MONTAIENT I N VEILED. ?occ?tinued from Page 1. ^s^tions, adapted in the reign of ter? ror, the proceedings and protest . of ~heir own and other legislatures on 58& tft^xdulent tariff of 1S2S, and last, :?eeaase latest, the abie exposition C?ust - j?fered t9 them by the second ?cifSeer eg of the God of all peoples to give tas>i<> us humble and ' contrite hearts "?fv^r zse may strive to promotes :'us tic?^ peace, fraternity, culture and .?comfort among al! our countrymen. JtTtd here we can conie to learn that 'ib<* liber ry those of old fought to . .achieve is but as dost in the balance Vii??ess we. their sons, supplement it ^y an educated sense of responsibil ^nd, now. fellow citizens of this rb .SEuantic State. I imperfectly but sin? cerely bring you the greetings of of your older and most loving sister, ^abo through the spirits of Campbell ?and Morgan, of William Washington scad Light Horse Karry Lee. comrades 2? arms up-m your with the great iStiVrirrr. would bless this occasion ?~.-. lY?s deed which you have as Siint)V-;j io honor. 33IS LIFE AND HIS PUBLIC SKR Y.I CES IX WAR AND PEACE. THir Hist?rica] Address Delivered By ^QB. IL A. M. Smith, of Charleston, c .Monument at Stateburg We are met together t" day to un ?apejl a monument, to, and thereby to U*nor to the memory of one to .dehorn the State of South Carolina <*sreces a debt of deepest gratitude. ""When I first received the honor of zssn xawiiaiion to take part in this j Ncerrrrnenial. and turned my attention ^ter the matter and subject of any es rsay ? should deliver there was brought forcibly back lo my mind \ many years ag-. I uad discover- ; af th? >.' tai?s & ?. life that has passed away. While. ZvfcSg everything is taken for granted, j rs*> &n? supposes it possible that ig- | aenmce can exist concerning one ?whost* narrie and deeds are on the *?ps and in the minds of every one. But that generation passes. Nt ures on the stage play to new enees and it comes to pass that one of a later generation turi enquire of the details upon wi fame was founded that has co him in the shape cf a genen recognized tradition, he is pertur find that there is nothing bu general recognition and traditio on which he can lay hold. "So has it been with Gen. Si There does not exist a single ; even of his life worthy of the ti a life of him. "His contemporary in time, though subordinate in rank. Francis Marion, .has three biog erg-Weems, James and Sims, contemporary and commanding cer. Gen. Nathaniel Greene, ha: bulky two-volumed life of him Johnson. Sumter has had literal biographer, and to find out any about him it has been necessary pick it out of the histories o: events of the day. Concerning earlier life prior to the Revolutk war and his later years after close there does not exist a singl count of him worthy the nan even a sketch. "Around Marion there has g and clustered a wealth of rom; Both fiction and poetry have jc to paint him with all the alluring ors of admiring description, ye venture to say that there is not in Marion's life more romantic filled with more adventure than S ter's early struggles in frontier In warfare, or his intrepid and ga contests with Tarleton, the das and conquering commander of ] i*h cavalry. It has seemed to me, there: that the most appropriate wa: which I could testify our admira for his character and do honor to memory would be today as fully possible in the narow limits of public speech, repair the indiffer* of the past by giving as full and thentic an account of his life and ploits as it lay in my power to do "As in many other cases of ? who have become famous thro their worth and abilities, but 1 have been too modest to be their < biographers, there is very little : terial from which to write the hist of Sumter's early life. The date ; place of his birth are alike uncerta: Date and Place of His Birth. "McCradv. m hie HicfrkTV<- <~>f Carolina, states that he was born 14th of July. 2 736. in Han ver i XUJ Virginia, and adds that his rath) family were from Wales, but had movea to England tum thence c grated to Virginia, and that mother was a Virginian of Engl stock. He refers to no authority this, but it has always been und stood that his information was i rived from Gen. Sumter's descei ants. As to date of birth this is cc firmed by Mills, whose statistics South Carolina were . published 1826, when Gen. Sumter was s alive, and who states that he v then ?0. "Also Gen. Sumter's son. Thorr Sumter, Jr.. writing to his. daugh' in December. Is25. mentions that 1 father was then in his SSth . ye; which would carry the year of ? birth back to 17." 6. There is, ho ever, in the possession of Gen. Sui ter's. lineal descendants an oid le; which is traditionally said to be leaf from tho family Bible. This o lea^f has written upon it in qui archaic script the following entries: " 'Wm. Sumter was born in Ha over county, in Virginia, on the October. 1731.' " 'Thomas Sumter was born in sa county r,n August 14. 17:>4.* "From the reminiscences of Jol Redd, later referred to, we learn 1 had a brother, William. Taking in consideration the family tradition ? to the leaf in question being from tl family Bible, the appearance f,f tl entries upon it and their particularit corroborated by the fact that he ha a brother William, evidently the or referred to in the past entry, it wouJ seem most likely that the exact dal of his birth was as stated in the er try, 14th August. 1734. and that h was born in Hanover county. "He was. therefore, two year younger than his great contemporary Francis Marion, who was born i 17"2. Early ^Reminiscences. "Since the publication of McCrady' History some more material concern ing the birthplace and early life o Gen.. Sumter has been made availabl by thp publication of the Virginia Historical society. In a leter writtei by John Redd of Henry county, Vir ginia. to Dr. Lyman C. Draper am dated 13th Jun-' 1KT.0. giving Mr Redd's recollections and reminiscen? ces of people in his section, h* states: " '4th. Gen. Sumter's mother wai a widow when I first knew her; 'which was when ? was quite small boy. When I left Orange county in 1V74 the old lady was then living. I think she. lived several years after? ward and died in Orang? . I know nothing of Gen. Sumter's boyhood days nor of his father. His educa? tion was ?nly such as could be obtain? ed in history neighborhood schools. I don't know when or whom he mar? ried. I think, though, he married some ki ay of South Carolina. Dur ? the hitter part of the Revolution j brother. William, moved to Soi I Cai ulina. I don't know what fine became of him.' And again: '"The greatest intimacy always : isted between Gen. Martin. G Sumpter and Col. Cleveland. Tl : were very wild in their youn?h j days. Cleveland I don't think v ! hardie as wild as thc other two. recollect a circumstance which i only shows the intimacy between G Sumter and Martin and their foi ness for pleasure, but also G0i. Sun j tor's strict honesty. The first yeai j think it was that Gen. Sumpter \> j elected to congress from South Ca: lina, while he was on his way Washington he stopped at Richmoi As soon as he stopped at^a hotel sent up to the capitol for Martin a myself, who were members of t legislature there. He was higl pleased at meeting with us-partie larly his old companion, Mart whom he had not seen for some years. They called eacn other by t familiar names Joe and To Time passed rapidly and pleasam while they talked of the events their ' youthful days. Just befo Sumpter started (for he stayed only few hours) he asked Martin if recollected the last frolic they had Johnson's. Martin said that they h; really so many he could not. Sum ter said he recollected it wei., ai should never forget it, for, said he, lost all my money playing cards ai you loaned me five pounds, Mart said he had no recollection whatev of the transaction, and Sumter mu be mistaken. S?mter said he kne he owed the money, and. putting h hands In his pockets, he pulled 01 ten guineas and said he should tal it.* 'Tn the reminiscences of the san John Redd, published as separa from his letter to Dr. Draper. I , again states concerning Gen. Sun ter: 5 " 'Gen. Thom Sumpter was als born and raised in the upper end < Orange county, near the Blue Jfcidg I never nev.' his father, for he die before my reckollection. His mot! er lived to be quite an old woman, b< loved and respected by all who kne her. The father of Gen. Sumpter wa not wealthy, though in easy circum stances. I do not know how man brothers or sisters Gen. Sumpter ha< I new his brother, William, who wa ! not of much note. 1 also new j sister of his. who married a man Kthe name of Len. Gen. Sn npter, j think -.had only one son. who was sen ras mini .-if r --r ?....-; sui to som^ toxj :-?: court and there died.' "And again: " 'Gen. Sumpter was born and rais ed in the county of Orange, in th State of Virginia. Some years befor the Revolutionary war Sumpter wa sent by order of the government ii charge of several Indians of note t< England, where he remained fo some time, and then returned hom* with his red companions. I suppose the object of his mission to Englant was that the Indians might see th< power and resources of the Britisl government, and thereby learn th( folly of raising their army agains their white brethren on this side ? o: the Atlantic. After Sumpter return? ed from England he removed to Sou tr Carolina and ther~ established foi himself a reputation which is obtain? ed by but few.' "In the same magazine is published a sketch his son. William Martin. Gen. Jo? seph Martin was born in 1740. in Al? bemarle county, Virginia, and died in Henry county, Virginia, in 1S0S. This . sketch of him is contained -in tho [form of a letter from William Martin . to Dr. Lyman C. Draper, dated 1st June, 1842. "in this sketch Mr. Martin states j that his father ran off from his ap? prenticeship during the war in 1756, and joined the army at Fort Pitt, now Pittsburg, and adds: " 'My father, in his raising among other boys of the same temperament, became associated with Tom-Gen. Sumpter. who so distinguished him self as the partisan chief in South Carolina during the war of the Revo? lution, and went with him to the war. Eelrold these two hapless youths: those turin lent spirits that could not be tamed with ordinary pursuits of civil life, rushing along, like wat? r j seeking its own level, 400 or 500 miles j through mostly a wilderness. inter? spersed with hostile savages, in quest of aliment that might satisfy their craving appetites. Little did they or anybody else think at the time that j i j these were some of the rising spirits j that were to lead in the Revolution, ' which afterwards gavei liberty to this country. How long thev remained in j the army or the part they acted there lis not known, though it is thought good while. Sumpter reported first. My father on his return found him in i j;ill at Staunton. Virginia, for debt, j j He obtained permission to lodge a ?night in prison with his friend. In the morning, when he went out, he j left with Sumter his tomahawk and ten guineas, and with on.? or both of which he escaped from prison. Soon [afterward- he wem t-- South Carolina;, ! changed his course of lit" and be? came distinguished, as is known t" all who have read the history of the Revolution. Thus were they sepaiat ed for many years: and until at It-nsiik my father was at Richmond. Virginia, a member nf the legislature. Sumpter was a member of congress and on his way h??me called at Rich? mond, where they met for the first time in "more than 30 years. What a meeting this must have beeil to talk over old matters and things.' They had bo ch now become old and highly elevated in the temple of fame. Whac proud satisfaction they must have felt in the retrospection! Before they separated Sumpter handed my father 2" guineas-having reference to the prison.' Wars With Indians. "Appleton's Encyclopaedia of Amer? ican Biography scates: 'Sumter was present at Braddock's defeat in 1755, and seems afterward to have been en? gaged in military service on the frontier.' "McCrady, in his history, states that he served in the Virginia provin? cial corps in the French and Indian wars, and was present at Braddock's defeat in 1755, and that he was sent by Gov. Dinwiddie of Virginia on a mission to the Cherokees and accom? panied the Indian chiefs to England in 1762. ".Neither gives any reference or au? thority for these statements. "The family tradition as contained in a manuscript sketch of Cen. Sum- ] ter by his granddaughter. Miss j Brownfield, is to the effect as stated by McCrady. who obtained his infor? mation from her. The same tradi? tion is stated in an obituary- of Gen. Sumter, published in the Sumter Ga? zette for June 9, 1S32-probably ob? tained from some one of Gen. Sum? ter's descendants at the time. "Great weight, however, should fairly be attached to the recollec? tions of John Redd and William Mar? tin. Mr. Redd personally knew both Gen. Sumter's mother and his brother. William, and was himself present at the interview between Sumter and Gen. Joseph Martin at Richmond, where Sumter paid his old friend 20 guineas. "There is nothing directly from Gen. Joseph-Martin, who died in 1S0S, but the account b5' his son, William Martin, who wrote in 1842, but who had been old enough in 1775 to ac? company his. father on an expedition to Tennessee-is an acocunt by one who wa? in a nosirion to hear, and ii?*? -J JL?* il ?.<-> ir?cl?i.i<_?j.l XL. Xit. JO they joined the army in 1756, whereas Earddcck's defeat took place in 1755. "The authenticity of the Martin re? miniscences is strengthened by the circumstance that the earliest known letter of C?en. Sumter in existence is dated 7th December, 1763. and is ad? dressed : o Mr. Joseph Martin, whom he addresses as 'Friend and Loving Comrade,' and mentions a debt he owes him. Did He Go to England? "The following manuscript notes, made by Dr. Lyman C. Draper, have been. furnished by a descendant of Gen. Sumter: "*2Sth November, 1761. Thomas Sumter, with Lieut. Timberlake, left Great Island, on Tennessee river, to go- to the Cherokee nation. " 'On tile 15th May Thomas Sum? ter embarked at Hampton Roads. Va.. f-?r England and arrived at Ports? mouth on the 16th June, 1762. with three Indians. Ortinaco, the Indian chief, among them* and Lieut. Tim berdake. The sloop Epreuve. Capt. Peter Blake, was the ship which took them to Bngland. "'About the 25th August. 1762. Thomas Sumter embarked with the three Indian chiefs and without Lieut. Timberlake. for Charleston on the same ship which had taken him to Engiar.d.' "Dr. Draper's notes as furnished give no reference for these statements, but in the SOutb Carolina Gazette: Xo. 1.455. lor 5th June, 17<.7. rho state? ment is made that Judd's friend, one of the principal headmen of the Che? rokee nation, had gone to Virginia and hall permission to go to England in one o? the king's ships. "In the Gazette, Xo. 1.476. for 30 th October. 1762. under the head of the local Charles Town news, it is stated: 'Thursday last arrived here his ma? jesty's Snow Epreuve, commanded by Capt. Peter Blake, with Ju.hi's friend and the other two Cherokee Indians on the said Snow in June last.' "And in Xo. 1.4*1 for December 4. 1762. 'Judd's friend and tho two other Cherokees that returned with | him fr.on England in his majesty's Snow, the Eapreuve, set off from | Xinety-Six rh- ISth ulto. for the Cherokee nation well pleased.' "Xo mention ls made of Thomas j Sumter or Ortinaco; unless the sam-* j indian chief was intended by the j nam- 'Judd's friend.' "Fron; all which we can infer that he was horn in Virginia, probably in Honorer county, on 14th August.! 1734: that he received only such edu- j cation as could be obtained from the ordinary country school of the time ; (as is evidenced by his spelling, j grammar and vocabulary in his later letters): that he served in the : against the French and Indian.--. ! tht-r at or just after Braddock's ! feat: that he accompanied in ? I capacity the Indian chiefs sent ! Gov. Dinwiddie to England in : ; and on his return went to South j olina in October. 1 702. We hav account of his movements from ( i ber. 1762. to March. 1763. Career in South Carolina. I I "From this date, in 1763. we j the record evidence of his pr^-s and life in South Carolina. On March. 1763. the South Carolina zette of that date mentions tha Frenchman had been lately deliv up by Mr. Sumter to. Lieut. Chi Taylor, commander at Fort Pr George Keehowee-adding: Tf great warrior had been in the na 'tis thought Mr. Sumter would have been suffered to bring away.' j "In the Gazette of 23d April, 1 it is stated that the French pris? taken by Mr. Sumter in the Chere nation in February had been week brought to town. "It is not stated in what capa Mr. Sumter was in the Cherokee tion, nor is his personal name gn he is styled Mr. Sumter: In the li of what follows there is little roon doubt is was Thomas Sumter. In letter to Joseph Martin, before luded to. dated 7th December, 1' Sumter says: 'If you intend out r spring. I wish you good success all your Partention, and if I go i self I shall have a Company, wi by the promises that I have had have Great Reason to Expect it.' "This would appear to refer some expectation he had of being painted to command a company some proposed Indian expedition. 1761 the expedition from South Ca lina, under the command of. ( Grant, had so thoroughly humb the Cherokees that no expedit against them was in contemplatioi at least from South Carolina. Th may have been, however, from i more northern provinces. "In 1766 he purchased from Aqui Miles a tract, of 200 acres of land the south side of Santee river, in 1 eastern part of what is now Ora*ni burg county. He was here earl than that, for in 1765 he mortgag slaves to William Fludd o.f St. Joh: parish, Berkeley. .'On October 25, 1768. in a bill sale describing himself as Thom ?-he sohl a fem?le -dave t.; M On the Zlst June. th? md? I fr " -5 the le?an of 1,050 pounds, currency the province. "On ISth November, 1769. descri ing Thomas Sumter, stor keeper, of St. Mark's parish. Crav< county, he mortgaged 16 men, thr boys. 10 women and three girl slav to seeure a loan of 5,000 pounds, cu rency of the province. "For explanation it should be sta ed that St. Mark's parish was creab in 1757. and included what is no Sumter and Clarendon counties. "On 1st June, 1771, we find Thom; Sumter and Mary, his wife, of tl parish of St. Mark conveying to San uel Dubois the 200 acres he had pu: chased from Aquilla Miles. Marriage in South Carolina. ? "Exactly when the marriage < Sumter took place cannot be said, z tlv-re appears to be no record r( maining. Some time, evidently |b? tween 1763 and 1771. "He married a widow-Mrs. Mar j Jameson, who had been Miss Mar Cantey. she was the daughter of Jo seph Cantey, of st. Mark's parish, an j the granddaughter of Capt. Williar Cantey. originally of Ashley river, am a.pparently the same Capt. Cantey wh< at the siege of Charleston by th French and Spaniards in 1706 distin guished himself, with Capt. Fenwicke by defeating a party? of the enemy j who had landed on Wando neck an< ?who in November. 1711. aecompanie? ?Col. John Barnwell in his expedition j to North Carolina against the Tusca . roras. j "Sumter continued in. St. Mark's parish end the following grants of land to him. prior to r775. appear to record. "one thousand acre- on the north side of Santee, granted 27th Novem ! ber. 1770. j "Four hundred and fifty acres in St Mark's parish, granted Ith May, ! 1771. ? "Seven hundred and fifty acres on i Ta wea w creek, srranted 2'-:rd January. ?T7S. "Five hundred and fifty acres on Potatoe creek, granted 30th Septem? ber, 177 1. "1775 we find him a prosperous 'avid prospering planter and merchant 'of St. Mark's parish, in which he had j bo< n resident for ten years, anal mar? ried to a member of one of tho ohlest families in the province. ? 'Tn that year. 1 775. he entered I upon tho sphere of public life in the j j service of South Carolina, in which he ?was to continue for near 40 years." Beginning ol' Revolution, j "The first organized meeting of the inhabitants of the provine- of South Carolina he'd, as in arr- way repre? senting the province as a whole to consider measures to act in allison with the other provinces in resistance to the arbitrary actions of the British ministry, was . held in Charles Town in Juiy. 1774. This meeting, although sometimes styled a. provincial congress, was in no sense such. It was practically the congre? gating together of whoever chose to come to the meeting. It originated in a cali issued by the inhabitants of Charles Town to the rest of the pro? vince for a general provincial meet? ing. The people were at liberty to elect a? many deputies as they chose, or. if they saw fit. to attend in per? son without sending deputies. "The meeting was held in Charles Town on the 6th July, 1774. One hundred and four deputies attended from all parts of of the province. It was, however, determined that votes should be given by each person pres? ent, and not by representation of the section, and that whoever chose to attend might do so and give his vote. "This general meeting sat for three days, adopted certain resolutions, elected deputies, to represent the pro? vince in the general congress to be held in Philadelphia and appointed a general committee of 99 persons to continue in authority until the next general meeting. "It is not known if Sumter- attend? ed this meeting. There known list of the persons who did attend, and the informal character of the meeting itself would seem to have precluded any such list being made. "In November, 1774, this general committee of 99 persons arranged for a general meeting of the inhabitants of the province by representation-: the number of representatives from the different sections of the province being appointed to an aggregate of 1S4 members. To the district lying eastward of the Wateree river were allotted ten representatives and the congress was to meet in Charles Town on the 11th January*. 1775. Members of First Provincial Congress. "The convention met on the day set and " is generally known as the . first . provincial congress. Thomas Sumter was elected as one of the cen dele? gates from the district east pf the Wateree river. Among the other nine delegates were:. Col. Richard Richardson, Joseph Kershaw, Eli Kershaw. Matchew Singleton, William Richardson, William Wilson. { "The journals of this congress are not :n existence in any extended form, and it is not possible, therefore, to liberations: That he was present and did take part would appear from his bi ing selected as one of the commit? tee for the district eastward of the Wateree river to carry into execution the Continental association, which had been approved and resolved upon by the congress. "This congress adjourned on the 17th January-, 1775, but on receipt of the news of the battle of Lexington lin May, 1775. the general committee (summoned the provincial congress to meet again on the 1st June, 1775. j "On the fourth day after its meet i ing the provincial congress determin? ed to provide eff?c?ye means for the military protection of the colony, and ? to that end resolved to raise three ! regiments-*two regiments of foot and one regiment of rangers, or cav? alry: "The militan.- system of the pro- . vince at the time was based upon a j militia system. The whole province ?was divided into separate military dis? tricts, in which each regiment and i company was composed of the arms bearing population residing in a de? fined area. The officers had - their commissions-as colonel, major, cap' iain, etc., as the case might be. in this militia. The system was comDUIsory -i. e.. upon the exigencies provided for by law this militia was summoned out and was bound to appear and do military duty, but only for a limited time. Like all militia serving with? out pay and in pursuance of a legal duty, it represented a more or less un? certain quantity, and the determina? tion of the congress to raise these regi? ments was to provide for a certain fixed military establishment under military discipline to meet the emer? gency of the impending conflict. The orficers of these regiments were then . leered by the provincial congress. Sumter was not elected an officer at that time. Francis Marion was elect? ed a captain in the Second regiment, of which William Moultrie was elect? ed colonel. William Thomson was ?.le*.'ed lieutenant colonel of the regi? ment of rangers and Mos? Kirkland was elected one of the captains in Thomson's regiment of rangers. "The provincial congress adjourned on 22d June, 1775, but after adjourn? ment elected a council of safety, com? posed of 13 members. To this coun? cil of safety were given the most am td?- and enlarged powers for the con? dun of the government and the pros? ecution of the province's defense. That Sumter was an applicant for a military position at the time would appear from the following circum? stances: Tirst Commission in the Army. **In July. 177.".. William Henry Drayton and the Rev. Wm. Tennent were sent by the council of safety as commissioners to the hack country to endeavor to quiet and appease the (Continued on Page T