The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, November 07, 1906, Image 2

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--^ || Beverly < ip Graustai 1 >^?2?2^ /?^s(23? :<????SZ CHAPTER I. EAR off in the mountain lands, somewhere to the east of the setting sun, lies the principali? ty of Graustark, serene relic ol ?ure ?ld feudal days. The traveler beaches the little domain after an ?r 'tSao&s* sometimes perilous, journey twa the great European capitals, Vkether they be north or south or wes j _never east He crosses great rivera *nd wide plains; he winds through fer? tile valleys and over barren plateaus; I? twists and turns and climbs among Bomber gorges'and rugged mountains; fee touches the cold clouds in one day and the placid warmth of the valley in ^he next. One does not go to Graustars ISor a pleasure jaunt. It is too far from * the rest of the world, and the ways are Often dangerous because of the strife among the tribes of the intervening mountains. If one hungers for excite dent and peril, he finds it in the jour? ney from the north or the south into the land of the Graustarkians. From Vienna and other places almost direct? ly west the way is not so full of thrills Sot- the railroad skirts the darkest of the danger lands. Once in the heart of Graust?rk, how? ever, the traveler is charmed into breams of peace and happiness and paradise. The peasants and the poets sing in one voice and accord, their psalm being of never ending love. &?wn in the lowlands and up in the fcais the simple worker of the soil re? joices that he lives in Graustark; in the towns and villages the humble mer? chant and his thrifty customer unite tn ikig the song of peace and content fcient; in the palaces of the noble the 35ame patriotism warms its heart with Noughts of Graustark, the ancient. Prince and pauper strike hands for the love of the land, while outside the ^great, heartless world goes rumbling tia without a thought of the rare little principality among the eastern moun? tains. in point of area Graustark is but a taite in the great galaxy of nations. "Glancing over the map m of the world, .one is almost sure to miss the in?ni tes teca! patch of green that marks its lo? caron. One could not be blamed if /be 'regarded the spot as a typograph? ical or topographical illusion. T?t the people of this., quaint little land hold ta their hearts a love and a confidence that are not surpassed by any of the ?ordiy .monarchs who measure their patriotism by miles and millions. The Crraustarkians are a sturdy, courageous iaee. From the faraway century when They fought themselves clear of. the Taits?t yoke to this very hour they nave been warriors of might and valor. T&e boundaries of their tiny domain were kept inviolate for hundreds of -years, and but one victorious foe had Axwae down to lay siege to Edelweiss, "^the capital. Axphain, a powerful prin? cipality in the north, had conquered <2?aastark in the latter part of the nineteenth century, but ody after a bitter war in which starvation and ?am-ine proved far more destructive than 'the arms of the victors. The treaty of peace and the indemnity that teil to the lot of vanquished Graustark Itave been discoursed upon at length la at least one history. * '3&ose who have followed that his t>wy 'must know; of course, that the fct?gnihg princess, Yetive, was married 'te^a young American at the very tag te?d o? f?ie nineteenth century^ This .admirable couple met in quite romantic &sfekm while the young sovereign was traveling incognito through the United .States of America. The American, a splendid fellow named Lorry, was so i ;-?e?rs?st?nt lu the subsequent attack I apon her heart that all ancestral preju- : Hees were swept away, and she be- ! same his bride with the full consent of j ter entranced subjects. The manner j ? which he wooed and won this young I ?ad adorable ruler forms a very at- ' Sraetive chapter in romance, although 1 unmentioned ia history. This being ! tale of another day, it is not timely ? .s? dwell upon the interesting events ? valen led up to the marriage of the 1 ~:?tiacess Yetive to Grenfall Lorry. Suf- j Ice it to say that Lorry won his bride ; -*S?iast all wishes and odds and at 'ile same? time won an endless love and .?teem from the people of the little dagdom among the eastern hills. Two ears have passed since that notable Nvedding i:-. Edelweiss. Lorry and his wife, the princess, eade their home in Washington, b^t ;j>eat a few months of each year in ~$delwe:f;s. During the periods spent ;a Washington and in travel her affairs Graustark were in the hands of a capable, austere old diplomat, her "uncle, Count Caspar ilalfont. Princess 'o?ga reigned as regent over the prin ' ipaHtv o'. Axphaln. To H-e south lay VS?e pYiXrcipalily of Dawsbergen, ruled 1 gp young Prince Dantan, whose half - roiber, the deposed Prince Gabriel, j " ad been for two years a prisoner in 'i?austark, the convicted assassin of : ^^Ttarce Lorenz of Axphain, one time ! " nitor for the hand of Yetive. tt was after the second visit of the j 3 ?ottys to Edelweiss that a serious turn i ? affairs presented itself. Gabriel had -iwceeded in escaping from his dun? geon. His friends In Dawsbergo I - ?red wp a revolution, and Dantan was -riven Crom the throne at Serros. On j ?s arrival of Gabriel at the capital j Vg* ?wtr o* Dawshpriren psnoused the ! ?>f 4hik ; riace ; bad spurned, and, ! j?&?*j\a?t- ? ??<!? his ?ape, he was on ! S throne, c?; . . aud ...(>??? ?V?-...**.**.*.%*..*.."il*?5??"V. ..*..*.. ...if. .!."_.*..:..?.. . ....W.* - . EH By Mt GEORGE BARR M'CUTCKEON, |? ?3??V? CwrWrt. 1904. by Dodd. Mead ?nd ?crr.&uty .?fCv?":?? ........^/."?.;"-V.:....... ~../.....-.... -.. .. '*":?! j a price roi- C?e ?iea?T?r the unfortunate i Bantan, now a fugitive in ?ie hills ? along the Graustark frontier. ! CHAPTER II. I ?TTiAJOR GEORGE CALHOUN was j n/m I a member of congress from one M of the southern states. His ; -LM j forefathers had represented the same commonwealth, and so, it was likely, would his descendants, if there is virtue in the fitness of things and the heredity of love. While intrepid I frontiersmen were opening the trails j ! through the fertile wilds west of the All?guantes a strong branch of the Cal- j houn family followed close in their j footsteps. The major's great-grand- j father saw the glories and the possi- ! i bilities of the new territory. Ile struck ? boldly forward from the old Reyolu j tionary grounds, abandoning the luxu ! ries and traditions of the Carolinas for i a fresh, wild life of promise. His sons I and daughters became solid stones in tee foundation of a commonwealth, and his grandchildren are still at work on the structure. State and national j legislatures had known the Calhouns I from the beginning. Battlefields had tested their valor, and drawing rooms had proved their gentility. Major Calhoun had , fought with ! Stonewall Jackson and won his spurs, and at the same time the heart and hand of Betty Haswell, the stanchest Confederate who ever made flags, ! bandages and prayers for the boys in I gray. When the reconstruction came he went to congress, and later on be ; came prominent in the United States consular service, for years holding an i important. European post1 Congress claimed him once more in the early nineties, and there he ls at this very time. Everybody in Washington's social i and diplomatic circles admired the I beautiful Beverly Calhoun. According j to his owu loving term of identifica I tion, she was the major's "youngest." I The fair southerner had seen two sea? sons in the nation's capital. Cupid, standing directly in front of her, had shot his darts ruthlessly and resist lessly into the passing hosts, and mas? culine Washington looked humbly to her for the balm that might soothe its pains. The wily, god of love was fair enough to protect the girl whom he forced to be his unwilling, perhaps un? conscious, ally. He held his impene? trable shield between her heart and . the. assaults of a whole army of suit- j ors, high and low, great and small. It j was not idle rumor that said she had ! declined a coronet or two, that the ? /millions of more than one American j Midas had been offered to her and that she had dealt gently but firmly with a ; score of hearts which had nothing but j love, ambition and poverty to support them in the conflict The Calhouns lived in a handsome j home not far from the residence of Mr. i and Mrs. Grenfall Lorry. It seemed j but natural that the two beautiful | young women should become constant ! and loyal friends. Women as lovely j as they have no reason to be jealous, j It is only the woman who does not feel I secure of her personal charms that j cultivates envy. At the home of Grau stark's princess Beverly met the dukes ' and barons from the far east. It was ! in the warmth of the Calhoun hospital- j ity that Yeti ve formed her dearest love I for the American people. Miss Beverly was neither tall nor ; short. She was of that divine and in-1 definite height know*n as medium; sien der, but perfectly molded; strong, but i graceful-an absolutely healthy young. person, whose beauty knew well how j to take care of itself. Being quite heart whole ".nd fancy free, she slept ; well, ate well and enjoyed every min- j ute of life. In her blood ran the warm,: eager impulses of the south; hereditary love of ease and luxury displayed itself in every emotion; the perfectly normal demand upon men's admiration was as characteristic in her as it is in any ? daughter of the land whose women < Her hearers stared at the picturesque rc- \ cruit. are "born to expect"chivalry and hom? age. A couple of years in a New York j "fir-ishing school" for young ladies had. served greatly to modify Miss Cal- j delightful ? way ?low ? south" phrases and maunerismj were blighted bs the "*""m""minM i -a- mi irrrwrwrTi-1 1 " ?* " cold, unromantic atmosphere of a : . inary conducted by two ladies fro; Boston who were too old to marry I penurious to love and too prim to t that other women might care tc ? both. There were times, however-: she were excited or enthusiastic-whe pretty Beverly so far forgot her trail ing as to break forth with a very a tractive "yo' all," "suah 'nough" or "g 'long naow." And when the hand played "Dixie" she was not afraid t stand up and wave her handkerchie The northerner who happened to h with her on such occasions usuall found himself doing likewise before h could escape the infection. Miss Calhoun's face was one tba painters coveted deep down in the' artistic souls. It never knew a dull li stant; there was expression in ever lineament, in every look; life, genuin life, dwelt in the mobile countenance that turned the head of every man an< woman who looked upon it. Her hai was dark brown and abundant; he eyes were a deep gray and looke< eagerly from between, long lashes o black; her lips were red and eve trilling to smile or turn plaintive as oe easio? required: her orow was broa( and fair, and her frown was as danger ous as a smile. As to her age, if the major admitted somewhat indiscreetly, that all his chil dren were old enough to vote, hp! mother, with the reluctance born li women, confessed that she was pas twenty, so a year or two cither wa] will determine Miss beverly's age s< far as the toiling of this story is con cerned. Her eldest toother, Keith Cal bonn (the one with the congressiona heritage), thought she was too youn| to marry, while her second brother Dan, held that she soon would be to( old to attract men with matrimonia intentions. Lucy, the only sister, hav ing been happily wedded for ten years advised her not to think of marriag? until she was' old enough to know hei own mind. Toward the close of one of the mos1 brilliant seasons the capital had evei known, less than a fortnight befon congress was to adjourn, the wife ol Grenfall Lorry received the new? which spread gloomy disappointment over the entire social realm. A dozer receptions, teas and balls were des? tined to lose their richest attraction, and hostesses were in despair. The princess had been called to Graustark. Beverly Calhoun was miserably un happy.- She hadJbeard the story of Ga? briel's escap e "and the consequent prob? ability of a conflict with ?xphain. It did not require a great stretch of imag? ination to convince her that the Lorrys were hurrying off to scenes of intrigue, strife and bloodshed, and that not only Graustark, but its princess, was in jeopardy. Miss Calhoun's most cherished hopes faded with the announcement that trouble, not pleasure, called Yetive to Edelweiss, flt had been their plan that Beverly should spend the delightful summer months in Graustark, a guest at the royal palace. The original ar? rangements of the Lorrys were hope? lessly disturbed by the late news from Count Haifont. They were obliged to leave Washington two months earlier than they intended, and they could not take Beverly Calhoun into danger rid? den Graustark. The contemplated visit to St. Petersburg and other pleasures had to be abandoned, and they were in tears. Yetlve's maids were packing the trunks, and Lorry's servants were in a wild state of haste preparing for the departure oi\ Saturday's ship. On Fri? day afternoon Beverly was naturally where she could do the most good and be of the least help-at the Lorrys'. Self confessedly she delayed the preparations. Respectful maidservants and respectful manservants came of? ten to the princess' boudoir to ask questions, and Beverly just as fre? quently made tearful resolutions to leave the household in peace-if such a hullabaloo could be called peace. Callers came by the dozen, but Yetive would see no one. Letters, telegrams and telephone calls almost swamped her secretary; the footman and the butler fairly gasped under the strain Of excitement. Through it all the two friends sat despondent and alone in the drear room that once had been the abode of pure delight. Grenfall Lorry was off in town closing up all matters of business that could be dispatched at once. The princess and her industri? ous retinue were to take the evening express for New York, and the next day would find them at sea. "I know I shall cry all summer," vowed Miss Calhoun, with conviction In her eyes. "It's just too awful for anything." She was lying back among the cushions of the divan, and her hat was the picture of cruel neglect. For three solid hours she had stubbornly withstood Yetive's appeals to remove her hat insisting that she could not trust herself to stay more than a min? ute or two. "It seems to me, Yetive. that your jailers must be very incom? petent or they wouldn't have let loose all this trouble upon you," she com? plained. "Prince Gabriel is the very essence of trouble.'' confessed Yetive plain? tively. "H< was born to annoy peo? ple, just li ce the evil prince in the fain- tales." "I wish we had him over here," the American girl answered stoutly. "He wouldn't be such a trouble, I'm sure, j We don't let small troubles worry us very long, you know." "But he's dreadfully important over ; there. Beverly; that's tho difficult part of it," said Yetive solemnly. "You seo. he Is a condemned murderer." "Then you ought to hang him or electrocute him or whatever it is that you do to murderers over there," spoke Beverly promptly. "But, dear, you don't understand. He won't permit us either to hang or to electrocute him, my dear. The situa? tion is preciselv the reverse, if bo is correctiv quoted my :ii< le. When Uncle Gaspar se) I ai envoy to laform i Dawsbergen respectfully that Grau-' ... would hold it personally respoi ? . if Gabriel were not surrenderee el himself replied, 'Graustark t tanged!'" " "How rude of him. especially whe your uncle was so courteous about il He must be a very disagreeable pei son." announced Miss Calhoun. *T am sure you wouldn't like him, said the princess. "His brother, wh has been driven from the throne-an from the capital, in fact-is quite di: forent. I have not seen him, but m ministers regard him as a splendi j young man." K"Oh, how I hope he may go bac with his army and annihilate that ol Gabriel!" cried Beverly, frownin fiercely. "Alas," sighed the princess, "h hasn't an army, and besides he is fine lng it extremely difficult to keep froi being annihilated himself. The arm has gone over to Prince Gabriel." "Pooh!" scoffed Miss Calhoun, wh .was thinking of the enormous annie the United States can produce at day's notice. "What good is a ridie; lous little army like his anyway? . battalion from Fort Thomas coul beat it to" "Don't boast, dear," interrupted Y< five, with a wan smile. "Dawsberf e has a standing army of 10,000 exce lent soldiers. With the war reserve she has twice the available force I* ca produce." "But your men are so brave!" erie Beverly, who bad heard their praise sung. "True-God bless thom!-but you foi get that we must attack Gabriel in hi own territory. To recapture hil means a perilous expedition into th mountains of Dawsbergen, and I ai sorely afraid. Ch, dear, I hope he' surrender peaceably !" "And go back to jail for life?" erie Miss Calhoun. "It's a gocd deal,t expect of bim, dear. I fancy it's muc better fun kicking up a rumpus on th outside than it is kicking one's toes ol against an obdurate stone wall fror the inside. You can't blame him fo fighting a bit" "No, I suppose not," agreed the prir cess miserably. "Gren is actually har. py over the miserable affair, Be veri j He is full of enthusiasm and positivel; aching to be in Graustark-right in th thick of it all. To hear him talk on would think that Prince Gabriel ha no show at all. He kept me up till - o'clock this morning telling me tba Dawsbergen didn't know what kind o a snag it was going up against I hav< g vague idea what he means by that His manner did not leave much roon for doubt He also said that we woul< jolt Dawsbergen off the map. I sounds encouraging at least doesn' it?" "It sounds very funny for you to saj those things," admitted Beverly, "ever though they come secondhand. Yoi were not cut out for slang." "Why, I'm sure they are all gooc English words," remonstrated Yetive "Oh, dear, I wonder what they are do ing in Graustark this very instant Are they fighting or" "No; they are merely talking. Don'1 you know, dear, that there is never 2 fight until both sides have talked them selves out of breath? We shall have six months of talk and a week or twe of fight, just as they always do now? adays." I "Oh, you Americans have such a comfortable way of looking at things," cried the princess. "Don't you ever see the serious side of life?" "My dear, the American always lets the other fellow see the serious side of life," said Beverly. "You wouldn't be so optimistic if a country much bigger and more power? ful than America happened to be the other fellow." "It did sound frightfully boastful, didn't it? It's the way we've been brought up, I reckon-even we south? erners, who know what it is to be whipped. The idea of a girl like me talking about war and trouble and all that! It's absurd, isn't it?" "Nevertheless, I wish I could see things through those dear gray eyes of yours. Oh, how I'd like to have you with me through all the months that are to come. You would be such a help to me, such a joy. Nothing would seem so hard If you were there to make me see things through your brave Ameri? can eyes. The princess put her arms about Beverly's neck and drew her close. "But Mr. Lorry excel? lent pair of American eyes," protested Miss Beverly, loyally and very happily. "I know, dear, but they, are a man's eyes. Somehow there is a difference, you know. I wouldn't dare cry when he was looking, but I could boohoo all day if you were there to comfort me. He thinks I am very brave, and Tm not," she confessed dismally. "Oh, I'm an awful coward,'' explain? ed Beverly consolingly. "I think you are the bravest girl in all the world," she added. "Don't you remember what you did at"- and then she recalled the stories that had come from Graustark ahead of the bridal party two years be? fore. Yetive was finally obliged to place her hand on the enthusiastic \-isiior's lips. "Peace," she cried, blushing. "You make me feel like a-a-what is lt you call her. a dime novel heroine?" "A yellow back girl? Never!" ex? claimed Beverly severely. Visitors of importance in administra? tion circles came at this moment and the princess couid nof refuse to see them. Beverly Calhoun reluctantly de? parted, but not until arter- giving a promise to accompany the Lorrys to the railway sta lion. . ..**.. The trunks had gone to 1J? checked, and the household was quietsr than it had been in many days. Thew was an air ot depression about the place that hftd its inception in the room upstair* where sober faced I Ia Ik ins served din nft" for a not. ovcrtalka" ive ynu*?-? couple. .Ti will be ai! right, dearest," said, i . ?rry, diviu ug bis wif a thoughts ag I she sat staring rather soberly straight ahead of her. "Just as soon as we : get to Edelweiss the whole affair will j look so simple that we can laugh at the fears of today. You see, we are a j long way off just now." "I am only afraid of what may hap? pen before we get there, Gren," she said simply. He leaned over and kiss? ed her hand, smiling at the emphasis i she unconsciously placed on the pro- ! noun. Beverly Calhoun was announced just j before coffee was served and a mo- j , meut later was in the room. She stop- j ped just inside the door, clicked her j little heels together and gravely brought \ her hand to ""salute!" "Her eyes were j , sparkling and her lips trembled with j ' suppressed excitement. "I think I can report to you in Edel I weiss next month, general," she an- ! ; nounced. with soldierly dignity. Her j j hearers stared at the picturesque re I cruit, and Halkins so far forgot him- ! j self as to drop Mr. Lorry's lump of ! j sugar upon the table instead of into ! the cup. "Explain yourself, sergeant!" finally fell fro ai Lorry's lips. The eyes of j j the princess were beginning to take on j a rapturous glow. "May I have a cup of coffee, please, ' j sir? I've been so excited I couldn't ! I cat a mouthful at home." She grace- j i fully slid into the chair Halkins of- j j fered and broke into an ecstatic giggle ! i that would have resulted in a court j ; martial had she been serving any j ! commander but Love. j j With a plenteous supply of southern i I idioms she succeeded in making them j j understand that thu major had prom- j i ised to let her visit friends in the le?a- ? I tion at S :. Petersburg in April, a montai j cr so after the departure of the Lorrys. j j "He wanted to know where I'd rath- J j er spend the spring-Wasbin'ton or j i Lexington-and I told him St. Peters- ; ! burg. V.'e had a terrific discussion, ? j and neither of us ate a speck at din- j : ner. Mamma sr id it would be all right \ ; Tor me to go to St. Petersburg if Aunt \ ! Josephine was still of a mind to go too. ! j You see, auntie was scared almost out: of her boots wnen she heard there was ! . prospect of war in Graustark, just as j though a tiny little war like that could j make any difference away up in Rus- j sia, hundreds of thousands of miles j '.away"-with a scornful wave of the ? j hand-"ard then I just made auntie I say she'd go to St. Petersburg in Aprii, j a whole month sooner than she espect '?? ed to go in the first place, and" "You dear, dear Beverly!" cried Ye- j tive, rushing joyously around the table to clasp her in ber arms. "And St. Petersburg really isn't a hundred thousand miles from Edel I weiss!" cried Beverly gay ly. "It's much less than that," said Lor j ry, smiling. "But you surely don't j ' expect to come to Edelweiss if we are ! fighting. We couldn't think of letting ; you do that you know. Your mother j would never" "My motlier wasn't afraid of a much ! bigger war than yours can ever hope " to be!" cried Beverly resentfully. "Yow ! ' can't stop me if I choose to visit Grau I stark." j "Does your father know that you contemplate such a trip?" asked Lorry, returning her hand clasp and looking j doubtfully into the swimming blue j i eyes of his wife. "No, he doesn't," admitted Beverly a trifle aggressively. j "He could, stop you, you know," he j suggested. Yetive was discreetly si? lent. "But he won't know anything about If' cried Beverly triumphantly. "I could tell him, you know," said Lorry. "No, you couldn't do anything so mean as that," announced Beverly. "You're not that sort" [TO ns CO-NTLLN un>.] MONEY FOR THE SCHOOL FUND. Dispensary Officials Promise to Remit $10.000 a Week on Last Year's Ac? count. Columbia, Oct. 31.-The authori? ties of the State dispensary have promised to remit to the State treas? urer $10,000 a week for the school fund until about $60,000 is paid in. It will be recalled that at the session of the dispensary investigating com? mittee last year it was brought out that the dispensary then owed the school fund $114,000 in round figures. Since that time there has been only one settlement. On March 2, $25,000 was paid for distribution, and of that amount about $9,000 yet remains to the credit of the fund. In the statement rendered bv the dispensary for the quarter ending August 31, the amount due the school fund is placed at $79,834.41. and the capital stock is placed at $400,000, "belonging to the school fund.'" The cash in the State treasury is placed at $44,637.95. but this cash statement varies from day to day and cannot be checked up to the school*.fund. Commissioner Tatum requires all retail dispensers to file their reports ;nnl send to the Stat?"* dispensary every week the amount due the dispensary. There is no check on the school fund which is sent to the treasurer at any lime and with which the State treas urer has nothing to do except receipt for and turn over t<> the comptroller general for distribution by counties. ?Tcnkins Motor Co. Columbia, Nov. 1.-The E. A. & T. B. Jenkins Company of Columbia, was chartered today, the corporators being p:. A. and T. B. Jenkins, the well known automobile mon, who thc Reo car. The capital ' Q. The concern wi!! sell and j : ' pi ir automobiles. { COTTON MUST GO HIGHER. Ginning Report Shows a- Considerable Shortage-Mr. E. D. Smith's Ad? vice to thc Farmers Based Upon Recent Figures Prepared by Gov? ernment. Columbia, Oct 28.-Mr. E. D. Smith of the South Carolina Cotton J association issued a statement con- T cerning the recent ginning report made by the department of agricul? ture. Mr. Smith says that the figures show as predicted by the association that the crop is a short one and the farmers should obtain 12 1-2 cents per ?pound for the product if they will only hold their cotton. Mr. Smith in his statement says: 'The bureau's report on ginning makes the total amount of cotton ginned up to the present 4,910,000 bales. South Carolina is 396,000 as against 639,000 last year. I think all agree that at least 50 per cent, of South Carolina's crop was ginned up to the 18th of October. This being true, we will not make much over 700,000 bales of cotton. Last year's crop was about 1,125,000. This will leave South Carolina something like 400,000 bales short. Georgia, Alabu- j ma and North Carolina all show about the same percentage shor;. Texas makes up in excess lacking 80, 000 bales of bringing it up to last year's ginning. /The next ginn?rs' report, I am confident, will show that our conten? tion that the crop is short, is true. Last week and the week before, the mi'ls and the cotton buyers gave ll cents readily for cotton. If they could afford to buy it then at that fig? ure, it is worth that much now, for the reason that they had placed their contract months ahead and could af? ford to give, ll cents and show a hancsome profit. ?.v "There is no reason why you, the farmers of the South, should sacrifice what cotton you do sell them, be? cause somebody predicted there was a much larger crop. Demand from them that they shall give for what you do sell them from now on, what they have been paying fer it for the last two or three weeks at least. Cot? ton is worth today on the markets, in view of the price and the scarcity of goods, 12 1-2 cents a pound. If the farmers will just absolutely refuse to sell it for less, this price can be obtained for the talan-re of this ere p. "Of course . v< rything depends up? on the unanimity with which they hold cotton. I am still convinced that on account of the frost and storm making anything like a top crop is impossible; that this, crop will net appreciably exceed last year's and therefore cotton is bound ulti? mately to go very much higher. The world will need 12,500,000 bai es and one of the best posted men i:: thc cotton world wired me that if the crop should turn out 12,000,000 bales, it would readily bring 7d. in England. I do not think anyone looks for a crop as great as 12,000,000 bales. Let the farmers of the country settle this question and settle it now by abso? lutely refusing to part with their property, except at a value satisfac? tory to themselves The break in the market of one cent a pound within three days entailing a 'oss of $5 a bale compared with K'oor of the far? mer for 12 months zn make the bale of cotton, is enough to arouse him to a sense of his duty in the premises. To work 12 months to produce that which speculators and gamblers can take 10 per cent from its value in 33? hours is enough to either make a man quit growing cotton or show that he is a man. The world is waiting to see whether you are men." Mr. Smith is now at work on the plans for the organization of the mammoth holding company which is to buy and hold all cotton offered at less than the agreed price. Some time ago a full statement of the pur? poses of this company was given in The State and since then the associa? tion has reecived many letters seek? ing information about the company. Another statement will be given to the press in a few days. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re? ward, for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and finan? cially able to carry out any obliga, tiens made by his firm. Walding, Rinnan. & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter? nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all druggisti. Take Hall's Family Pills for con? stipation. S 10-lm ?Good for everything a salve is used for and especially recommended for piles. That is what we say of De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve Or. the