The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, March 27, 1907, Image 7

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THE MASTER HYPOCRITE. ?Ex-Senator Burton, Just Out of Jail, Bitterly Assails tho President Talks on Third Term. St. Louis, March 22.-Joseph Ralph Burton, the first United States senator to ever serve a prison sentence, this morning was released from the Iron -county jail at Ironton, Mo., after nerving five of a six months' sen? tence which had been imposed upon him by the United States district -court in St. Louis on the charge of improperly representing the Rialto I L Grain and Securities Company of this ? ?city in government matters. Burton is bitter against the Presi? dent, and tomorrow he will tell the j .people of Abilene about Roosevelt, j "who Burton calls "the most mon- ! Timental hypocrite in history." "Is Roosevelt a candidate?" said "Burton. "He is always a candidate, ?and has been since he was old enough to vote. "A master hypocrite, he can suc -cessfully mislead the public into the idea that he is for some one else for j the nomination, but when the time I .comos he will be the candidate. He \ has already succeeded in making the party declare that the Roosevelt poli? cy must be pursued. The next thing we will hear is that if the Roosevelt policy is tv continue, Roosevelt is the proper man for the nomination. "That is precisely what Roosevelt is hoping to see happen, and from the outlook it does not appear that he will be disappointed. He killed off La Follette by being friendly to si Spooner. Shaw was sidetracked when h Roosevelt took up the cause of Cum? mins. Shaw saw the handwriting on "the wall and left the cabinet to ac? cept a position in New Tprk. Forager lias been attended by the President's apparent friendliness to Taft, and ?who is left in the race? None but Roosevelt. "He is using Taft like a flirting .wife would impose on a foolish hus "band. When the time comes he will .cast poor old Taft aside and accept "the nomination for a third term, "which he hopes will be thrust upou him. 'Taft isn't big enough for the pres? idency. He is simply the tool of Roosevelt, who may throw Root into the race to make the waters muddy almost any time. Cortelyou may also "be shifted into the race, but none of them can be taken seriously save Roosevelt, who, though not openly a candidate, is playing his cards to "bring about a nomination for a third Term, and he will get it. "Roosevelt is too shrewd to declare himself a candidate. If he did he would be ont of the race the moment lie announced his candidacy. He wants the nomination to be forced noon him, as it were, and he will ac cep it with open terms. ."We read in Scripture about the Saviour healing the leper, curing the sick, making the blind to see, and the lame to walk, but nowhere in Biblical history do we" read of Christ either forgiving or curing the hypocrite. "The disease is one which grows on a parson as the years roll oy, and is incurable.. . 'There are two kinds of hypocrites. .One is the" smooth, oily, scheming,: humble individual, of which Dicken's j character, Uriah Heep, is the immor? tal example. The other is the brisque, hulldozing, bold type, of which no better example can be found than Theodore Roosevelt. T will devote my time to publish? ing my magazine and speaking; and ?will do what I can to blot out hypoc? risy wherever it may exist. "I will advocate the election of the federal judges; they should be brought closer to the people. The idea of placing so much power in a man for his natural life is wrong. "My body na? been jailed at Iron ton for the last five months, but my mind was aa free as it ever was. I ?will not discuss my trouble further now. I have been wronged, but I bear no resentment against any one. I have learned to pity the hypocrites, but.I do want to call their attention to one thing-I have only two cheeks. "I differ from the author, also a Kansan, who said that opportunity TTisited a man only* once in a lifetime. That is buncome. I am determined to succeed, and with the aid of friends I will again have the respect cf all. Only the ignorant who are not conversant with the facts in my case believe me guilty." Burton had a rose pinned on his coat which his wife placed there the ?tered Ironton jail, but fear . ._. . it would fall to pieces he ff.-New York Times. Found at Last. .J. A. Harmon, of Lizemore, West "Va., says: "At last I have found the perfect pill that never disappoints me; and for the benefit of others afflicted -with torpid liver and chronic consti? pation, will say: take Dr. King's New Life Pills." Guaranateed at Sibert's Drug Store. FAST TRAIN WRECKED. Train Wreckers Removed Fish Plates and Ditched Pennsylvania Limit? ed. Pittsburg, Pa., March 22..-Train wreckers near Stewart station today sent the New York and Chicago Lim? ited into a ditch, injuring many of the passengers and crew. The train was .going 35 miles an hour when it hit the bad rail. No motive has been sug? gested. Mayor Tom Johnson, of Cleveland, was slightly bruised.. One car was burned. An investigation has been ordered. Railroad detectives are searching for the vandals or degenerates who are believed to have removed the fish plates from a rail and wrecked the Pennsylvania's Chicago-New York limited today, injuring 16 persons. An official said that he was con? vinced the wreck was . the work of vandals who hoped to loot the wreck during the excitement. ?To remo" e a cough you must got at the cold which causes the cough. There is nothing so good for this as Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup. The liquid cold relief that is most quickly effective, that stills and quiets the cough and drives out tho cold, uggists. MASSACRE OF JEWS. The Peasants are Blood Mad and are Perpetrating Horrible Ooutrages. Bucharest, Roumania, March 22. The programme in Roumania is as? suming most serious proportions. The aroused peasants are now blood mad and every Jew who offers the slightest resistance is instantly killed. Many horrible outrages against women have ben perpetrated. The Jews are putting crosses in their windows to save themselves. The local authorities have lost the power to control the situation. Ab? sentee landlordism and the sub-let? ting of land in groat tracts to rich farmers are directly responsible for the trouble. They leased it to Chris? tians who sublet it to the peasants. The peasants have been convinced that the land would be cheaper if the Jews were driven out. THE "WORST IS OVER. The Peasant Revolt and Massacre of Jews Being Suppressed. Boucharest, Romania, March 23. -Reports this afternoon from the disturbed districts of Roumania are more hopeful. They indicate that General Tell, commander of the po? grom area, is getting situation under control. Soldiers are being rushed to Gene-al Tell's assistance. The Jews against whom the peasants' attack was directed are recovering from their panic. An announcement by the government says it believes the worst is over. -Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is Both Agreeable and Effective. * Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has no superior for coughs, colds and croup, and the fact that it is pleasant to take and contains nothing in any way injurious has made it a favorite with mothers. Mr. W. S. Pelham, a i merchant of Kirksville, Iowa, says: J "For more than twenty years Cham j berlain's Cough Remedy has been my j leading remedy for all throat trou 1 bles. It is especially successful in cases of croup. Children like it and my customers who have used it will not take any other." For sale by DeLorme's Pharmacy. A NEW USE FOR CRIMINALS. Baltimore Doctor Would Use Them as Germ Culture Mediums. ^ Baltimore, March 19.-Dr. J. H. Burton Stevenson, a well known ex? perimenter with antitoxins, and an ex-president of the Baltimore County Medical association, atfer declaring today that there should be only two unpreventable causes of death, namely, old age and accident, de? clared that all germ diseases are cur? able by sntitoxins, and suggested that convicted criminals should be used as antitoxin factories, if they were will? ing. Continuing, Dr. Stevenson said: "Antitoxins should be produced from human beings and not from ani? mals, and this should be brought about by utilizing the criminals in our State prisons. A law making punishment for certain crimes op? tional with che convicted-either im? prisonment or inoculation with cer? tain disease germs-would solve the problem for all time. "With the work in ' the hands of experienced men, a human-produced antitoxin could be furnished which would supply the medical profession for all, or nearly all, the diseases known to be due to- germs. It would not be dangerous to the subjects, ei? ther. If this suggestion is to? radical for adoption in the present state of public opinion, much good can still be done if the State and national governments will co-operate with l: the medical profession in the work of investigations and manufacture. Antitoxins produced by corporations are put at so high a figure that they are beyond the reach of the poor." Saved Her Son's Life. *The hapipest mother in the little town of Ava, Mo., is Mrs. S. Ruppee. j She writes: "One year ago my son was down with such serious lung trouble that our physician was un? able to help him; when, by our drug? gist's advice, I began giving him Dr. King's New Discovery, and I soon no? ticed improvement. I kept this treat? ment up for a few weeks when he was perfectly well. He has worked stead? ily since at carpenter work. Dr. King's New Discovery saved his life." Guaranteed best cough and cold cure by Sibert's Drug Store. 50c and $1. Trial bottle free. THE UNWRITTEN LAW. A New Application for a Very Old Principle. Baltimore, Md.. March 25.-A trial probab?y having the unwritten law as the ultimate appeal, but with women as pricipals, began today in the criminal court when Mrs. Josephine Kelley, a pretty young woman, ap? peared to answer to the charge of killing her sister, Miss Ida Gaff, aged nineteen, last November. In a statement following the shoot? ing, Mrs. Kelley explained that she found ber sister with her husband in his restaurant. Mrs. Kelley had warned her sister to keep away from her husband. Frank P. Kelley, but Miss Gaff declared she loved him and would get Kelley away from her. United States Senator William Pinkney White and Congressman Harry. B. Wolfe are defending M rn. Kelley. Wall Street Depressed. New York, March 2?.-Wall street suffered another depression today, many stocks going five points off. Brokers representing foreign holders of securities are selling. There was a slight rally about noon. SELIGXMAX VISITS ROOSEVELT. A Prominent Xew York Banker Call? ed to Washington. Washington, March 20.-Isaac X. Selignman, the Xew Y.?rk banker, had a conference with ihe president today lasting half an hour. When he left the president's office he said he had been sent for by the president and that the general financial situa? tion had been discussed at length. Mr. Selignman said the president does not believe he can do anything to relieve the railorad situation, if it needs relieving. All he can do is to enforce laws now on the statute books. The president said he was not responsible for the action of the various State legislatures. He is quoted as declaring, "I do not believe the money market needs any further relief. Mr. Cortelyou seems to have the situation weil in hand." MRS. OSLER DEAD AT 100.. Mother bf Dr. William Osier Was a Pioneer in Canada. Toronto, Ontario, March 18.-The death of Mrs. Featherstone G. Osier this afternoon in her 101st year, re? moves a remarkable pioneer woman. Mrs. Osier was born in Cornwall, England, when George III was on the throne. She came to Canada in 1838 with her. late husband, who was a missionary of the Anglican" church. Mr. Osier died in 1895v Mrs. Osier celebrated her one hun? dredth birthday on Dec. 14 with her sons, E. B. Osier, M. P., Judge Osier, and Dr. William Osier, Regius Pro? fessor of Medicine, at Oxford, and a daughter, Mrs. Gwyne. Up to that time she had been perfectly well. After that her health broke. She al? ways lived simply. She had 30 grandchildren, most of whom lived in Toronto. The smaller ones, up to a few days ago, had a daily romp about the old lady's chair. Given Up To Die. *B. Spiegel, 1204 N. Virginia Street, Evansville, Ind., writes: "For over five years I was troubled with kidney and bladder affections which caused me much pain and worry. J lost flesh md was all run down, and a year ago had to abandon work entirely. I had three of the best physicians who did me no good and I was practically giv? en up to die. Foley's Kidney Cure was recommended and the first bot? tle gave me great relief, and after tak? ing the second bottle I was entirely cured." Why not let it help you? Sibert's Drug Store. A PERFECT COUNTERFEIT. The "Monroe Hundred" the Best Ever Made. There is one lost art among crimi? nals, one trade which United States secret service men have seemingly wiped out, to the very last man. This is the art of counterfeiting currency. Kansas City bank officials say that for eight years not one spurious bank note worthy of passing comment has been handled in the money world, says the Kansas City Star. They de? clare that the day of the successful counterfeiter has come to an end. "Not a bank r.ote which fools the experts is on the market," said E. F. Swinney, president of the First Na? tional bank. "There is counterfeit currency, plenty of it," he said, "but it's a kind detected almost at a glance. Inspection of it quickly re? veals the flaws. Usually the work is clumsy. But not since the notorious gang in Philadelphia which made the famous 'Monroe hundred' was wiped out has there been a really clever counterfeiter at work. At least we have no record of any. "The 'Monroe hundred' was a $100 silver certificate with the face of President Monroe stamped upon it. It was of a series of 1891, check let? ter D. Tillman register, Morgan treas? urer. It was an absolutely perfect counterfeit. Experts in the treasury department were fooled by it. The notes became so numerous an'd were accepted so extensively that the gov? ernment called in the entire issue of the bill, amounting to several mil? lion dollars. Even now, a Monroe hundred is occasionally picked up and it is almost impossible to tell whether it is genuine or not. "The only difference between the genuine bill and the counterfeit was in the shape of the figures 3 and 4 and the length of the bill. In the figure 3 the lower loop did not extend up so far toward the center of the figure as it should have extended. In the figure 4 the space between the base and the center cross line was narrower than it was in the genuine. "The gang which made the Monroe hundred was arrested in Philadelphia in 1S99. The plates which printed the bills were recovered and the coun? terfeiters sentenced to long terms in prison." *"In 1897 I had a stomach disease. Some physicians said dyspepsia, some consumption. One said I would not live until spring. For four years I existed on boiled milk, soda biscuits, and doctors' prescriptions. I could not digest anything I ate; then I pick? ed up one of your almanacs and it happened to be my life-saver. I bought a 50c bottle of Kodol and the benefit I received from that bottle all the gold in Georgia could not buy. In two months I went back to my work, as a machinist, and in three months I was well and hearty. May you live long and prosper."-C. N. Cornell, Roding, Ga., 1906. The above is only a sample of the great good that is daily done everywhere by Ko? dol. for dyspepsia. It is sold heie by druggists. Treasures Found in Our American Forests. T$at our American forests abound in plants which possess the most valnfee medicinal virtues is abundantly attested by scores of the most eminely medical writers and teachers of this and other countries. Even the unrsffood Indians had discovered the usefulness of many native plants before the advent of the white race. This information, imparted freely to wie whites, led the latter to continue investigations until to-day we hav(/a rich assortment of most valuable American medicinal roots. Dr. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y., believes that our American forests abound in medicinal roots for the cure of most obst?nate and fatal dis* eases, if we would properly investigate them, and, in confirmation of this conviction, he pointswith_pride to the most marvelous cures ef? fected by his wGolden Medical Discovery," which has proven itself to be the most^efficient stomach tonic, liy_er invi^orator, heart tqnic^and reg? ?jator, and blood cleanser known to medical science. Dyspepsia, or indigestion, torpid liverT functional and even valvular and other affect tions of the heart yiejtj fy rfc cma?gg grt'fi\" The reason why " Golden Medical Dis- and other displacements caused by covery" cures these and many other weakness, ulceration of uterus ana affections, is clearly shown in a little kindred affections, often after manv book of extracts from the standard other advertised medicines and physi medical works which- is mailed free to cians had failed. any_ address by Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Nursing mothers and over-burdened Buffalo, N. Y., to all sending request women in all stations of life, whose for the same. vigor and vitality may have been un To aid in healing old sores, or ulcers, dermined and broken-down by over apply Dr. Pierce's All-Healing Salve to work, exacting social duties, the too them while'taking the "Golden Medical frequent bearing of children, or other Discovery7'to nurify and enrich the blood, causes, will find in Dr. Pierce's Favorite Dr. Piercers AU - Healing Salve is Prescription the most potent, invigorat cleansing and pain relieving. It de- ing, restorative strength-giver ever de? stroys the bad odors arising from sup- vised for their special benefit. Nursing purating, or running, sores and puts mothers will find it especially valuable them in the best possible condition for in sustaining their strength and promot healing. ing an abundant nourishment for the The*" All-Healing Salve * is a superior child. Expectant mothers too will find dressing for all open, running, or siip- it a priceless boon to prepare the sys purating, Sores or Ulcers. For healing tem for baby's coming and rendering open wounds, cuts and scratches it is the ordeal comparatively painless. It unsurpassed. can do no harm in any state, or con If your medicine dealer does not have dition of the female system, the "All-Healing Salve" in stock mail Delicate, nervous, weak women, who 60 postage stamps to Dr. E. V. suffer from frequent headaches, back Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., and you will ache, dragging-down distress low down receive it by return post. in the abdomen, or from painful or ir In treating all open sores, or ulcers, regular monthly periods, gnawing or boils, carbuncles and other swellings, it distressed sensation in stomach, dizzy ls important that Dr. Pierce's Golden or faint spells, see imaginary specks or Medical Discovery be taken persistently spots floating before eyes, have disagree to purify the blood and thereby remove able pelvic catarrhal drain, prolapsus, the cause of the trouble. It is in the anteversion or r?troversion or other blood that the great battle of health has displacements of womanly organs, from to be fought. The ulcer and the sore weakness of parts, will, whether they are simply the scarlet flowers of disease, experience many or only a few of the with roots running down into the blood, above symptoms, find relief and a per? These roots must be eradicated or the manent cure by using faithfully, and disease will break out afresh. "Golden fairly persistently, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Medical Discovery * cleanses the blood Prescription. of all foul and poisonous accumulations, Both the above mentioned medi pushes out the dead and waste matter, cines are wholly made up from the and thus purifies the entire life current, glyceric extracte of native, medicinal Disease in the flesh must die out when roots. The processes employed in their it is no longer fed by foul blood, manufacture were original with Dr. * Golden Medical Discovery" effectively Pierce, and* they are carried on by skill cures disease in the flesh by curing its ed chemists and pharmacists with the cause in the blood. aid of apparatus and appliances specially Not less marvelous, in the unparal- designed and built for this purpose, leled cures it is constantly makmg>^f Both medicines are entirely free from woman's many Deculiar affections, alcohol and all other harmful, habit weaknesses and distressing derange- | forming drugs. A full list of their in ments, is Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrm- gredients is printed on each bottle tion, as is amply attested by thousands wrapper. o? unsolicited testimonials contributed! Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure con? by grateful patients who. have been j stipation. Constipation is the cause of cured by it of catarrhal pelvic drains, | many diseases. (Jure the cause and yon painful f or^ds. frror???pr?npa. -prolapsus j cure the disease. Easy to take as candy. I FIB' ? il :IS THE PEOPLE'S BANK: Does a General Banking Business, allowing interest 4 per cent, per annum, compounded quarterly in its Savings Department. Centrally located and con? servatively managed. We invite your patronage. C. G. ROWLAND, President. R. F. HAYNS WORTH, Vice President. R. L. EDMUNDS, Cashier. SKINNER IRON WORKS For Everything in the MACHINERY LINE. PLUMBING, STEAM-FITTING AND :-: ALL KINDS OF MILL AND ENGINE REPAIRING AND MILL SUPPLIES. FOUNDRY WORK A SPECIALTY. -CASTINGS ALL SIZES AND PATERNS. Manufacturer of the Famous SKINNER Portable Steel Cages for Chain Gangs. Edgar Skinner. PHONE 141. -.- SUMTER, S. C. SNEDY'S'IAXAT?VE for childrens safe, sure? J?o opiate? COUGH SYRUP m?Uttmiic Coast JLine. Time TaMe .No. ] - Effective January 6, 1907. Schedules o? /r^ins arriving and leaving Sumter Train * 35- Pa* sngt :-Florence to Augusta, leaves Sumter 5 35 am Train * 54-Passenger-C lumbiato Wilmington, leaves Sumter 8 01 a cn Train 24-Mixed-, S omi er 1o Darlington, leaves Sumter 8 15 am Tram * 57-Passenger-Gibton to Sumter, arrives Sumter 9 25 am Tr?in * 52- Passenger-Charleston to Greenville, leaves Sumter 9 31 aro Train 46-Passenger-Orangeburg to Charleston, leaves Sumter 9 35 am Train 2-Passenger-Sumter 41 Lucknow, " " 9 45 am Train 331-Mixed- " " Robbins, " " 10 Of) am Train * 79-Passenger- Fayetteville " Columbia, " " ll 14 am Train 1-Passenger-Lucknow " Sumter, arrives " 5 50 pm Train * 78-Passenger-Columbia " Fayetteville, leaves t; 6 10 pm Train * 53-Passenger-Greenville " Charleston " " 6 3) pm Train * 32-Passenger-augusta u Florence " " 6 40 pm Train * 56-Pa-senger-Sumter " Gibson " " 6 50 pm Tram 47-Passenger-Charleston " Orangeburg " u 8 20 pm Train 830-.viixed- Robbins " Sumter arrives " 7 30 pm Train 25-Mixed-Darlington " *' " " 9 20 pm Train * 55-Passenger-Wilmirgton to Columbia leaves " 9 44 pm Tram 7?-Passenger-Camden '. Sumter arrives " 9 00 am Train 71-Mixed- Su nter " Camden leaves " 9 35 am Train 72 - " - Wilson Mill " Snmter arriveft " 12 30 pm Train 73 - " - Sumter " Wilson's Mill, leaves " 3 80 pm Train 63- '* - Camden " Scmter arrives " 5 45 pm Train 09-Passenger-Sumter " Camden leaves " (> 30 pm Note-All trains marked * daily. Others daily except Sunday. Note-Ko. An^u^ta to Florence, is through tram ; Sumter to Florence and wili not stop at, local stations. J. T. CHINA. Ticket Agent A. C. L. d Bladder Right Gores CoJdsj Prevents Pneumon?a BARGAIN FOR PRINTERS We have one S Point Simplex Typesetting Machine and about 450 pounds of type that wfiX be sold cheap for cash or oa time to responsible person. In good order, but discarded to make room for Linotype. Also one 6x9 Job Press, is. good order and now in daily use, but to be displaced by a larger press. Also one 2 h. p. Gasoline En? gine. Osteen Publishing Co. Garden S Ve* /rt. gm 5? This is the gardening season. We have a full supply o? the beer test? ed garden seeds. FOE years ? ?wmn m J Have been recognisiS as the best. Let us sim ply you. DeLorme's Pharmacy Drugs and Medicines. Do You Enjoy WHat You Eat ? You can eat whatever and whenever yo* like if you take Kodol. By the use of tins remedy disordered digestion and diseased stomachs are so completely restored to health, and the full performance of their functions naturally, that such foods as would tie one into a double-bow-knot are eaten without even a "rumbling" and with a posi? tive pleasure and enjoyment. And what ls more-these foods are assimilated and transformed into the kind of nutriment that :s appropriated by the blood and tissues, Kodol is the only digestant or combination of digestants that will digest all classes of food. In addition to this fact, it contains* in assimilative form, the greatest known tonio and reconstructive properties. } Kodol cures indigestion, dyspepsia and aft disorders arising therefrom. Kodol Digests What Yon Eat Makes the Stomach Sweet. Bottles only. Regular size, $1.00. holding 2% timeft the trial size, which sells for 50 cents. Prepared by E. C. DeWITT & CO., Chicago, Ht? For Sale by all Druggists. Eczema and Pile Cure. TO rt Knowing what it was to suffer, I III LC will give Free of Charge, to any afflicted a positive cure for Eczema, Salk Rheum, Erysipelas, Piles and Skin Dis? eases. Instant relief. Don't suffer long? er. Write F. W. WILLIAMS, 400 Manhfit tcn Avenue, New York. Enclose stamp. 10-3-ly_ I CHJCHESTER'S ENGLISH ??ffSYrl?YJ?L PILLS -<?~V 0 . ^Orlrfaal and Only Genaine. - if\8AFE. Alwaj-i reliable. LmdlenukDranfefc k for CHICHESTEK'S ENGLISH I ia KZD and Gold metallic boxes, sealed with bine ribbon. Take BO other. Refl I Dangerous Substitutions and Fnttar tlon A. Boy of yonr Draggitt. or aecd 4c ia .tamps for Particulars, Testimonial? and .' Rc!tcf for Ladles," in Utter, bj r? torn MalL 10.000 Testimonial*. Soklby trSZ7? *,D"W"?w. Chichester Chemical Ca?, Uanti "? tia? paper Madison Mo uart. PUULA-. PA, ^ promptly obtain U. S?and^ore^tt^^ <Sccd modes, sketch or photo GI invertier ici<? f free report oa patentability, lo: freeboot ? ;Oppo3?ie t?. S. Paient Gf?ce* > WASHINGTON D.C. ? KILLTKS COUCH AND CURE THE LUNGS w T Dr. King's New Discovery /TONS?IWPTION Price FOR I OUGHSand 50c & $1.00 ISOLDS Free Triai. Surest and Quickest Cure for ali THBOAT and LUNG TROTTS !S, or MONEY BACK Por a clear complexion take Laxative FruitSyrup Pleasant to take Orino cleanses the sys? tem, and makes sallow blotched complexions smooth and clear. Cures chronic constipation by gently stimulating the stomach,liver and bowels. Refuse substitutes. Price 50o. HOLLISTER'S Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Busy Medicine fer 3asy People. Brings Golden Health and Renewed ?:gor. A specific for Constipation, Indigestion, Live aud Kidney Troubles, Pimples, Eczema, Impuro Blood, Bad Breath. Sluggish Bowels, Headache and Backache. It's Rocky Mountain Tea in tal* let form, 35 cents a box. Genuine made by HOLLISTER DRUG COMPAKY, Madison, Wis. , GOLDEN WGGET& C0R SALLOW PEOPLE.