The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, December 06, 1905, Image 7

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stimulate the .TORPID LIVER, strengthen the digestive organs, regulate the bowels, and are un? ?; equated as an ANTI-mUOUS MEDICINE, tn malaria! districts their virtues are widely recognized, as they pos? sess pe?;a!5'ir properties in freeing "che sys. em from that poison. Ele? gantly sugar coated. Take No Substitute* On Cotton. i ?Faur per cent inter? est, compounded quar? terly on savings de? partment. THE SUMTER SAVINGS BANK. G. A. LEM MON, President. I. C. STRAUSS, vice-President. GEO. L- RICEER, Cashier. $100,000.00 Capitai. II. FIRST NATIONAL BANK ? of Sumter, S. C. _?_ THE Comptroller of the Currency hav? ing approved the increase of the Capital of this Bank to $100,000.00, depositors ?now have as security for their deposits : Capital, - - $100,000 00 Stockholders' Individual Lia? bility, - - \00,000 00 Surplus and Undivided Prof? its, - - - 25,000 00 Total Security fer Depositors, $225,000 00 ONLY NAT10NLA BANK IK CITY OF SUMTER. Largest Capital of any Bank in this section of South Carolina. Strongest Bank in Eastern part of this State. Interest allowed on deposits to a limited amount. ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS. A. J. CHINA, President. " ? NEILL O'DONNELL, Vice President. H. D. BARNETT, R. D. LEE, G. A. LEMMON, JOHN REID, . E. P. BICKER. ' R. L. EE MUNDS, Cashier. E. D. T/RTC, Solicitor. BOOKKEEPERS. J. L. MeOHuco, D. J. Winn, Jr. Oliver L. Yates. We promptly obtain TJ. S. and Foreign V&U EXPERIENCE TRADE &?ARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS otc. Anyone sending a sketch and description may ?qulcklv ascertain ocr opinion iree whether an invention is probably patentable. Comnrmira tiocs strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent tree. Oldest atreney for securing patents. Patents taken th couch Mann & Ca receive Special notice, wir bout cb arge, in the identifie jfiaerfemt A handsomely il IwrrsfM week!*- I-^Tcest dr ?nlalioa of any H lenuuc Journal, 'j ? nus. $3 a year; four months, $L Sold by al! ."f-wsdealers. PATENTS Promptly obtained or no fee. Writefor our CONFIDENTIAL LETTER before applying for patent : it is worth money. We obtani PATENTS THAT PAY, and help in ventors to success Send model, photo or sketch, and we send IMMEDIATE FREE REPORT ON PAT? ENTABILITY, ttyeaxs'practi-oe. Regis tered Patent Lawyers, write or come io us at 505-507, 7th St. WASHINGTON, 0. C. Hi .tops tl&o COtagSs. horr-sluiigs f DB. J. jj. BAnSWOITS -: DENTIST. 105i N" Main Street, over Knight's Book Store Hours 8 to 2.30 ; 3.30 to 6 Phone 210. Gores Colds} Prevents Pneumonia HARYIE JORDAN S PCSITIOX. Ile lias Taken No Part in Speculativ Ventures-Working for Farmers. Columbia, Nov. 28.-F. H. Weston, secretary of the South Carolina Cot ton Growers Association, gives out the following: Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 2-5, 1905. Mr. F. H Weston, secretary South Carolina Division, S. C. A., Colum? bia, S. C. i Dear Sir: With reference to the tel? egram sent to me on the 21st inst., in which you state that insinuations have been made by some newspapers that I was interested in the recent speculative market. I have seen ref ences of the kind, and am satisfied that such reports have been sent out to injure the cause of the Southern Cotton association. It seems that we are now the most powerful factor in holding the market up, and we are receiving the attention of the bearish element, who have recently been hard hit. I have taken no part in any speculative deal, but, as I wrote you some days ago, the position taken by the association with refer? ence to holding back as much of our cotton as possible, and sell it for high? er prices, was done in the interest of averaging the price of this crop at as near 12 cents per pound as possible. If anybody who is familiar with the con? ditions of supply and demand, and the present prices of cotton goods can convince us that this position is not sound, then I would be glad to hear from them. I have neither the time nor the inclination to answe every little newspaper squib that may criticise my official acts. If the as? sociation was not capable of arousing antagonism, we would never hear anything from the other side. I am devoting all my time and best energies to protecting, as far as it lies in my power, the ^people who raise spot cot? ton and who are entitled to good prices for it. If people on the other side object to it, their objections will , haye but little effect on me. I trust that you are having good luck in getting pledges out, as from the large number of letters coming into this office from your State, I am satisfied the people are thoroughly aroused and will stand loyal to our position to hold cotton for higher prices. With best wishes, I beg to remain, Yours very truly, (Signed.) Harvie Jordan. President ANOTHER MURDER MYSTERY Walter Jarvis of Charleston Fount! Fatally Wounded in New York j New York, Nov. 29.-The detective i bureau is trying to solve the mystery j surrounding the case of Walter Jar j vais, a member of a well to do family i of Charleston, S. C., who was found j j insensible yesterday in the hallway of 'a flat at 200 west 23rd street, where he lived. He had a fracture at the base of the brain and now lies in a comatose condition in St. Vincent's hospital. The dectives are working along the theory Jarvis was clubbed by some one whom he had displeased when he labored for the freedom of a prisoner charged with having at? tempted to shoot an attractive tele? phone operator at the Hotel Manhat? tan. Jarvis was a clerk at the Chel- j sea Apartment, 222 West 23rd street. A large cold storage plant is to be erected in Charleston by A. F. C. Cramer and associates. J. M. McAdams, white, of Anderson was shot and fatally wounded Thurs? day while out hunting. Land Surveying I will give pj ompt attention to all calls for surveying, platting, terracing hill side? draining bottoms, drawing Mortgages Titles, Probating, &c. BANKS H. BOYKIN, T>. S., Gee 19-0 Catchall, S. C. DeLORHE'S PHARMACY, 23 South Main St. Open fi om 7 a. m to 10 p. m. ; Sunday, 9 a m to 1 p. m. Having consolidated my two stores, ] will be pleased to see all my customers >:t the above stand, where I rm better pre? pared than ever to serve them Your prescriptions will be called lor and delivered. Phone 45. Full line of Drugs, Garden Seed and Cigars. Your patronage solicited. Call bell for night work. PRICELESS DIAMOND DY MAI!J. Cullinane Stone Sent From South Af rica by the Post. Everybody likes a diamond story and the history of the famous Culli? nane diamond is going the rounds* Some months ago the world was as? tounded by the finding of this stone, and it has convinced experts that the South African mines have yet in store many whose weight may be express? ed in pounds troy and not in carats. It is not generally known how this stone was sent to England. Just as the mail for Europe was being clos? ed at the Johannesburg postoffice an ordinary looking packet, addressed to a firm in Hatton gardens, London, was handed in at the window to be registered. It weighed a little over a pound, and two pence extra for registration was paid, and the packet was stamped, sealed, and thrown into the bag along with other registered parcels for the mail boat. Nobody knew, apar from the postoffice au? thorities, that the ordinary-looking little bundle had been insured for $2, 500,000. Not one of the clerks or of? ficials dreamed they were handling what was literally worth a king's ran? som.-Boston Herald. A New Monte Carlo. Close upon the report that the Americans of the Isle of Pines, near the southern coast of Cuba, have de? clared their independence from Cub?, and have established their own , in? dependent government, comes the news that the revolutionary move? ment was supported by -a clique of wealthy Americans, who have a de? cidedly practical object in view. It 'is stated on, what is believed to be good authority, that an American syndicate intends to make the -Isle of Pines a second Monaco. It is said to be their intention to erect upon the islands a magnificent casino and a number of expensive residences which will be rented for the winter season to wealthy people who wish to spend the winter in that beautiful climate and, at the same time, enjoy the sport and excitement which a large gam? bling house would offer to them. For the accommodation of those, who do not wish to be burdened with a large household, several large and luxu? riously equipped hotels will be built. LONDONS" STARVING. The Unemployed Workmen Make a Violent Demonstration on Streets London, Dec. 1.-Another dem? onstration of the unemployed was made in the vicinity of tower hill this afternoon. Especially violent speech? es were made and the people were urged to march through the streets, but this the police refused to let them do. A deputation was then appointed to go to the guild distress com? mittee and demand something be done to supply food to the needy. Al? though several hundred policemen were in attendance, only one arrest was made. i KILLED OX THE RAIL. ! _ Engineer and Fireman Killed and Six teen Passengers Injured. Wilkesbarre, Pa., Dec. 1.-John Lenbert of Manuchchunk, fireman, and Charles S. Deltro, an engineer who was riding in a combination bag? gage car, were killed and sixteen pas? sengers injured in the wrecking of the New Tork Flyer of the New York Central railroad last night which hap ! pened at Stoney Point. The supposed I cause was the spreading of the rails, j The engine and two cars plunged into j the shallow water of the Lehigh river, j Fireman Lenbert was crushed under ? the engine. Tile Season of Indigestion. -The season ..f indigestion is upon us. Kodol Dyspesia Cure for indi gresiaion and dyspesia will do every thing for the stomach that an over? loaded or overworked stomach can? not do for itself. Kodol digests what you ont-gives the stomach a rest relieves sour stomach, bellching, heart-burn, indigestion^ etc. For sale by all druggists. j The South Atlantic squadron which will winter at Charleston, ar? rived at that port on Wednescday. Admiral F. W. Dickens is in com? mand. No Opium in Chamberlain's Cough j Remedy. I * Th ere is not the least danger in ?giving Chamberlain's Cough Remedy 1 to small children, as it contains no opium or other harmful drug, lt has jan established reputation of more than i 30 years as the most successful med? icine in use for colds, croup and whooping cough. It always cures and is pleasant to take. Sold by all j druggists. RUSSIA IS BANKRUPT. St. Petersburg, Dt-c.-Fears that a great financial crash is overtaking Russia arc increasing. Financiers ci.J not know how to stop the continuai drain which has been proceeding for the past two weeks on the country's money. There is no doubt banks are getting dangerously near the bottom of their ready money supply, though every ef? fort is being made to conceal the tru'2 state of affairs. Practically nobody is willing to buy government bonds and everybody holding them is anxious tc sell. The first definite declarations that the government is being hampered in its financial obligations comes today in the form of an intimation by numer? ous government officials that they will not be given th$ usual amount ol money due as Christmas bonus. TO REMOVE Freckles and Pimples IN TEN DAYS, USE NADINOLA THE COMPLEXION BEAUTIFIER. THE NADINOLA Q&L (Formerly advertised and sold as SATIXOLA. No change in formula or package The name only has been changed tc avoid confusion, as we cannot afforc to have so valuable preparation con? fused with any other.) NADINOLA is guaranteed, and mon? ey will be refunded' in every cas( where ' it fails to remove freckles pimples, liver spots, collar discolora? tions, back-heads, disfiguring erup? tions, etc. The worst cases in 20 days Leaves the skin clear, soft, healthy and restores the beauty of youth. Price 50 cents and $1.00. Sold Jr each city by all leading druggists, OJ by mail. Prepared only by National toilet Co.. Paris. Tenn. Sold in Sumter by China's Dru; Store and leading druggists. Mon-Thurs-Sat-Wkly. TAX NOTICE. The County Treasurer's office ir Court House building will be open foi the collection of taxes, without pen? alty, from the 15th day of October tc the 31st day of December, inclusive, 1905. The levy is as follows: For State, 5 1-2 mills; for county, 3 1-2 mills; Constitutional School, 3 mills; Polls, $1.00. Also, School District No. 1, Special, 2 mills; No. 2, 2 mills; Nc. 2, 2 mills; No. 4, 2 mills; No. 16, 2 mills; No. 17, 1 mill; No. 18, 2-mills. 50 cents capitation dog tax. A penalty of r per cent, added for month January, 1906. Additional penalty of 1 per cent, for month Feb? ruary, 1906. Additional penalty of 5 per cent, for 15 days in March, 1906. T. W. LEE, County Treasurer. October 5th, 1905. R. B. BELBER. R. D. EPPS. attorneys and GounseHors at Law Phone 309. SUMTER, S. C. Harby Bldg The Children's Favorite -CURES Coughs, Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough. This remedy is fnmous for its cures over alarie part of tho civilized world. It cnn always bo depended upon It contains no opium or other harmful drug and may be given as confidently to a l>; "? : s to an adult Price 25 TS; Largre Size, 50 cts. By buying one of our many styles of Beautiful Heaters. They are great fuel savers. Come and see our large stock of Cook [.Stoves and Ranges. We have the right prices. And a large assortment of other makes of Guns that should please the most fastidious^hunts man. Use our celebrated Paint : De voe, New Era and Hammer, and wear a continual smile of satis? faction. See our Mammoth line of Stoves and Ranges. High quality and right prices. ?. S-All parties holding keys to money box come in and try them. WE fiUABD OUR PATRONS' INTERESTS im ; (xn?mh Mill ftijd HUM pjL Capital Siock -S?.G?O. .> ?nc:v!t?s(? Profits $4.000, C G i.'-.'Vi?M'i i'v<\. K. F. Hainsworth, V. Prsc Deposits i^ept 30, end of 2d quarter after organization, $170, 436.45. Liability of stockholders, in addition to capital stock, $60,000. A general banking business. Solicits your patronage and guarantees every courtesy con? sistent with good business meth? ods. "HOW LOVELY." What is more beautiful than regular well shaped teeth. You know how rt beautifies the the entire face. All my work is characterized by the highest and skill and care. I employ all the best and up-to-date methods; and reduce pain to the lowest possible amount. G. R. BARRINGER. Phone No. 350. Dentist? OFFICE OVER CHINA'S DRUG STORE. AN ADVERTISEMENT PLACED IN THE ADVERTISING COLUMNS OF THE DAILY ITEM WILL BRING RES?LST. uthern Railway j The South's Greatest System i Unexcelled Dining Car Service. Through Pullman Sleeping Cars on all ?through trains. ! Convenient schedules on all local trains. Winter Tourist Rates are now in effect to all I Florida points. For full information as to rates, routes, etc., consult nearest Southern Railway Ticket Agent, or R. W. Hunt Division Passenger Agent, Charleston, S. C. Brooks Morgan, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agent, Atlanta, Ga. ??TO THE MERCHANT : If you haven^ l<. I " ^ e* ^ faCt?ry~We v^su?^ youd^Qct. """^> ^^^^^ ^^^^ TO ANY CHEWER of tobacco who will cut out and mail us this advertisement, wc will mail him a card which will entitle him to one 5c cut of Ked Meat Tobacco FREE at any store handling this brand. 3 " _ Manufactured Only by Liipfcrt-Scsles Co., Winstoo-Salem, N. C._ A mn._iLiuLiiimif'iiw"" ??mumm-iirn-11 HM m tm ????!? - ? m ii-??? i marraba ?nT~~~~~~~-*~~~~~~~- ?- - - ' "* '" ~""r-----^--?---------- - ? . ET-g-mr^-andu rm i ..aun?-.. ~ * ?J I