tDatclraum tm? out!) THE Hl MTKU WATCHMAN, KatabUnhed April, 18M). 'Re Just and Fear iiot-^Let till the ends Thou Ahns't at be thy Country's, Thy Coil's pud Truth's." TUE TRU Consolidated An?. 2.1881. BUMTER. S. C. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 4, 1908 New Seri TAFT-ROOSEVELT COMBINATION WINS A GREAT VICTORY. The Powers That Prey on the People Prove Too Strong for Cham? pion of Popular Rights?Taft Carries all Doubtf ul States. REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES HAVE 278 ELECTORAL VOTES SURE Summary of Reports From AH the States Show That Bryan's Defeat Is Fully as Decisive as That of Parker Four Years Ago. - The Democratic party umler the leadership of Mr. W. J. Bryan haa gone down In defeat for a thrsd time, and this defeat It the most complete and crushing "?f the three that he ha* sus? tained. The defeat Is. however, no greater nor more complete than be? fall the party under the leadership of Judge Parker, the chosen representa? tive of II?i so-called conservative wing of Uv? Democracy. Mr. Brl*an made a great fight?the greatest (ampaign. til things consid? ered, ever made by a leader of a po the most disastrous and complete de? feat In |U history. The returns that are printed here? with have been culled from hun? dreds received by Bell Long Distance Telephone and telegraph, and give as complete an outline of the available election reports as we could obtain Special lines of both telephone and telegraph were run Into this office and from 6:30 p. m. until 3:45, both have been kept busy, and the expert opera? tor who received the returns put In a night of hard work. The result is Wi ft litte t party. It was Mr. Bryan's cum naign from first to last. It cannot t>. charged against him that he spared any etort to arouse the people to tho necessity of throwing off the rule ?kf the trusts and restoring the govern? ment to the people. He made a mug nlflcei t fight and lout, riot because his cause lacked merit, but because the Corporations arul allied Interests were too ?trungly lnt*enched?the power nf money and the Influence of th? nione) kings, trusts and Itupuhllcau monopolies were too potent to be over? come by a lawful appeal t? tie bril-' lot. Tho returns from nil the *tnt? * which have been received t hiiiihi'?, (irral .Majority. Ph?ud?-Iphhi. Pa . Nov. 4.? 1 a. in. With IS aouatlai 10 hear from the I ltaatk?M are tint Taft has carried Pt nii.ylvunla by i plurality that will h aaafat than !?#?###< Th? ?mir.- ticket Is elected by a large plu i oI i>. iMHldlng Jos. Clllennan, for sheriff who w;is opposed by 1). ('. Ollboaay, tin Marintt !i. 'j r.s::u. TAFT THANKS ROOSEVELT, i Our Next President Pays the Homage of Thanks to the Man Who Made I f i in President. Cincinnati, O., Nov. 4.?President Roosevelt's telegram of congratulation to Judge Taft dieted the following re? ply: "Thank you for your telegram. Without any expression from you I would know how deeply interested you have been in my success and how much you rejoice In it. It is your ad? ministration that this victory affirms." James s. Sherman* Tuft wins Delaware. Wilmington Dal., Nov. 4.?Taft's in? dicated plurality In Delaware is 3,000. Republican state ticket headed by Si? mons Spennewell for governor and Wm. Held, for congress, is elected by about the same plurality, with the meatton that Davis. Republican attor? ney general Is probably defeated by Andrew C. Gray, Democrat. I Cincinnati, O., Nov. 4.?Taft carried ! Laicus county Ohio by only 4,000; ' I Roosevelt plurality In l$0i was 14, I 665. I Bryan's Manager Claim Nebraska. Omaha, Neb., Nov. 4.?Bryan ap patently has carried Nebraska, ai-1 thOUffb the Republicans stilll claim the state. j Taft carried New York city by about 1 1,000 plurality, this being the first time the city has Riven its vote to a Republican presidential candi? date since 181)6 when Mr. McKinley bad a small plurality. Mr. Taft received a greater plurality in New York state than President I Roosevelt did four years ago. Congressional Elections. Chicago, Nov. 4.~ Returm received by the Associated Pre!! up to 12:30 a. m? showed the election <>f 16t Re? publican! to congress and 138 Demo-| crate, Canton, s. d. Nov.4.?The Repub? lican state committee claims that South Dakota will five Taft a plurali? ty of about 23,000. Rai.1Kb. N, C, N<>\. 4.--Indications point to at leust forty thousand Demo? cratlc majority for the state ticket In North Carolina, Georgia 1?. Democratic, Atlanta, (la., Nov. \. Lite t< 'li^in Clark How.11. Notional Democtatlo commltteeman from Georgia, con ad? ed the election of Mr. Taft, Mr. ;r?w ?II g:i\?- the following statement: "It is ? landslide for Tan. Mr. Bryan hai made wonderful campaign, but h<' could no! overcome the pro? railing Idei that business condition! would be adversely affected by Re? publican defeat, As to Georgia, it is safely for Rryan by about 20,000 majority. Democratic Party as Now Consti? tuted Seems Unable to Win the Presidency and Roosevelt's Heir Is Accepted by the People. Eleventh Hour Claim. Portland, Oregon, Nov. 4.?The Re? publican managers claim the state for Taft by a plurality of 20,000. ?1.000 In Washington. Seattle, Wash., Nov. 4.?The latest returns from every* part of Washing? ton Indicate a plurality of fit least 4, 000 for Taft. Pittsburgh Vote Ltfirgc. Pittsburg, Pa., Nov. 4.?The plu? rality for Taft in the city of Pittsburg and Allegheny county is 40,000. Kansas in Doubt. Kansas City, Mb., Nov. 4.?The in? dications at midnight are that the vote in Kansas is very close on presi? dent and governor. The state is pos? sibly Republican by 8,000 or 10,000. Not enough returns received at this hour to forecast legislature. Leading in Montana. Helena, Mont.. Nov. 3.?Forty-nine precincts in Montana give Taft, 4,453; Pryan. 4,504; Donland for governor, Republican, 3,761; Norris, Democrat, 5,452. Taft Carries Louisville. Louisville, Ky.i Nov. 4.? This city complete, vote, Taft, 26,938; Bryan, 26,325. In the state of Kentucky 231 pre? cincts give Taft. 20.4S6; Bryan. 27, 5S9, outside of Louisville. Sure Of 278 Votes. New York, Nov. 4.- -Only consider? ing tile states from which definite re? ports havt been received Mr. Taft has l'Tn VOtOI or 26 more than required. This (Joes not include Indiana. The latest returns indicate a plurality Of at least 10,000 for him In that state. Tin other doubtful state;; were not in? cluded, it is stated thai Democratic state Chairman Connors of New fork concedes the election of both Tafl and Gov. Hughes of New York, Utah Ml Itcpubllt an. Denver. Col., Nov. t. Renator Sul? livan of Utah tonight made tu.-? fol? lowing statement* Taft has carried the state by 10,000 and the entire Re? publican state ticket Is (dieted. The legislature will be Republican on joint ballot by large majorltly The ? ntlre Republican county ticket >s elected in s?it Lake city by from itv to seven thousand majority. Cheyenne, Wyo., Nov. 4.?The Re? publican chairman clalmi Wyoming for Taft by 7.000. Minnesota Governorship Close*. St. Paul, Mtn., Nov. 4.?While Taft arried the stale by probably 80.000 the governorship in Minnesota i>angs in the balance the result being so eh se that both sidis claim the state by small majority. Cheyenne. Wyoming, Nov. 4. ? 21 out of 4.V2 give Taft, 1,296; Bryan, 773. Cincinnati.?3os precincts out of 4.430 in the State of Ohio give Taft 2<>.i6i; Bryan, 23.T7.S. same precincts in 1904, gave RoooseVSlt, 31.970; Parker. 18.96S. sst. Louis, Mo., Nov. 4.?-Returns are coming in exceeedlngly slow, the large number <>f scratched ballots and tlie condition Of the senatorial pH* mary which was held with the genet 'l .!? ction. Louisville, Kw, Nov. (.-?Polling the largest Vote in history of the st ile, at 1:80 a. m. almost complete retumi from sixty of the 119 counties in the state gave Bryan a plurality ??:' 7.?),.,t and a gain over Parker's \ote in the sasee sou n ties of 758. The ra gains has been consistent throughout tiie state and Mr. Bryan has probabl) added another thousand to Parker's plurality of l !*01 in the fifth dtstlct. in the 5th district of Louisville, Ky Taft was victorious by a plurality 0 478, with one precinct missing. Late Returns. SOUTJIISOV, Kstabllsliol June, ? ks?Vol. XXVIII. \,> mm mi THE EAR]Y. KETVRNs lNDKAt ED IIIS ELECTION. The First Scattering Hull tins Showed That liryj n Had Little Chance Of WinBBng nid I^atcr Returns Con? firmed the Worst Expectations. The first election bulletins began to come in by telegraph and over the Bell Long Distance telephone Hoes? about 6:30 o'clock and the hrst halt dozen bulletins, showed that the drift of sentiment was toward Talt. ' The following bulletins selected^ from the mi ny received give an id< j of the sort of news that the anxious Democrats were fed on during the early hours 3f the night. New York, Nov. 3.?Schcncctady complete gr es Taft, 7,790; Bryan, 7,571; same vote in 1904 for Roose? velt and Paiker. Rime, N. Y., Nov. 3.?Complete, gives Taft, 2.22S; Bryan, 1,966. Same? in 1904, Roosevelt 2,151; Parker 1,912,, Rorr.e complete gives Hughes 2,200. Mew York, Nov. 3.?Twenty towns-, in Massachu setts gives Taft 5,631; Bryan 2,14 5s MOM in 1904 gave Roose? velt 5,667; Parker 2,417. Seventy-thiee election districts out of 3.036 in N'ew York State givee Hughes 20 872; Chanler, 4,433% Shearn 227. Same in 1906 gave Hughes 10,277; Hearst, 12,030. (By Long D stance Bell Telephone.) New York Nov. 3.?New York city, 30 election districts in Brooklyn out of 5S7 gives Hughes 3,005; Chanler, 4,099; Shearn, 427. Forty elect on districts in Manhat? tan out of 731 gives Taft, 4,786; Bry? an, 7.116; Hbgen, 4,564. Eighty election districts in Brook? lyn out of 1.87, gives Taft, 11,943; Bryan, 10,85' ; Hisgen, 1,150. Twenty election district in Queen County out of 113, gives Taft, 2,560; Bryan. 3,273; Hisgen. 36S. f:33 p. m. Fifty election districts in Manhattan out 734 gives Taft, 5, 819; Bryan, 3,967; Hisgen, 574. 7:26 p. m. Twenty election districts out of 5S7 in Brooklyn gives Chanler a plurality of 1,004. At the same rate his plurality in Brooklyn would be 19,000. 7:28 p. m. State chairman of Il? linois wires Hitchcock that Taft car? ries Illinois. 7:12 ] . in. The indications are thai Taft carries sTaasachueette by The World Gives Up, New York, Nov. 3. 7:13 p. m.?Tlu New York World concedes Taft's elec? tion. Schenectady, N. Y.. Nov. 3.?This city complete gives Taft, 7,795; Bryan, 5,801; Hughe;, 7,904; Chanler, 6,563. In 1904, Roosevelt, 7,4 52; Parker, 4, 946; Hughes, 6.328; Hearst, 5,193. 7:24 p. m. Hearst bulletin say*. All returns in licate that Taft is elect? ed on a lar? ? plurality. i (Ry Weste n Union Telegraph./ New York. Nov. 3, 7:20 p. m.?The Tribune says the indications arc that New Jersey las gone for Taft bs thirty thousand. Pittsbure;: When the polls closed; in this city at 7 o'clock a very heu\y \-ote had been cast. The Republican leaders Claim l plurality Of four thou? sand for Tait in AJIegnany county. New York, Nov. 3. 7:25 p. m.? ill the 211? ele< t on districts Rives Taft. 47.411; Bryan, 11,11(1; Hisgen. 4,719. Chicago, n( v. 3. 7 .10.? Four hun? dred and ten 3ut of 1,260 precincts DBl Chicago give Taft. 56,977; Bryan, 4K - 932. Brief Rollet hi v. San Franehco, Nov. 3.?Twenty - ii\<- precincts la California out of 181 (4 outside of San Francisco) give Tail MtS; Bryan, t.803; Hi-gen, 35; Chat in, 200; Debt, 494. New Jersey-?377 precincte in New Jersey, outside of Newark give Taft I6,4IS; Bryan, 33.251. The Sew Jersey Vote. Trenton, n. F., Nov. 4.? Retttraa njp to midnight ft* m all the counties ?ut eide Of E.-scx and Hudson shew th< I vote tii it did not vary greatly from the plurality |iven Mr. Roosevelt i** 1004 when he tar Heel tlSC state by tt 000. (Py Long Distance Bell Telephone.> TCW CBOCC Safe. Chattanooga, Tonn., Nov. 4.?BfeT" nil's majority \\\ Tennesscee is 20 K? Patterson, Dem ?erat for governor. H 000. Indianapolis. Tnd.. Nov. I.? out of ".245 d stricte in Indiana, i*> dicate only 10.^00 plurality for Taf? Contin ted on page I