The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, April 03, 1907, Image 3

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THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. President Manning Announces Ap? pointment of Standing Comniitttees. Executive Committee-R. I. Man? ning, chairman; H. L. Scarborough, H. F. Haynsworth, E. I. Reardon, D. R. McCailum, Jr., H. C. Haynsworth, Neill O'Donnell, C. G. Rowland, S. H. Edmunds. Committee on Passenger Arrange? ments-R. I.v Manning, chairman; _W. A. Bowman, J. W. McKeiver, W. H. Ingram, H. J. Mclaurin, Jr., E. I. Reardon J. H. Chandler, H. C. Hayns worth. Committee on Freight Arrange? ments-J. K. Crosswell, W. H. Ing? ram, J. K. Whilden, R. I*. Wright. J. F. Glenn, Mitchell Levi, H. J. Harby. Committee on Manufactories-J. W. McKeiver, H. J. McLaurin, Jr., C. . T. Mason, J. H. Scarborough, R. B. Bel3er, J. R Lig?n, D. J. Winn, Sr., J. L. Alnutt H. J. Harby. T. B. Jenkins. Committee on Public Works-J. H Chandler, A. J. Stubbs, W. W. McKa? gen, H. D. Barnett, H. L. Scarbor? ough, R. F. Haynsworth, L. W. Fol? som, F. D. Knight Committee on New Enterprises W. H. Ingram, J.- L. Alnutt E. Lt Witherspoon, E. S. Booth, J. R. Lig? ?n, H. D. Moise, Isaac Strauss, A. W. r Orcsswell. Committee on Streets and Roads J. A. Mood, S. C. Baker, L. E. White, I>. D. Moise, W. B. Boyle, L C. Strauss, S. M. Pierson. 'Committee on Entertainment-Ma? rion Moise, G. W. Dickr G. A. Lem mon, R. D. Lee, W. B. Boyle, W. M. Graham, J. H. Levy, C. M. Hurst, Ferd* levi, J. K. Bradford. ? . Committee on Finance-Neill O'Donnell, S. B. Mitchell, G. A Lem mon, C. G. Rowland. Committee on Constitution and By Laws-H. A. Moses, H. G. Osteeo, H. C. Haynsworth, S. H. Edmunds. Committee on Monthly Smoker W. W. McKagen, J. H. Levy, D. R. McCailum, Jr. Committees* on Membership-Ward j No. 1-Business Section-J. W. Mc? Keiver, F. D. Knight H. C. Hayns? worth. Ward No 2-Business Sec . tion-W. W. McKagen, Isaac Strauss, J. H. Levy, E. F. Miller. Ward No. 3 --Business Section-H. A. Moses, C. M. Hurst J H. Grady. Ward No. 4 Business Section-E. I. Reardon, P. P. Finn, J. I?. Alnutt Manufacturing and Wholesale Section-E. L. Wither? spoon, J. R Clack, Geo. D. Shore The first named member of each , committee will please act as tempo- ; rary chairman, and call the commit? tee together for organization. Each committee will elect its . permanent chairman and secretary for one year. Each standing committee will meet at least once a month for transaction of! business, and shall report to the Chamber of Commerce at every monthly meeting of the Chamber. All citizens Who desire to join the Chamber may do so by giving their manes to some member of the mem? bership committee from the ward in which applicant resides. The mon thy dues are fifty cents. No membership fee is charged. As soon as each standing committtee is organized the secretary of each committee will please notify E. I. Reardon, Seoretary Chamber of Commerce, giving name of chairman and secretary of the committee. THE TURF ASSOCIATION. The Sumter Turf Association met Thursday and perfected an organiza? tion. The following directors were elected: R. C. Richardson J. L. Alnutt, J. H. Chandler, W. Bultman, C. F. Mc Faddin, H. J. McLaurin, Jr., W. R. Burgess. The officers elected were: President-R. C. Richardson. Vice President-J. L. Alnutt. Secretary and Treasurer-W. R Burgess. William Bultman was elected gen? eral manager and C. F. McFaddin as? sistant general manager. A grand stand to seat fifteen hun? dred people is now. being erected at the race track of che association, and it will be completed in time for the first race meet, which will be held in the latter part of April. Band Made a Hit. Mr. Wilbur S.' Schumacher, chief musician of the Sumter military band, was highly complimented by the visiting guardsmen upon the ex cellent music furnished ?:' ing the convention. Col. Henry T. Thomp? son, commander of the Second South Carolina infantry, said last night: "I am proud of the way the band show? ed up. The mu?ic furnished was sec? ond to none and delegates from every State commented most favorably up? on the quality of the music furnish? ed." South Carolinians are especial? ly proud of the Sumter band. Mr. Schumacher himself is a musician of national reputation.-The State, March 27. Gentle and Effective. *A well known Manitoba editor writes: "As an inside worker I find Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver ! Tablets invaluable for the touches of 1 biliousness natural to sedentary life, their action being gentle and effect? ive, clearing the digestive tract and the head." Price 25 cents. Samples free. DeLorme's Pharmacy. CHARGED WITH LARCENY. R. E. Miller, Bookkeeper for the Sumter Co?in & Casket Company, Arrested and Committed to Jail. R. E. Miller, who has been in che employ of the Sumter Coffin & Cas? ket Manufacturing Company as book? keeper, was arrested last night about 10 o'clock on the charge of larceny, and committed to jail The warrant was issued late yesterday afternoon by Magistrate Wells on the affidavit of Mr. Witherspoon. It is alleged in the indictment that Miller had appropriated to his own use money belonging to the Sumter Coffin & Casket Manufacturing Co. An official of that company stated to? day that so far they have found a shortage of $609.07 . in Miller's ac? counts, that being the discrepancy be? tween Miller's last statement showing the amount on deposit in bank, and the amount actually in bank. The same official stated that Miller had been given authority to sign checks in the absence of Mr. Witherspoon for the payment of freight bills and other j minor current expenses, and that he took advantage of this to isrue and sign chcecks, which he cashed and appropriated co his own use. As he had charge of the books., including the check and bank books and at- j tended to depositing money , in the j bank it was easy for him to keep his shortage covered up until an investi? gation was made and the books check? ed up. He was first suspected several weeks ago, shortly before the death of Mr. M. B. Witherspoon, the Gene? ral Manager of the Sumter Coffin & Casket Manufacturing Company, but his illness and death prevented an in? vestigation being made at that time. As soon as Mr. Roy Witherspoon took charge of the business "he began a thorough investigation and checked -up the books from the time Miller enter? ed the employ of the company last April. The investigation confirmed the suspicion previously entertained and the, arrest: followed. The young man came to Sumter from Newbern, N. C., to enter the em? ploy of th9 Coffin & Casket Company, having been engaged by correspon? dence. He was well recommended f and he was trusted by his employers from the first. Application will be made for bail for H. E. Miller, the bookkeeper of the Sumter Coffin & Casket Co., who is in jail charged with larceny. A NEW SCHOOL HOUSE. An Election to be Ordered to Author? ize a School Bond Issue. A petition for an election -to vote j on the .question - of issuing bonds to the amount of $30,000 to erect anoth? er school house is being circulated among the freeholders of the city. It goes without saying that a large ma? jority of the freeholders will sign the petition and that the election will be held in due time and the proposed i bond issue ordered by the qualified electors. Another school house is needed and needed badly to accommodate the children of school age. and unless it is provided without delay a large number of children must be denied admission to the schools at the open? ing of the next school year. The two school houses are now crowded to the limit of their seating capacity, and there is no makeshift left by which more pupils can be crowded in, the assembly hall in each of the buildings having already been cut up into school rooms. The attendance has grown beyond all expectations, and it . is necessary for the city to provide school facilities adequate to the needs of the popula? tion. *What is it that tastes as pleasant as maple sugar and quickly relieves coughs and colds? Mothers who have used it will quickly answer: "Ken? nedy's Laxative Cough Syrup." Thc pleasant cold remedy that expels the cold through its laxative acci?n on the bowels. Conforms strictly to the Pure Food arid Drugs Law. Contains no opiates. Sold by all druggists. FIRE AT PINEWOOD. Pinewood, March 2?.-The resi? dence and store house of Mrs. W. E. Barwick was destroyed by fire last night about half past 9 o'clock. Only a small quantity of goods were saved from the store, but most of the house? hold furniture was saved. The loss is about $7,000 with in? surance of $4,000. .Use Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup. Children like its pleasant taste, and mothers give it hearty en? dorsement. Contains no opiates, but drives out the cold through the bow- j els. Made in strict conformity to Pure Food and Drug Law. Recom? mended and sold by all druggists. Peat fodder for cattle is made in Germany of the top layer of peat, mixed with 70.75 per cent of molas? ses. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature cf I AMERICAN GOVERNMENT TAK? ING A BLIND IN ASIATIC AF? FAIRS. j Constantinople, March 27.-Acting j under instructions from Washington, j P. A. Jay, secretary of thc American ! embassy here, will soon leave for I Bagdad, Asiatic Turkey, to inspect the j Bagdad railroads, designed to con j nect the Mediterranean with the Per? sian gulf. He will inspect the work which the Germans are doing and make a detailed report to Secretary I Root, regarding German political ac I tivity. The English View. London, March 27.-Unusual im? portance is attached here to the ac? tion of the Washington government ordering Jay to Bagdad. It is be? lieved that the reference of Ambassa? dor Bryce that the near east offered the only war cloud, meant the Ger? many's designs on the Persian gulf through the Bagdad railway. Am? bassador Bryce made the remark in his New York speech recently. STATE LEAGUE MEETING. Held in Columbia With Only Three Cities Represented. The meeting held in Columbia Tues? day night for the purpose of taking steps to organize tho State Baseball League was not as encouraging as was expected by those who have been agitating the scheme. Only An? derson and Sumter, with a proxy from Darlington, were represened at the meeting. Messrs. W. Bultman, of Sumter, Wm. E. Earle, of Anderson, and a proxy from Darlington were the rep? resentatives who showed up. It is not understood why the meeting fail? ed and it does not necessarily indi? cate that .the State League has fail j ed altogether. j A message from Greenville states that that city will not go into the pro? posed league. I , Those mostly concerned in the matter have not yet decided what will be their next move, but will by no means let he matter rest until a strong league is organized. Whooping Coutrh. *I have used Chamberlain's Cough , Remedy in my family in cases of whooping cough, and want to tell you that it is the best medicine I have ev- j er used.-W. F. Gaston. Pasco, Ga. This remedy is safe and sure. Fori sale by DeLorme'? Pharmacy. j One of the quickest ways to get rid of money ij to try to get mere in a hurry. j OUTRAGE OX FRENjpH SUBJECTS BRING QUICK PUNISHMENT. - Troops From Algeria Rushed into Morocco and an Important Town Seised-Moors Made No Resist? ance. Paris, March 27.-French troops i arrived today in Oaijda, Morocco, ac? cording to private dispatches receiv? ed here. No details are given. It is assumed that the Moors offered no resistance. With the French troops in control the Sultan will soon feel the effects, asheavy taxes are collected for the Sultan in Ouijda, which is a big com? mercial center. The Price of Health. *"The price of health in a malari? ous district is just 25 cents; the cost of a box of Dr. King's New Life Pills," writes Ella Slayton, of Noland, Ark. New Life Pills cleanse gently and impart new life and vigor to the sys? tem. 25c. Satisfaction guaranteed at Sibert's Drug Store. A bird in the bush is worth three in the hand-from the bird's view? point. * Bitten by a Spider. . ?Through blood poisoning caused by a spider bite, John Washington, of Bosqueville, Tex., would have lost his leg, which became a mass of run? ning sores, had he not been persuaded, to try Bucklen's Arnica Salve. He writes: "The first application reliev? ed, and four boxes healed all the sores." 25c. at Sibert's Drug Store. While repairing broken insulators on the main wires of the Greenville Carolina Power company Thursday morning William Godfrey, a lineman, touched a live wire and was stunned. He fell to the ground, SO feet below, breaking his right arm and fractur? ing his skull. ?"Good ior everything a salve is used for and especially recommended for Piles." That is what we say about Dewitt's Carbo lized Witch Hazel Salve. That is what twenty years of usage has proven. Get the original. Sold by all druggists. Joe Hart, colored, aged about 30 years, and a switchman on the Sea? board Air Line railway, working in the yard of the road at the old Sidney park, Columbia, was ground to death beneath the heavy wheels of shifting engine No. 563 on Friday morning. ?Kodol for dyspepsia clears the stomach and makes the breath sweet os a rose. Kodol is sold by druggists cn? a guarantee relief plan. It conforms strictly to the National Pure Food ind Drug Law. Sold by all druggists. Thc way of ths transgressor is a wen-beaten path. flSSppp Thc New OU jT8!! Stove Different from other oil stoves. Superior because j I of its economy, cleanliness, and easy operation. The tl I NEW PERFECTION I I Wick Blue Hame Oil Cook-Stove I saves fuel expense and lessens the work. Produces iff Ul a strong working flame instantly. Flame always \m under immediate control. Gives quick results Iff without overheating the kitchen. Made in three |1 g sizes. Every stove warranted. If not at your IB dealer's, write our nearest agency for descriptive jil gf| j circular. ii I T Fjd?$f@ Lamp AM PMS . is the best lamp for all-round household usc / \ Made of brass throughout and beautifully nickeled. W-? i-yL* ? Perfectly constructed; absolutely safe; unexcelled PL H in light-giving power; an ornament to any room. ^ga^jj?fc. ffajpl Every lamp warranted. If not at your dealer's, ^ \\ Bm write to our nearest agency. STANDARD OIL COMPANY iST FIGURING TBE ff ER?ST you lost on the money in your home or office, where does the wisdom come io ? You have "to work for your money. Why nor mfike it work for you? THE BUI OF SOMIER puts your money to work at once. ri he wages in the form of interest keeps right on, day and night, Sundays and holi-i days If you want your money to make more for you, start an j account with the bank to-day All Saying Deposits Received up to the 10tn of April will Draw Interest From April 1st. R. I. MANNING, President. W. F. RHAME, Cashier. fenSffiTitmiuHMiwinWilHlllllinniilUM j^egey>lefrepara?onfor As? similating theToodardBegula ting theStomariis andBow?s of ness andf?ssLGcflta?uS neifter Opmm^icrprririe nor rfmeraL SOTNAHCOTIC. For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the w.^-^T I JbiSmam* tiflgu Sour StefflaetuDagftpim Worms ?o nsvlshns J&n? sk .ess andLoss OT SUJ?? lacSiailt Si&mhux ot NEW YORK. Use For Over Thirty Years JUST RECEIVED Another Car Load of AND h I fi W. A. BOWMAN, Pres. A BE RYTTENEEFC P. G. BOWMAN, Sec. & Treas. Pres' The Sumter & Mercantile Company, uniter. &. CJ. ?es#s#as##Capital Stock $50,000**** .?*?. Wholesale Grocers, Fertilize ersand Farmers' Supplk s. Sole agents for the celebrated brand o? Wil? cox & Gibbs Fertilizers. We are prepared to quote the very c *est cash or time prices on all lines of Groceries, Fertilizers and Faniiers' Supplies, And invite your investigation before m?kin? your arrangements for another year. Come to see us. We will save you m tey, and give you a hearty, courteous welcome Sumter Banking I Mercantile, Comp?s?, Masonic Building, 2d?door from the Postoffice. Sumter, S. C. IV. G. OSTEEIN, JR., Dentist. _ 18 WEST LIBERTY STREET. UP STAIRS I HOURS: 8:30 TO 1. - P. M. 2 TO 6. I OFFICE PEONE 30. HOUSE PHONE 3e2. M-8gJ- lilli.Ill I lilli --