The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, April 03, 1907, Image 4

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^aupulH ???? <^OiI?j}rG!i. .^utfESDAY, APRiL 3, 1907. . Ihr ?aniter Watch)nan was founded ia. ?850 and the True Southron in 1866. The Watchman aiid Southron now bas the com? bined, circulation and influence of both of .the old papers, and is manifestly the best advortisiUiT medium in Sumter. IMPORTANT NOTICE. Subscribers are requested to ex? amine the label on their papers, which show the date to which the ^subscription has been paid. Those who find that they are in arrears are requested to call and settle or remit ?at the earliest convenient date. The ?amount that each subscriber owes is small, but in the aggregate the amount due us for subscription is ? xu.^ ??trs*-anu vc .ecu ti:o money.; PROFITABLE FARMING. The importance and practical value t6 the farmers of Sumter county of the soil survey now being made un? der the direction of the United States Department of Agriculture cannot be .overestimated. But while the survey in itself is "important, and, when ?completed, will afford a mass of ex- j act information that will be of prac? tical value for everyday use to those farmers who * qualify themselves to utilize the information made availa? ble in convenient form, the results to 4>e obtained depend wholly upon the "farmers themselves. The Department -of Agriculture will furnish che data "and will suggest how the farmers -should proceed to obtain the results desired, but this is ail that the gov? ernment can do. The farmers must -do the rest, they must help them? selves. ? Supplementary to the soil survey the department sends out fertilizer 'experts, who, by field experiments, extending over a term of years, de? monstrate how to turn to practical -account the scientific data of the :soil survey. These field experiments 'will be made, however, only when the farmers show a live and healthy interest and when a sufficient num? ber of them will co-operate with the department in making the experi? ments. Mr. Frank Gardner, one of -SEhese soil and fertilizer experts is now in the city looking over the field "for the purpose of ascertaining whether or not the farmers of Sum? mer county desire to co-operate with the department in this line of work suplemental to the soil survey. For the purpose of laying the matter ber ?ore the farmers a meeting has been .-.called tor Saturday, and we trust -that every farmer who wishes to ob? tain the most out of his land, to in? crease its fertility from year to year at the least expense and to make his occupation as profitable as possible "will be present. Nu more important matter has ever been presented for their consideration, and they should .not neglect the opportunity. "The men who compose the stand? ing commitees of the Chamber of Commerce should be able to do some? thing for the good of Sumter. . * ? The school children of Sumter need another school house. No other argu? ment is required and on this simple statement of a fact the taxpayers will vote to issue bond3 to provide the money to build the new school house. ? * * The tangle over the employment of an engineer to supervise the construc? tion of the sewerage system is unfor? tunate and it is to be hoped that a v ay can be found for arriving at a just and amicable settlement at an ?arly a day as possible. The compli? cations that have arisen are due to a misapprehension of the facts and of the law under which the city must proceed, ard there should not be any great difficulty in adjusting the exist? ing differences if all parties will but take a reasonable view of the matter. * . m Ther is only one cloud on Sumter's "future and that is the lack o? a na sa? ld? river to afford water rat n "Competition with the railroad \ 1 it this can be overcome by th< construc? tion of an independent railroai r ar: electric road to some convenient point on the Wateree or Santee to connect with a boat line. This is a matter that the Chamber of Commerce might profitably investigate. * * . If the United States courts should 'declare that the agricultural labor .contract law, that has been in opera? tion in this State for a number of years, is unconstitutional, farm labor in this State will be worse disorgan? ised and harder to control than ever before, for it has been only the fear of the chaingang that has kept many farm hands from jumping their con? tracts after obtaining an advance on their wages. . . ? rope respecting the supply of cotton held in England and on the conti satent be true, the outlook for high -prices for cotton this fall is not en? couraging. If the European spinners ia ve enough cotton on hand to carry turn out to ^ of _' _^ ^^^g^ ^ mm^^^^h ^^^^^ ^^^^^^ Jl^M^^ J^^s^^ ^^^^ 1 1306. This ls the year for the Cotton ?Taa??n^^,,^?iM.^M ",. aTT* association to do ?ts best, Grates and Tile. Wall Paner and Mouldines work if it is to continue to be a fae- ! TT **XA * ?"H^* CLLIXJ. ouuuiuiUft? tor in the cotton market. jIha^M ^OOO EolUot ^^ * * * j your orders and I will set them up for you. and thus save you all the worry. estimates and ?o' you? ?orkat^S^??bteJSS' Senator Foraker and Secretary j ] " ----- Taft who both aspire to leadership in i Pianos and Organs Paints, Oil and Varnish Ohio are getting ready for a lively | Pianos ranging from SSO to 55*50. Organs from 825 to 8100. -Remember you pay no money un- I sell the well known STAG PAINT. This is the best paint on the market It is sold nnd?^ .crap to settle which shall control the! Ul you ^^th^ these in^ you want. a guarantee; if not satisfactory-yoar mlney; will be refund^" * ^ ^ . ^ j t- t th R bl'can money. The price is only 81-17?4 per gallon. National convention. While the Dem- Cliavirifi ?& *a r t+ | ^^r. Jhe "??w?)9HH5Tlc",rn.'3 c?e "STANDARD ROTARY" are my leaders, but I can sell you any machineTu~w^^ \ - ,vQ WoH,r SCWIlli; .iviaCninCS! *rom81:>.00 to ?m00. I sell the best 825.00 machine on the market. This machine is sure tc?pleasc'those who do notcare. to invWt mu?S ocrats have no voice in the matter , . ? money. I can recommend it to be alright. If it fails in five years come back and get a better one in exchange. I have fiftv* second ^ *r +>,Q <^r,fh will n mlP h2n.d- ^ach,intf of ali makes on hand-many as good as new-which can be bought cheap. Come and see me and you will be glad you came. A Full line of Shuttles needles bobV-S a?? the people of the *outh will, as a rule, all kinds of attachments a ways on hand. I haye the Largest Stock of ^ew'ng Machines in Sumter; am experienced in the business and repair all kinds. Send m?5ou?olama?hi^M Sd hope for a Taft victory, for they can I propose to accommodate my tJ^SL^g neither forget nor forgive Bloody ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^_~~r^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Shirt Fo raker's persistent and malig- ^^^J^^j^^ ^^?kj^ ^^-^^ j The appropriation made by the JS&r'*^ ? ^ ^ %????g^ ^^gj^^ HBM^ ^&5B0$ & last session of ihe legislature exceed -i? c?nilfu TlTo?n-? ?3fv/v^ ^ ^. ! the prospective income of the state llg Sout?l Kam ggeet._ Sumter, South Carolina 1 for the year by nearly $200,000, but gg^=g=gg^^^^^^^^^^^~!5g!5_i?f^JLglJlELL'i_L_ ??!???? ??? ? .g ? jg the certainty of a deficit of this size harried in Bishopville. f?*^^1^2?!!5^ did not worry the law makers in the ?a ?| least and some of them did their best Bishopville. April 2.-Mr. W. R. | . - 3 1 to make the deficit even greater by Law, Jr.. and Miss. Pansy Du Rant j | ^ |^ ^|J> ?a l&Z/ 5l ? <1 ^ 6 1 increasing appropriations all along surprised their many friends yester-j 1 ?? %& ft# lr U JL & &? 1? ILE & (L |J # 1 the line. Since the adjournment of day when it was learned that they, j g wasmamaa^ssB^s^s^sm ^^jP ??_mmm^mmaJ^?_ " I the legislature the franchise tax law on their way to church, called by the j T - ? - - ? -r-- . ' ;^S55S5SSSB?S5? V*SB^ j""""SSS?S |] has been taken into the courts and nome of Rev. W. A. Gregg and0 were j | p*'"'" . ? a recent opinion of the supreme court married. Mr. Law is a son of one of | | ej^^lb M Uk M %P JLt 1T& indicates that the act will be declared- the oldest families of Bishopville and j g |??|f S OT W?Gtlf & OtlltlS AND OO^S I void and of no effect. If this should at present is connected with the de- j J ' H be the result ^of the test case to be partment stores of the Bishopville 11 ^?(^\ ^re HOW ?O be Seen in OL ll the NEW heard cn the 22d instant the income Dry Goods company. Mrs. Law is one j ? ^rf^^v"%%^ of the State will be decreased by lui- of the popular young ladies of the j | J^^^^^k PATTERNS &.T\d STYLES at 0\ir store ^ ly $75,000, making the deficit at the town. . H J??^& ^ ' *" . 1 end of the year gr eat ev -by that Thc countv "disoensary~b7ard took li J^^^^^^^^MjJ -O amount than the already large sum stock in thc local dispensary early | ~^r^n-^ selecting; our Spring goods, wei T ONS ... ' PCNSARJ-THCRE- A monthly stock tak-1 ^f^^^H^F kept in mind the needs of GOOD I lng is required by law. The law also ga ^HTA?na&lfSraHBsi " ,,s:.~r ri: - mrrrs=xr: I THH DRESSERS, and can please you m" ?-a?-I OHH anything you want in CLOTHING a mle, satisfactory both as to yield Tne ciock ticks and ticks the time H 1 ; 'p& P Cl Tp|ia Tf IJ ITVT/^C? and.cost of ?e crop. The William- away, K^-^^^W Ol TUKJ^ I^nlfNvJ^. .% /B son method will be more generally Shortening up our lives each day, I jj jfjj ?^i^/'a A lt ??f . > adopted this year than last and the Eat, drink and be mern- S ^I?M???^W C?II Will COFlVillCS VOU tfl?t WC yield of corn in Sumter county should For some day you will be where ll r"; .BBffK^jff " ^ be noticeably larger than heretofore. You can'c get Rocky Mountain Tea S t^SPPH^?W ITl?dC Si StU??V O? tflC t?US??TtGSS f?T\? It would be a God send to the coun- Free samples at China's Drug fl* ' W??' ty ii some method could he found to Store^_ 1 Ml i I H a VC a Vltle O? SfOOdS SCCOttd ?O ttOnC. put a stop to the general use of west- _ g ^>??-K<4? w * * ^* A?VA?^. ern com and hay. WANTED TO SELL-Cook's Improv- I W?M^M W ^ - -? ed Cotton Seed. Very p:-olific and || fl^^R'/Jp'M Superintendent of Schools Ed- yieids 36 per cent. lint. Price 70c. I '< BL UAMDTTDrPD if^T /^TTLFWT^T^ munds, who is circulating the school per bushel_ p Meliett) wedgefield, 1 1? V KljJLlC <U1^U 1 lllIMu bond election petition, finds the citi- q ^ ^ 3-2?* 1^? 1 - || zens unanimously in favor of the _!_ fl ASH - proposition and has met with no re- FOR SALE-A limited supply of ^ \$$ ^mSmmf - J!^ JJ ^ fnsal of his request for signatures. It Toole and Hawk in's Improved Cot- ?-- H ?-.?--????^??^^n.^^..^^.^-?... ^-^^^^ is hoped that the new building can be ton Seed. The best seed on the $ % ? ?A? ?? completed some time next fall. market. Apply to A. K. Sanders, UO?SCl? ?l??l W?^ISC-\JV??f Sl?O?S ILetter to H. D. Barnett, . Hagood, S. C._4-3-lt ? " * * Dear Sir : The easiest way we know VERY LOW RATES and Emery Shirts I of to make a little money is-if you're _rri f\_ ? going to naint-te paint with the paint JL ' - MAKE A COMBINATION THAT CAN'T BE BEAT.- | ?"i5?5L?? NORFOLK, fl, ?NO RETURN jt Will be a Pleasure to us to show! ??bX?hft^f^ Account Jamestown Ter- ^ "C ^ ^'^"^ l" U? lU MOW I ^?Vafta?^ fi?x?r Centennial Exposition yOU thrOUgll. | surface, shifting ladders scaffolds pnl- _"VT" X A -- ? S leys and ropes, and brnshing-on paint. V JL .C^L. g - ' 1 ig Take another job exactly like that ; ^ g ^ | - _ |g try another paint; it takes 12 gallons. Hi! Til 1 I ^ST^S i ? ? 'S . ^ Sill tl? TD R atlf ai I Xlie Sumter Clothing Co., There is only one Devoe, there sa J H TWT? ET C^. TP/T . J vi dozen 12-gallon paints, and 100 that _ . . , cti , fl iNO? O bOUt? Main Street. 9 take 20 gallons to cover a 10-gallon Season' da^ and fifteen day I_I job. tickets on sale daily co mm er: cir: g "ilUffll1 THTOIIftliltiffl^^ The only difficulty is in finding-out April 19th, to and including Novem- ^gggggggg^gggg^^^gg^gggg.ggggggggg.? ? WMMM.?IWHMHMIM I_ Devoe. After that von save work ; fcer ?907 l?7*ln?; Kin?0t?tny ?nd'less Very low rat'es will also be made for ? C?I?T AP C ? I If J to brnsb-on and less wases to pay. MILITARY AND BRASS BANDS in uni- JT\ C^l MT. 1/ %5 JP 1 ^ JV * If Devoe were only a little better form attending tbe Exposition. m ? ym^ m mmmw ? mm 4mmT m% mm . than others; there'd be some difficulty cnmP HVT?R<J will be allowed ?MBMWMBMMMOOCBOMBMBM?MBMMMMMBBMMM^^ in finding-out the difference. -It goes oiur-uvr,rva ' twice as far as half the paints ; that J on Season, Sixty day and fif- . o . fl j ^rte'too. Yoo.n wau a ?^j?sameM ?"SQmmer The Kind we can Ftimisli our Customers good while, if von wait to find-out -c . " , , . . * ""**" how IODB it wears ; there are thoneands For fnl1 aDd ^mVMe information - _ " giu??a?gtt!theleast- i?^?Aeenta Sontbern Kail" /^OME LOOK! Take a Sample! Compare! We have Yours truly " ^ UTTxtfri 36 F W DEVOE & CO ' ?lict P?VP P?^rPC I pft . . P. S.-The Durant Hardware Co. Division Passenger Agent, J*-**5*- I ITV 1 iv^vj UVlli .. * ? -' -TH E" "R 36-Inch - ?mmyJ?!LIiI?iy - 36-Inch D ?Tfe1C* A T*\ ^ AF?Hk?lk?'ij^ T% That many may share in the GREAT BARGAIN OKH^/VLI VVIININJE^K We Must Limit TEN YARDS to EACH nn UJ OF THE HOUSEHOLD CUSTOMER. The Price will he - - - {jjj^ J MOTHER'S?WBREAD m m If ininii?ii 1TI Villis ll ?J Also 100 Dozen Ladies Vests Cheap at 15c. Sale 10c. (5 CENTS PER LOAF.) 5 pieces 36.inch Near Linen; regular 20c. goods at 15c. I5AT EVERY MEAL. 3 pieces Li^ht Blue Linen worth 35c, at - 25c. 5 pieces 36-inch White Lawn, 35c. quality at 29c. 1TNOURISHES, IO dozen Ladies White Linene Shirt Waists. Cheap STRENGTHENS, REFRESHES. at 50c. During this Sale all sizes at - - 39c. AGENTS WANTFD -:--" _WRITS * j THE ABOVE ON SALE THURSDAY AND FRIDAY. Jan. 23, lD07-3m CHARLESTON, Si C. 2-Day Sale