The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, January 12, 1910, Image 4

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U Mluuuaui aa? ^julbioii WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1910. The Sumter Watchman was found? ed In III? and the True Southron in 111!. The Watchman and Southron ?aw haa the combined circulation and famfluence of both of the old papers, ?aid Is manifestly ths best advertising mad turn in 8u rater. If the roport of the committee that investigated the State Hospital for the lnaan? Is not pigeon-holed, it will prove the sensation of the ap? proaching session of the Legislature. ? ? ? Taft vs. Plnchot is said to be. In fact, the land grabbers against Roosevelt conservation policies. If this be true, the fight will not begin in earnest until the Big Stick returns from Africa. e ? ? The democrats and insurgents downed Boas Cannon once, but the old man didn't have time to frame up deal with a few of the purchasable imany congressmen. They will rdly catch him napping again. ? es The Beard of County Commission are not knocking the proposed automobile hlghwsy to Columbia, but they do not care to have the county saddled with the cost of construction and maintenance without careful and mature consideration. They have put the members of the Legislature on notice that they want to know what la proposed to be done In the way of legtslatlor before it Is done. If they wait until a law Is enacted It will be too late to protest, if the burden proves too great for Sumter county to bear. t The Union Brokerage Company* the wholesale grocery and Jobbing business organised by the members of ths Sumter County Farmers' Union, with Mr. J. M Brogdon as manager, opened for business In one of the wire houses at the old C. S. & N. depot on Mondsy of last week. This concern will carry a complete stock of groceries and farm supplies and the outlook Is that It will do a large business. In Investigation by Secretary Rear don, of the Chamber of Commerce, of the report that the Northwestern Railroad was discriminating against Sumter by giving a special rate on Saturday of one fare for the round trip between Rembert and Csmden, while the rate to Sumter from the same point was 1 1-1 fares, brought a poalthe denial of the report from President Thomas Wilson. He In? formed Secretary Reardon that there h^s never been any discrimination, that a special rate of one fare for the round trip has been In effect on Sat? urday from all stations to both S ira? te r and Camden and that the rate Is still In effect Camden and Sumter are given the Identical treatment in the making of special rates and this rule will not be departed from. Hie Torrens System. e The South Carolina legislature will be urged to pass a law providing the Torrens system of registering titles In that State. The system In vogue there 1? as loose and unsatisfactory as it Is In North Carolina and as an instance of how It operates, the Spnr tanhurx Journal says that a few Jays, ago It was desired by an attorney of that city to trace the title of a lol on North church street There was one lint gone In the (bain and be hsd little hope of finding It. Suppose that John Smith bad tak n on* a grant for one thousand acres of bind In 17 70. in the first place the /runt may be reoorded In Raleigh for tnis part of the country, and was < nc ? hitched on to Tryon county. N. c. That tract afterward may have b? Oft divided and sold to several pnr< ha H era, and there may have been a doz? en transfers alnce the original r?vnt. It ma> be easy to understand how difficult It would be to trace 50 per?* of that original tract, or even h clt: lot ?0 b> feet hack to the grau*. It Is ??xplalned y the Journal, as it has been explained by all the pspafg that have advocated th^ Torrens sys? tem, that It proposes to do SWS] with sll such expense and red tape. The general provision <>f the law Is that the owner of a tract of land makes application to the special officers f ?r register Ills land Is advertised for a certain time. If there nre no claims against It and there Is no ah? : ?n made by any one. then his tltb bl i- eordcd on a special book. AftOf that examination of titles paed PPt go beyond that. It will rOQtlfN no conveyancer to make the examin? ation. The only aspaataaa win be i small fee and the cost of advertising. Tlu adoption ?.f the Torr? i ? syst? in ought to ba m ob- one of the quallfl* pallet I for legislative candidacy ?rharl ?tte Chronicle That White QOOdl Sale as an noum ed by The Sumter l>iy <Joo<!s Co. ought to be read with much ln tereai by everyone who use White Good?. Think of the advantage In selecting from a stock bought before the aivance In Cotton Fabrics. 8 Farmers' Union News ?AND- l Practical Thoughts for Practical Farmers (Conducted by L'. \V. Dubbs, President Fanners' Union of Sumter County.) The Watchman and Southron having decided to double its jervice by ?omi-weekly publication, would improve that service by special features. The first to be Inaugurated la this Department for the Farmers' Union and Practical Farmers which 1 have been reQt ested to conduct. It will be my aim to give the Union news and official calls of the Union. To that end officers, and members of the Union are requested to use these columns. Also to publish auch clippings from the agricultural papers and Govern? ment Bulletins as I thlnl will be of practical benefit to our readers. Ori? ginal articles by any of o. r readers telling of their successes or failures will be appreciated and | ablished. Trusting this Department will be of mutual benefit to all concerned, THE EDITOR. All communications for tl is Department should be sent to E. W. Dabbs, Mayesvllle. S. C. FARMERS' UNION RESOLUTIONS. Resolutions of Suinter County Farm? ers' Union on Selling; Cotton for Future Delivery. Whereas: In. recent issues of The Farmers' Union Sun and other pa? pers there have been several letters advising and urging farmers to sell cotton for next September and Octo? ber delivery at prices now prevailing or at the highest point those months are quoted at by the speculative In? terests, and Whereas: In our fundamental law we have declared It to be the purpose of the Farmers* Union "To eliminate gambling in farm products by Board? of Trade. Cotton Exchanges and oth? er Speculators." and Whereas: The dictum of no man "That it is not gambling to bet on a sure thing" ever did or ever can make dealing in futures anything else than gambling. Therefore be It Resolved: First. The Farmers' Union of Sumter County hereby places itself on record as being un? alterably opposed to the use of the columns of our official organ to pro? mulgate views so at variance with the principles of the order; Second, Such advice is unsound and unwise for several other reasons, amonz them: that should there be largs dealings of this kind and the market should go against the buyers they would simply "go broke" and the farmers would have no ??edres?; but should the market go against the farmers they would be forced "to make good" for no sales would be accepted except from farmers of known ability to carry out their con? ti acts. And further, unless 'he In? dividual has plenty of money to mar? gin his contracts he is taking risks that even a big profit, should he re able to collect It, will not warrant. Third, We wish to publicly com? mend Hon. B. F. Keller, member of the State Union Executive Commit? tee for the 7th district for his fear? less and logical letter condemning this pernicious advice, which wo feel sure was given by our distinguished brother from Barnweli without reul lzlng the snares and pitfalls It would leai us into. Fourth. We ask the PArTMtrV Unions] to Join us In warning our peo? ple agplr.jt being led astray by such specious arguments. Filth. We ask th.^ papers that hav> published such advice and all others that have at heart the best interests of the Union, and the prosperity of cur people to join vlth us In UrVlntt our formers to stick to ragitfmutt business. (Signed) e. W. da bbs. J. If, brogdox, a i). calx, Committee. f'nanlmously adopted. RUQH W1THRR0POON, Secretary. Oats and Vetch. W itch your corn crib and hay loft these oarly January days. You are golnc to be scam- of hors?> t'< ed be? fore layinir-by time. It' yon ha Vi two horses <?r mules, select two acres of good land. Break and harrow once or twice. Scatter 400 ??r 500 pounds of fertilizer and then sow before the first Of February tWO bushels of oats and u half bushel of vetch to the 11 re, The two acres will make horse feed worth ||Pf00, This makei a fin. combination feed. Mow the lot when the oats ira turning. If you ha VC the oot to nosed meal, mix 4??n pounds acid, 2oi) pounds kalnll and 100 pounds of cottonseed meal and sow on the two acres, You will And that lha oheapeal and beat horse feed yon avar raised, it will be ready to mow In time lO plant a bite com crop ot? to sow peas. Alva Solomons who was danger ousiy wounded by the accidental dis? charge of a parlor rifle Saturday, Jan. ist. has Improved steadily and area able to leave the Infirmary sat nrday afternoon, THE IMPRACTICAL. Why Business Failure Is Inevitable to Some Individuals. lo many individuals with limited business aspirations fall so hopeless? ly short of a practical business point of view that failure is inevitable. I listened long and patiently the other day to the hard luck story Ol a small farmer practicing the inten? sive system with fruits and vege? tables. He lived on the edge of a considerable village, and [>0 miles away was a growing city of 200,000 pcpulation. But the farmer was sore ? ard discouraged. "Nobody in the whole section be gii8 to touch the stuff that I'm grow? ing." he said h< tly. "I'm a past master in the business. But what is the result? Every year I have stuff rotting here on the ground. I would not haul It into town for the prices they pay. It s ridiculous!" To me, however, that farmer hlm sdf was the most ridiculous single In the whole story. In an age of specializing he had specialized the growing of fine fruits and vegetables. They were his hob? by. But he overlooked the fact that alter his fruits were grown and rip? ened his work wag only half done. Without connecting with a profitable market he might as well have put In his time making mud pies in his back y.ird. Fifty miles a' was a city which vvould have grubbed for bis produce. A main line of railroad ran leght passenger trains into it every 24 hours. Why didn't he complete the work by establishing market con? nections? But this was a sore spot with the farmer. A few years before he had kept three or four Jersey cows, and the farmer's wife was an expert but tsr-maker. In some way an official of the express company operating ov? er the lines of the road through the village heard of this famous butter product and arranged to take the surplus without transportation cost and paying a sharp premium for it. But the farmer had made only one shipment and had quit "n disgust. Why? Simply because the farmer's wife had always used glazed crockery in which to handle milk and butter and In making the first six* or eight pound shipment in a vessel that had cost her 50 cents the city purchaser had failed to return the empty crook! Why had she used the crock for ship? ment? Oh. well, she had never used anything else in the handling of but? ter' Yet not a few of the big buslnesi concerns of the country that ore seeking foreign outlet, for trade 0X0 no wiser than this farmer's wife. They are producers of goods that are in foreign demand. Transportation rates are reasonable and direct. Prices are satisfactory. But. would I you believe it. these bidders for for? eign trade will not pack their goods for shipments as the market requires? A few years ago a manufacturing concern In Chicago sold a consign? ment of neckties to. a retail Prm III British India. Instructions for pack? ing were that tin boxes should bO prepared with covers, the ties placed Inside and the covers soldered on Closely. The Chicago house balked at this. It packed the ties as It would have done were they to go to Balti? more or Denver and made the ship? ment. Several weeks later notice came that the whole shipment had arrived in a ruined condition. A small grub, recognised In those seas* had penetrated the cardboard and wooden coverings and eaten the allh into rage!?Chicago Tribune. Th following gentlemen will rep? resent the Presbtyerian Church ;>t the Laymen's Missionar) Convention in Columbia, Jan. lT-iy; H. L. Scarborough, l?. Jamea VVInn, J, McCallum, W F, Shaw, C, <;. Row land, Alternates: j, }i Chandler, D C, shaw, fates feadon, w. H, Scott and Dr. Mills. If Dr. Eliot actually wants t.. bene nt humankind, let him publish a five foo shopping list.- New Y ok Mail. A SERIES OF FIRMS. Firemen Had Ix>ts to I)o Sunday and Monday. The fire department was called out 1 twice Sunday, the first time at 2 a. m. to extinguish a blaze on the roof of Mrs. Manning Brown's residence I on Church street. The fire was quick? ly gotten under control and the darn age was small. At noon the firemen had a hard fight to prevent the total destruction of the residence of Mr. Henry G. Mc Kagen on East Calhoun street. The roof and second floor were consid? erably damaged, but the remainder of the house was not Injured except by water and smoke. The furniture and other household effects were badly damaged. The house, which Is the property of Mr. H. C. Hayns? worth was Insured for a sufficient amount to cover the damage. Mr. McKagen had his furniture insured but the exact amount of his loss has not been determined. The fire originated from a fire which was left burning in an upstairs room while the family was down? stairs. A log rolled out of the fire place and set fire to the floor, spread? ing thence to the wall and up Into the roof. Monday about 7:15 o'clock the department was called out again. The lire this time was on Church Street, where Mr. Irving A. Rytten burg's automobile sued and stable were burned. The buildings were too far gone when the firemen arrived for them to save the building and they gave their attention to prevent? ing the spread of the fire to other buildings. The loss was not great as Mr. Ryttenburg's automobile was saved. Between 12 and 1 o'clock the hose wagons had another long run to 216 Oakland Avenue, where a small house occupied by a negro family was on fire. The roof was damaged to the extent of a few dollars before the blaze was extinguished. Be early at the Big White Sale at The Sumter Dry Goods Co. If you wquld get the best values. The as? sortment Is both large and varied but not altogether limitless. The Dion-Bouton automobile fac" tory, Puteaux, France, has built what It terms "the theatrical car of the future." This is an automobile suf? ficiently commodious to caryy a com? pany of about twelve persons, with room for the baggage on top. ABOUT HYOMEI. A Bottle Costa Only 50 Cents?A Complete Outfit Including Inhaler $1.00. When J. F. W. DeLorme will guar? antee Hyomei to cure catarrh or give you your money back, what is your answer? Are you satisfied with your condi? tion, or do you want to rid yourself forever of vile catarrh, with its hu? miliating symptoms, such as hawk? ing, spitting, blowing and bad breath? Hyomei is a simple, antiseptic medicine, that you breathe through a small pocket Inhaler over the parts affected. It is made of Australian eucalyp? tus mixed with other germ kill'.ns and membrane soothing antiseptics. Get a complete outfit today. It only costs $1.00, and contains every? thing necessary to cure an ordinary case of catarrh. Extra bottles, if needed. 50c. Hyomei is the best remedy in the world for sore throat, coughs and colds, croup and bronchitis. It gives wonderful relief in two minutes. For Bale by druggist! everywhere and by J. F. W. DeLorme. 1-10-19?W, 1-12. FOR SALI-:?It being nec Mary to retire on account of my health, I offer for sale the best paying busi? ness In town. Ducker & Bultman? W. sY S. 1-11-tf. FOR RENT?iFarm of 102 acres at Wedgefteld on account of death of William Murray. Ducker & Bull man. 1-11-It. ESTATE OF SAMUEL RAOIN, Dee d. Executor's Sale of Persona) Property. By order of the Judge of Probate for Sumter County, 8. C, I will Of 1 T for sale at public outcry to the highest bidder, for cash, on Monday the 2 1th day of January. A. !>.. 1910, at the late residence of the deceased, In Manchester Township, in said County at 11 o'clock a. m. The per? sonal property of said estate consist? ing of one 1-horse wagon, one 2-horse wagon, two mules, two z n a l( calves, 14 hogs, one lot of corn, cot? ton seed, fodder, peas, potatoes, SU gar cane, hary and a large variety of agricultural Implements, harnessi gear, etc. [SHAM MITCHELL, Executor. Sumter. S. C.. Jan. s. 1<?10. I w & s?41?i?t wlcly. STAUNOH FRIENDS OF PE-RU-NA. ?'tfv. .?. y mm ._.:_ .. '-'u im ILL: ^;a)!r^-H.c.GPEEw. J Grandmothers and Grandfathers Who Believe In Pc-ro-na. MRS. H. G. GREEN and family, of Lewis Creek, Ind., write: "We {fj CAN recommend Peruna as a good f medicine for chronic catarrh of the stomach and bowels. I have been troubled with it severely for over a year, and also a ci ugh. "Now my cough is all gone, and all the distressing uymptoms of catarrh of the stomach and bowels have disappeared. "I will recommend it to all as a rare remedy."?Mrs. F. E. Little, Tolono, 111. f^T HAD catarrh of the stomach, bow 1 els and lower internal organs. Had a great deal of pain in my right hip, which felt like rheumatism. Also, pain in my internal organs. The water was highly colored, my back was weak, was constipated, and very restless. "I commenced to take Peruna accord? ing to directions, and began to improve. I have taken ten bottles of Peruna and think I am cured."?Mr. W. C. Hemp hill. Louisv He, Miss. cannot express to you our thanks for what Peruna has done for mother. "When sho began your medicine f he was not able to be up all day, but now she is helping with the work and at present has gone on a visit. Her health is improved in general. No discharges. Good appetite. Sleeps well and looks well." ^DY following your irrtructtons and D taking your Peruna and Manaiia I am cured of catarrh. "I had catarrh for twelve years and quite a bad cough so I could not sleep nights. I do not have any cough now. If I feel anything in the throat I take a swallow of Peruna and I am all right.? ?Mr. W. D. Smith, Sr., 2440 Forest St, fort Huron, Mich. Ask Your Druggist for a Free Peruna Almanac for 1910. Dr. H. A. Mood, who has been quite sick foi* several months return? ed Saturday from Port Motte, where* he has been recuperating i or several weeks. His health baa greatl) in proved and he is n >w able to be out and attend to bi of New York. Another big mortgage filed with him for record is that of C <? Sumter Cms and Light Company >or ?7r>,0o0. in favor of the Cojumbfft Irust Company, of New York. Clerk of Court Parrott has in his office for recording a mortgage for $200,000,000 executed by the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad company in fa? vor of the United States Trust Co., Mr. Claude K Hurst, who went to a Richmond hospital for treatment several days ago was operated on Monday. A telegram was received about noon stating that he stood the operation well and his condition^was very satisfactory. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Jan. 19,20,21 O'Donnell & Cos B;g White Sale takes place on the above dates. Then will be the time to lay in your supply of White Goods, Laces and Kmbroideries ot every description. See Our "Ad" Later. O'Donnell 6 Co