MR.% BRYAN'S CAMPAIGN PIAN. I I Friend Says He WM Not Make Train Special.? and Will Not Attack Cor? pora til/iiS. A dispatch, from Lincoln. Nebraska, says: Here are the plans o? William Jennings Bryan, as outlined by. a close friend and stalwart supporter: "Mr. Bryan," the friend, said, "is a genius endowed with the passion for hard work.-. He has outlined plans for a presidential campaign, the most .determined, resolute, and at the ne time the most dignified in the tory of the nation. He has no i douo> of his nomination. "At his home at Fairview, Mr. Bryan will receive delegations ; from all parts of the country. Speches will be made but they will be quiet dignified addresses. "In the life of Mr. Bryan nothing has come by chance. When he ; planned to charm a convention with his oratory- he worked on his effort j for a year in advance. When he plan? ned to capture the following demo-' eratic nomination by acclamation he went about it in the same manner. After his St. Louis convention espiode he participated in the campaign -enough |p show his good will. Then he outlined a globe trotting tour which attracted the attention of the world. "Soon after Mr. Bryan's return Fairview will be remodelled and a large porch will be added. Land? scape gardens will transform the roll? ing lawn into a garder, where ten -thousand persons may hear a politi eal speech. "Mr. Bryan will not rush around the country in special trains. He will make but two trips. He will deliver one masterpiece, an oration which will be carefully planned and will con? tain such matchless Bryannic para? graphs. ;As for th? remainder of the ? peches, they will-be full of dignity, .lust before the campaign closes Mr. Bryan will make another supreme appeal. "Mr. Bryan will not join in the ex? treme and radical ' ideas" like those of Mr. LaFollette, and he will be mode? rate in his expressions, as compared with Mr. Roosevelt. Instead of scar? ing capital he will reassure. Trusts 'he will urge, should be curbed, but curbed with no injustice to capitalist or investor. "Mr. Bryan will not interfere with fn.e ' sentiments of his party. He will; act in an lr?ir?eren; manner toward endorsements and urg the claims of any one who should aspire tb',- the rion Snation. ..*.;. . s^nic time the^ endorsements will come with such fre .quency that it will be ^extremely dis? couraging for the opposing candi? dates. "Mr. Hearst will be humored and Mr. Parker ignored. During the months after his return to JLincoln Mr. Bryan.will make public his idea of the political systems of foreign oountries. All the while he will be di- | recting the views of the national dem- j ocratic organization in a safe and sane -channel. "In this his own State it will take all Bryan's diplomacy to prevent a fa>$ionaI breach. These hostile' fae- ! ? tions must be placated before Mr. j Bryan returns, and he will do his best to organize the State for a dem? ocratic victory in 19OS. Majfor Dahl man is a royal partisan of Bryan and his election in Omaha means much to the Fairview statesman. Another piece of good luck was the election, of Mayor Brown, a staunch Democrat in Lincoln." ?Does evil still, your whole life fill? Does woe betide? Your thoughts abide on suicide? You need a pill! Now for prose and facts-Dewitt's Little Early Risers are the most pleas? ant and reliable pills known today. They.never gripe. Sold by all drug? gists. FLOOD IN LONDON. Newspaper Offices Put Out of Business and Railroad Tracks Submerged. London, June 29.-Owing to a fear? ful rain and wind storm and an extra high tide in the river Thames London was flooded this morning _ and the neighborhood in which several news? papers are published was submerged. After considerable delay the papers finally appeared. The tracks of sever? al railroads were covered by the wa? ter. Modest Claims Often Carry the Most Conviction. *\Vhen Maxim, the famous ^un in? ventor, placed his gun before a com? mittee of judges, ne stated its carry? ing power to be much below what he felt sure the gun would accomplish. The result of the trial was therefore a great surprise, instead of disap? pointment. I; is the same with the manufacturers of Chamberlain's < '?.!- . ic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. T'ney do not publicly boast of all this remedy will accomplish, but prefer toV Jet the users make the statements. What, they do claim, is that it will positively cure dianhoea. dysentery, pains in the stomach and bowels and has never been known to fail. For A CUKE FOR ICE IMPOSITION. An Ohio Judge Comes to the Public's Relief. Toledo. Obio. June 2ri.-In the Common Pleas CD ort today Judge Kinkade- imposed the maximum sen? tence of $5,000 fine and one year im? prisonment in the workhouse on each of 'five men. found guilty of conspira? cy in restraint of trade. The judge said the sentences might be ' mitigated in . the event the men made restitution. Hearings on motions in' arrest of execution cannot be. heard for some time and the men will stand commit? ted until the fines are paid or the sen? tence otherwise disposed, of. All of the men are prominent in business and social circles. They were taken to the county jail to await the making out of the necessary papers to commit them to the work house unless in the meantim they meet Judge Kinkaide's propsition to make 'restitution to the public. These men were indicted for combining to re? strain trade in violation of the Valen? tine law. Under the pretext that ice supply was much smaller than in recent years, these dealers combined and ad? vanced the price to 50 to 100 per cent. They were indicted, and one of them stood trial, but was convicted. The others entered pleas of guilty. The sentence is the maximum under the law. If they would e? ^pe any part of it they moist pay ba?~ to customers all overcharges anni moist agree to sell ice at the. price prior to forming the combination. The law provides for imprisonment as well as a fine and if the men go to the work house they will be* pot at hard labor. Two or three of them are worth at least 5100,000 each. ? Makes the Liver Lively.' *Oririo Laxative Fruit Syrup gives permanent relief in cases of habitual constipation as it stimulates the liver and restores the natura? action of t^he bowels without irritating these or? gans like pills or ordinary cathartics. Does not. nauseate or gripe and is mild and ple^asaoit to take. Remem? ber the name Orino and refuse substi? tutes. Durant's Pharmacy. . COAST LIX? IX TROUBLE. Washington. D. C.. June 27.-At? torney General Moody has directed that suits, be brought against a large number of railroads to recover the penalties for violation of the safety appliance law, through failure. to keep their equipment in proper con? dition. The largest number of violations attributed to any road is fifty two against the Atlantic Coast Line. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of L^tafy UNLUCKY DEATH. Pittsburg, June 27.-S. J. Wil? kinson, aged 31, ' a live stock dealer, was struck and killed by the Pennsyl? vania . Express this morning. This week he was to have inherited $100, 000 from his deceased nephew, Jas. Wilkinson, a former hotel keeper^ at Dallas, Texas. ' *It is always well to have a box of salve in the house. Sunburn, cuts, bruises, piles and boils yield to De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Should keep a box on hand at all times to provide for emergencies. For years the standard, but followed by many imitators. Be sure you get the genu? ine Dewitt's Witch Hazel Salve. All druggists. The State Trame Association will meet in Columbia July 7th. Will Interest Many. ?Every person should know that good health is impossible if the kid? neys are deranged. Foley's Kidney Cure will cure kidney and bladder dis? ease in every form, and will build up and strengthen these organs so they will perform their functions properly. Xo dancer of Bright's disease or dia? betes if Foley's Kidney Cure is taken in time. Durant's Pharmacv. An order has been issued that hotels having dispensary privileges shall hereafter purchase their supplies through the State board. *A sweet Wreath :i-. i. s to the joys of a kiss. You wouldn't want to kiss your wife, mother or sweetheart with a bad breath. . You can't have a sweet breath without a healthy stomach. You can't have a healthy stomach without perfect digestion. There is Only <>ne remedy that digests what you eat and makes the breath as sweet as ;i rose-and that remedy is Kodol for dyspepsia. It is a relief for sour stom? ach, palpitation of the heart ano other ailments arising from disorder of the stomach and digestion. Take a little Kodol after your meals and see what it will do foi V?W Sold bv o1' 3rug CANAL BILL PASSED. The Lock Canal Bill Now Needs Pres ident's Signature. Washington, D. C., June 27.-The House today took the Senate hill pro? viding for a lock canal from the Speaker's desk and passed it. There was no debate. The bill now only awaits the signature of the President to become law. Feel Impending Doom. *The feeling of impending doom im .the minds of many victims of Bright's disease and diabetes has been changed to thankfulness by the benefit deriv? ed from taking Foley's Kidney Cufe. It will cure incipient Briglft's disease and diabetes and; even in'the worst cases gives comfort and relief. Slight disorders are cured in a few days. "I had c.iabetes in its worst form," writes Marion Lee of Dunreath, Ind. "I tried eight physicians without relief. Only three bottles of FoleS*'s Kidney Cure made me a well man." Durant's Pharmacy. SEIZED SWEDISH ISLANDS. London, June -2S.-^Diplomatic cir? cles regard the .'reported seizure by Russia/of .Aland islands, which con? trol the of the gulf of Bothnia, as serious and likely to breed trouble. The reason given by Russia for the seizure is said that the residents of the islar.ds supplied arms to the Finl?nd?rs. The next move by Swe? den is awaited with interest as the islar.ds are only sixty miles from Stockholm and form an important strategical position.. The treaty of Paris to which Great Britain and Rus? sia are signatories directed that the islands be r.nfortified. Asthma Sufferers Should Know This. ?Foley's Honey and Tar has cured many cases of asthma that were con? sidered hopeless. Mrs. Adolph Bues ing, 701 West Third street. Daven? port, Iowa, writes: "A severe cold contracted 12 years ago was neglected until it finally grew into asthma. The best medical skill available could not give me,, more than temporary relief. Foley's Honey and Tar was recom? mended and one 50 cent bottle entire? ly cured me of asthma which had been growing on me for 12 years; If j I had taken it at the start I would have been saved years of suffering." Durant's Pharmacy. Traffic Meeting. The meeting of the Traffic Associa? tion of South Carolina which was to have been held in Columbia on the 3rd of July has been postponed to a date to b? announced later. Presi? dent L. W. Parker wished to have a meeting ot the directors of the As? sociation to pass upon certain im? portant matters previous to a general meeting of the Association, and due to his absence from the State, it has not been possible to hold this meeting yet. Mr. Parker will call the meet? ing of Directors at an early date. In the mean time any persons interested in the plans of the Traille Association may obtain a copy of the by-laws by applying to F. K. McMaster, secretary. Columbia, S. C. A Tragic Finish. *A watchman's neglect permitted a leak in the great North Sea dyke, which a child's finger could have stop? ped, to become a ruinous break, de? vi stating an entire province of Hol? land. In like manner Kenneth Mc? iver, of Vanceboro. Me., permitted a little cold to go unnoticed until ;i tragic finish was only averted by Dr. King's New Discovery. He writes: .Three doctors gaye me up to die of i ng inflammation, caused by a neg fcted cold; but Dr. King's Ww Dis? covery saved my life." Guaranteed i >s*t cough and cold cure, at Sibrrt's .a i i ; ita emmet vine i ?nae,] ially tered the United States Government protects a letter registered g its delivery safe and in good order.** The NATIONAL BISCUIT- COMPANY* exercises even* greater protecting foresight in delivering ks Biscuit and Crackers to you. Fresh from the oven, they are enclosed in a dust tight, moisture proof package, on each end of which is affixed this trade mark in red and white. CINGER SNAPS-'Ciisp, delicious, golden-brown sweetness and spice that everyone loves. SANDWICHES-Thin crackers enclosing a layer ol delicate bite to tempt an epicure. Horses arid Mules i All sizes and prices for cash or approved paper. Buggies, Wagons ? Harness Agent for DEERING HARVESTING MACHINERY and Repair Parts zn abundance. Disc Harrows, Disc Cultivators, Stalk Cutters, Peg Tooth Harrows, Binders, Mowers, Rakes, &c. Agent for JOHNSTON ? HARVESTING MACHINERY and Repair Parts in abundance. $. M. PIERSON, 6, 8, and 9 South Harvin Street. I have for sale more than 50 tracts of farm land scattered through? out Sumter and-Clarendon counties, ranging in price from $10 to S60 per acre. * A few are briefly described here : 400 acres, 200 cleared, 4 miles from Summerton, \5 settlements, per acre $22 50 264 *. 100 " Z}4 u " " 3 " " 20 00 800 ?* 300 " ll " " " " 8 *. " 10.00 231 " 100 " 5 " " " Sumter 4 " " o 25.00 Gt8 " 550 " 10 ? ? u 20 u " s 50.00 80 " 45 " li " " " 2 " " ' 60.00 70 " 40 " ll " " " 2 " u 56 00 492 ;t 350 " 6 " " " 4 - " " 36.50 295 * 140 " 3 " " Alcolu 4 . " u 22.50 667 " 400 '; 14 " " Su'ter at Borden 7 " *>? 21.00 85 " 35 " 4 " " Sumter 2 u\? k( 35 00 Every piece above is on a pnblic road. For faller information call on or write 0 me. R. B. BELSER, Real Estate Broker, No. 29'North Main Street. - - - . Sumter, S. C. Orangeburg COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE Has recently closed what has been by far the most success? ful session in its history. It is a fine place to educate your boys and girls. We will gladly send you a copy of our new catalogue. It is free for the asking, and tells ali about the school. Send us your address. W. S. PETERSON, President. June 20-13t-9-12 Orangeburg, S. C. Lime. Cement, AND HAIR BUILDERS' - - HARDWARE All First Class Goods. The Durant Hardware Co. N. Q. Osteen, Jr., Dentist, -18 West Liberty Street, Over Sumter Book Store. Hours: 8.30 to 1: 2 to 6. '.rriov PHONE 30 OUSE PHONE 382 Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera & Diarrhea Remedy Almost every fami?y has neecT o? a reliable remedy for colic or diarrhea at some time during the year. * This remedy is' recommended by dealers who have sold it for marty years and know its value. r It has received thousands of testimonials from grateful people. It has been prescribed by phy? sician^ with the most satisfactory results.^ - L . It has often saved life before medicine could have been sent for Or a physician summoned. It only costs a quarter. Can you alford to risk so much for so Htde? BUY IT NOW. Indigestion Causes Catarrh cf the Stomach. For many years it has been supposed thai Catarrh of the Stomach caused indigestion and dyspepsia, but the truth is exactly the opposite. Indigestion causes catarrh. Re? peated attacks of Indigestion inflames the mucous membranes lining the stomach and exposesthe nerves of the stomach, thus caus? ing the glands to secrete nu ein instead of the juices of natural digestion. This ia called Catarrh of the Stomach. Hodel Dyspepsia Gurt relieves all inflammation ol the mucous-V membranes lining the stomaci, protects the nerves, and cures bad breath, ?our risings, a sense of fullness after eating* indigestion?, dj'spepsia and ali stomach trebles. Kodol Digests What Yon Eat Make the Stomach Sw eet, Bottles only. Regular size, $ 1.00, hold is 2^ time? the trial size, which sells for 50 & >nts. Prepared by E. C. DeWITT ik CO., Gbic^jo, _For Sale by all Druggists. _. FOLEYSHONETHDyt Gares Colds; Prevents Pneumonia HOLLISTER'S Kooky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Busy Medicine for Easy People. Brings Golden Health and Benewad Vigor. ; A specific for Constipation, Indigestion, Live . and Kidney Troubles, Pimples, Eczema, Impure Blood, Bad Breath, Slr.ggif h Bowels, Headache and Backaches It's R'>cky Mountain Tea in tab? let form, 85'cents a box. Genuine made by HOLLISTER DRUG COBOPANT, Madison, Wis. > ROLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE . THE "BOSST COTTON PRESS! SIMPLEST. STRONGEST, BEST THE MURKAY GINNING SYSTEM ?Gins, Feeders, Condensers, Eic. GIBBES MACHINERY CO. Columbia, S. C. FOIETOTOMT^TAR .tops tb* covigtx ??Ml bealsltazfttfs > Wo promptly obtain ?. S. and Foreign 'Seed model, sketch, or pLoto of invention for free report on patentability, lor free book, i HowtoSecureTpirjC ll J! Pk 0 rtrite: Parents and I jW?LHHAfffVQ to Apposite "U. & Patent Office^ WASHINGTON D.C. SO Yt*/*** EXPERIENCE TRADS MA.~*S DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C Ar.T.;n? " -*.?*?? rh and dwer'ntion mn? quickly asca?