GRAHAM SAVED PRISONER. Gallast Conduct of Williamsburg's 5 Sheriff. Kingstree, October 16.-As the re? sult of the investigation held Saturday and Saturday night into the circum? stances of the murder of Mr.. Julian' Wilson, Sheriff Graham early Sunday moraine lodged four negroes in jail. ^Arthur Williams is charged with the murder and the other three are held on auspici?la of knowing all about it. seuraa aq? ef the three other negroes are Miller Harrison, Robt. Scott and eakins Burgess. As foreshadowed in my message of last night, a lynching was averted by the breadrh of a hair. Mr. Wilson was a man not only > greatly respected, but mach beloved. The sews of bis death in all its gr ce? s?me details spread like wild-Sre through the county? and all during the day and np to the commencement of the inquest groups of men were constantly arriving, silent, stern, and armed. There was plenty of whiskey in the crowd, which by the time dakness fell j numbed at least a hundred, and the j restlessness whirh was in evidence ail ! - day became move and more pononncsd as the investigation.proceeded. This resteissness of the crowd tork \ definite shape when Arthur Williaams*j the accused man, gave his evidence, it was testified by witnesses that? Mr. Wilsr.n had, some time previous. '! ordered Williams out of his office, and j 1 that. Williams had made threats against bim. On searching his house a new pair vpf trousers was found and identified' as .coming from Cooper's store. On this coming to the knowl? edge of the crowd they seized the negro and attempted to take him by force from, the sheriff. A score or more of cool headed men, -including some cf the coroner's jury,, j promptly came tc th? aid of the sheriff and a'struggle ensued for the posses? sion of the negro. Pistols were drawn and had it not been that the. would-be iynchers feared to shoot some of their own friends, of those who were aiding the sheriff, and who were pack That you want LION < being a square man, will thing else. You may no What About fte Unite of housekeepers "who ha for over a quarter < Is there any stronger $ Lion-head on Save these Lion-heads SOLO BY GROCE1 FARMS F . List 149. Tract 73 ?cres 1 mile N. E. of Ci ruder cultivation. Drainage fat List 148. Tract 577 acres; 300 cleared. Bu ro&i 7 miles from Sumter and 3 List 147. Tract 17 . acres, 60 cleared, 4 oii ton read's. Frico $ 0 per acre. List 145. Tract 265 acres on Moses ioa; 3 mg*. Price $30? j? List 164. Tract 256 acres within half mil*? vation. Buildings insured for Sf Xist 112. 105 acres 4 miles from city, re ir acres cleared, new 3 room dwellii SEE CITY LOTS IN DAILY I R. B. B Attorney at Law Harby Bldg. Court Pqr. New Store! DALZELL MER Dalzell Full line Staple and Goods, Notior 0 SPECIALTIES Fresh Cream Cheese lumbia River Salm< Ammunition. Soda Water and Coca-C PRICES A] ed closely arouud the negro, tbns shielding, him with their own person?, it is certain that he won Li have beer, riddled tnere and then. Finally he was torn away by the sheriff and those who stood by him, and, still sorronnded by the sheriff's guard, taken into a room above the store. At the door Sheriff Graham took his stand with a drawn pistol in his hand and annonnced to the crowd tbat tne would kill the nrst man who crossed the threshold. Every one in Williamsburg county knows the kind of man Mr. Graham is and thev knew that they would have to kill him be? fore they could reach the prisoner. Meanwhile Solicitor Wilson, who was present all the time, had mounted the counter and was pleading with the en? raged men to allow the law to take its course. He made several appeals to the crowd to CQntrol themselves and not to bring discredit again on the county by taking the law into their own hands In this he was ably seconded by the three sons of the dead mau, and in fact by all his kindred, who in the face of circum? stances calculated to stir up the worst passions of anea, stood boldly for the1 law and order. Finally* as the night wore on and the sheriff silent and watchful, stood at the door, the crowd became more amenable tb reason and finally, on the solicitor's assurance that he would ask the Governor to order a special term to try the accused, they started for home. As soon as toe coast was clear the sheriff started for Kingsree with his prisoners, looking every moment foi an attack on his charges. He reached the jail sa?ely between 5 aud 6 o?clock. Comptroller General Jones as had printed an abstract of the tax laws of the State and will in a few days send them out to all assessing boards and county auditors. The abstract calls attention to the-fact that the enforce? ment of the tax Jaws is in the hands of the comptroller general and that he must enforce .them. The comp? troller general wil! send out a cir? cular letter with the abstract and in this make a number of important rulings and suggestions. rYour Grocer COFFEE always, and he, not try to seU you any t care for our opinion, but id judgment of Millions ve used LION COFFEE cf a century ? v roof of merit, than the Confidence of fte People 1 ever increasing popularity? >N COFFEE is carefully se* ted at tne plantation, sMpped ect to our various factories? ere lt is skillfully roasted and .efully packed in sealed pack BS-unlike loose coffee, which exposed to germs? dust? in? ris, etc. LION COFFEE reaches i as pure and clean as when left the factory. Sold only in ?. packages. every package. \ for valuable premiums. RS EVERYWHERE WOOLSOK SPICE CO., Toledo, Ohio. blood maker and nerve tonic. It cre w blood and new nerve force, supply khe poor bloo& and the tissues of man man the veiy vital elements upon their existence and life depend. Get a 1 bottle-today, or write for free sample. OR SALE. ty. 2 -%o acse? denr?e*. All family bought ilitifp trood. For a qi?.-K .*ai* $2 00. ilding* worth $3000. P -c cn Macville from M?yesville. Pr ce $30 per acre.$i7310. le* from city OD t?ishopvills acd Biewmg ?3400. mile* ii o n city, 100 cleared, good bn?ld $7950. of pity. 160 acre*s in high *t?ie of c?.lti i 00 $12500. B>hopvilIe and Brewin^ton road?, 50 ig. S2Cr0 TEM AND EVENING NEWS. ELSER, Heal Estate Broker Phone 309. New Goods! CANTILE CO., Fancy Groceries, Dry LS and Shoes. r > : U fresh Butter, best Co? on, Jell-0 for Desserts, tola always on ice. rt E RIGHT. Insurance Insolence. Mr. McCall's arragancc and in? ability to meet the- present situation ? may cust tbe New York Life Insurance Company dear. Indeed, it is not ! easy to see bow he can remain of use j after bis offienisve defiance of aroused j opinion. His very presence* would j compel suspicion, so flawless is his misunderstanding of the ethical prin? ciples involved, and so complete his confidence in his superiority to law or morals. The tactfulness of Mr. Paul Morton takes time by the forelock, himself exposes the methods inaugurat? ed by Henry B. Hyde, and himself proposes refoms, while Mr. McCall, insetad of bending to the gale, vaunts the wisdom of giving away the policy-holders' money to influe nee elec? tions. This money can probably be secured at law from Mr. McCall's own pocket, and such restitution would be a pleasant thing to see. lt might teach the obstinate victim nothing, but it would carry a warning to more docile intellects, and thus serve to discourage bandit methods in finance. Any policyholder with sufficient mears could thus do a pub? lic service by starting * snit to com? pel President McCall to return to the "treasury that which he has, with flagrant impropriety devot?? A to for-, bidden ends. Mr. Morton's statement that the insurance business should be separated "so far as possible" from politics ought to carry a sound as amusing as Mr. Bat Masterson's. de? claration that the murders in New York recently have been "too many for the good of the city." Who would say that leprosy was rather more common than might be wished? A bill intended to keep insurance com? panies and other corporations out of politics was unuimoasly reported by Senate Committee not many years ago. but of course the august body let it die.-Collier's Weekly. *Sick headache is caused by a dis? ordered condition of the stomach and is quickly cured by Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. For sale by all druggists. It Made No Difference. A nervous, fussy woman, evidently a stranger in the city, got into an Amsterdam avenne car. She wanted to make everything very clear to the conductor, so that she could reach the proper street. She told him the street number, also the name of th? person she was going to visit, and he promis? ed not to forget her when they reached the right corner. It was quite plain to the other passengers that she had little faith in his promise, as at every block she gave an apprehensive start, and every few minutes wonid ask if that was the place to alight. Reassured, she would resume her seat and her nervous tremors. At length the conductor told her rather sharply to sit still and he would call tbe street when they reach? ed it. When they got there he shout-, ed so loud that the woman leaped in the air and then stood still in the middle of the car, uncertain which way to go. "Which end shall I get out?" she asked in a trembling voice "No difference, ma'am, both ends stop. Step lively." GONZALES AND DIXON. A Continuation of the Spicy Cor? respondence. Col-mbia, October 20.-Thomas Dixon, Jr., The Players' Glob, New York: I have no wish to handy words with an unscrupulous derxagcizue and inherent bJackguard. if your opinion were of consequence the fact that since assuming the duties of editor, nearly three years ago, I have person? ally sent nothing to the Morning News (another performing that work under the old signature, "Gon? zales,") could be readily established -could doubtless have been establish? ed in the office of that naper. oan's Kidney Pills very highly rec ommended by. well known citizens I went to Dr. A. J. China's drugstore and obtained a box. ThereSUltOf their usc as directer! was very gratifying indeed. The aching tn my back ceased. 1 d<> not have the shooting painsin my linibs and for the past two or three months I have bern free from tin- trou? ble. 1 must say Doan's Kidney Pills brought about these results." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo. X. v.. ??ole agents for the United States. Remember the' nairn-Doan's-ann take no ot her. 34 fi GABO FROM HB. BRONSON. Laments the Fact That "The Bap? tist Press" Counsels Com? promise. Tc the Editor of the State. I have been "hands off" so far as the press is concerned, in our pohibi tion work for several weeks, bat that editorial copied from The Baptist Pre?s in your issue of 12th instant, calls for a fair discussion of the mat? ter therein presented and yon will kindly sive me space in your paper for the following article: The chief reason fortaking up the matter is because of the wide influ? ence of The Press; it is one of the leading religious papers of the Bap? tists of the State; is editors arejnen of ability and stand ?ell with the de? nomination. For all that, is the editorial in question consistent, is it ethically sound, is it in harmony with the teaching of the Baptists of the State, and does it make for the betterment of our people? The editorial is inconsistent when it says, "he who fears aud honors God should see to it that just and right? eous laws are enacted and enforced." * * * "as regarded whiskey sell? ing, a Cbrisian should stand only on a prohibici?n platform." * * * "He should be a prohibitonist." Now up? en the other hand : "Prohibition is impossible nowwhere; it seems im? practical in some localities. Recog? nizing this fact, we must take it into consideration. In a community where public sentiment is not sufficiently strong to elect prohibition officers'wno will enforce prohibitory law, such law would be flagrantly violated an? would b? practically inoperative. The fact must not be ignored. Therfore, we say, let us advocate a prohibition law which shall cover the entire State, but with a provision that the county which is willing to assume the moral responsibility and the odium of selling whiskey and the legal respon? sibility of enforcing the law -t?at such county my vote upon the ques? tion and show where it stands. If such.county should decide to sell whiskey, then let the legislture pre? scribe the manner in which it may be done and throw aronnd its sale all the safeguards and restrictions possible." I say inconsistent because a man can? not be a "prohibitionist and sta 3d only on prohibition platform" and advocate .the granting of a permit by the legislature to any and every county that votes to sell liquor. The editorial is ethically unsound. Inasmuch as it admits that the sale of liquors ina community isa'tempta? tion to the weak' and, of^ conrse, destructive of their happiness, it is cowardly to offer to grant a county, because majority ?sk it, a license to destroy the best intertsts of the weker members of society. To say the least co evil t' .* d m.onie"- 5 ??ac der according tc. Paul: ; It is not in harmony with the Bap- j ! tisfs of rbis Stfite. At the lasr ; ssion : j of the Baptist State Convention heidi : in Chester, tbo foi iodine, after dis-j cussion, was unanimously accDtea: "Nothing less than prohibition of liquor traffic, whether conducted by individuals or by the State, will satisfy the rising Christian sentiment of our people. " I do not believe that the plan offer? ed would better the condition of our people: quite tte reverse. Should it be consummated, we would have prohibition for awhile in some coun? ties, in some counties iiceuse, and in others the dispensary ; the vigorous efforts of the liquor Fellers would push their whiskies upon the probi tion counties cntil thc whole thing would become the "taree" the editor so mncb dreads lu tbe dispensary law the State bas thrown around tbe sale of liquor all tbe "safeguards" and "restrictions' that the inventive mind of Mr. Tillman could devise, and our present condition is worse than it has ever been. What wctild it be with tbe mixture proposed by the Pres.? We must not lose sight of the fact that the voting out of a dispensary is but a partial victory and that the real struggle ginnst come in the next primary where the vote will Le twice I as large as that cast in the dispensary election. Persoial influence and effort will enter the individual can? didates. Should be the probitionists fail with clean hands they will be ready for the next conflict: should tbey make the proposed compromise they would ultimately lose even though they elected thc compromise ticket. It pains me exceedigly to know that we have losS the help of The Baptist Press as an advocate of prohi? bition in the coming stuggle : and itt does you great credit. Mr Editor, I to point to tbe probability that your j able pap'T has won its eoitors to our j side of tbe question. The State, The i Baptist Press and Mr. Ansel stand j upon the same platform. Can tbey j carry South Carolina for local option? j Jcel E. Brunson. Sumter, S. C , Oct. 16, 1905. A Card. *This is to certify that all druggists are authorized to refund your your money if Foley's Honey and Tar fails to cure your cough or cold. It stops ; the cough, heals the: lungs and pre? vents serious results from a cola. Cures la grippe cough and prevents j pneumonia and consumption. Con? tains no opiates. The genuine is in a yellow package. Refuse substi? tutes. Durant's Pharmacy. Cotton receipts continue light and the public cotton wiegbers are not i overworked. I Doctors Said Ile Would Not Live. ?Peter Fry, Woodruff, Pa., writes: I "After doctoring for two years with j the best physicians in Waynesburg, and still getting worse, the doctors advised me if I had any business to attend to I had better attend to it at once, as I could not possibly live an? other month, as there was no cure for ni?-. Foley's Kidney Cure was recommended to me by a friend, and I immediately sent my son to the 1 store for it. and after taking three ' bottles I began to grt better and COM tinned to improve until I was en- ! tirely well." Durant's Pharmacy. j ; SOUTH CAROLINA NEWS. Items of Interest Condensed and Par agraphed for Quick Reading. The dispensary at St. Stephens has been closed by Inspector Floyd, Dis? penser H. A. Lorenz having been found $496.69 short in his accounts. The North Carolina Pine Associa? tion and the South Carolina Pine Lumber Association will be consoli? dated at a meeting to be held in Co? lumbia Nov. 15. Raymond Berry, the defaulting su? perintendent of education of Marion county, has been arrested in Tampa, Fla. E. L. Evans, a mining expert from California, who has been prospecting in Cherokee county, reports that he has discovered platinum in paying quantities on the plantation of Capt. W. P. Love. Dr. A. S. Todd, who has been in charge of the Manning Farmer for the past year, has severed his con? nection. Daniel Zimmerman, the former bond clerk in the State treasurer's of? fice, who is charged with stealing $12,500 in bonds, surrendered Wed? nesday afternoon and was released on bond in the sum of $17,000. Dan Slocum, a white man about 40 years old, who has been working with a feather renovating concern in Co? lumbia for several weeks, was ar rested Wednesday for attempt to com? mit a criminal assault on a y /jug lady . in Richland county. - -tr. iiii m * - Makes Homely Women Pretty. ? *No woman no matter how regular ; her features may be can be called i pretty if her complexion is bad. Orino> I Laxative Fruit Syrup aids digestion i and clears sallow, blotched complex ! ions by stimulating the liver anc? I bowels. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup j does not nauseate or gripe and is milcfc and pleasant to take. Remember the name Orino and refuse to accept any substitute. Durant's Pharmacy. The Anderson Banking and Trust Company has been chartered with a capital of $200,000. How to Cure Corns and. Bunions. *First, soak the corn or bunion tia warm water to soften it; then pare it down as closely as possible without, drawing blood and apply Chamber? lain's Pain Balm twice daily, rubbing; vigorously for five minutes' at each? application. A corn plaster should ber worn a few' days to protect it front the shoe. As a general liniment for sprains, bruises, lameness and rheu? matism. Pain Balm is unequaled. For? sake by all druggists. The grand jury found a true bil2. against Wade Hampton Berry yester? day for forgery. The Kind Yon Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per &]tyit~^?\/ sonai supervision since its infancy? ? ?iari-???5a as? Wind Colic, lt relieves Teething T n ables, cures Constipation and flatulency. Li assimilates the Food, regulates th? Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep* The Children's Panacea-The Mother's Friend* CASTOR SA ALWAYS in Use For Over SO Years. THE CENTAUR COMPANY, 7T MU3PAY GT RC ET, f! EW YO fi lt CITY. W. A. BOWMAN, Prest. C. W. BOSKAMER. Sec. I Treas The Sumter Banking & Mercantile Company; Sumtex*, s. C. s^s^H^Capital Stock $50,000^^?*^ Wholesale Grocers, Fertilize ers and Farmers' Supplies. Sole agents for the celebrated brand of Wil? cox & Gibbs Fertilizers. We are prepared to quote the very closest cash or time prices on all lines of Groceries, Fertilizers and Farmers5 Supplies, And invite your investigation before making your arrangements for another year. Come to see us. We will save you money* and give you a hearty, courteous welcome. Sumter Banking 4 Mercantile Company, Masonic Building, 2d door from the Postoffice. Sumter, S. C. WHISKEY I MORPH 1 > ll | CIGARETTE i ALL DRI C A>D TOBACCO HABIT. I HABIT. j HABIT. HABITS. Curd by Keeley Institute of S. C. 1 ;'.._>!) Lady St., (or P.O. Box 75) Columbia, S. C. Confidential correspondence solicited