The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, September 13, 1905, Image 3

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THE FAIR ASSOCIATION. gk The idea of an Eastern Carol)ra Fair Assjciation -io consist of the counties of Sumter, Darlington, Flor? ene*, Marion. Marlboro, Orangeburg, Clarendon, Kershaw, Lee and other Hkcounties coutrgucus to Sumter county, bas met ?ith considerable approval from gentlemen representing many of g those coan ties. In fact several of these counties have already shown their ap? proval by citizens taking stock in the Sumter Fair Grounds Association, and offering to do their best to induce others to lake stock from their coun g ties. ' y? During the last Sumter Fall Festival and Live Stock Show there were many entries of very fine stock from nearly if not all of the above counties and each of the owners of .the live stock expressed themselves as being in favor of having an annual live stock show ?t Sumter. Now it is suggested that we go a little farther and offer prizes lix . the best farm,^ truck, hortieultnral, and other exhibits similar to the State Fair at Columbia. Sumter is f jrtunately situated in the center of perhaps the best agricultural section of South Carolina, with many rail? roads reaching out to all points of the compass, with the very best an?S mest convenient morning and afternoon schedules. As the metropolis of east? ern Son tb Carolina, as the distribut? ing point for a large wholesale and re? tail business, drawing trade from seven or eight counties, it behooves the " merchants of Sumter to 2rasp the op? portunity now offered to make Sum? ter the headquarters for an annual ex bi bit i en of the resources of eastern South Carolina. This association is going to be formed, and Sumter should reach out and secure it, before some' other town does so. But to be plair, it ras ts with the business men, the merchants particularly to take the initiative. A mass' meeting should be called by the m?chants, and a com* mittee of merchants should co-operate gu with the Chamber of Commerce and the officers of the Sumter Fair Grounds '{, Association, and invite leading farm? ers and business men ?tom Sumter and the other counties above mentioned to meet at Sumter at an early date to dis? cuss the proposition. But it must be well understood from the first that' the business men of Sc roter should furnish the bulk of the money, as Sum? ter and her business men, her mer c ian ts, bankers, real estate owners, note! and bearding house keepers, will benefit more than any one else by this enterprise. Of course stock will be taken by ail classes of people, farm ers in particular all over Sumter and j other counties, and it is desirable for them to do so if for no other reason than that a man's interest generally lie? where his money is, but Sumter mm t be prepared to do most of, the work and furnish what money 'is lacking :to successfully launch the eastern Car? olina exposition, as we might term it. The great success of our last fall fes? tival and the benefits to Sumter from . the great advertising received thereby only goes to show what a well organ? ized systematic annual live s^ ck *cu agricultural show will "do tor Sumter. The fair association will b* a perma? nent affair, a.*^ ores established with the fair grounds paid for, it will cost verv Titile co have an annual fair that w-11 exuibit the resources of eastern S JU tb Carolina to the world. And it <_will grow' and grow, and th9re is no reason why the stock holders should not realize a profit on their investment. ? -The Chamber of Commerce and the officers of the fair grounds association are willing to do their share of the work, but the merchnts and real estate owners snould come across and show I """.whether Barkis is willin" or not. ?100 Reward, $100. The readers of this paper will be - pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in a? its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter-, nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surface of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by buildng up the constitu? tion and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dol? lars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. Cheney, Toledo, O. Sold by all druggists, 75c Take Hall's Family Pills for con? stipation, aug-17-1 m NATURE TELLS YOU. As Many a Sumter Reader Knows Too Well. When the kidneys are sick. Nature tells you all about it. The urine Is nature's calendar. Infrequent or too frequent action; Any urinary trouble tells of kidney ills. Doan's Kidney Pills cure all kidney ills. J. L. Hollis, residing at 221 Cheeves street. Florence. S. C.. says: "Doan's Kidney Pills which I used for kidney and bladder troubles have greatly benefited me. I was verv bad? ly hurt on the railroad a number of years ago. had my back injured and I think my kidneys we re badly burt at the same time. My back got welt enough for me to get around, but being paralyzed from my hip down I am unable to walk. I have suffered greatly with backache during the past eight or ten years. The secretions from the kid? neys were in a bad condition, very dark col? ored, full of sediment and accompanied with burning pain. I used numberless remedies, but none of them did me any good until I read about Doan's K'dney Pills and sent to a drugstore for them. They gave me relief. The kidney secretions cleared up. the burn? ing sensation left and I do not suffer from the terrible backaches. I attribute these satis? factory results entirely to the use of Doan's Kidney Pills. You are welcome to USP my name as an endorser of the claims made for them." Plenty more proof like this from Sumter people. Call at Dr. A. J. China's drug store and ask what his custtmers report. For sale by all dealers; price 50 cents. Fos ter-Milburn Co.. Buffalo, X Y., sole agents for the United States. Remember the name-Doan's-and take no other 36 WONDERS OF BLOWING ROCK. Blowing Rrck, Sent. 4. Mr. Editor: In my last article from here t heredera a few points which I did not give about this ^onderfol sum? mer resort. In the first place I for? got to-tell your numerous readers how much capital has found its way to this land of the sky. A Mr. Cone of Greensboro bought 4,000 acres of fine laud on the outskirts of Blowing Rock, on a hieb bill having a com? manding view of all the ranges of mountains. He built him a seventy-? five thousand dollar mansion, on a portiou of this land be planted a fruit orchard containing 50,000 trees. He dammed np the mountain streams so as ti make bim two beautifnl lakfs well stocked with mountain trout and other kinds of fish, one of those lakes cost him $14,000, the other 810,000. He also had made 50 miles of excellant roads over bis grounds' which are open to the public. He also bad built a hand? some pleasure beat to be used on his largess lake. Mr. Cron is said to be worth about $2,000,000. He owns large interests in cotton mills and other in? dustries in Virginia as well as in North and South Carolina. He is to Blowing Rock what Vanderbilt is, to Asheville, only on a smaller scale, and by the way, he isa fine looking healthy bachelor and a good catch for some fair lady desiring a beautifnl home. About a bali mile on the East of the village of Blowing Rock, Mr. String? fellow purchased what was known as. the Esther place. There he built him' a $27,0C0 mansion and a fish pond well stocked with fish. Here is where the Rev John Kershaw . bas enjoyed the hospitalities of his good friend String? fellow during his summer vacation in the mountains. Mr. P. M. Browne, of Charlotte, said to be worth $250,000 has a hana some residence in the village of Blow? ing Rock. Mr. Hughes from Charleston also owtiS a very .handsome residence on commanding eminence easily seen from the village. Mrs Percey, of Chester OWLS a very pretty residence there, so, also, the widow of senator Matt Ran>om, owns a handsome cot age here almost opposite the Blowing Rock Hotel. Theie are many ether handsome cottages here, but too nu m?rous to specify, built by well to do people who reside here the entire summer. Mrs. Weden from Chester runs the Grand View House, from the veranda of which one can see all the ranges ?of mountains for a distance of 200 miles in au uubroken view from northeast to northwest, look og southward. Mr. J. A. Edmisten, a most excel? lent gentleman, is the Mayor of Blow? ing Rock. He also entertains many of the best summer visitors at bis large and handsome house well ind conven iently located, not far from tn? pest office, and by the way his brother is the postmaster. It is a well known fact and frequently spoken of among the sornm- r visitors here that Mrs. Edmisten and Mrs. Jngle, who runs t Ingle House, keep the best tables ?iud give the mest for ones money of any of the boarding houses on the " Ridge. ' ? They are first class in every respect, I also think it but simple justice to say that in my opinion as i well as that of many others, that the Blowing Rock Hotel, has a much bet? ter location : than the Green Park. Those are the two largest and leading bot el? here. From the veranda of the former you can see Grandfather, Grand? mother, as well as many others cf the highest mountains on the Blue Ridge. From the Green Park, which is locat? ed in a valley, you can see practically nothing of interest. Perhaps it will not be amiss to state here that your correspondent has been to the source of four rivers since his arrival here, namely the Johns River. New River, Yadkin River and Watao? ga River. Strange to say, but never? theless true, that the 'ridge upon which J. A. Edmister's house stands is the divide of all the rain water that falls thereon, one half flowing to the Atlantic the other half to the Gulf cf Mexico. Within a quarter of a mile the hotels is a most unique cuiosity in the nature of a natural "Rock House." The rock rises up and over for a distance of a hundred yards, and at an angle of about 25 degrees. It would give ample shelter in a rain, storm to five companies of infantry. This is the location of natural won? ders .as well as the grandest scenery in this country with/perhaps the single exception of Yellow Stone Park. It may be well to also state we have heie a free library, one can have all the reading matter they desire free of charge. . The bank here is principally owned by the citizens of Blowing Rock. G. W. R. The Rock Hill Commercial Club has offered a re ward, of $50 for evi? dence to convict any of its members of gambling in the club rooms. Best for Children. ?Mothers, be careful of the health of your children. Look out for coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough. Stop them in time-One Minute Cough Cure is the best rem? edy. Harmless and pleasant. Con? tains no opiates. Sold by all drug? gists. Some newspapers have been showing their ignorance of Senator Manning by saying that he got his dispensary ideas from Senator Tillman. It is no crime, of course, for a man to hold the same views that Senator Tillman holds, but Senator Manning takes bis position on public questions without regard to the views of another man living.-Anderson Mail. --? ?*> - -?iiy? Like Finding Money. .Finding health is like finding money-so think those who are sick. When you have a cough, cold, sore throat or chest irritation, better act promptly like W. C. Barber, of San? dy Level, Va. He says: "I had a terrible chest trouble, caused by smoke and coal dust on my lungs; but, after finding no relief in other remedies, I was cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, coughs and colds." Greatest sale of any cough or lung medicine in the world. At all druggists; 50c. and %1\ guaranteed. Trial bottle free. A WONDERFUL COTTON BOLL. Mr. F. II. Hyatt May Yet Revolution ize Cotton Growing. Mr. F. FL Haytt has sent Tbe Stat ' office a boll of cotton which is conced ed by all who have seeu it to be ! marvelous product of tbe cotton plaut. ' The cotton was grown on "Diversifica rion Farm No. 1," which was estab? lished by the United States* govern? ment last February a year ago. Tbe seed of this cotton was given Mr. Hyatt by Col. C. S. McCall of Ben nett>ville, ^ho stated to Mi. Hyatt in a.letter that these were a few ^eed that he had selected from year to year and that they had produced, some of them, as^high as seven locks to the boll. Last year Mr. Hyatt plauted and raised from those seed some that pro? duced ll locks ti the boll ; now he bas capped the climax by prodncing a boll which consists of 18 locks. The boll was weighed and it was shown that it weighed one-half ounce; so it will be seen that 32 bolls will produce a pound which , is about three times the size of the ordinary cotton boll. It requires from 100 to 110 bolls of common cot to u to produce a pound. This boll of cotton was exhibited to some of the expert cotton men in town and on investigation was found that the cotton was well matured with good staple. Mr. Hyatt states that be has a good deal of cotton from 7 to ll locks to the boll and he has quite a number running as high as 13, and this coming season he proposes to pick the seed from this cotton and put it in a location where it wil> not come in contact with any other grade of cot? ton while growing. And if he should succeed in getting this cottou to re? produce itself it does look as if the cot? ton plant will be almost doubled in value as sc ou as this is ?stablshed and demonstrated as a tact.-The State. ? . i - A Clear Complexion and Bright Eyes. In most cases a sallow, blotched complexion and dull, heavy eyes are due to poor digestion and an inac? tive liver. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup aids digestion and stimulates the liver and bowels and makes the complexion smooth and clear. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup does not nause? ate or gripe and is mild and pleasant ty take. Refuse substitutes. Du? rant's Pharmacy. John G. Anderson and J. M. Cherry will establish a big dairy farm at Rock Hill. Dr. Finn's Testimony Interesting. Dr. Thomas Finn, of; Boonsboro, Mo., who has practiced medicine for 32 years, says he has used every prescription known to the profes? sion for treatment of kidney and bladder diseases, and says he has in both chronic and acute kidney and bladder trouble used Foley's Kid? ney Cure. It stops irregularities and builds up the whole system. Du? rant's Pharmacy. Mr. X. W. Trump, of Columbia, has been elected grand treasurer of the Grand Lodge Knights of Honor. The Original. Foley & Co.,, Chicago, originated Honey and Tar as a throat and lung remedy, and on account of the great merit and popularity of Foley's Honey and Tar many imitations are offered for the genuine. /These worthless imitations have similar sounding names. Beware of them. The genuine Foley's Honey and Tar is in a yeilow package. Ask for it and refuse any substitute. It is thc best remedy for coughs and colds. Du? rant's Pharmacy. Mr. F. H. Hyatt has purchased the old Methodist Female College in Co? lumbia, paying therefor $30,000. The lot contains more than two acres. Men Past Sixty in Danger. More than half of mankind over sixty years of age suffer from kid? ney and bladder disorders, usually enlargement of prostate ; gland. This is both painful and dangerous, and Foley's Kidney Cure should be ta? ken at the first sign of danger, as it corrects irregularities and has cured many old men of this disease. Mr. Rodney Burnett, Rock Port, Mo., writes: "I suffered with enlarged prostate gland and kidney trouble for years and after taking two bot? tles of Foley's Kidney Cure I feel better than I have for 20 years, al? though I am how 91 years old." Du? rant's Pharmacy. Mr. Z. F. Wright has been elected president and treasurer of the Newberry cotton mills to succeed the late Thos. J. McCrary. No Unpleasant Effects. ?If you ever took Dewitt's Little Early Risers for biliousness or consti? pation you know what pill pleasure is. These famous little pills cleanse the liver and rid the system of all bile without producing unpleasant effects. Sold by druggists. The dispensaries in Union county were closed at 4 o'clock Wednesday afternoon as a result of Judge Town? send's decision upholding the legality of the Brice law election. Got Off Cheap. .He may well think he has got off cheap who, after having con? tracted constipation or indigestion, is still able to perfectly restore his health. Nothing win do this but Dr. King's New Life Pills. A quick, pleasant and certain cure for head? ache, constipation, etc. 25c. at all druggists, guaranteed. J Wisdom of George Washingio From the fact thar rbe United St is iree from "entaiigling t"ieign J ancec, " too President of the Un States was enabled to get Russia Japan to come together to treat peace. Wl:en the conference was posed, thern was a casting about fi place to held it, but it turned out i Russia did not want it held in I land or As a and .lapan would hear to its being convened in European city. The logical place the United States, and recent his! records the conclusion of tb? pe treaty at Portsmouth, the result be the termination of tbe world's grea war and renown for an American P; ident. These thoughts were snggee by an editorial in the New York Til from which we get the following: " We may look to see many editoi articles appearing in the journals only of this country but of Eure pointing out how the peacemaking Portsmouth maiks. finally, tbedepi ure of the United States from its 1 ditional policy of isolation, its fori entry upon the field of world politi its rejection ot the counsel of ; 'Farewell Address' against 'entai ling alliances.1 "It is worth pointing out that j only is this not true, but the very i verse of it is true. The counsels the 'Farewell Address' and the p cepts of Wasnington are vindicated the success of the President of 1 United Stats as a peacemaker, af the hugest war. of modren times. It oecanse we are in no 'concert, becai we have nothing to do with oti Powers in the way of making comm cause with them, that we hz brought two angry combatants gether. It is because we have obse: ed 'the great rule of conduct wi respect to foreign nations in extend i our commercial relations, to have wi them as little political intercourse possible,' it is because we have m j 'by interweaving our destiny with tt of auy part of Europe, entangled o peace aud prosperity in the toils European ambition, rivalship, int( est, humor, or caprice, that when t President of the United States cai out as the spokesman- of civilizati and bumanitv, botb warrinfg natio took him at his word. "Mr. Roosevelt is simply the on Chief Magistrate' in the world w] could have aone what he has fl on and has been enabled to do it beean th position of his conntry is uniqi among the great nations of the worl Let everybody imagine any ruler i Europe making the identical won employed by the President. His p: fessions of good will and impartili would have been disbelieved by oi party or the other, probably 1 both.' The Times' editorial bears oi tbe wisdom of George Washingto: and while this county is not,compar lively speaking, bound up in any e: j tangling alliances we are cutting considerable figure in foreign affair However, we can s e nothing in ti Portsmouth conference to- clear an. body ab^ut our getting mixed up : foreign affairs. The greatest dang? we see from tbe conference is ar "formal statement" irom Presidei Roosevelt, as has been promised, coi cerning tbe results of the peace coi ference. He ?^ay say in it somethir. that may eh ber offend Russia < Japan, and if he will let the confe euee go at what it bas accomplishei all will .be well -Wilmington Sta A Remedy Without a Peer. . "I find Chamberlain's Stomach ari Liver Tablets more beneficial tha any other remedy Z ever used fe stomach trouble," says J. P. Klot< of Edina, Mo. For any disorde of the stomach, biliousness or con stipation, these Tablets are withou a peer. For sale by all druggisti The 5-year-old son of Mr. Juliu A Murray, of Holly Hill, was smother ed to death while playing in a pile o seed cotton on Monda j*. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Aid Nature. ?Medicines that aid nature are al ways most effectual. . Chamberlain* Cough Remedy acts on this plan. I allays the cough, relieves the lungs aids expectoration, opens the secre tions, and aids nature in restoring the system to a healthy condition Sold by all druggists. Mr. F. L. Dorrity was arrested anc placed under bond at Jonesville lasi week by the deputy sheriff of Aiker county as a defaulting dispenser ai Salley's where he had been dispensei before he came to Jonesville. Attacked by a Mob . And beaten in a labor riot, until covered with sores, a Chicago streel car conductor applied Bucklen's Ar? nica Salve, and was soon sound and well. "I use it in my family," writes G. J. Welch, of Tekonsha, Mich., "and find it perfect." Simply great for cuts and burns. Only 25c at all druggists. Newcastle, September 7.-Two excursion trains on the Western New York and Pennsylvania railroad en route to the fair at Stoneboro crash? ed together ten miles from this city I this morning. It is reported that four? teen were killed and a score or more injured. Are You Engaged? ?Engaged people should remember, that, after marriage, many quarrels can be avoided by keeping their di? gestions in good condition with Elec? tric Bitters. S. A. Brown, of Ben nettsville, S. C., says: "For years my wife suffered intensely ircm dyspep sia, complicated with o torpid liver, until she lost her strengthiend vigor, and became a mere v.veck of h*r former self. Then she tned Electric Bitters, which helped her at once, and finally made her entirely well. She is now strong and healthy." All druggists sell and guarantee them, at 50c. a bottle. Tbe Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature cf - and has been made under his per ^Jfyi^^l, sonal supervision since its infancy? Y4 f<C?4cA4fl? Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and ** Just-as-good99 are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children-Experience against Experiment? What is CASTOR IA Casto ria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare? goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep? The Children's Panacea-IJhe Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS J4 Bears the Signature of Tie KM You Hav? Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years* THC C?NTAUR COMPANY, TT MURRAY ST RC CT, NEW YORK CITY. FARMS FOR SALE. pst 149. Tract '3 acres 1 mile N. E. of City. 2=>-3o acres cleared. All easily brought ruder cultivation. Drainage facilities good. For a quick sale $2.OOO. List 148. Tract 577 acres; 300 cleared. Buildings worth $3000. P.ac3 on Mayesville road 7 miles from Sumter and 3 from Mayesville. Price $30 per acre.$17310. List 147. Tract 17J acres, 60 cleared, 4 mile* from city on Bishopville and Brewing ton roads. Price $?0 per acre. $3400, List 145. Tract 265 acres on Moses road 3 miles from city, 100 cleared, good build? ings. Price $30.. $7950. List 164. Tract 256 acres within half mile of city. 160 acress in high state of culti? vation. Buildings insured for $3000. $12500. List 112. 105 acres 4 miles from city, near Bishopville and Brewington roads, 50 acres cleared, new 3 room dwelling. $2650 SEE CITY LOTS IN DAILY ITEM AND EVENING NEWS. R. B. BELSER, Attorney at Law Real Estate Broker mi Harby Bldg. Court Fqr. Phone 309. W. A. BOWMAN, Prest. C. W. BOSHMR, Sec. & Treas The Sumter Banking & Mercantile Company, g\ircitex% 3. C. * Capita! Stock $50,000********** Wholesale Grocers, Fertiliz? ers and Farmers' Supplies. Sole agents for the celebrated brand of Wil* cox & Gibbs Fertilizers. We are prepared to quote the very closest cash or time prices on all lines o? Groceries, Fertilizers and Farmers' Supplies, And invite your investigation before making your arrangements for another year. Cometo see us. We will save you money, and give you a hearty, courteous welcome. Sumter Banking & Mercantile Company, Masonic Building, 2d door from the Postoffice, Sumter, S. C. WHISKEY J MORPHINE | CIGARETTE I ALL DRUC AND TOB ACC?S HABIT. I HABIT. ? HABIT. ! HABITS. Cured by Keeley Institute of S. C. 1329 Lady St, (or P.O. Box 75) Columbia, S. C. Confidential correspondence solicitai G. R. BARRINGER, Surgeon Dentist. Office over China's Drug Store. Telephone No. Sod. The Very Best of Material Used. Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty* Office hours, 8 a. m. to 1 p. m ; 2 p. m. to 5.30 p. m.