a SLOAN'S LINIMENT ANecassityWhen Trawling For - Toothache Neuralgia And K?oiiffli?srri Price 2jfjO? ArAIlBruJ5!sis Weall -Are due to indigestion. ?^inety-nine of every ? one hundred people who have heart trouble -can remember when it was simple indiges r tion. It is a scientific fact that all cases of ? heart disease, not organic, are not only -.traceable to, but arc the direct result of indi -gestiom All food taken into the stomach which fails of perfect digestion ferments and swells the stomach, puffing it up against the Jheart. This interferes with the action of 'the heart, and in the course of time that -delicate but vital organ becomes diseased. Mr. D- Kaubie. of Nevada, O , says: . 1 had st?rrisch ^trouble and was in a bad state as I had heart trcuBls -with it. i took Kodol Dyspepsia Cure for about four moaths arid it cured me. ' Kodol Digests What Yea Eat -and relieves the stomach of ah nervous --strain and the heart of all pressure. i' Botties only. $ 1.00 Size holding 2H times the triai size, which sells.for 50c, Prepared by E. C. DeW.TT &CO., CHICAGO. For Sale b.^ al! Druggists._ Cures Solds; Prevents Pneumon?a v11.*- i-rr*amr;y obt?m TJ. ?. and Foreign $ /Send znodei,s&?c& or jr.otooiinvendor ?oi t x free report on patentability, tor free book, t Opposite Patent Office > WAS ?TON D.O. i Attest YETABS TRADE WARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anvone sending a sketch and description may qnicily ascertain our opinion free .whether an invent jon is probable patentable. Coramnniea ttons st rictly con?dentfcaL Handbook on Patents sent free. Okies: agency for securing patents. . Patents tasen iaroach Munn & Co. receive socaal-c&iice, without charee, in the .A. hundso'nelf iliij^rrated-weekly. I??r?rest cir ?r?;.uk>.i of any scientific journal. Terms. $S a ' venr ; four months, fcL Sold by all newsdealers. n,..^ , ->-, r- V77>?hrnernn. D. C fm chUdraut ?eye, sure* J?o opiates This is the gardening season. We have a full supply ot the best test? ed garden seeds. For years uns SEEDS Have been recognized as the best. Let us sup? ply you. DeLorme's Pharmacy. Dugs and Medicines. TAX NOTICE. The County Treasurer's office in > Court House budding will be open for the collection 07 taxes, without pen? alty, from the 15 th day of October to the 31st$day of December, inclusive, 1905. The levy is as follows: For State, 5 1-2 mills; for county, 3 1-2 mills; -Constitutional School, 3 mills; Polls, $1.00. Also, School District Xo. 1, Special, 2 mills; No. 2, 2 mills; Xo. 2, 2 mills; Xo. 4, 2 mills; No. 16, 2 mills; No. 17, 1 mill; No. 18, 2 mills. 50 cents capitation dog tax. A penalty of 1 per cent, added for month January, 1906. Additional penalty of 1 per cent, for month Feb? ruary, 1906. Additional penalty of 5 psr cent, for 15 days in March, 1906. T. W. LEE. County Treasurer. October 5th, 1905. FOR HIS BROTHER'S MURDER. Alexander Legier Arrested in Jersey City-Story of Crime Shows Fiend? ish Brutality. Jersey City, February 15.-Alexan? der Legier, Jr., aged 21, has been jail? ed here on suspicion of causing the death of his brother Carl. The latter is buried at Baxter, Ga., his home town, and the police will ask the Geor? gia authorities to exhume the body and have an autopsy held. It is al? leged that Alexander poured benzine over his brother while he was asleep and then set him afire. Failing to cause death in this manner he is al? leged to have administered a white powder which caused death within a few hours. The alleged crime was committed for the purpose of getting $3,000 insurance. The accused was arraigned before a magistrate this morning and committed, pending, further inquiry into the matter. The I crime is alleged to have been comznit ! ted at the boarding place of his broth ! er on Summit avenue, this city, on December 10, last. WRECK OX PEXXSYLYAXIA. Lancaster. Pa., February 15.-A wreck that.-blocked all traffic on the Pennsylvania railroad occurred this morning several miles east of this city. LA heavily loaded express train side wiped a freight. ; Eight cars of each train were demolished. Traffic was - delayed for several hours. It was at first reported that several had been killed, but this was untrue. Suggestions For Clemson College. After noting the fact that Clemson's textile school has proved the wisdom of its establishment and is; contrib? uting materially to the development of the spinning industry in South Carolina, The. News and Courier says: "Excellent opportunities exist in South Carolina for educated printers. The introduction of type casting ma? chines has greatiy elevated the art of printing and for the operation of these machines men of trained inelligencc are in demandl For the present thc supply is filled in the few printing offices equipped with the machines by those aspiring printers who have train? ed themselves, but the time is rapidly coming when the machines will be gen? erally used in the smaller printing es? tablishments which turn out weekly and semi-weekly newspapers and job work as well. i "A reiiablv a*id efficient lino yp< j j operator who can care for his nit .. j \cornmcrj'.l.s a better sa?iiry clistn il-?- i [room foreman iii a cot'oii mill. Thej .work of the linotype operator is es- ? pecially agreeable to men who have a turn for mechanics, and a school in which students could be trained as machine operators and caretakers would have a marked influence in im- j proving the journalism of the State. The printing art is at the basis of newspaper making and the successful publisher, particularly of a small newspaper, must have a working knowledge of his mechanical depart? ment, as well as of his editorial desk. Capable pressmen are - perhaps even more difficult to find than machine men. * * * Various college pub? lications could for the most part be produced by this plant, and thus" in a small way a school of journalism would be placed on its feet as a com? panion of hv nil COMMITTEE RECOMMENDS ANNULMENT OF CONTRACT Th3 Contract With the Carolina Blass Co. So Rank That Legislature ls Asked to Cancel Orders Fer 30G Cars. THE CONTRACT INVOLVES $700,000 The Dispensary Investigating Commit? tee lins Unearthed ii ftegular Marc's Nest o? Overcharges by ami for thc Benefit cf Carlona Glass Company of Columbia. Columbia, February IC.-The dis? pensary investigating committee re ! ported to the general assembly last night, recommending drastic action toward the Carolina Glass Company. It recommends that in view of the rev? elations that have been made that the State take steps to '.cscind the orders che dispensary has ahead with the company, amounting to 300 cars, worth about $700,000, and call for bids for such bottles as may be needed. Following is a copy of the commit? tee's report: To the General Assembly of South Carolina: The committee appointed to investi? gate the dispensary, respectfully re? ports to the general assembly: That in the course of their investi? gation they find that the contracts be? tween the Carolina Glass company and the dispenasry are in a very unsatis? factory condition; that higher prices are being charged for glass than the agreements call for;; that there has been a lack of competition in bidding; ,:hat giass has been sold to the dispen? sary without written contracts, and hat there are outstanding contracts, with said company for about 300 cars of giass, an unreasonable and exces? sive quantity, the contracts for which, as your committee believes, have been awarded at an excessive price. Therefore, your committe recom? mends that expe'rt accountants and such other persons as may be neces? sary be employed to check up ali ac? counts, .inspect the contracts of the Carolina Glass Company with the dis? pensary and that the legislature take such arction as may be necessary to rescind all unfilled contracts or orders awarded to the said Carolina Glass Company; th?t the bids be reopened via -the contracts for glass awarded, j . thc lowest responsible bidder and hat the bidding on such glass a* may I ? heeded oe conducted, as far as j >racticable, as is now provided by law Or the purchase of hquors. Your committee recommends the passage of the concurrent resolution submitted herewith. J, T, Hay, Chairman. The dispensary investigation was concluded somewhat abruptly yester? day afternoon when the committee de? clined to go into the "Newberry mat? ters," although Mr. Lyon and Mr. Christensen were anxious to do so. The Carolina's Glass company's transac? tions were investigated to the finale and the committee adjourned to meet at the call of Chairman Hay. *A man who once had rough, horny hands made them soft and smooth with Witch Hazel Salve, but .he used thi genuine-that bearing the name 'S C. DeWitt & Co., Chicago." For sores, boils, cuts, burns, bruises, etc.. it has no equal, and affords almost immediate relief from blind, bleeding, itching and protruding piles. Sold by ail druggists. Drayton Bailey, colored, has been arrested for killing Henrietta Sum? mers in Newberry county. Frightfully Burned. "'Chas. V/. Moore, a machinist, of Ford City, Fa., had his hand frightful !y burned in an electrical furnace. He applied Eucklen's Arnica Salve with tiie usuai result: "a quick and perfect cure." Greatest healer on earth for burns, wounds, sores, eczema and piles. 25c. at all druggists. J. B. McElfatrick & Son. architects, of New York, have been employed to draw plans for remodeling the Colum? bia theatre. "*They never gripe or sicken, but cleanse and strengthen the stomach, liver and bowels. This* is the univer? sal verdict of the many thousands who use Dewitt's . Little Early Risers. These famous little pills relieve head? ache, constipation, biliousness, jaun? dice, torpid liver, sallow complexion, etc. Try Little Early Risers. AU di uggists. Senator Tillman has been quite sick since his return to Washington. He was threatened with pneumonia, but is better. *AU old time cough syrups bind the bowels. This is wrong, A new idea ?.as advanced two years ago in Ken? nedy's Laxative Honey and Tar. This remedy acts on the mucous mem? branes of the throat and lungs and loosens the bowels at the same time. Tl. expels all cold from tho system. It clears the throat, strengthens the mu? cous membranes. relieves coughs, r vi ii.- rvnnn wV>nonincr rw.norh &ir* QUEER POLITICAL ALLIANCE. Temperance Union and Standard Oil Company Make Common War Against Reducing Tax on Fuel Al? cohol. New Orleans, February 15.-The House committee on ways and means at Washington which is now having Hearings on- a bill to take off the lax .?ii denaturized alcohol, is confronted with the r ;markable spectacle of the Standard Oil Company and tho Tem? perance Union standing side by side ir. a fight against a pending measure. Taxation, like poverty and politics, sometimes makes strange bedfellows, but no stranger allies have ever ap? peared before a congressional com? mittee than the representatives of the great Rockefeller trust and the socie? ty for the development of total absti? nence. Various other interests are. however, strongly supporting the bill, and several members of the commit? tee think it will be favorably reported later, after the hearings are com? pleted. The bill was introduced by Repre? sentative Marshall of North Dakota, and will, if passed, remove entirely the tax on denaturized alcohol, which is alcohol with the intoxicating element removed. This alcohol is used for so ?nany purposes that the effect of low? ering its price would be far-reaching. The agricultural interests would, per? haps, be benefited most of all, as lenaturized alcohol can be made very cheaply from a mimber of products of the soil, particularly from waste grain, refuse molasses and rice, which farm? ers cannot dispose of in any other way. Champ Clark, of Missouri, believes that, with the tax taken off, farmer. could easily make their own lighting material, for instance, and do away entirely with coal oil. This is what the oil interests are afraid of, hence their opposition to the bill. Automomobii? manufacturers have come forward in support of the bill, because ?lonaturized alcohol is used in making naptha and other fuels used in the production of motive power. Furniture manufacture-? anl piano makers also favor the bili, becau. denatrrized alcohol is used largely i.. the manufacture of high grade va ? nishes. Added to all these the makers ol .>ilk hats are in the deni. Last week a representative of a big ha? firm in New Y,ork told the comuiittee on ways and means that they wanted thc ?.IT j taken off denaturized alcohol on j' ol its use in the making of LOT? J hits. A reduction ni the zest ox th/b cl.-. he Mc-clarod. v.?u:.-s be of inosr ole i'alue io thai producing in? te rt st of the courir.-. Whether the patent medicine inter? ests will be affected has not been dis? covered yet. but it Js not improbable that something will develop which will show how all the soothing syrups, cough cures and pain killers in Chris? tendom will go by the board as soon as den?turized alcohol is put on the free list. The opposition of the temperance people is believed to be based on a misunderstanding of the bill, as it is declared that no human being could get a drink of the stuff past his lips unless he had gone beyond the stage where wood alcohol, Jamaica ginger, tobasco, crude pertleum and other fiery beverages cease to tickle his har? dened throat. When they become fa? miliar with the attributes of denatur izCjd alcohol, it is said, they will have no apprehension at all as to its value as a cheap producer of hilarity. Tn New Orleans there aro numer? ous concerns which manufacture fuel alcohol from refuse molasses and the Louisiana Eoat Owners' Association has secured the promise of Congress? man Broussard to vote for the amend? ment and has taken the matter up with other Southern congressman. ATLANTIC LINER WRECKED. .lio Devonia (?ors Ashore on thc Mas saclihsctts Coast. Boston, February 15.-The Leyland liner Devonia. Captain Ridley, from Liverpool February 5th for this port, went ashore between the third and fourth cliffs at Scituate this morning and now rests broadside-on a quarter of a mile from shore. The vessel was eight miles off her course and struck in a thick snow storm at 1:30 o'clock this morning. She carried four pas? sengers, eleven cattlemen and a crew I of 80. The life saving crew reached the vessel, but Captain Ridley refused aid and said he would await the ar? rival of tugs from Boston before re? moving the passengers or crew. The place where the vessel lies is danger? ous and it is feared that some of tha ledges may have pierced her bottom. Five tugs have been ordered to the vessel's assistance. * Don't deceive yourself. If you have indigestion take Kodol Dyspep? sia Cure, lr will relieve you. Rev. W. E. Hocutt. South Mills, X. C., says "I was troubled with chronic indiges? tion for several years: whatever I ate seemed t<> cause heartburn, sour stom? ach, fluttering of my heart, and gen? eral d< pression of mind and b-?dy. My druggist recommended Kodol. and it ias relieved me. I can new eat any hing and sleep souna!/ ai niant. Ko ?ol digests what vnij <>->r \ o - There is One Soda Cracker and Only One. You do not know that Soda Cracker until you know ka To taste Uneeda Biscuit is to fal! in love with them. You never forget that first taste* and you renew it every time you eat Uneeda Biscuit - 0 in a dust tight, moisture proof package* NATIONAL BISCUIT-COMPANY We are agents for the celebrated Oliver Chilled Steel Plows, and also carry a large assortment of other makes of Plov\s, and a ore at variety or' At the Right Prices. Get our prices on Elwood Field Fencing, Barbed Wire and ultry Netting. When yon paint your house this spring don't ' ;rget to get the best- , Devoe, New Era or Hammer Brand. Tho Tltv&nnf 8 t? 3 i ?' a s S ti ?? sf ? S 1 a ? 2 3 : >. sL, ~ - IL ki ^ L>? Tract 1,000 acres, 300 cleared, balance in timber, 8 settlements, $ 7oCo Tract 577 acres, 350 cleared, balance in timber and wood land, building worth S4.500, 9 settlements, 17,500 Tract 400 acres, 225 cleared, balance timber, and wood land, 6 settlements, S.000 Tract 264 acres, 100 cleared, bal. timber wood land, 3 settlem'ts, 5,280 Tract 1,250 acres, 20 cleared, bal, timber wood land, o settlem'ts, 12,500 For particulars call on o.- wrii.e to sn?. Any of the above property will pay a good income on the entire investment, if yon v.'ill pat a iittle additio jal money in dit:tung and building and the enhancement in v Jue will be clear profit. If yoa have sot land that is not paying an income on its value and you cannot improve same, it will pay you to sell it. It is my business to dc the selling. ATTO?iMtY-AT-LAW ry ry nrji ^CD HARBY BLG CO?RTSQ *V. O. DEiL^CK, REAL ESTATE BROKER PHONE NO. 309. Effective August 6, 1905. Passenger Trains arriving and leaving Sumter. .Train 35 Florence io Augusta Arrives 5 15 am " 54 Columbia to Wilmington V. " 8 10 am " *77 Florence to Sumter *\ " S 20 an? '* *57 Gibson to Sumter 9 20 am, " 52 Charleston to (jreenviite L??vt?v9 3? am " *?> Orangebarg to Charleston " \ 3.? am " *78 Sumter to Lucknow Leaves 9>?0 am u *77 Lucknow to Sumter Arrives 6 Wilmington to Columbia *' <* 35 pm u 78 Sumter to Bishopviile Leaves 9 50 am " 77 'Bishopviile to Sumter f Arrives 6 00 pm Freight Trains carrying Passengers. r -ain *24 Sumter to Hartsvilie Leaves 8 15 am 44 *19 Sumter to Robbinc Leaves 10 00 am " *20 Robbiiis to Sumter Arrives 7 30 am u *25 Hartsvilie to Sumter [Arrives 9 10 pir ?Torthwestern Railway. Tr??u *70 Camden to Sumter Arrives 9 00 am u *71 Sumter to Camden Leaves 9 36 am " *P8 Camden to Sumter " 5 45 pm 44 *72 Wilson Mill to Sumter Arrives 12 30 pm " *73 Sumter to Wilson Mill Leaves 3 30 pm " *G9 Sumter to Camden 44 6 31 pm Train? marked * daily except Sunday ; all other trains daily. Tor further information, apply to J. T. CHINA, Ticket A?ent A. C. Southern Railway The South's Greatest System Unexcelled Dining Car Service. Through Pullman Sleeping Cars on all through trains. Convenient schedules on all local trains. Winter Tourist Sates are now in effect to all Florida points. For full information as to rates, routes, etc., consult nearest Southern Railway Ticket Agent, or m R. W. Hunt, Division Passenger Agent, Charleston, S. C. Brooks Morgan, Asst Gen. Pass, * -x 4 f.l 55-nt a d-d