THE DEAL CLOSED Amies of Those Who are Interest - ed in the Purchase of Court I House Square. 3From The Daily Item, May 19. The sale of the Court House Square was consummated today and the contracts signed. Mr*. R. B. Belser, who has handled the ; deal, states that the following persons are interested in the purchase: R. B. Belser, attorney, 50 feet; Farmers' Bank and Trust Company, .50 feet, including the court house; L. B. DuRant, 30 *feet; A. a DuRant, 20 feet; John M. Knight, 25 feet; W. B. Bains, T. W. Lee, trustee, Geo. F. Epperson, L. W. Jenkins, W. B. Boyle, E. K. Coyner, W. A. Brown, E. C. Haynsworth, 25 feet The county coinmissioners ^??l ratify the contracts and the deal is completed insofar as pos? sible until the legislature meets and passes an act authorizing the sale and transfer -of the property. Much Damage. e continued heavy rains during the past two weeks have done a lot of damage to streets and ditches, by wash-outs, stop? ping up of drains, etc. In some instances the sidewalks have "washed away and yards flooded. Some sections of the city have /been in bad sanitary shape, with foul smelling mud holes, and muddy streets. But the state of affairs could not be helped for a while. The health officer Icept on the go> and received many complaints. He promptly reported to Superintendent of Streets White all complaints. Hr. White has divided his force into several emergency squads, and with the assistance of the iealth officer, all of the worst .places have been fixed, and the others will be attended to as soon as* they can be reached. It is a matter of congratulation that tte city has been put: in good sanitary shape so quickly. *Those two officers are doing: the liest they can, as they-have a lot} to do, , and the facilities at ?heir disposal are limited. Thej are always ^ad to receve . com jp?a?nts promptly, and grye all complaints attention as soon as tbey can$ get at" them. vWiI! N umber Carts. The Snoerintendent of Streets and Beaith Officer have decided to request tb? Committee on Public Work to tave the city scavenger carts nam ^er?d. ? great man j people are com -plaining that the cart drivers give them wrong instructions about putting oct trash and garbage, and that trash lt not hauled, and other complaints against the scavenger service. Very Jew people can tell tbe name of the driver, and in consequence it cannot he fopnd ort who is to blame-if any une.: If some, in fact in many in? stances, people who a?e called down lox violating the law say tbat tbecart driver told them tc do so. If toe carts are cambered citizens can take the -sumner of tbe cart. - and tbe day the trouble itroce, and report to the health sxg?cer, who will have the matter in? vestigated by the superintendent who irires and manage tbe drivers. This will be a piotection to the; driver also ?s no complaints will be noticed un? ie? tbe name and number of the driver and care and day of the dispute are given, lt bas also been suggested that tbe scavenger carts all be painted noe color, with the words "Scavenger Cart" printed on them so that people "can teil a city cart from any other -cart. Many a time there are dead . animals or fowls to be hauled off, ana if the city carts can be distingu?s:ed by a sign, citizens can call them at any time of day to take off dead animals or fowls instead of keeping them nu til next day. The painting and lettering will cost very little and it will also look more "city like" Cleared for Action. When the body is cleared for action, by Dr. Sing's Mew Life pills, you can tell it by tbe bio ?na of health on the cheek? ; the rightness of the eye?; the firmness of the Jtafi aad muyele*; the buoyancy of the assad. I ry them. At J. F. W. DeLorme's ?rog store, 25c cen ts. Magnolia has about organ? ized her baseball team. Sumter las not organized yet. Howto Ward Off Old Age. The most successful way of warding off the approach of old age is to maintain a -vigor?os digestion. This can be done by eating only food suited to i our age and oee?p&tion. and when any disorder of the stomach appears take a dope of Chamber? lain's J&omach sud liver Tablets to cor? rect it. If you have a weak stomach or are troubled with indigestion, you will find these Tablets to be just) what yon need. Jos sale by ali druggists. SUMTER ELECTRIC LINE. Some Facts and Figures Concerning Sumter's Street Railway. . On the eleventh day of December, 1904, the City of Sumter, S. C., grant? ed to J. L. Alnutt of the city of Sum? ter, Ss C., a franchise to construct and operate an Electric LighYrng and Power Plant and Electric Railway Upon all the streets and avenues of th'e city of Sumter, S. C., for fifty years. The entire plant and all property belonging to it, to be exempted from all taxation for five years after it is in operation. The said J. L. Alnutt and his as? sociates have formed themselves in? to a corporation under the laws of the state of Delaware, to be known as the Sumter Electric Lighting and Railroad Co., with a capital stock of one hundred thousand dollars, divid? ed into one thousand shares of one hundred dollars, each of which is to be-common stock and non-assessable. The corporation will also issue one hundred thousand dollars in thirty year coupon bonds of one thousand dollars each bearing six per cent in? terest, payable semi-annually at the office of the trustee for the bond? holders. The principal and interest to be paid i%L gold coin of the United States of America. The interest-and principal will be secured by a first mortgage on the entire plant and property belonging to the corporation. The corporation offers for sale forty thousand dollars of these bonds at par value with a bonus of five shares of the stock wth each bond. Subscription for this amount of these bonds^ will be received at the following banks in the state of South Carolina: The First National Bank, Sumter, S. C. The Farmers Bank & Trust Co.." Sumter, S. C. ? 'The Bank of Sumter? Sumter, S. C. The Sumter Savings Bank, Sumter, S. C. The corporation herewith . submits to the public a special report on the proposed plant to be constructed. Special report as follows: After examining all the conditions of the city of Sumter, S. C., for the construction and operating an elec? tric lighting plant and railroad, we beg to report as follows: That a moder% electric lighting plant and railroad in the city of Sum? ter, S. C., operated on modern and business principles will pay the hold? ers of the capital stock a fair divi? dend from the first year's operation, and with the progressiveness that is noticeable in all the city, and pros? pect of rapid increase in population, the plant will pay large dividends in the near'future and the. franchise be? come very valuable, to the owners of the stock. We estimate the income from the first year's operation as follows: From incandescent lighting $36.000 From arc flighting jj ^ 4,800 From railroad 16,000 Estimated receipts and elec? tricians* work , . 3,500 $60,300 Int on bonds @ 6 per cent $ 6,000 Insurance and operating ex ? penses including repairs and depreciation . 36,000 Reserve for sinking-fund 5,000 $47,000 Profits $13,300 Ten per cent on stock for dividends > 10,000 Net balance in treasury $ 3,300 The stocks and bonds will be deliv? ered at the several banks in the. state where subscrptions may be made, on ^the first day of August, 1905. J. L. ALNUTT, Pres. OTHER MAY "WEATHER. Mercury Passed the Ninety Degree Mark in This City. Sumter people who have beeu ec-joy ing the pleasures occasioned by the many warra days that have visited this city this month do not miss the truth many inches when they make the assertion that the present May has been warmer than any similar month for years past. Up to date the mercury in the thermometer has shot np above the 90 degree mark on three different dajs. Ou one of these three days Sumter humanity fairly swelted when the mercury played tag between 93 and 94. Relief came with night and this is the only thing that saved the citizens from jumping to the sum? mer resorts by the train loads. Great Britain is wise enough to profit by a collossal American mis? take. The new Transvaal constitu? tion excludes the negro from the right of suffrage. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy the Very Best. "I have been uping Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and want to say it ia the best cough medicine I have ever taken," say* Geo. L. Chubb, a merchant of Harlan, Mien. There is no question about its being the ben, 8? it will cure a cough or cold in less time than any other treatment. It should always be kept in the Anse ready for instant use, for a cold c&jpbe cured in much lees time when promptly treated. For sale bj all druggists. c FTING Many people who are neglecting symptoms of kidney trouble, hoping "it will wear away," are drifting towards Brights Disease, which is kidney trouble in one of its worst forms. asm stops irregularities, strengthens the urinary organs and builds up the worn-out tissues of the kidneys so they will perform their functions properly. Healthy kidneys strain out the impurities from the blood as it passes through them. Diseased kidneys do not, and the poisonous waste matter is carried by the circulation to every part of the body, causing dizziness, backache, stomach trouble, sluggish liver, irregular heart action, etc. If you have any signs of Kidney or Bladder Trouble commence taking FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE at once, as it will cure a slight disorder in a few days and prevent a fatal malady. It is pleasant to take and benefits the whole system. How to Find Out. * You can easily determine if your kidneys are out of order by setting aside for 24 hours a bottle of the urine passed upon arising. If upon examination it iis cloudy or milky or has a brick-dust sediment or small particles float about in it, your kidneys are diseased, and FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE should be taken at once. G. B. Burhans Testifies After Four Years. G. B. Burhans of Carlisle Center, N. Y., writes: "About four years ago I wrote you stating that I had been entirely cured of a severe kidney trouble by taking less than two bottles of Foley's Kidney Cure. It entirely stopped the brick-dus-: sediment and pain and symptoms of kidney disease disappeared. 1 am glad to say that I have never had a return of any of those symptoms during the four years that have elapsed, and I am evidently cured to stay cured, and heartily recommend Foley's Kidney Cure to any one suffering from kidney or bladder trouble." Two Sizes, 50 Cents and $1.00. SOLD ?KD RECOMMENDED 8Y STJM'T'BTi DRUG COMPAKT SHOEMAKER Stick to Your Last-Everyone Should Attend to His Own Business and He Will Profit Thereby. Mr. Editor: The piece written under the head "As It Occurs to Me," about the Con? sumers' Ice factory, is, indeed, the most reasonable argument in favor of having a plant of our own, providing it was confined to ourselves, but where some are taking stock in blocks of $2,000.00, -$1,000.00 and $500.00, it looks very much like it is done for in? vestment, and even if a factory was put up to make ice fdr ourselves, we agree that a factory has the right to put up its own stores for the special benefit of its employes, and if a fac? tory was burdened down by taxation, and had no support, whatever, from the, people of the city in which it was located, it would, indeed, have every right to have a store of its own, but I believe that men who can run a mer? cantile business should work in har? mony with the manufacturer, each running the thing that suits him :he best. The hardware man should buy his dry goods from a dry ^goods man, and a dry goods man should buy his hardware from a hardware man. We should ali do the thing that we know the best how to do. and there would be no reason for any of us failing. I have just* purchased for our of? fice a nice filing cabinet. I could '.lave made the cabinet," just as nice and about as cheap, but I made, mon? ey by taking the time to make coffins. Your furniture man here made mean? ey who sold it to me. The manufac? turer who makes cabinets made mon? ey on the manufacture of it, and when he dies he will use a coffin made by a coffin manufacturer. He, of course, could have very easily made his coffin, as we have now and then heard of some p?ople doing, put it under his bed, requesting that he be buried in it when he dies, but it paid him much better to work on cabinets to sell' to the living. E. L. WITHERSPOON. SUDDEN DEATH FROM DRINKING A Young White Man Drinks a Half Pint of Whiskey and Dies. A whiteman about 28 years of age named Charles Christmas died very suddenly at 1408 Wayne street be? tween 5 and 6 o'clock yesterday after? noon. Death is supposed to have been due to alcohol poisoning, as the man was a hard drinker and was seen to drink a half pint of whiskey just before entering the home where he lived and where his death occurred. He walked into the house and in a few minutes fell in a fit, and before medical aid could reach him he was dead. Coroner Walker was notified and after viewing the remains had the body removed to the undertaking es? tablishment of J. M. VanMetre. The coroner will investigate the case more fully today, and if necessary will em? panel a jury and present the case to them.-The State. Blackberries are getting ripe and soon the old familiar cry of "lady, does you want to buy any cullud berries" will be heard. Terrific Race With Death. "Death was fast approaching,'* writes Ralph F. Fernandez, of Tampa, Fla^ de scribing his fearful race ?ith "death, "as a result of liver trouble and heart disease, which had robbed me of sleep and of all interest in life. I had tried many different doctors and several medicines, but got ?0 benefit, until I began to use Electric Bit? ters. So wonderful was their effect, that in three days I felt like a new man, and today I am cured of all my troubles." Guaranteed at J. F. W. DeLcrme's drug store; price 50c I CARROLL HAS LOST A HORSE. Well Known Colored I*reacher Sus? tains Loss on Orphanage Farm. Rev. Richard Carioll returned yesterday from Sumter, where he addressed a large audience at a tent meeting, and his words of ad\ice were given an attentive ear. Upoi: return? ing to the city Carroll learns thnr one of the horses nse on the farm at the orphanage had died suddenly, a?d duri rg the day he received a l umber of contributions with which to buy another.-The State. Moved to Sumter. Sam B. Divine and family left this morning ?oi* their new home in Sum? ter. Mr. Divine ba? been transferred from bis run between ber- and Cbarletson to a run between Sumter and Hartville. Mr. Diviue is a good rcitizau and probably oi;e of the besi; engineers on the Coast Line. Florence re?r?*ts io lose hirn and his excellent family but our good wishes go with them to their new home.-Florence Times. Lancaster, May 16.-The tv:o-year old son of James Stagner, of this place, choked to death this afternoon from an English pea lodging in his throat. The ch ld died at the depot, where his father was waiting on the train to take it to R ted like a charm. 1 have used three boxes and all the pain in my back has left, the kidney secretions have been natural and 1 feel A No. 1. Doan's Kidney Pills ure the best headache remedy on earth." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co.. Buffalo. N.Y., sole agents for the United States. Remember the name-Doan's-and take no other. 23 WHISKEY j MORPHINE j CIGARETTE | ALL DRUG A ND TOBACCO HABIT. j HABIT. | HABIT. I HABITS. Cured by Keeley Institute of S. C. 1329 Lady St., (or P.O. Box 75) Columbia. S. C. Confidential correpponderjce solicited W. A. BOWMAN, Prest. ?. W. BOSSIER, Sec. & Treas The Sumter Banking & Mercantile Company, Sii:m.tei% ?S. C. ?E^^^Capital Stock $50,000^*^^^ Wholesale Grocers, Fertiliz= ersand Farmers' Supplies. Sole agents for the celebrated brand of Wil ! cox &?Gibbs Fertilizers? We are prepared to quote the very closest j cash or time prices on all lines of Groceries, Fertilizers and Farmers' I Supplies, I And invite your investigation before making ?your arrangements for another year. Come to see us. We will save you money, j and give you a hearty, courteous welcome. j Sumter Banking i Mercantile Company, Mas?me Building, 2d door from the Postoffice. Sumter, S. C. GENUINE PERUVIAN GUANO. Se ls itself. None better. 10,000 tons DOW offered for sale. Nitrate of Soda, Muriate of Potash, German Kainit Aire Headquarters. Get our prices, please. Reduced Prices on Real Estate. Cotton has fallen In price and with its fall comes business depression in this sec? tion. Have several tracts ot land on which the prices have been reduced in conse? quence. Now is the time for the man with money to buy. The depression is only temporary and with the rally will come a profit. 105 acres, 50 acres cleared, four miles from Sumter. New house ; reduced from $35 to $25 per acre. 1014 acre?, ll miles from city, 500 clear? ed, well tenanted ; reduced from $15 to $12.50 per acre. 108 acres, 75 cleared, 6 miles from Sum? ter, new 5-room house and tew barn, with btables for 4 horses. Frcm $3,0C0 to $2, 500. 450 acres in Claree don, four miles from Summerton, 200 acree cleared ; reduced from $7,500 to S6.50C. Also several others tract reduced in similar pioportions. Call and see me. Can offer some good investments. R. B. BELSER, Attorney at Law Real Estate Broker Court Square Thoma 12