The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, March 14, 1906, Image 7

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ITALIANS* KILLED. ^Eugine Collides - With Work Train Killing Four and Injuring About Thirty-Five. Greensboro, Pa., March 8.-About 7 ?o'clock this morning near Redenbaugh .on the Pennsylvania railyway an emp? ty engine collided with a work train on which there were about 75 Italians. IFour were instaiftly killed and about 35 others hurt, sevefal of whom will ?die. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re-' 'ward for ai y case of Catarrh that .cannot be curjed by_ Hall's Catarrh .Cure. . ? J P. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned,* have known "F. J. Cheney Tor the last 15 years, and fcelieve him perfectly honorable in all Business transactions and financially able to carry out obligations ?made by his firm. . Walding, Kilman & Marvin, * Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in? ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the sys? tem. Testimonials sent free. Price '75 cents per bottle. Sold by ail drug \gists.. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti? pation. 2 18-lm. Chamberlain's; Cough Remedy The Children's Favorite -cusas - Coughs, Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough. This rfjrce#y?8 fun ont for Its ouiw ow alar?? part of th? ci tinted ?arid. It en slTrays be depended moo It contains no opium or "th?r harmfol drag and maj bo gi ? ea u cots Vteatiy to ? baby M ta sa ?doit Price 25 ~t?; Larg? Size, 50 eta. ? ?. B. BELSER. I R. 0. EPPS. BELSER i EPFS, attorneys and Ooynsellors at Law Phone 309. SUMTER. S. C. Harby Bldg. 1st Complete Istaiiiont M Geo. S. Hacker & Son, -MANUFACTURERS OF DOORS, SASH, BLINDS^ "Moulding & Building ?iateri?). . office AI i v?*ti"?ro ?ra*. ??ia? . j.jiii?- Ct CHA?LESTOS, S. C. Par?-*?"*..>?. our ss .tice, which wi- ^fin-H"?? superior rp soy ^'.i Sooth, .a i "Window ani Fancy Glass a Sfcsciahy PENNYROYAL FILLS r^/VjVikOAFE. A.wny? re;?t.?e. toodle*. a?? Prod* 1 ?or ?H1CHI*STEK\S KXGLISH i T ^ Gold ;ueu!lie bose*. ncaie<J 'with Mae ribbon. Take no other. Kef une ! ???ceroa? Suh?t!:n?ona and J .-ni ra ti?'?-*. tuT of yoar [>-<iup-t. ?r ?*o?i 4e. in ?i?S?*^ P?**twfc??*. TontlaomiiU tatt ..Keller fo?- Lad ^tt?r. hr re faraMuiL 10.04?0 i>?tfniooia!?. S??d b\ T" ?I? I'i-f??i?M. ?.icb^r?h-m?culOo.', Blakes Kiaaeys azd E.adder Sight Biliousness and Sick Headache qui c Kl y cured by ORINO Laxative Fruit Syrup as it sweetens and tones up the stomach and acts as a gentle stimulant on the liver and bowels. !t will positive? ly cure chronic constipation. ORINO clears the complex ion of pimples and blotches. ??eiua? eubetttute* Price noa DXJ VLS N TS PB i . : x?A'J Y. DISPENSARY DIRECTORS MAKE A GOOD START Hold Up Illegal Purchases Made By the Old Board. THE LIGHT TO BE TURNED ON. A List of Goods on Hand to Be Pub? lished to Show Condition When New Board Took Charge-An Effiort to Be Made to Enforce the Law Strictly and Honestly. Columbia, arch 7.-The new State board of dispensary directors assumed control of the business yesterday after? noon, adopting a sensational set of resolutions as a starter in what prom? ise to be a highly interesting adminis tration. t The resolutions assert that "several hundred thousand dollars worth of high priced goods have been purchased by the old board with Wo, legal record of purchase" and appar? ently not ordered shipped in accord? ance with law." Therefore, the resolu? tions say, the board will employ the best counsel it can find and in the event this suspicion is confirmed "the shippers of these goods will be noti? fied that these goods here are subject to thefr orders, and the same must be removed at once." - The resolutions go on to instruct the clerk to publish a Complete invoice of the goods on hand" so that the peopk j of the State can and will see the con? dition of affairs on the 1st of Juarch, 1906. And "the commissioner is hereby I instructed not to receive any gooda ! claimed to have been bought by our predecessors in office, or any goods, now in transit; and that no goods whatever shall be ordered except goods purchased by the present board of di? rectors." The dispensary investigating com? mittee is called upon to furnish the names of any whiskey houses suspect? ed of unfair dealings with the State "so that we could hold up their bids." The request .blank feature of the law which Senator Tillman "roasted" the old board for allowing to fall into disuse is called back into, operation in no uncertain terms, delinquents in this respect to be jerked up before the gov? ernor. Another recommendation of Sena? tor Tillman is carried out in changing the form of the advertisement for bids so as to put them on a competitive basis. Senator Tillman had a confer ! ence with the new board here last week. Although the State dispensary is in j urgent need of certain lines of sup j plies only about $1,200 worth of pur? chases were made (cheap goods to supply the immediate needs). The board adjourned to meet again on the 20th, when the legality of purchases made by the old board will be further canvassed! The annual stock-taking now in progress will not be complete for sev? eral days. Commissioner Tatura esti? mates the stock on hand at the State dispensary at $400.000. Probably more than that amount is in the sub dispensaries throughout the State. of high priced whiskey are now standing in the yards. Commis ?foTi?r Tatum having refused them. How much more ts on the r ?ad is no! ^??SS^^i?e old ^ooavd has not yeti made its report to the legisl&hre. The j only-member of the old board preTeru ? yesterday to transfer the ' usiness to the. new board was Mr. Eoykin. The new board gave out a number of clerical jobs today. M. H. Mobley was made clerk of the board to suc? ceed G. H. Charles, resigned. J. S. J. Faust of Bamberg, was general book? keeper to succeed Mobley. Miss Sadie Thrailkill of Richburg. succeeds Mis? Florence McKenzie as stenographer to the board and William F. Lamar of Columbi^, succeeds Joe L. Thorp as inspector. There was a disposition on the part of Major Black to call in the newspa? per men and have meetings in the fu? ture open to them as was done in former years, a custom the present board did away with, but the other two members were against him. With all due respect for the ability and character of Col. G sorge Johnstone, the brilliant Newberry lawyer, it may be doubted whether his savage and builyragging cross-examination of Miss Verne Sheridan in the Easty trial at Gaffney was of any benefit to his client. This lady had the sympathy of the people of Gaffney and of the jury and was a poor subject for the exploitation of Col. John stone's talents.-Spartanburg Journal. Don't Be Imposed Upon. ?Foley & Co., Chicago, originated Honey and Tar as a throat and lung remedy, and on account of the great merit and popularity <>f Foley's Honey and Tar many imitations are offered for the genuine. Those worthless im itations have similar sounding names. Beware <>f them. The genuine Fo? ley's Honey and Tar is in a yellow STATE BAXK EXAMDOZ?. Executive Committee of State Associa tien .cf Bankers Recommend An derscn Mah. Columbia, March 7.-Mr. Lee G. Holleman, assistant cashier of the People's Bank of Anderson, has been selected for the position of State Bank Examiner. Governor Heyward will make the appointment upon the recommendation of the executive com? mittee of the State Bankers' Associa? tion. The members of this committee who were here yesterday were: E. P. Grice, cashier of the People's Bank of Charleston; W. P. Anderson, presi? dent of the Peden & Anderson bank of Westminster; Giles L. Wilson, cashier of the Central National bank of Spar tanburg; T. B. Stackhouse, vice-presi Montgomery, president of the Mer? chants' and Farmers' bank of Marion. Mr. Grice if chairman of the commit? tee; Mr. Montgomery is' president and Mr. Yvilson is secretary of the associa? tion. Mr. Eudy of Chester and Mr. Bright Williamson of Darlington were not present. j The applicants whose names were presented were: B. J. Rhame, Sumter; W. P. Caine. Laurens; Lee G. Holle? man, Anderson; Ward Albertson, Rock Hui; T. B. Clyburn, Lancaster; R. I. Woodside. Greenville; E. C. Child. Greenwood; J. W. R. Pope and A. F. Heyward, of Columbia. The bank examiner will get ? salary of $3.000 per annum, to be paid by the banks on assessment, just as the rail? road and telegraph companies pay the salary of the members of the railroad commission. The bank examiner will also have a clerk who will receive a good salary. It is not known who will be appointed. There are more than a score of applicants now. Mr. Holleman is a native of this State; is about 35 years of age and is a fine business man. He is energetic, intelligent, tactful and, above all, hon? orable to the highest degree. -.-4 Cleans the Complexion. ?Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup simu? lates the liver and thoroughly cleanses the system and clears the complexion pimples and blotches. It is the best laxative for women and children as it is mild and pleasant, and docs not gripe or sicken. Orino is much supe? rior to pills, aperient waters and all ordinary cathartics as it does not irri? tate the stomach and bowels. Du? nant's Pharmacy. Isle of Pines Treaty. Washington, Mar. 7.-SenatorsSpoon? er and Bacon today reached an agree? ment concerning an amendment to the Isle of Pines treaty, which is intended to protect American interests. It pro? vides that the island shall be regarded as a separate pacvince, within the meaning ot the unban constitution. This would give to the island local self .govert meut and a representative in tae Cuban ccngress when the popu? lation of the island warrants such representation. As the Americans are in the majority on the island it is un? derstood tnat the proposed amendment will be satisfactory to them. It will be offered in the Senate when tbe treaty is' taken up in the executive session. v r-Cne would think the laxative idea in a cough syrup should have been ad? vanced long before it was. It seems the only rational remedy ?or coughs ' oolds would be to nu-ve the b' - els and rjer.r. the niueo^f c-mbranes .'?? the throat and mi*, the sam?. Tar* does this. It is the sinai laxa? tive cough syr*rn. ibv .)..... cr ?"wi -:?n edy for coughs, cole's, .'TDI.;.?. whooping cough, etc. Taxies good and harm? less. Sold by all druggists. -.--# There have been about thirty carloads of mules sold in Fair? field county within the past four months. i:If you are troubled with piles and can't find a cure, try Witch Hazel salve but be sure you get that made by E. C. DsWitt & Co., of Chicago. It is the original. If you have used Witch Ha? zel salve without being relieved it is probable that you got hold of one of the many worthless counterfeits that are sold on the reputation of the gen? uine Dewitt's Witch Hazel Salve. All druggists. 7t will be of interest to learn that lhere are now docketed for trial on the criminal side of the court 16 cases that have been sent up by Recorder Hurst. Ibis is a greater number of ases than is usually tried at the Court of Genera] Sessions. G. B. Burhans Testifies After ? .Years. *G. P. Eurhans. ol' Carlisle Center, X. V.. writes: "About four years ago I wrote you stating- thaat I had been en? tirely cun-d of a severe kidney trouble by taking less than two bottles of Fo? ley's Kidney Cure, lt entirely stop ped ibo brick dust sediment, and pain and symptoms of kidney disease disap? peared. I am glad to say that I have never had a return of any of those symptoms druing tbe four years that have elapsed and T am evidently cured to stay cured, and heartily recommend Foley's Kidney Cure to any one suf? fering from kidney or bladder iron WILL GO Bi ?>::?-v-vi;'. Columbia About to Lose the Pythian Castle Hall. The contest for the handsome new ; ^tate castle hall^vhich the South Car? olina grand lodge Knights of Py? thias has decided to establish at some convenient point in the state appears to have narro wed down to a rival? y between Columbia and Sumter, though the grand lodge committee authorized to receive the bids from the cities of the state had been expecting half a dozen towns to apply for the prize. This committee, consisting of the se? nior grand officers, Henry T. Thomp? son, of Columbia; George S. Mower, of Newberry, and Charles Carroll Sinls, of Earnwell, will meet to con? sider the bids on the 15th of next ! month, and will submit a report to the grand lodge meeting which is to be held in Sumter in May. Sometime ago the Columbia lodges appointed committees to get together ? to formulate a bid for Columbia, but these committees did not transact the business and the lodges are now ap? pointing new committees in the hope of accomplishing better results. Un? less these new committees do some? thing it looks as if Columbia's claim for the hall' will go by default and Sumter will win a coveted prize which ought naturally to come to Columbia. The Castle Hall is expected to cost about $20.000 or more and will be used for a sort of state headquarters, being fitted up like club rooms, and the town having the Castle Hall will stand the best chance of getting the lion's share of the grand lodge meet? ings. The chamber of commerce has taken no hand in the matter so far, likely waiting to hear from the local lodges.-Columbia Record. ?Dangers of Pneumonia. *A c?>ld at this time if neglected is liable to cause pneumonia, which is so often fatal, and even when the pa? tient has . recovered the lungs are weakened, making them peculiarly susceptible to the development of con? sumption. Foley's Honey and Tar will stop the cough, heal and strengths the lungs and prevent pneumonia. La grippe coughs yield quickly to the wonderful curative qualities of Foley'b Honey and Tar. There is nothing else "just as good." Durant's Pharmacy. Charleston has appealed to Senator Tillman to interfere in the matter of the removal of Lieutenant Walker as supervising engineer at the dry dock. Torture by Savages. ?"Specking of the torture to which some of the savage tribes in the Philippines subject their captives, re? minds me of the intense suffering I endured for three months from in? flammation of the kidneys," says W. M. Sherman, of Cushing, Me. "Noth? ing helped me until. I tried Electric Bitters, three bottles of which com? pletely cured me." Cures liver com? plaint, dyspepsia, blood disorders and malaria; and restores the weak and nervous to robust health. Guaran tsod by all druggists. Price 50c. The Sumter German club's r tee for the* third dane** .. the office of the , . ; l. ^.gency Tuesd~: ck. and not as published ? ? ...?i-:y. ! ''...?..Ka--- arc L-uzzled. . ..cole recovery of Keri? di, ver, of Vanceboro, Me., is the subject of much interest to the med? ical fraternity and wide circle of friends. He says of his case: "Owing to severe inflammation of the throat and congestion of the lungs, three doctors gave me up io die, when, as a last resort. I was induced to try Dr. King's New Discovery and I am hap- i py to say it saved my life." Cures the ' worst coughs and colds, bronchitis, tonsilitis, woak lungs, hoarseness, and la grippe. Guaranteed at all druggists. ' 50c and $1. Trial bottle free. To Ailing Women . A Little Sound Advice Will Help Many a Sufferer in Sumter. No woman can l>e healthy and well if the kidneys are sick. Poisons thar pass off in flu- urine when the kidneys arr well art' re? tained in the body when the kidneys are sick. Kidneys and bladder get inflaroed'and swol? len, crowding the delicate female organs nearby and sometimes displacing them, 'flus it the true cause of many bearing-down pains. lameness, backache, sidcache. etc. Uric poisoning also causes headaches, dizzy spells, languor, nervousness und rhumatic pain. When suffering so. try Doan's Kidney Pills, the remedy that cures sick kidneys. You will irrt better as the kidneys L'et better, and health will return winni the kidneys are well. Let a Sumter woman tell you ai>out Doan's Kidney Pills. Mrs. O. K. Bostick, residing at ns S. Main street, says: "i suffered greatly for some time with pains across my loins, in my limbs and a dull, heavy aching in my loins The pain in my limbs was sharp and shooting, sometimes "in one place and then in another. Wlu ii 1 would sh for a while and get up to walk it would strike me in tlie knees and then the ankles so severe as to make me er}'out. I thought it was rheumatism and was doctor? ing for that, bul after rubbing with every? thing! knew of and trying blood purifiers, j etr.. j diu not notice any apparent benefit. ' Seeing Doan's Kidney Pills very highly rec? ommended l>y well known citizens t went to Dr. A. .1- China's drug store and obtained a] 1H>X. The result of their use as directed wa> j very gratifying indeed. The ac hm ir it: my hack o-ivi'.i. I do not have th?' shooi ?ni; pains in rm limbs and for the pavSt two or i three month* 1 have been free from the trou I hie. I mus? say Doan's Kidney Wils brought I a h. ?iii i \-(><f results." j : .. - ;,? hy aii dea a rs Price ?' . .. . ? .- .:'?. >l- .? ?'?it.- I S>:i!.-:.. i I !??"..>? .-il: . : j.:- ii; rfi ? ;<..;. ? take flo . ?i ! ERMANENT MEADOWS should have an annual dressing of 500 pounds per acre of a fertilizer containing eleven per cent. POTASH and ten per cent, available phos? phoric acid. This will gradually force out sour grasses and mosses from the meadows, and bring good grasses and clovers; thus increasing the quality as well as the quantity of the hay. Our practical book, "Farmers Guide/" gives valuable facts for every sort of crop-raising. It is one of a number of books on successful fertiliz? ation which we send on request, free of any cost or obligation, to any farmer who will write us for them. Address. GERMAN KALI WORKS, New York-93 Nossau Street. ' Planta, Ga.-22J? So. Broad Street. North Carolina. Painters E. B. VAGGOMAN W. D. BUHTCN W?OOGM?N & BURTON, Artistic Wall Papers and Interior Dec? orations, are now in Sumter, S. C. We make houses look pretty by using Lead and Oil Paints. We do the best class of work for the least amount of money. See Us Before Painting. ORDERS LEFT AT THE LAWRENCE HOUSE, TELEPHONE 327. TWO CAR LOADS Received Tuesday, the 17th, October Oar Loads OF CHOICE ? ? *C VL lilli H Four Matched Pairs of Horses in the Lot, W. A. BOWMAN, Pres. ABE RYTTENBERG, V. Pres. P. G. BOWMAN, Sec. & Treas. ^uniter Banking ereaH?i?e Company, G. T*<s?-?r?$^Capital' Stock $50,OOO*?? Wholesale Grocers, Fertilize ers and Farmers' Supplies. * ? Sole agents for the celebrated brand of Wil? cox & Gibbs Fertilizers. We are prepared to quote the very closest cash or time prices on all lines of Groceries, Fertilizers and Farmers' Supplies, And invite your investigation before making your arrangements for another year. Come to see us. We will save you money, and give you a hearty, courteous Welcome. Banking- & Mercantile Company, Masonic Building, 2d door from the Postoffice. Sumter, S. C. WHISKEY I IwnnowiVFV rr . xv TOT teco r Bl . s r os ?*"??