INSURANCE GR?FT. HHYDE IS EXAMINED ON EQUIT ABLE DEALINGS. Superintendent Hendricks Questions Him Five Honrs-Unterfneyer Excluded-Alexander Ex? amined. m. New Tork, May 12-Vice President James B, Hyde of; the Equitable Life Assurance Society spent more than 5 hours yesterday before State Superin? tendent of Insurance Francis Hen? dricks and his counsel, Congressman 1ST. E. Driscoll of Syracuse, answering the charges that have been made against him as an officer "and director .of the Equitable. Mr. Hyde was ex? amined under oath and without the presence of counsel, Mr. Hendricks having objected to the attendance of any of Mr. Hyde's lawyers at the -Thearing. President James W. Alexander was examined by Mr. Hendricks and his inquisitor late Tuesday afternoon, and he also was unattended by his at terneys and was examined under oath. The examination of President Alex? ander had to do chiefly with the charges that have been made against im that he partcipated equally with Slr. Hyde in tranactions of the ""James H. Hyde and Associates" un? derwriting syndicates, in which secur? ities were disposed of at a profi? to the Equitable Society. What passed between Superinten? dent Hendricks and Mr. Hyde in the /board if directors' room in the Equi? table building where the inquisitons were held yesterday is not, of course, known in detail; bat the subject mat? ter on which Mr. Hendricks will con? duct his entire examin?t on of Mr. Hyde, is a matter of definite know ?j? ledget o persons outside the state de? partment of insurance. Mr. Hendricks would not say yesterday that his ex? amination of Mr. Hyde had been com? pleted, and it is expected that he will be put on the stand again this morn jfeing. The examination of Mr. Hyde yes? terday also had to do largely with the charges made against him as head of ? the underwriting syndicates, which sold securities to the Equitable; and also with hs relation to the varous safety deposit companies, which have 4^/ offices in the Equitable buildings in this and other cties, and in which he is supposed to be a large stockholder. As regards the "James H. Hyde and Associates" syndicates Mr. Hendricks has been supplied with the names of the men who, it is alleged, most fre? quently participatd in thsse syndi? cates: They are, besides Mr. Hyde, Jacob H. Schiff, 33. H Harriman, Al? vin W. Kretch, H. C. Deming and * William H McIntyre. Mr. Hendricks has irt his possession, also, the infor ^^sation that the Hyde syndicates in <&L three years sold $100,000,000 worth of securities to the Equitable society through Kuhn, Loeb & Co., and oth? er bankers. That Mr. .Hendricks went into the transactions with Mr. Hyde yesterday in the greatest detail was the asser? tion made by several fcien close to the Equitable situation. . They said that the superintendent not only took Mr. Hyde's verbal explanation of the deal, but sent out for all "the papers and documents available, relating to the transactions. Everything that Mr. Hyde said was taken down verbatim by a stenographer, who, together with the superintendent and his coun? sel and a clerk of the insurance de? partment, were the only other per? sons in the room. In the matter of the safety deposit companies in which Mr. Hyde has ?arge holdings, it has been charged that they paid only a nominal rent for space for rent in the Equitable building and that em Weak Hearts Are due to indigestion. Ninety-nine of every one hundred people who have heart trouble can remember when it was simple indiges? tion. It is a scientific fact that all cases of heart disease, not organic, are not only traceable to, but are the direct result of indi? gestion. All food taken into the stomach which fails of perfect digestion ferments and swells the stomach, puffing it up against the heart. This interferes with the action of the heart and io the course of time that delicate but vital organ becomes diseased. Mr. D. Kauble. o? iterada, O , says: I had stomach trouble and waa in a bad state as I had heart trouble with it 1 took Kcdol Dyspepsia Cure for about km months and it cured rae. Kodol Digests What You Eat and relieves the stomach of al! nervous strain and the heart of ali pressure. BottiesOcJy. $1.00 Size holding 2% times the Hal size, which sells for 5 0c. Prepared by E. C. DeWITT & 00., OH10AQO. For Sale by all Druggists. ??MTJ ^"'?"-^i tn? tK?USH ?MJ?? or CHICHESTER^ ENGLISH *rN*3Tt?S?i ia K.ZD tat (?old mj i?s?T2 ^ ^u?iiu. Chlche-terOkraleal On., Uantion th* viyx Uadtaon ?"II'.A.. }>A! Land Surveying I will give prompt attention to all calls ?G? aurvevmg, platting, terracing hill side? draining bottoms, drawing Mortgages Titles, Probating,