The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, December 27, 1905, Image 7

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A. J. (-H.LN?. President! j """" NEILL ODONNELL, Vice Pr?vient. H. D. BARNETT, R. D. LErS G. A. LE M M ON, J^HN REID, 53 P. RICHER. ? L Eu MUNDS. Cashier. .>*K. D. LEE, Solicitor. '^.k. MeC?Jlaai, D, J. Wmn, Jr. Oliver L. Yates. -? > WV nremoriy oDta'iij U. S. and i-'oreign < mk^>^i0^ ??3^.fofo:-yp**~X'Tvv.^,:J?y ? 1 S/^??ecd raedei. sketch or pi otc GI iuTeutioi loi r' - < free report oa oatentability. lor free book, i | Pfvppos?te ?. S. Paient Office ? '-. ."VT" V - vrr1 .1 if" j^Y~'Y" '/ ''-Vj r"c3 c sss r>i ssp.i ? -TV". r?f rn ? N ^ ? Si' y Ht .< &w -- ."iV'.V; /?.'Vi* r.*!'..~KS .Arpone s*?!V-i:;.<T a sketch ar.? d"s';r..v;or. .J.PT <jti?c?:l7 ??Scesti?h cur opinion free wiietlifcr tt.: StarefttB?i :s:?>r?)hfl:??rpMeniaWe. (Vcnnsnfc:?. j?br.s r tric?i ? ?"?ii-lde.'ti.-J. Handbook en I"at-ut..v jbinn ''loe o*???v:>5? uzvr.?y for securing potents. #!r?Ps*.eti:3 tunen chrooca ilium & Co. receive sptt?al -notxe, \xnhon* c-i??r-e, initie ?handsOT?ety iiii^?mrei? weoVIv. I? Test cir Jn?stioa of arty f.-:-c-i.'auO Journal, 'i. -ii*, c, yeiur; four months, %\. SciUoyail r8W:^fealen ti appi vic g for patenC?ijs *?orth money. We gi obtain PATEWTS----THAT FAY.S and bein inventors to snccess. ?% fe Send model, photo or sketch, and ve send y IMMEDIATE FREE REPORT ON TAT- K PENT ABILITY. 20years?3?actice. Regis- fcg Steted Patent Lawyers. Write or come to r? Ins at 505-507, 7th St. WASHI?JGTCK, D. C.fc> OB. J. LIlilSffOITi v DENTIST. i 5s N. Main Street, over Knight's Book] Store. Hours 8 to 2.30 ; $.30 to 6. Phone 210. ! ^^^v?r'*-* r?'vXj= -.tte .?:?.*. -HJ. Syiag? P^tti & terracing jul] side; ' bottoms, drawing Mo-;;a^c? ?g. * -bitting tte. - BANKS E. BO YXIN. D. S.. 0 : -'; C;ttoh-iii, S. C. NOTICE. Thrtt v ;- .??'ci''S GiuuCC' ill Court House bui ding will be open *f or the collects Q . taxes vithout pen? alty, from tho 2L5th day . : October to the 31st day cf December, inclusive, 1905. The levy is as. iol" For State, 5 1-2 mills; for courcy, 3 1-2 mills; Constitutional School, S mills; Polls, $1.00. 'Also, School District No. 1. Special, 2 mills; No. 2, 2 mills; No. 2, 2;mills; No. 4. 2 mills; No. 16, 2 mills; No. 17, 1 mill; No. IS, 2 mills. 50 cents capitation dog tax. A-penalty of 1 per cent, addend for month January, 1906. 'Additional penalty of 1 per cent, for month Feb? ruary, 1906. Additional penalty of 5 per cent, for 15 days in March, IS06. T. W. LEE, County Treasurer. October 5th, 1905. -V-) R. B, BELSER. R. D. EPPS. Miomeys snd Counsellors si LEW Phone 309. SUMTER, S. C. Harby Bldg. ME?S???rW^?M Cures Golds; Preve?is Pneumonia DeLO^HE'S % PHARMACY, ,23 South Main St. Open fi pm 7 a. ni to 0 p nf. ; "Sunday, 9 a m to I p. m Having <:onM> ii dated ww " . storer, I W5J? he pleased to see ali my e? isomers at the above stair!, where ? ? m heiter pre- ? pared 'ihcui ever TO se ve them : Your prescriptions will be called for and delivered. Pho-e 45 Pull line of Drills, GardeL ! Seed and Cigars. Your patronage solicited. Call bell for night work. stops tl&e c.-I- aao J^OSXIAICC^S . 3 :he life of tho was stowed away building until the crowe could ..J dispersed. Lynching the negro vus he intent of the crowd trhich :.. .-: gathered. Seven double bar.-. : - i r ii-loading shot? guns were in :. ?i s of determined men. The -.: could not be found and the men were .ppealed to by the magistrate fo Hov/ the law to take its couL-se. as h? was in safe hands and . escap: -> as impossible. While the crowd was being talked to. Con? stable Rainey, with the negro securely bound, made his way unseen from the premises,. and under cover of thick w?ods.brought the man safely to Tay? lor's just in time to catch Xo. 39, which was a few minutes late. He notified Sheriff Gilreath to meet him | at the depot upon his arrival, which j was done, and the negro was almost j miraculously saved from the crowd bent on nothing less than lynching j him and lodged safely in the county ; jail. When, seen at thc county jail, j Thompson denied his guilt, although -; he said he was in the neighborhood. { He was sulky and had little to say. He j said he-was the wrong negro, al-! though "the lady says I'm the man \ and I reckon I am gone." He is 35 years old and is a heavy built, stout j fellow. There is little wonder the i frail woman was unable to beat him ! off. He will engage counsel. Ha has lived 1 on the Freeman farm for IT j years, and it is said he . peaceable ! negro when not drinl: has family.-The State. Cure for Sore V; : les. ?As soon as the c did ls tore nurs- j apply Chamberlain' Salve. Wipe j f ith a sof: cloth J allowing ? he child to nurse 'tar.y trained j . s use this yiih ?est results, i rice 25 co: = : j er : ox. For sale by all dr??sfc=t A " . ii: :r . st company has been or ;. : T i- " : -ck Hill. I. M?\,i v tiase. .Millions nisi in mad chase after health, from - treme of faddism to anoth . . vhen, i> they would only eat gooc loo-; ?nd keep their bowels regular with J -.. King's New Life Pills, tlxc-ii troubles would all pass away. Prom^ r< lief and quick cure foi . v r. andi?stomach trouble. 25c at a ii druggists; g a aranteed. i A lit on s. f.;.. wn I proprietor of th> ? cently_made a j South Carolina, paper of last wv lowing observa' interest to mav South Caro : uring standp' in of Georgia; doubts that - . ufacturing . ? farming con Those cott ?n down thf - the farm from one- i more for .?' ' .. South ? 'ai? ton deli doers J and : farr if fer fo to cor ar WA; i mt: Caron . sive th. . Ge standp- ' that spite methods many se : - son for tl : . .itu ^,Vi .... ; . 1.. - .t -i lot ave Ji ot n. : srnai; farn: to SO aer \-\ the highest : : would suprisi or three thou, see haw much farmers can p fortablv; he i Ceorgiaj will ; . should prosper i owners carve th small farms -and white tenants or wfc those surplus acres payment. ! OT: A Fearful : *It is a fearful fate ti ;. . the terrible torture of ; truthfully say," writes i of Masonville, Ia., ' "tl. bleeding, itching and pro Bucklen's Arnica Salve cure made." Also best burns and injuries. 25c gists. ? . '?s^ . . - - = - r-^^ -...-_ ^f^Fl?"' ^F^"- " "^f"1^^ ;;!ERC??N^LS:''" haven't Red MeatJ^acco in stock, write the factory-W