COUNCIL MEETING. Qty council held a regular meeting at S o'clock p. m., "Wednesday. Present-Moyor Geo. W. Dick, Al? dermen H. D. Barnett, R, F. Hayns -worth, E. W. Hurst, W. G. Stubbs and IL K. Wilder. Absent-Aldermen P. P. Finn, H. ."W. Hood and C. G. Rowland. Messrs. Wesley Bradford and G. C. Warren, of the Sumter Light Infan? try, requested that their company be given all licenses from attractions and concessions incident to their ap _proaching gala week, as their expenses .were greater than they had expected and they feared they would not be reimbursed ^by receipts if restricted to -their share of amount realized from the amusement company with which they had made a contract. The re Quest was granted. Mr. Fi A. Bultman, secretary of the -Sunter Electric Light, Ice and Power, Company was present to inquire what .action would take in reference to the -recent report of Professor W. M. Riggs. He stated that his company is willing to comply with the recom? mendations made. Council decided to take no action at this time. Messrs. H. F. Wilson, M. Moise ano*. C Xu Cuttino presented a petition from citizens asking council to .straighten that portion of Church street between Broad and Live Oak streets, and if necessary to expend a reasonable sum of money for thai parp?se. These gentlemen stated that Major Wilson had recently acquired the Gaillard property at northeast corner Broad and Church streets. One of the purposes of his purchase heing to allow the city an opportuns? te- make this important improvement. The price of the property . was high and the purchaser cannot afford to douaje the large portion required for "Oie street, but offered to sell it for $822, which disposes of the entire Church street front at the same tate as was paid for the entire propert/ Aciion was deferred to a full meeting o? council. aliantes of November 15th, were "?sad and approved. Mr. Haynsworih, for the commit *ee o: Pablic Wor*c reported thal ;he stone culvert at Turkey Creek was searing completion, and improvement of streets progressing as well as can. - be expected under existing circum? stances. The mayor stated that the Civic Xeague had requested the adoption of aa ordinance to regulate the handling. ?? trash and garbage in the business section so as to prevent trash barrels and boxes from being placed on the. streets and sidewalks. They further requested that council would have shade trees planted wherever the league would suggest. The work of the league was favorably considered, and will be assisted by councjL The mayor stated that he desired lo lay a cement sidewalk on Caldwell street, in front of his office and resi? dence and was willing to pay half the cost if the city would pay half as is done with other citizens whenever re? tested. The request was granted. Coacil then adjourned. PET?TION IN BANKRUPTCY. Filed in the V. S. Court hy Creditors of the Sumter Department Store. ? Charleston, S. C., November 22. 3n the U. S. District Court yes day Greenwald, Friedman & Co., the 2iew York Millinery and Supply Com? pany, and the Broadway Bargain House, through their attorneys filed a petition in involuntary bankruptcy against the Sumter Department Store .of Samter, S. C. The Sumter Department Store is or- j dered to show cause on December 2 "why it should not be adjudged bank? rupt. Sluggish Liver a Foe to Ambition. .You cannot accomplish very much ? yoar liver is inactive as you feel dull, your eyes are heavy and slight exertion exhausts you. Orino Laxa? tive Fruit Syrup stimulates the liver and bowels and makes you feel bright and active. Orino Laxative Fruit fgjrrup does not nauseate or gripe and i? mild and very pleasant to take. Orino is more effective than pills or ordinary cathartics. Refuse substi? tutes. Durant's Pharmacy. Authorities differ about the size of sleeves. But without doubt the pop? ular taste is inclined to cling to small sleeves. People are not very enthu? siastic about big, full sleeves. And they certainly are anything but pret? ty. CL B. Barhans Testifies Af ter 4 Years. *G. Bfc-Burhans, of Carlisle Center,x X. Y., writes: "About four years ago I wrote you stating that I had been entirely cured of a severe kidney trou? ble by taking less than two bottles of Foley's Kidney Cure. It entirely stopped the brick dust sediment, and pain and symptoms of kidney disease disappeared. I am glad to say that I bave never had a return of any of those symptoms during the four years that have elapsed and I am evidently cured to stay cured, and heartily re? commend Foley's Kidney Cure to any one suffering from kidney or bladder trouble.'^ Durant's Pharmacy. PROBABLY NEAR THE MARK. Estimate of Cotton Crop For United States for 1903-06. 10.300.000 Bales. New YjOrk, November 23.-After the receipt of the most exhaustive in? formation, possible to obtain from re? liable and intelligent correspondent;. by letter and telegram, covering every cotton growing county in the South? ern States, we have the pleasure to submit the following estimate of the total cotton crop of the United States for 1905-06. States. Est. Crop Crop. 1905-06 1904-05 Alabama. 1,200,000 1,470,000 Arkansas. 625,000 905,000 Florida. 70,000 S9,000 Georgia. 1,700,000 1,975,000 Louisiana .. .. 570,000 1,100,000 Mississippi.. . . 1,225,000 1,777,000 N. Carolina.. .. 680,000 775,000 S. Carolina.. .. 1,080,000 1,200,000 Tenn. & Ok. Ter 550,000 691,000 Tex & Ind'n Ter 2,600,000 3,584,000 Est. Total.. .10,300,000 13,566,000 ' Our correspondents report that the crop from the beginning of the sea? son has not prospered at any time as was expected and that much land was abandoned after planting was finished, on account of wet weather and. scarity of labor for cultivation. A large falling off in the yield is re? ported from all the states, save North and South Carolina and parts of Geor? gia. In Mississippi, Louisiana, Ar? kansas and localities in Texas the yield will be so small as to amount to disaster to many planters. Picking has progressed well under favorable conditions and the crop has been gin? ned and marketed rapidly. Very truly, Latham, Alexander & Co. THE STATE HOUSE CASE. I Issues of Long Standing* to Be Deter? mined. Columbia, November 23.-One of the remarkable and most interesting cases of recent years is that of the State of South Carolina against the ! contractors and architect who worked on the State House and completed it in its present shape. The rucus about the work has been going on for full five years and now the issue is square? ly trefor? a jury of this county. Under direction of the General As? sembly Messrs. Robert Aldrich, of Barnwell and T. Y. Williams, of Lan? caster, as a special committee, were charged with the duty of bringing a suit against Mcllvain-Unkefer Com? pany, as contractors and Frank P. Milburn, as architect. This special committee, after going over the field and the testimony, arranged with Messrs. Mitchell & Smith, of Charles? ton, and Clark & Clark, of Columbia, to represent the State in its suit for $200,000 against the contractors and architect. Mr. Henry M. Smith, of Charleston, and Mr. Washington Clark, of Columbia, ure in charge of the conduct of the case for the State. Mr Milburn is represented by Messrs. Barron & Ray and Nelson & Nelson and one of the contracting firm-Mr. Johnson-is represented by DePass & DePass, the other members of the firm evidently being indifferent to the cause. The complaint alleges ^on spiracy between the contractors and architect, and it is this phase cf the question which accentuates the inter? est in the fight. Every step of the case is being hard fought and from the drift of the con? test this morning the defense expects to try and gain a non-suit and there? by let the case fail. The jury was gotten together with much more ease than was expected and contrary to general expectation the case was promptly started at the opening of the court. Nature Needs But Little. ?Nature needs only a Little Early Riser now and then to keep the bow. els clean and the liver active, and the system free from bile, headaches, con? stipation, etc. The famous little pills "Early Risers" are pleasant in effect and perfect in action. They never gripe or sicken, but tone and strength? en t>e liver and kidneys. Sold by all druggists. A few days ago Mr. A. A. Dantzler, a prosperous and enterprising farmer of Elloree, had the misfortune to lose his gin house and all contents by fire. Inside the gin house there were be? tween thirty-five and forty bales of unginned cotton. In addition all of the machinery was destroyed, including engine, boiler, saw mill, grist mill, etc Altogether the loss will amount to something like $5,000, and Mr. Dant? zler had no insurance on any of the property destroyed. But Few are Free. ?But few people are entirely free from indigestion itt this season of the year. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is not only the best remedy to use because it digests what you rat but because it also enables thu digestive apparatus to Assimilate and transform all foods! nto- tissue-building blood. Kodol r - ieves sour stomach, heart burn, belch ng and all forms of indigestion. Sold by all druggists. HOMICIDE AT TINDALS. Flanders Johnson Killed T>y His "Wife Who Shot His Head Of)'. j From the Daily Item Nov. 23. I Fi&ndcrs Johnson, a negro ten?nt cn tt!f> plant ar ion ol Mr. J. M. Tindal near Xindal's station, WKS shot and instantly killed about 8 o'clock this marnie.:; by OL ? i J ia Johnson, bis wife. A i-h?t gnu v^as the weapon used and t?;e loaci took tt?TCt in Johnson's bead. ? Tbete were no eve v?tnesst-s to the ? k?li?tr, it is reported, except a little nergo girl who was playing in the yard when the tragedy occurred in the house. Tne girl stated sboTtly after the killing that Johnson acd bis wife were haviug a fuss and that she took down the gun and a struggle over it ensued. During th3 struggle the gun was discharge and .lobnson fell to the ?oor, his brains having been blow ont. The woman says that the killing was an accident, but so far as reports obtainable at this time show, she has made no detailed statement. Coro: er Flowers went ont to Tin? dales as soon as notified to hold an inquest. At the inqnest the testimony of the j girl W4s of acnaracterto indicate tnat the kelling was a deliberate murder, bot the woman insisted that it waa an accident. The verdict of the jury was that the said Flanders Johnson came to his death from a gnu shot wound at the hands of Ophelia Johnson. LIVED TO BE 117. Esau Davis, of Lee County, Dead. The Father of 51 Children. Bishopville, November 23.-Esau Davis, an old negro of the Elliot neighborhood, died yesterday at the advanced age of 117 -years. He was the father of 51 children, most of whom are alive. This is reliable, as the information comes from a respected citizen of the county, whose character for exactness and veracity is well established. Old "Uncle Esau" belonged^in the old slavery days to the Thomson Green family, of this county, and was a capable and trustworthy servant. He w-as well cared for by the neigh? bors, white and colored, during the last years of his life. Another case, not of longevity, but of that success in raising a family that would gladden Mr. Roosevelt's heart is that of George Wilson, a colored farmer of Spring Hill Township, who is 62 years of age and the father of 23 children by two wives. WRECK OX PENNSYLVANIA. A Fatal and Very Costly Railroad Accident. Harrisburg, Pa., November 24. One man was killed, five injured and twenty-five freight cars, two postal cars, one baggage car and one Pull? man car were totally wrecked as the result of a rear end collision of two west bound freights and the subse? quent -collision of a passenger with wreck on the Pennsylvania railway this morning at Thompsontown. O. C. Huntsbee, the brakeman, of Har? risburg was the only one killed. The WJHiamsbnrfg Vote. Kingstree, November 23.-Full re? ports from the various polls are now obtainable and the total vote on the question of "dispensary" or "no dis? pensary" in Williamsburg county shows a majority of 85 votes in favor of "no dispensary.' Place and advertisement in the col? umns of The. Daily Item and get re? sults. Bilious Attack Quickly Cured. *A few weeks ago I had a bilious attack thar was so severe I was not able to go to the office for two days. Failing to ?et relief from my family physician's treatment, I took three o1 Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and the next day I felt like a new man.-H. C. Bailey, editor of the News, Chaplin, S. C. These tablets are for sale by all Druggists. George McD Barrett, of Bishopville, had his sentence changed from three months' imprisonment to a fine of $100. Barrett was a magistrate in Lee county, who was convicted of failure to turn over certain collected funds to the county authorities. There is undoubtedly more whiskey coming into Darlington county than before the dispensary was voted ont though we see few evidences of drink? ing in and around H art? vi lie. We have heard, however, the considerable whiskey is coming in on the.railroads and some of this is evidently beiDg sold. We would like to call the point? ed at'et tion of all officers whoso duty it is to enforce tiie law. to this matter and to remind the citizens tnat they should show an interest in bringing the offenders to justice.- Hartsville Messenger. Xo Case of Pneumonia on Record. .We do not know of a single in- I stance where a cough or cold resulted in pnemonia or consumption .vhen Foley's Honey and Tar had been taken lt cures coughs -'ind colds per? fect' o do not ta!;o . .nance.-; with some unknown preparation which j may contain opiates, which, cause con? stipation, a x/ndition that retards re" | covery from -& cold. A>k for Foley's | Honey and Tar and refuse any substi- j ute- offered. Durant's Pharmacy. i A GOOD COKX CHOP. ! _i_ Mr. J. ?.J. Woodley "s Crop Averages ; 31 1-2 Bushels to thc Acre. { Mr. JT. M. Woodley, of Dalzell was here Thnrsday ?HQ in the course of conversation with a represents ti ve of tl)is paper the ??ubj-:!, cf crops cams up, and ?n reply to aa loqury concero ing bis coin crop this year be save the j following figures: iie planted 175 acres iii corn and bas gathered 4,<;.()0 bushels frcrn 90 acre?, the remaining 85 acres being yet ro arathrr, but tbe j yield will be about the fame average j per acre. The following statement in detail will be interesting : 1 field ii aens, 312 bushels, ?2 bnsh els per acre. 1 field 23 acres, 1,325 bushels, 53 bushels per acre. 3 field 37 acres, 1,710 bushels, 46 bnshels per acre. 1 field 2o acre?, 1,1(50 bc sh els, 58 bushels per acre. 1 field 2 acres, 133 bushels. 66 bush? els per acre. Total number acrs 9^:toal num? ber bnshele 4,640: average 51f? bush? els per acre ; 85 acres more to gather. MAKE THEM MOVE OX. * _ A Gang of Thievish Gypsies in the Country. A tribe of Brazilian Oypsie? struck this town last Friop.y. fvoo Hu-y ar** now roving aboct : h"-r-ounrrv. Trev are a bad lot and sh? din not be toler? ated. While here i>ev ?coosted a re? spectable colored man frere tli> iiimi ni section, Stephen Wbitt, y: Coffey & Eigby's stables. The womaci ?Mat approached White uttered seme gib? berish which he conld not undeistand, and while muttering this lingo she ran her hand in White'.-: pocket and abstracted gio. He of course protested and she gave him back 81. White did not know what to do, be was paralyzed with fear: he was hoodooed, conjured or something, and were it not for the interference of otbeis the Gvrsies would have gotten off with tho swag. Policeman Huggins was appealed to, and alter considerable searching among the women of th* tribe, he at last had the light one identified and she wa3 arrested andgpnt into the lockup to re? turn White the stoleu money and p3y the tewn a fine of 85. The news of the woman's arrest reached the camp and her friends came protesting ber innocence thick and fast. "De lady no steal! she Christian ! she daughter of Mary tlc mudder of Jesus!" crossing their breasts as they uttered tbe.-e protes? tations. And when they found the officer hardened against their appeals they told bim "to keep de lady lor de debt," and with what was lik<* oaths they departed. They changed their minds, however, and came back, paid the money required, and took "de lady" out, going away pronouncing maledictons upon the beads of Police? men Huggins and White?" telling Huggins that be would "die in a month." White did not .relish this bad mouth" and was willing to give "de lady" back what the police? man seemed from her fer him. These creatures went on to Jor? dan, and we bear they went through the pockets of Dr. Wilson bat got only twenty ceots. and from a colored blacksmith $20. The authorities should jcg these people and not per? mit them to carry on their depreda? tions. They are a dirty-looking lot cf pretending fortunetellers and thieves. -Manning T.mes. 2 ?i Por Infants and Children. Hie Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of It is announced that the reorganiza? tion plan for the Union and Buffalo Mills will succeed. '.I Thank the.Lord.*' * Cried Hannah Plant, of Little Rock. Ark., "for the relief I got from Buck len's Arnica Salve. It cured my fear? ful running sores, which nothing else would heal, and from which I suffereu for five years." It is a marvelous healer for cuts, burns and wounds. Guaranteed at all druggists; 25c. SL00 at all dealers. Sample free. Chockfre Medicine Co., Wlnatou-tWem, N. a flt?YR?Y?L PILLS Original and Only Genuine. \8AFE. Al*?y? re'i&Me. Ladle?. Mk Drurc.?? 1 r-r CHICIIKSTEK'S ENGLISH , it KZI> t- ! Gold 'urta.lie boxe?, .e&led 1 with blue ribbon. Tnt.? no other. Ecfanc , DunffrrouA Substitution? and Imita* tl on?.. Ruy of TOUT Druggist, or ?rad 4c. ia ?ump? for Particular*. Te?tire?ni?Ij ?od "Kellef for Lud lets" tn Ie??r, br re? inT MulL 10.?OO T..?ifmooi..l?. So'id b) ?M. .4 ssr-%--. "s^rar gagg Biliousness and Sick Headache quickly cured by ORINO Laxative Fruit Syrup as it sweetens and tones up the stomach and acts as a gentle stimulant on the liver and bowels. It will positive? ly cure chronic constipation. ORINO clears the complex? ion of pimples and blotches. Refuse substitutes. Price SOO, ik ! LA S TS PI JAI ?MAC Y. mm il?lu?u flore Horses and Mules and Better Horses and Mules.; Two carfully selected carLads just ia. They are right, the i i j price is right and they need s. liing badly. A full line of Buggies, Wa* ons and Harness always on hand. I sell the celebrated MILBURN WAGON. Respectful]}-, HARBY. Received Tuesday, October the 17th, Two Cetr Loads OF CHOICE Four Matched Pairs of Horses in the Lot. Booth Live Stock Co. X A FAIR PROPOSITION. If you have PROPERTY FOR SALE, it is my business to sell it for you. But in order to make the sale, I must have the matter in business shape. Write me for Description Blank, sign the contract on the back of same, and return to me. If the price given is reason? able, I will advertise and sell the property for you. The contract I wish you to sign is as follows : The State of South Carolina, County of Sumter. I.hereby list for sale the within described property with R. B. Belser for a period of.months from date and authorize him to negotiate a sale for same at the rate of.dollars per acre or.dollars for the whole property, on terms as follows: And further agree th nt during the period herein above mentioned. 1 will not offer the said property to any one at a price lower tuan that above specified, nor on terms more fav^? able than above authorized, and that I will refer all applicants to K. B. Heiser: Provided it is understood and agreed, that I shall bave the privilege o? revoking the authority above conferred after having given thirty days written notice of such intention : but no attempted wit hdrawal will be effective under this agreement without such previous notice. And further, in case of sale made by Ii. B. Belser. or through any agency employed by him. whether through personal solicitations, by advertising or otherwise; or'if he has in any way contributed to a sale of said property, even though concluded by myself, I agree to pay to said R. B. Belser. as compensation for his services in affecting the sa*le. _per cent, commission on the purchase price for said property, to be paid to him immediately up? on the receipt of the tirst installment paid in by the purchaser of the said property. Witness my hand and seal of.190 In the presence of: .[Seal] .[Seal] I HAVE DEMAND for several NICE FARMS, E. g. : A10 horse farm in high state of cultivation in good community. ATTORNhY-AT-LAW r> R DCI CCD REAL ESTATE BROKER, HARBYBLGCOURTSQ K. O. DCL5CK, PHONE NO. 309. DALZELL MERCANTILE CO., Dalzell, S. C. Come to Dalzell and call on us for your Fancy Groceries, Dry Goods and Notions. Just recived full line of Windsor and other fancy candies, put up in i and 1=2 lb. boxes. Prices 75c. per lb. SPECIALTIES : Fresh Cream Cheese, fresh Butter, Macaroni, Evaporated Apples, best Columbia River Salmon, Can Peaches and Oysters, and, also, Evaporated Cream,