"-?-: WEDNESDAY, MAY 16, 1906, The Stonier Watchman was founded IS5? and the True Southron iiu 1866. .3 Watchman and Southron now has the coi bined circulation and influence of both the old papers, and is manifestly the > b( advertising medium in Sumter. President Roosevelt's reply , io tl ^llman-Chaadfler charges is about : ? lame and, unsatisfactory document ; has eyer appeared in the public prin ?ver his signature. It. does not expia: ?tad leaves him: in as bad a position ; before he wrote to Senator Allison. . * * The State Democratic convention ? Which will be held in Columbia tc ?day, has ally the " politicians guessing * Xast year this time the Brice law ha She State in a furor, -and the offic? seekers and peanut politicians mistaE lag it for an anti-dispensary landslid Immediately began a scramble to g? ?a what thcf thought to be the ban . wagon. Sines 'then there has been decided reaotion- and the 'Brice law i ?ow generally recognized at its tru value-a cloak ftr blind tigers. Heno the pohticians who vere so quick t desert the dispensary don't knov where they are aC If, the conventioi should go on record in favor of th? maintenance of the dispensary systen tinder honest and competent manage anent, a lot of these small fry will b< found championing the dispensary a; f loudly as they did the Brice law las summer. Watch them take the back track in Quick time. AX EARTHQUAKE SURVIVOR. A Reader of the Watchman and Southron Who Lived Through the San Francisco Disaster. San Francisco, May 5, 1906. -JSditer Watchman and Southron: It is a long time since I wrote an article for your paper, and on this oc tiasion it is with sadness I pen a slight account of the greatest catastrophe of modern times. The calamity that befell the city of San Francisco on the morning of April 28, at 12 minutes past 5 o'clock, was something appalling,. the loss of life ^and property is beyond approximation and the real/ truth will never be known. The coroner estimates the loss of life at about 1,000, but "he knows but little about it, and can on*-" Jy say about the number that came -under his supervision The insurance loss is estimated at ?'about $225,000,000, almost double the -insurance loss of the great Chicago . firA nf tYt?r*iir rtf'.cl V?Q rc o will try and have some hand in building for the beftter. The city has been under martial law and I must., say that Gen. Funston, with the aid of our mayor, have, and are doing nobe work relieving distress and maintaining peace and order. It was my misfortune at one time to live under martial law and that was a sad experience just after the end of the Civil War in 1865, but now I have changed my mind and it is better than I could believe it possible for it to be. I have nothing but compliments for our soldiery under command of Gen. Funston, as our police department is rotten to core, as in most large cities. May I never pen even such a meagre account of such a terrible incident as this great calamity of modern times. W. E. D. _ t Dr. Vickers, Osteopath, 21 ?. Main, Phone 483. 4-25-lm It is all right, to talk about beauty habits, but most women are too busy hustling and have no time to cultivate beauty habits. Therefore they take Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. China's Drug Store. Six houses were burned Sunday in a fire that broke out in a negro settle- J ment on Gervais street, Columbia. No fascination equals that of a clear brained, tender-hearted, lovable wo? man. Just as there is no picture like a beautiful girl. Hollister^ Rocky Moun? tain Tea makes lovable women, beau? tiful girls. 35 cents. China's Drug Stoie. Letter to Sheriff Epperson. Sumter, S. C. Dear Sir: Yon are interested in the prosperity of your town. Yon can con? tribute to it materially, and give it a far more prosperous look at the same time. Perhaps the public property needs a good coat of painr. Devoe will supply that coat with two-thirds of the number of gallons ^required of any other. Devoe will last twice as long as any other. Devoe is all paint and full-measure. Devoe will take care of the property, in the long run, for half the money required by any other. The reason is stated above: Devoe is all paint and fnll-measnre : the strong? est paint known. E D Jewell, Corry, Pa, painted his house 5 years ago with a mixed paint ; took 14 gallons. Last spring he re? painted with Devoe ; bought 14 gallons I and had 4 gallons left. Saved $15 to S20, for painting costs two or three times as much as the paint. Yours truly, F. W. DeVoe & Co. 40 New York P. S. Durant Hardware Co., sell our Taint. STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION Ot The Bank of Sumter Located at Sumter, S. C. At the Close of Business, May 4,1906. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts, $396,053 97 Overdraft?, secured, 27,448 01 Bonds and Stocks owned by the Bank, 12,000 CO Furniture and Fixtures, 1,000 00 Other Beal Estate 17,550 00 Due from Banks and Bankers, 48,690 38 Currency, 4,395 00 Gold, 595 00 8ilver, Nickels and Pennies, 2,561 ll Checks and Cash Items, 22,047 29 TotaL $532,340 76 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in, $ 75.000 00 Surplus Fund, 39 034 20 Undivided Profits, less Current Expenses and Taxes Paid, 2,873 31 Due to Banks and Bankers, 5,578 78 Individual Deposits Subject to Check, 250,564 47 Notes and Bills Rediscounted, 9,290 00 Bills Payable, Including Time Certificates representing Borrowed Money, 150,000 CO Total, $532,340 76 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, ) County of Sumter. ) Before me came W. F. RHAME, Cash? ier, who being duly sworn, says that ?he above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said Bank, as shown by the books o? file of said Bank. W. F. RHAME, Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 11th day of May, 1906. R. L. WRIGHT, [L. s..] Notary Public for S. C. Correct Attest : RICH'D L MANNING, President. MARION MOISE, R. L. COOPER, V Directors. May 12, 1906. 3IOXEY TO LO AX. On farming lands, long time, no commission charged. Borrower pays actual cost c t perfecting loan. For further information address John B. Palmer Sr Son, 1 3 6m Box 282, Columbia, S. C. - USE THE Sparks Distrlb to r TO SIDE DRESS YOUR CROPS. Try one and be convinc? ed. Guaranteed to do what is claimed. Buy from dealer or order from SPABKS MANUFACTURING GO., Sumter, S. C. 4-18-3m STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE Farmers' Bank and Trust Go., LOCATED AT SUMTER, S. C. At the Close of Business May 4,1906. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts, $246,902 S3 Demand Loans, 14,302 87 Overdrafts 6,435 27 Banking House, 375 00 Furniture and Fixtures, 1,711 37 Due from Bank? and Bankers, 34,012 66 Currency, 1,783 00 Gold, 992 50 Silver, Nickels and Penmes, 5,080 96 Checks and Cash Items, J,430 45 $313,026 41 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid in $60,000 00 Surplus Fund, 11,500 00 Undivided Profite, less Cur? rent Expenses and Taxes Paid, 618 29 Due to Banks and Bankers 3,989?78 Individual Deposits, subject to Check 184,175 34 Notes and Bills Rediscounted, 5,000 00 Bills Payable, Including Time Certificates representing Borrowed Money, 47,500 00 Reserved for Taxes, 243 00 $303,026 41 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, ) County of Sumter. ) , Before me came R. L. Edmunds, Cashier of The Farmers' Bank and Trust Co., who being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said Bank, as shown by the books of file in said bank. R. L. EDMUNDS, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me thi3 the 9th day of May, 1906. GEO. L. BICKEE, Notary Public, S. C. Correct Attest: C.G.ROWLAND, Prest. JSAAC SCHWARTZ, R. J. BLAND. GEO. D. SHORE. May 10 Directors. SUM. FRIDAY j 18. OLDEST. LARGEST AND RICHEST EXHIBITION IN THE WORLD.-2 TRAINS OP CARS.-1 j 2 BANDS OF MUSIC-250 HORSES AND POMES.-2 HERDS OP ELEPHANTS.-2 DROVES I OF SIBERIAN CAMELS.-ONLY BABY CAMEL EVER SEEN IN THIS COUNTRY. ff ^TWO SCORE OF CLOWNS AND COMICAL CHARACTERS.**** $100,000.00 GRAND FREE STREET FARADS! A Comprehensible ead Uncomparable Moving Pageant of Gold and Silver Esafco-d Den? and Cages, Habited by thc Fiercest ol Jungle Bred Wild and Untamable Animals. Ponderous Elephant* and Stately Carnal*, Prancing Steed* and Proud Riders and Melodious Music Masters, Playing the Most Tuneful of Airs, 100 Other Features, Beyond Description and ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ lil HT 18. SH. Edwards' Park, Sumter, S. C. sday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Satur? MAY 15, 16, 17, 18 and 19, 3 P. fl. EACH DAY. $5,000 represented in the Ed wards'? Mansion, facing east on Edwards Street, that beautiful avenue of shade trees, will be given away at the close of the sale of these lots; $500 in beautiful presents given away free at the grounds during the sale. LADIES ESPECIALLY INVITED, REMEftBER 1st. 2d. 3d. 4th. 5th. No lots sold to colored people. . To be given away at close of sale $5,000 m real estate This property must enhance in value. You will (co farther out. and pay more for lots after x \ This property is WITHIN^FIVE MINUTES WALK F iLE. THE CENTEft OF THE CITY. CA DW ASSISTED BY JOHN FRANK, ANDERSON, S. C. COLUriBIA,S. c.