$m ?filatiljmiin nub dorakin WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18, 1806. Entered at the Pcstoffice at Sumter, S. C as Second Class Matter. \ NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Mrs. H. R. Thomas-Notice. Sparks Mfg. Co.-Distributor. . O'Donnell & Co.-Easter Has Pass? ed. Th,? D. J. Chandler Clothing Co. .Clothes of the Hour. PERSONAL. i Mrs. J. C. Spann is visiting relatives t in Charleston. Dr. A. C. Dick, of Heriots, spent Er 43aturdav in town. Mr. R. Sumter Williams has return? ed from Charleston. Mr. J. B. Byan, of Wedgefield, spent ^paterday in town. ? Dr. N. Y. Alford, of Wisacky, wa?? in the city yesterday. Mr. H. M. Jenkins, of St. Charles, ?ame to the city Monday. Dr. L. G. Corbett, of Greenville, is visiting friends in the city. Mr. W J. Seale returned home -from Richmond cn Saturday. ( Miss Lydia Lee has returned to the city from a trip to Columbia. P Mr. jGeo.' M. Stackey, of Bisbop vilie, spent Sunday'in the city. Mr. LeRoy Wallace, of-Atlanta, has been :n the city for several days. Mr. Beory Muller, of Georgetown, is spending a few days-in the city. Rev. ? and Mrs. C. C. Brown 'left Monday afternoon for Philadelphia. Mr. H. W. Abbott, of Columbia, .-spent Friday in the city on business. Capt. R. J. Brownfield, of Catchall, was in the city Saturday on business. Mr: E. E. ?ycock, of Wedgefield, -was in the city for awhile Monday sip; morning. Miss Florence Keels, of Rocky * Jdonnt, N. C., is visiting Mrs. H. R Hammond. Mr. Cai! B. Epps, of Cokesbury, is in the city with his brother, R. D. Epps, Esq. Messrs. W. T. McLeod and T. N./ Griffin, of Lynchburg, spent Friday in the city. * "~ Mrs. H. J. Bennies and daughter, "Miss Alma, of Columbia, are visiting Mrs. A. A. Bradham. Mr. E. D. Smith, of Chattanooga, who has been visiting relatives in the .city, has returned home. Miss Sallie Glass, of Columbia, is visiting her sister. Mrs. C. W. Stan -sill, Jr., on Liberty street. Miss Mittie Dobson, who accompa sied Miss Lee to Columbia, has re tamed to ber home in Virginia. Miss Pauline Woodley, a student at the Columbia Female College, came -home for the Easter holidays. Misses Marie and Earily Alphonse, -of Georgetown, are in the city as the i guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. L Reardon Mr. Joan Moran, of Greenville, is in the city assisting in installing the new machinery at the electric light station. Mr. W. C. A. DeLorme, of Doves ville, a brother of Mrs. C. S. Kings p. more, of this cfty, was valedictorian 1 of his class at the Charleston College * of Pharmacy. j Senator and Mrs. R. I. Manning and Jftrs. Elizabeth Manning went to Spar tanburg on Monday, where they ware suddenly called by the illness of R. L Manning, Jr.. Esq. DEATHS. Mrs. A'ma Fort, wife of Mr. B. M. Fort, ::e Concord neighborhood, died Sunday afT*>r a long illness.' She was a daughter \2 Mr. John Terry and . u I 33 years old. The luneral w?t? iieiu vagary, and ' M!*^ trend of fashion in Single and Dou ' IP W Ue breasted Models. H R?f The fabrics are new and come in r^^P ?, a diversity of color schemes and / . I IM urant. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of A Coming Marriage. Invitations have been issued by Mr. and Mrs. John F. Lucas to the marriage of their daughter, Maude, to Mr. James C. McLeod, on Thursday afternoon, April 26th, at home Wal terboro. S. C. Mr. McLeod is a son of Mr. X. S. McLeod, of Oswego. The Mutual Ice Company factory is now practically complete and the ma? chinery is being tested. Manager Schwerin says that the factory will be turning out ice regularly before the end of the week. Estates of Julia il. Ganiey, nee An? derson, and Mary K. Anderson, WARDS. I WILL apply to the Judge of Probate of Sumter County, S. C., on April 28th prox for a Final Discharge <*s General Guardian the aforesaid Wards. W. W. ANDERSON, JB., 3 28-4t , General Guardian. MONET TO LOAN. On farming lands, long time, no commission charged. Borrower pays actual cost c ; perfecting loan. For further information address John B. Palmer Sr Son, 1 3 8m Box 2S2, Columbia, S. C. The notice to delinquents is almost up. Those who owe old accounts had best pay up or try to satisfy their creditors by the first. wlt-dlt -WAITER "Here's a qarter for you, you're on to your job, and the restaurant you're working at canTt be beat." Tliat's tlio universal verdict of all who eat here. Save your appetite for that j EAStFEH DIXX?R j We're serv ing, it's going to be a "cork? er" and one you'll not soon forget? For good eating ours is the restaurant to eat at. Charges low. THE SUMTER RESTAURANT, V. E. Brunsen, Proprietor. 3-21-6m j^S^ y g^B&$s m 8 S ta IPS 1 TO WRITE FOR C"R BIS FREE BICTCLI? catalogue '// H ?? WffiSn?S H shoing tris nos completa line of high-grade ft ^J? ?f& ?| ^tt^lUi- BICSCtiES, TIKES and SUNDRIES at PRICES i^rT??"1 ?Tany other manufacturer rr dealer in -her/orid. IM ||1 0ff HOT BOY. ? BmVOO ?l \ Wi ite? if MIS cr on arrv .c/r?f /vr;?, until you have received our comolcte Free Cata ?JM?i/?8? BKWffilfi^0?uss frustrating and describing e.c-y Uindof h:g?i-gr?deand low-grade ?f\ilyi KmiilKfXuQ bicycles, old patterns and latest models, and learn of car remarkable LOW Ki '..j^^i^J?^^-S V' a wenderiui new olier.s ma d ?? possible by se i ling from factory K^&'^4^Pv? ?VZ?'-::P CP: ? PPfS? lrA ?L ru?hoitt a crr.i ?rt,osti% Faythe Freight and Bl P?K^KtB alI(n7 10 ?;a>':; Freo Triai and ni: Le other li icral terms which no other Sk/llv/I^ ^/ro^'iflw ^ouse the v.-orld will do. You will lea-a evervthicg and get much valu ?'ynNPSty ??'t?& able information by simply writing ns a postal. " ra/ li\i\w We need a fSfcfe.?' A^h'?? in even- town ard can offer an opportunity ?J WI I ? xg?$ to make money to suitable young men who apply at once. li If en pnHfiTHBE-PS^AC fs&Et o N LY Ragutes? Prie? ? m & &\ wM,*&*' $8?50 per pir.-VA|QU ^PES PA? Pain fop QnSy H OUT THE Ale :. ? M (CASH WITH CS DE a $4.5S) ??T?*...... t*&W?$&Z ^ MO MORE TROUBLE FROM PUfiCTUPES. . v , Wi^W^S^ % Result of 15 years experience in tire making. No danger from THORNS, CAC-a?*.. " A, , . TTVT^ r?i7^TC (k?*jo ?2 -?r * ?r**rc y- T A?-?- B ;?? Not?oe tbe thick nioner tread TUS, PINS, h Ai LS, TACKS or GLtAS?. |JJ ?A? and puncto? strfps-B* Serious punctures, like intentional knife cuts, can j?? and "l>," also rita strio *