices : No. 17 W. Dingle St., 7 room house, modern Improvements 17.60 14.00 14.00 18.00 14.00 7.00 IS.00 8.00 8.00 No 130 S. Main St, 9 room house, with bath No. 101 S. Sumter St., 8 room house No. 101 S. Salem Ave., 7 room house, Cor. Hazel and Chestnut Sts., 7 room house Four 5-room houses on Haynsworth St., each No. 9, S. Blandlng Ave., 9room house Two 5-room houses N. Salem Ave., at One 5-room house Purdy St., near Broad 8t., We have several nice houses for sale close-in. at SUMTER REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE CO., Sumter, ... South Carolina. IM HORSES, MULES. BUGGIES, WAGOHS, HARNESS, BUILDING MATERIAL, Lime, Cement, Acme Wall Plaster, Shingles, Laths, Fire Brick, Clay, Stove Flue and Drain Pipe, Etc. Tjr ?- All kinds, Horse, Cow, Hog and Hay and Gram?Chicken Fecd, SEED OATS, WHEAT, RYE ARD BARLEY. A car load or a single article. Come and see us, if unable to do so, write, or phone No. io. BEST LIVERY IN SUMTER. took Co., SUMTER, SC. -?, - ? ? "Getting Business is Just Like Courting a Girl, I You must offer the right kind of goods*=and I keep right on Calling. IThat's something you should bear in mind. We always offer the rifjhl kino of good* ; then, we are right after your account. We sell our goods at CASH PRICKS, and bills are due whenac cour* Iis presented It you wish to establish a line of credit, call at 01 office. m ISuccotash. 15c pej ,u? Okra and Tomatoes.10 and 15c per can Beets, .15c per can ISpinach..15c per can Lye Hominy, (Van Camp's).10c per can ICleanest, Purest Stock of Canned Vegetables and Fruits ever offered in Eastern South Carolina. j.1 IWIWBW^iii-^