m mm SAVINGS BANK. HORACE KARBY, President. L C. STRAUSS, vice-President. GEO. L. RICEER, Cashier. ^Capital Stock, $25,000 Xiabilitv of Stockholders, 2^,000 mm 811 Every Facility Jfot the transaction of business is afford - ed those who deposit their money with The Sumter Savings Bank. Important papers can be drawn up and signed in a private room set aside for use of our clients and any information de ?ired will be cheerfully furnished by the Savings deposited here draw interest at the rate of 4 per cent per annum. $1.00 w?? open an account and secure a bank ?cok. $100,000.00 Capital. IE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Sumter, 3. 0. THE Comptroller of the Currency hav? ing approved the increase of the Capital .of this Bank to $100,000.00, depositors now have as security for their deposits : Capital, - - $100,000 00 Stockholders' Individual Lia? bility, - - - ".OCOOO 00 Surplus and Undivided Prof? ita, ... 25,000 00 Total Security for Depositors, $225,000 00 ?LY NATION LA BANK !h CITY OF SUMTER, Largest Capital of any Bank in this section of South Carolina. Strongest Bank in Eastern part of this Interest allowed on deposits to a limited BOARD OF DIRECTORS. A. J. CHINA, President. NEILL O'DONNELL/Viese President. IL D. BARNETT, R. D. LEE, a A. LEMMON, JOHN REID, E. P. KICKER. R, L. ETMUNDS, Cashier. R. D. LEE, Solicitor. BOOKKEEPERS. J. Ii. McCaiium. D. J. Winn, Jr. Oliver L. Yates. DeLORnE'S PHARMACY, 23 South Main St. Open from 7 a. m. to 10 p. m ; Sunday, 9 a. m. to 1 p. m, Having consolidated my two stores, I will be pleased to see ail my customers at the above stand, where I am better pre? pared than ever to serve them Your prescriptions will be sailed for and delivered. PhoDe 45. Full line of Drugs, Garden Seed and Cigars. Tour patronage solicited. Call bell for night work. Land Surveying I -will give prompt attention to all calls tor surveying, platting, terracing hill sides Ma?amg bottoms, drawing Mortgages Tittea, Probating, ?c. BANKS H. BOYKIN, D. S., Oat IS-o Catchall, S. C. fteafr model, sketch br photo of invention foi free report on patentability, ior free booh, S^TRADE-MARKS ?posite U. S. Patent Office WASHINGTON D.C. ^ ffcAfiS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending a sketch and description may ?nlekly ascertain onr opinion free whether au invition is probably patentable, Comram?ca ttoas strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents Mot free. Oldest atrency for securing patents. Patenta taken through ilona & Co. receive jpeckd notice, without cbaree, is the Scientific ?rican. A. handsomely illustrated week?y. Lareest?ir . ?elation of any scientific Journal. Terms, f3 a year ; four months, $L S?id by aU newsdealers. " ? Go.3618^-^- New York PATENTS H Promptly obtained or no fee. Write for oar ? CONFIDENTSAL LETTER before ?applying for patent; it is worth money. We ?oEgn 'PATENTS THAT PAY. mazid help inventors to success. Send model, photo or sketch, and we send 9lSSHED!ATE FREE REPORT ON PAT SXMTABILITY. 20yeaxs'practice. Regis . B?ere? Patent Lawyers. Write or come to j Sss at 505-507, 7th. St. WASHINGTON, 0. C. Ililli m mm SAVINGS BANK. HORACE KARBY, President. L C. STRAUSS, vice-President. GEO. L. RICEER, Cashier. ^Capital Stock, $25,000 Xiabilitv of Stockholders, 2^,000 mm 811 Every Facility Jfot the transaction of business is afford - ed those who deposit their money with The Sumter Savings Bank. Important papers can be drawn up and signed in a private room set aside for use of our clients and any information de ?ired will be cheerfully furnished by the Savings deposited here draw interest at the rate of 4 per cent per annum. $1.00 w?? open an account and secure a bank ?cok. $100,000.00 Capital. IE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Sumter, 3. 0. THE Comptroller of the Currency hav? ing approved the increase of the Capital .of this Bank to $100,000.00, depositors now have as security for their deposits : Capital, - - $100,000 00 Stockholders' Individual Lia? bility, - - - ".OCOOO 00 Surplus and Undivided Prof? ita, ... 25,000 00 Total Security for Depositors, $225,000 00 ?LY NATION LA BANK !h CITY OF SUMTER, Largest Capital of any Bank in this section of South Carolina. Strongest Bank in Eastern part of this Interest allowed on deposits to a limited BOARD OF DIRECTORS. A. J. CHINA, President. NEILL O'DONNELL/Viese President. IL D. BARNETT, R. D. LEE, a A. LEMMON, JOHN REID, E. P. KICKER. R, L. ETMUNDS, Cashier. R. D. LEE, Solicitor. BOOKKEEPERS. J. Ii. McCaiium. D. J. Winn, Jr. Oliver L. Yates. DeLORnE'S PHARMACY, 23 South Main St. Open from 7 a. m. to 10 p. m ; Sunday, 9 a. m. to 1 p. m, Having consolidated my two stores, I will be pleased to see ail my customers at the above stand, where I am better pre? pared than ever to serve them Your prescriptions will be sailed for and delivered. PhoDe 45. Full line of Drugs, Garden Seed and Cigars. Tour patronage solicited. Call bell for night work. Land Surveying I -will give prompt attention to all calls tor surveying, platting, terracing hill sides Ma?amg bottoms, drawing Mortgages Tittea, Probating, ?c. BANKS H. BOYKIN, D. S., Oat IS-o Catchall, S. C. fteafr model, sketch br photo of invention foi free report on patentability, ior free booh, S^TRADE-MARKS ?posite U. S. Patent Office WASHINGTON D.C. ^ ffcAfiS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending a sketch and description may ?nlekly ascertain onr opinion free whether au invition is probably patentable, Comram?ca ttoas strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents Mot free. Oldest atrency for securing patents. Patenta taken through ilona & Co. receive jpeckd notice, without cbaree, is the Scientific ?rican. A. handsomely illustrated week?y. Lareest?ir . ?elation of any scientific Journal. Terms, f3 a year ; four months, $L S?id by aU newsdealers. " ? Go.3618^-^- New York PATENTS H Promptly obtained or no fee. Write for oar ? CONFIDENTSAL LETTER before ?applying for patent; it is worth money. We ?oEgn 'PATENTS THAT PAY. mazid help inventors to success. Send model, photo or sketch, and we send 9lSSHED!ATE FREE REPORT ON PAT SXMTABILITY. 20yeaxs'practice. Regis . B?ere? Patent Lawyers. Write or come to j Sss at 505-507, 7th. St. WASHINGTON, 0. C. Ililli m mm SAVINGS BANK. HORACE KARBY, President. L C. STRAUSS, vice-President. GEO. L. RICEER, Cashier. ^Capital Stock, $25,000 Xiabilitv of Stockholders, 2^,000 mm 811 Every Facility Jfot the transaction of business is afford - ed those who deposit their money with The Sumter Savings Bank. Important papers can be drawn up and signed in a private room set aside for use of our clients and any information de ?ired will be cheerfully furnished by the Savings deposited here draw interest at the rate of 4 per cent per annum. $1.00 w?? open an account and secure a bank ?cok. $100,000.00 Capital. IE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Sumter, 3. 0. THE Comptroller of the Currency hav? ing approved the increase of the Capital .of this Bank to $100,000.00, depositors now have as security for their deposits : Capital, - - $100,000 00 Stockholders' Individual Lia? bility, - - - ".OCOOO 00 Surplus and Undivided Prof? ita, ... 25,000 00 Total Security for Depositors, $225,000 00 ?LY NATION LA BANK !h CITY OF SUMTER, Largest Capital of any Bank in this section of South Carolina. Strongest Bank in Eastern part of this Interest allowed on deposits to a limited BOARD OF DIRECTORS. A. J. CHINA, President. NEILL O'DONNELL/Viese President. IL D. BARNETT, R. D. LEE, a A. LEMMON, JOHN REID, E. P. KICKER. R, L. ETMUNDS, Cashier. R. D. LEE, Solicitor. BOOKKEEPERS. J. Ii. McCaiium. D. J. Winn, Jr. Oliver L. Yates. DeLORnE'S PHARMACY, 23 South Main St. Open from 7 a. m. to 10 p. m ; Sunday, 9 a. m. to 1 p. m, Having consolidated my two stores, I will be pleased to see ail my customers at the above stand, where I am better pre? pared than ever to serve them Your prescriptions will be sailed for and delivered. PhoDe 45. Full line of Drugs, Garden Seed and Cigars. Tour patronage solicited. Call bell for night work. Land Surveying I -will give prompt attention to all calls tor surveying, platting, terracing hill sides Ma?amg bottoms, drawing Mortgages Tittea, Probating, ?c. BANKS H. BOYKIN, D. S., Oat IS-o Catchall, S. C. fteafr model, sketch br photo of invention foi free report on patentability, ior free booh, S^TRADE-MARKS ?posite U. S. Patent Office WASHINGTON D.C. ^ ffcAfiS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending a sketch and description may ?nlekly ascertain onr opinion free whether au invition is probably patentable, Comram?ca ttoas strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents Mot free. Oldest atrency for securing patents. Patenta taken through ilona & Co. receive jpeckd notice, without cbaree, is the Scientific ?rican. A. handsomely illustrated week?y. Lareest?ir . ?elation of any scientific Journal. Terms, f3 a year ; four months, $L S?id by aU newsdealers. " ? Go.3618^-^- New York PATENTS H Promptly obtained or no fee. Write for oar ? CONFIDENTSAL LETTER before ?applying for patent; it is worth money. We ?oEgn 'PATENTS THAT PAY. mazid help inventors to success. Send model, photo or sketch, and we send 9lSSHED!ATE FREE REPORT ON PAT SXMTABILITY. 20yeaxs'practice. Regis . B?ere? Patent Lawyers. Write or come to j Sss at 505-507, 7th. St. WASHINGTON, 0. C. Ililli m mm SAVINGS BANK. HORACE KARBY, President. L C. STRAUSS, vice-President. GEO. L. RICEER, Cashier. ^Capital Stock, $25,000 Xiabilitv of Stockholders, 2^,000 mm 811 Every Facility Jfot the transaction of business is afford - ed those who deposit their money with The Sumter Savings Bank. Important papers can be drawn up and signed in a private room set aside for use of our clients and any information de ?ired will be cheerfully furnished by the Savings deposited here draw interest at the rate of 4 per cent per annum. $1.00 w?? open an account and secure a bank ?cok. $100,000.00 Capital. IE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Sumter, 3. 0. THE Comptroller of the Currency hav? ing approved the increase of the Capital .of this Bank to $100,000.00, depositors now have as security for their deposits : Capital, - - $100,000 00 Stockholders' Individual Lia? bility, - - - ".OCOOO 00 Surplus and Undivided Prof? ita, ... 25,000 00 Total Security for Depositors, $225,000 00 ?LY NATION LA BANK !h CITY OF SUMTER, Largest Capital of any Bank in this section of South Carolina. Strongest Bank in Eastern part of this Interest allowed on deposits to a limited BOARD OF DIRECTORS. A. J. CHINA, President. NEILL O'DONNELL/Viese President. IL D. BARNETT, R. D. LEE, a A. LEMMON, JOHN REID, E. P. KICKER. R, L. ETMUNDS, Cashier. R. D. LEE, Solicitor. BOOKKEEPERS. J. Ii. McCaiium. D. J. Winn, Jr. Oliver L. Yates. DeLORnE'S PHARMACY, 23 South Main St. Open from 7 a. m. to 10 p. m ; Sunday, 9 a. m. to 1 p. m, Having consolidated my two stores, I will be pleased to see ail my customers at the above stand, where I am better pre? pared than ever to serve them Your prescriptions will be sailed for and delivered. PhoDe 45. Full line of Drugs, Garden Seed and Cigars. Tour patronage solicited. Call bell for night work. Land Surveying I -will give prompt attention to all calls tor surveying, platting, terracing hill sides Ma?amg bottoms, drawing Mortgages Tittea, Probating, ?c. BANKS H. BOYKIN, D. S., Oat IS-o Catchall, S. C. fteafr model, sketch br photo of invention foi free report on patentability, ior free booh, S^TRADE-MARKS ?posite U. S. Patent Office WASHINGTON D.C. ^ ffcAfiS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending a sketch and description may ?nlekly ascertain onr opinion free whether au invition is probably patentable, Comram?ca ttoas strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents Mot free. Oldest atrency for securing patents. Patenta taken through ilona & Co. receive jpeckd notice, without cbaree, is the Scientific ?rican. A. handsomely illustrated week?y. Lareest?ir . ?elation of any scientific Journal. Terms, f3 a year ; four months, $L S?id by aU newsdealers. " ? Go.3618^-^- New York PATENTS H Promptly obtained or no fee. Write for oar ? CONFIDENTSAL LETTER before ?applying for patent; it is worth money. We ?oEgn 'PATENTS THAT PAY. mazid help inventors to success. Send model, photo or sketch, and we send 9lSSHED!ATE FREE REPORT ON PAT SXMTABILITY. 20yeaxs'practice. Regis . B?ere? Patent Lawyers. Write or come to j Sss at 505-507, 7th. St. WASHINGTON, 0. C. Ililli m mm SAVINGS BANK. HORACE KARBY, President. L C. STRAUSS, vice-President. GEO. L. RICEER, Cashier. ^Capital Stock, $25,000 Xiabilitv of Stockholders, 2^,000 mm 811 Every Facility Jfot the transaction of business is afford - ed those who deposit their money with The Sumter Savings Bank. Important papers can be drawn up and signed in a private room set aside for use of our clients and any information de ?ired will be cheerfully furnished by the Savings deposited here draw interest at the rate of 4 per cent per annum. $1.00 w?? open an account and secure a bank ?cok. $100,000.00 Capital. IE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Sumter, 3. 0. THE Comptroller of the Currency hav? ing approved the increase of the Capital .of this Bank to $100,000.00, depositors now have as security for their deposits : Capital, - - $100,000 00 Stockholders' Individual Lia? bility, - - - ".OCOOO 00 Surplus and Undivided Prof? ita, ... 25,000 00 Total Security for Depositors, $225,000 00 ?LY NATION LA BANK !h CITY OF SUMTER, Largest Capital of any Bank in this section of South Carolina. Strongest Bank in Eastern part of this Interest allowed on deposits to a limited BOARD OF DIRECTORS. A. J. CHINA, President. NEILL O'DONNELL/Viese President. IL D. BARNETT, R. D. LEE, a A. LEMMON, JOHN REID, E. P. KICKER. R, L. ETMUNDS, Cashier. R. D. LEE, Solicitor. BOOKKEEPERS. J. Ii. McCaiium. D. J. Winn, Jr. Oliver L. Yates. DeLORnE'S PHARMACY, 23 South Main St. Open from 7 a. m. to 10 p. m ; Sunday, 9 a. m. to 1 p. m, Having consolidated my two stores, I will be pleased to see ail my customers at the above stand, where I am better pre? pared than ever to serve them Your prescriptions will be sailed for and delivered. PhoDe 45. Full line of Drugs, Garden Seed and Cigars. Tour patronage solicited. Call bell for night work. Land Surveying I -will give prompt attention to all calls tor surveying, platting, terracing hill sides Ma?amg bottoms, drawing Mortgages Tittea, Probating, ?c. BANKS H. BOYKIN, D. S., Oat IS-o Catchall, S. C. fteafr model, sketch br photo of invention foi free report on patentability, ior free booh, S^TRADE-MARKS ?posite U. S. Patent Office WASHINGTON D.C. ^ ffcAfiS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending a sketch and description may ?nlekly ascertain onr opinion free whether au invition is probably patentable, Comram?ca ttoas strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents Mot free. Oldest atrency for securing patents. Patenta taken through ilona & Co. receive jpeckd notice, without cbaree, is the Scientific ?rican. A. handsomely illustrated week?y. Lareest?ir . ?elation of any scientific Journal. Terms, f3 a year ; four months, $L S?id by aU newsdealers. " ? Go.3618^-^- New York PATENTS H Promptly obtained or no fee. Write for oar ? CONFIDENTSAL LETTER before ?applying for patent; it is worth money. We ?oEgn 'PATENTS THAT PAY. mazid help inventors to success. Send model, photo or sketch, and we send 9lSSHED!ATE FREE REPORT ON PAT SXMTABILITY. 20yeaxs'practice. Regis . B?ere? Patent Lawyers. Write or come to j Sss at 505-507, 7th. St. WASHINGTON, 0. C. Ililli m mm SAVINGS BANK. HORACE KARBY, President. L C. STRAUSS, vice-President. GEO. L. RICEER, Cashier. ^Capital Stock, $25,000 Xiabilitv of Stockholders, 2^,000 mm 811 Every Facility Jfot the transaction of business is afford - ed those who deposit their money with The Sumter Savings Bank. Important papers can be drawn up and signed in a private room set aside for use of our clients and any information de ?ired will be cheerfully furnished by the Savings deposited here draw interest at the rate of 4 per cent per annum. $1.00 w?? open an account and secure a bank ?cok. $100,000.00 Capital. IE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Sumter, 3. 0. THE Comptroller of the Currency hav? ing approved the increase of the Capital .of this Bank to $100,000.00, depositors now have as security for their deposits : Capital, - - $100,000 00 Stockholders' Individual Lia? bility, - - - ".OCOOO 00 Surplus and Undivided Prof? ita, ... 25,000 00 Total Security for Depositors, $225,000 00 ?LY NATION LA BANK !h CITY OF SUMTER, Largest Capital of any Bank in this section of South Carolina. Strongest Bank in Eastern part of this Interest allowed on deposits to a limited BOARD OF DIRECTORS. A. J. CHINA, President. NEILL O'DONNELL/Viese President. IL D. BARNETT, R. D. LEE, a A. LEMMON, JOHN REID, E. P. KICKER. R, L. ETMUNDS, Cashier. R. D. LEE, Solicitor. BOOKKEEPERS. J. Ii. McCaiium. D. J. Winn, Jr. Oliver L. Yates. DeLORnE'S PHARMACY, 23 South Main St. Open from 7 a. m. to 10 p. m ; Sunday, 9 a. m. to 1 p. m, Having consolidated my two stores, I will be pleased to see ail my customers at the above stand, where I am better pre? pared than ever to serve them Your prescriptions will be sailed for and delivered. PhoDe 45. Full line of Drugs, Garden Seed and Cigars. Tour patronage solicited. Call bell for night work. Land Surveying I -will give prompt attention to all calls tor surveying, platting, terracing hill sides Ma?amg bottoms, drawing Mortgages Tittea, Probating, ?c. BANKS H. BOYKIN, D. S., Oat IS-o Catchall, S. C. fteafr model, sketch br photo of invention foi free report on patentability, ior free booh, S^TRADE-MARKS ?posite U. S. Patent Office WASHINGTON D.C. ^ ffcAfiS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending a sketch and description may ?nlekly ascertain onr opinion free whether au invition is probably patentable, Comram?ca ttoas strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents Mot free. Oldest atrency for securing patents. Patenta taken through ilona & Co. receive jpeckd notice, without cbaree, is the Scientific ?rican. A. handsomely illustrated week?y. Lareest?ir . ?elation of any scientific Journal. Terms, f3 a year ; four months, $L S?id by aU newsdealers. " ? Go.3618^-^- New York PATENTS H Promptly obtained or no fee. Write for oar ? CONFIDENTSAL LETTER before ?applying for patent; it is worth money. We ?oEgn 'PATENTS THAT PAY. mazid help inventors to success. Send model, photo or sketch, and we send 9lSSHED!ATE FREE REPORT ON PAT SXMTABILITY. 20yeaxs'practice. Regis . B?ere? Patent Lawyers. Write or come to j Sss at 505-507, 7th. St. WASHINGTON, 0. C. Ililli