WAR WITH JAPAN. PACIFIC COAST LABOR LEADER MAKES CONFIDENT PREDIC? TION. Be Says That War With the Oriental Power is Inevitable Sooner or Later .and That Opening This Country to the Japanese Will Not Prevent the dash. Boston, Dec. 5.-"War with Japan is eventually unavoidable," says An? drew Furseth, of San Francisco,, chairman of the national legislative .committee of the American Federa? tion of Labor and a leading Pacific coast writer on labor and industrial topics. He said, "I think, and believe every gL?fchOughtfui man in the country be ^.??ieves, that there is going to be war "With Ju.pr.r- sooner or .later. I do not think the openiLg of this country to -Japan will prevent war." :>!ORE PAY FOR STATESXEN. Liepuolicans and Democrats Get To? gether on Bill to Increase Pay of r - Congressmen. . Washington, Dec. 5.-Excepting ihe 32 millionaire members, every representative in congress is rejoicing over the news that Speaker Cannon will not stand in-'the way of legislation increasing the salary of senators and representatives. Chairman Tawney cf the appropriation committee an? nounced the news today. The pro? posed increase is from $5,000 to $7, <000 for members and from $5,000 to $10,000 for Uncle Joe. Party lines ?re wiped out on the proposition .which will be submitted to the house cn the amendment to the legislative hill by Representative Litaue of New York. If passed the law will be ef? fective March 4th, 19 0&. Increased expenses are the reasons given for the needed increase. DISASTROUS FLOOD. 3Iany Lives Lost and Great Damage Done in Clifton, Arizona. Clifton., Ariz., Dec. 5.-Twenty to sixty lives are reported lost and an inestimable amount of property dam? age is the result of one of the worst -floods in the history of this region. The principal business section of the city was wrecked, many buildings heing completely swept away. The sudden rise of the Gila river, caused 2>y heavy snows, started on the San Francisco river and Chase creek and precipitated the flood. ARE THROUGH WITH "THRU." A House Committee Also Drops "Dropt" and Its Mates. Washington, Dec. 1.-"Clipt" does not go; or rather, it has gone. It -went this morning, and with it went ""dropfand "thru" and throut" and All their family friends. The sub-committee of the house Appropriations committee, which has "been wrestling with the simplified ?pelling problem all this week, reach? ed a conclusion today, and the second -dull thud struck the simple spellers. The first dull thud was administered hy the United States supreme court ?orne weeks ago. The sub-committee has been de? bating the question whether to let Public Printer Sailing's spelling stand cr start it on the run. Once it al? most reached the conclusion that the hest way would be to pass it up to .congress*by putting both spellings in the bill, one spelling being garbed in parentheses and tho other standing forth unsupported: J hen the house, cohfronted by Noah Webster and Brander Matthews on the same page, could decide what to do about the ap? palling situation thus presented. Today, however, the sub-committee summoned ail the courage of its con? victions and decided to give its sup? port to the supreme court instead of the administration. It then summon? ed Mr. Stillings before it to hear its .decree. There was nothing brutal about it; on the contrary, the sub-committee ?was very nice to him. Instead of saying rudely, "Mr. Stillings, we have tried your spelling, and it has given us astigmatism, and henceforth you wri?l give us the spelling that mother used to make," they informed him that he would be expected to spell the appropriation bills "in accordance with current law." Mr. Stillings said he would do so, and retired, accompanied by "dipt." ?"dropt," and "kist,"-New York Times. -mmtwrn^Wl***********^---c*-?-m FRECKLES AND PIMPLES REMOVED In Ten Days. Nadinola The Complexion Beautifier is en? dorsed by thousands of grateful ladies, and guaranteed to remove all facial discolora? tions and restore the beauty of youth. The wcrrt eases JR twenty drys. 5Cc. a?u? Si.OC itt nil leading drug stereo, er by ma'i ?KPtraf ty NATIONAL T?i JST CO- ?ajis. Teas DOWN ON ROOSEVELT. PACIFIC COAST PEOPLE ANGER? ED BY HIS MESSAGE. They Do Not Like His Attitude on Japanese Exclusion and Declare That He Has Overstepped His Au? thority-Labor Unions Very Bitter. San Francisco, Dec. 5.-The whole Pacific coast is stirred by the attitude of President Roosevelt concerning the Japanese question which was reflect? ed in his message. Bitter feeling has been aroused among the labor un? ions and the prediction is made that Roosevelt's action has driven Califor? nia and perhaps the entire coast from the Republican ranks. Oregon and Washington have also declared for Japanese exclusion. The Chronicle declares that the president has ; overstepped his authority in threatening to coerce California. GOES TO PHILIPPINES. W. Morgan Shaster, of the District of Columbia, Appointed as Member of Commission. Washington, Dec. 5.-The presi? dent sent the following nomination to the senate today: To be a member of the Philippine commission and to be secretary of public instruction in the Philippine Islands, W. Morgan Shuster, of the District of Columbia. *For chapped and cracked hands nothing is quite as good as an applica? tion of Dewitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Put it on before going to bed, use an old pair of gloves and see what a dif? ference the morning will bring. Sold by all druggists. SHORT OF COAL LN KANSAS. Mayor Confiscates a Carload and is Threatened With Arrest. Topeka, Kan., Dec. 4.-One hun? dred Kansas towns have only one day's coal supply on hand, and no re? lief is promised by the railroads. Cold weather will cause untold suffering in thousands of homes. A car shortage exists all over the west. Ellis Gartin, mayor of Cimarr?n, confiscated a car of coal yesterday belonging to the Santa Fe railroad and distributed it among the people. When threatened with arrest he de? fied the company. *A man with a sprained ankle will use a crutch, rest the ankle and let Lt get well. A man or woman with an overworked stomach can't use a crutch, but the stomach must have rest just the same. It can be rested too without starvation. Kodol will do it Kodol performs the digestive work of the tired stomach and cor? rects the digestive apparatus. Kodol fully conforms to the provisions of the National Pure Food and Drug Laws. Recommended and sold by all druggists. *Open the bowels and get the cold out of your system. Ker. ned y's Laxa? tive Cough Syrup opens the bowels and at the ?same time allays the in? flammation of the mucous membranes. Contains Honey and Tar. Drives out the cold and stops the cough. Abso? lutely free from any opiates. Con? forms to the National Pure Food and Drug Law. Pleasant to take. Sold by all druggists. Washington, Dec. 5.-The senate committee on foreign relations today made a report favoring the ratifica? tion of the Algeciras treaty regarding Morocco. *E. C. DeWitt & Co., of Chicago, at whose laboratory Kodol is prepared, assures us that this remarkable di gestant and corrective for the stom? ach conforms fully to all provisions of the National Pure Food and Drug Law. The Kodol laboratory is a very large one, but if all the sufferers ff om indigestion an J stomach troubles could know the virtues of Kodol it would be impossible for the manufac? turers to keep up with the demand. Kodol is sol-J here by all druggists. Aiken, Dec. 4.-The proposed Hoy ward county scheme wax defeated to? day by 38 votes of the requisite two thirds of the total hui?fcer of votes cast. All the precincts have been re? ported and show a total voto cast of ?04, of which the new county receiv? ed 298. Outwits thc Surgeon. *A complication of female troubles, with catarrh of the stomach and bow? els, had reduced Mrs. Thos. S. Austin, of Leavenworth, Ind., to such a de? plorable condition that her doctor ad? vised an operation; but her husband fearing fatal results, postponed this to try Electric Bitters, and to the amaze? ment of all who knew her this medi? cine completely cured her. Guaran? teed cure for torpid liver, kidney dis? ease, biliousness, jaundice, chills and fever, general debility, nervousness and blood poisoning. Bebt tonic made. Price 50c at Sibert's Dru? i Store. Try it. j RECORDS OF NEGRO TROOPS. War Department Record Compiled for Congressional Investigation Shows That Once Before Negro Troops of Hie 25th "Shot Up a Town." "Washington, Dec. 3.-The war de? partment is preparing for an investi I gation by congress of the case of the companies of the 25th infantry re? cently discharged without honor by order of President Roosevelt, and to this end has compiled a record of ne? gro troops, dating back to the civil war. It is said that this record dis? closes a state of affairs not generally known, and that once before at least the 25th infantry "shot up a town." The affair happened in 1885 at Fort Sturgis, Dakota. Some of the negro soldiers went on a rampags similar to that at Brownsville Texas, and one of their number killed a citizen. In that case, however, the citizens took the matter into their own hands, forced the troopers, under pain of death, to disclose the name of the man who did the killing and then took him out and lynched him. BLOW TO PROHIBITION. Hereafter Liquor Cannot Be Seized by Constables at Depots. Washington, Dec. 3.-A decision handed down today by the United States supreme court places the shipment of whiskey into the State of South Carolina under the inter? state commerce law until the goods are actually delivered into the pos? session of the consignee, so that con? stables may not seize liquor in the railroad depots .vhich has been ship? ped from another State. Under the constitution of the Uni? ted States every resident in South ?arolina is free to receive for his own use liquor from other States. The de? cision was in the case of Paul Hyman of Augusta, Ga., vs. the Southern Railway company, brought up on ap? peal from the supreme court of Geor? gia, and it reverses the Georgia de? cision. The whiskey in question was ship? ped from Georgia upon order from P. B. Wise and H. D. Harkins of Charleston, S. C., in March, 1902. It was placed in the warehouse of the Southern Railway company in Charleston and no notice was given the consignee of its arrival. It was seized by constables without war? rant, upon the ground that it was shipped across the border of the State contrary to police regulations of South Carolina. The Southern Rail? way agent made no objection to the seizure, stating that he was yielding to legal authority. Suit was brought by Paul Heyman of Augusta against the Southern Railway company for the amount of the goods, as the pay? ment from the purchasers was condi? tioned upon the actual "delivery" of the goods. The precise definition of "delivery" has been a question at issue. The supreme court of Georgia held that the seizure was legal, declaring that the interstate transportation of the goods en c ed when they were placed in the warehouse and the rail? road company was thereafter liable | only as a warehouseman. They could, therefore, be seized by the constables. The United States supreme court i reverses this and says the goods have not "arrived" till they have been ac? tually delivered.-The State. New Cure for Epilepsy. *J. B. Waterman, of Watertown, O., rural free delivery, writes: "My daugh ! ter, afflicted for years with epilepsy, was cured by Dr. King's New Life Pills. She has not had an attack for over two years." Best body cleansers and life-giving tonic pills on earth. 25c at Siberfs Drug Store. FEEL EVERY CHANGE OF THE WEATHER. A Bad Back 'is Always Worse During Wet or Changeable Weather. Ts your back like a barometer? Does it foretell every change of weather? Does every cold settle on your.kidneys? Bring aching, throbbing pallis? Does it disorder the urine? The kidneys are calling for help. Use Doan's Kidney Pills. Guaranteed by Sumter Testimony. B. A. Ketts, well-known farmer, living two miles northeast of Sumter, says; -j believe Doan's Kidney Pills which I proc.nrpd at Dr. A. .1. China's drug store arc .t goo? kidney remedy. For a number of y?.>ar*> I had a hard time with my back and the pain felt just like rheumatism and would just lay me up. T rouldnotsit for any length of time in one position or attempt to turn over in bed with? out the sharp pain striking mc and mak'n" 'ne yell risht out and I had to take hold of sor ti? thing u> support rae when I wt out of bed The kidney secretions wer" irregular, un? natural and at night too frequeni in action I used lots of remedies and t x)k doctor's medicine but was just the same after I used them as before. 1 was told al>out Doan's K id? ney Pills curing other people so I went and got them. They helped me immediately and since then the pain has left me. my back is strong ana the kidney secretions do not bot li? er me. My health is greatly improved in every way and 1 give Doan's Kidney Pills the credit." For saje by all dealers. Prir<\ :v> ^ntc Foers than any ot ber Ladies'MagaCT?.^ Pate year's subscription (ra Bombers) cents ? O emtd? L*j?* number, ? sen ts. E?ery nibacriber ?eta * McCall ?fe tara Free? Subscribe today. ? . _L*dy Agent? Waated. Hwrfauu? p?uata??fc Hbcral cash commission. Pallara Catalog ie . oi 6oo<5sa. ?fens) and Premium Catalogs (showing 400 premias-afr tent free* Address THB McCALL CO., Kaw YaalV Anyone Bending 3 afcetcb and description mar qtrlckly ascenain oar opinion free whetner wet invention ls probably patentabte ,^rammnnjcav tiona strictly conndent?L HANG800X on Paama? sent free. Oldest agency for eecrurtng patentai Patents tafeen thronsrh Mann & Co. receive tptcial notices without charge, In the Seien? ?r?cait A handsomely lDuGtrated weekly. largest di?, culation of any scientific loornaL Terme. $3 a year ; four months, |L Sold Oyal! newsdealers. MUNN ?Co.36,Bro^ New Yoffc Branch Office, 625 F St, Washington, D. CL Lewis Burton and Ernest Burton have been arrested in Newberry county on the charge of arson. CH ICH ESTER'S ENGLISH HNYROYAL PILLS Original and Only Genuine. Ladle?. DrscrisSj "KNGUSBT boxes. sealed . wjer. Reffcaat ])mt'cwn? SncatltaUon? and Imita? lion*. Buy o' your Drucpst. or send -4c tm rumps TOT Pa.-*Jcalar?. Testimonial* and *. Keller for .\u<:iev*' n 1st ter, by re?, tern Mail. 10.6v?0 Testimonials. SoVloy al) Dructfst?. Chichester Chculcai Caw ieution this paper Aladlaon Sonare, J'?IxLA^ Jr*A? f ^ v?'o promptly ooraiu^U. S. and^breQr?^^ CSead model, ?ketch or pj.cto ci invention fort f fre? report on patente*) illy. 1 or free book, ? fHowtoSecurtiTQfinS 933B!f'0 writer j Opposite U. srfe^'fcfficef ? WASHINGTON D.C. ? Garden Seed, This is the gardening season. We have a full supply ct the best test? ed garden seeds. For years L?NDRETH S SEEDS Have been recognized as the best. Let us sup? ply you. DeLorme's 4M TA U rugs and Medicines.