The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, January 25, 1905, Image 6

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NTEKSES' TK?IXIXG SCHOOL. "38e*r..?fecnty Elected an?l Course o? crapped Oat. From The Daily Item January 18th. The stockholders of the Sumter Training School for Nurses met pur? suant to. the call of President R. O. Ptirdy and reorganized for the cur? rent year. Officers were elected as followers: President, R. O. Purdy; Vice Presi? dent Neill O'Donnell;. Secretary and 'Treasurer, Walter Cheyne, M. D. The following faculty was select? ed: 3.'A."Mood, M. D., S. C. Baker, M. D., H. M. Stuckey, M. D., Walter Cheyne, M. D., Archie China, M. D., C P. Osteen, M. D., Sam B. Mitchell. The course of study prescribed will be more thorough and cover a wider range of subjects than - heretofore, and a greater number of lectures will l>e delivered I*y the members of the faculty during the year than in any previous year. The Sumter Training School for Curses has done a great and benefi? cial work for this community so qstetly and* unassumingly that few people realize its importance. It ?sas been the means of training a num? ber Of young women to become self ^supporting in a line of work that they find pleasant, congenial and profitable, sad this field is not yet overcrowded, ?n fact there is always a greater de traand for trained nurses than can be ?applied, and each year they are in greater demand, the call for their ser? vices becoming- greater as the value ?>? their professionally trained services is appreciated At the. meeting Judge Purdy refer '?4oed to a few cases that had come un ??ter his personal coservation as ] proof of the . good work the school has accomplished and the suc? cess with which its graduates have j ?et. One young lady who had been I -trained in the schook he said, has triade a comfortable support and ac- ! ?emulated within a^year or two more 3&an $700, while others have done al -miost as welL In the future the school will be able *? receive a large number of students aa?? provide work for them while they are pursuing the course of study. . -:- <l il li (M . KNIGHTS IX SESSION. l&striet Convention of the Knights of Pythias. The Knights of Pythias met in their .district convention at eleven o'clock this moaning at, the Castle Hall of Game Cock. Lodge, No. 17. It was in? deed a very delightful gathering. D?r. Hugh C. Haynswbrth, in a very Sappy manner, welcomed the dele-, gates and visiting Knights to Sumter. An eloquent response was made by Son. Thomas G. McLeod, of Bishop '?SDe in which he praised Game Cock Xodge, the city and the proverbial hos? pitality of Sumter. /Matters pertaining to the work of t?te- various lodges in the distrirct were then discussed, all of which gave evi? dence of a wonderful growth in point x>? membership, and of the good work that the order^Ls accomplishing. A re? cess was then taken until 3:30 this ^afternoon. The following delegates from the 3o??es in the district are in attend? ance: 3?aanville Lodge. No. 107-L. R. j "~~Hxon, J. J. Shaw, L. F. Montgomery, W. M. Cooper, F. M. Muldrow, R. W. ^Mccutcheon. *> ?ayesvifie, No. 110.-S. M. Mccoll, 3tL B. Wilson, F. M. Stuckey, Edwin "Wilson, S. W. Pringle. Tarberville, No. 130-S. D. McEl ?Q ^Pinewood--C. M. Huggins, W. W. ^Geddings, W. CV Moneyham. Summerton.-John W. Lessesne, J. P. Lanham. Game Cock Lodge, No. 17. TSfr B. BoyhvA.. W. Bradford, Walter Cheyne, J. G." DeLorme, H. Ed . monds. H.* C.Haynsworth, H. Harby, ?ri, E. C.' Haynsworth, S> A. Karvin, J. F. Jenkins, W. S. Jones, R.. M. Jenkins, J. M. Knight, Geo. D. Levy? CP. Lessesne, W. E. Kob, Altamont Moses, W. LL McCutch?n, L. C. Moise, J. L. Mccallum, R. I. Manning, P. B. Mouzon, E. W. Moise, Jr., L. I. Parrott, Peter Pitts, Geo. L. Ricker, | "H. V. Reid, H. M. Stuckey, H. L. I Scarborough, H. H. Smith, H. Frank ! "Wilson, J. S> Wilson and J. E. Whil don. Crosses of Honor. At a called meeting of Dick Ander? son chapter, U. D. C., at the residence of the president, Mrs. Altamont Moses, crosses of honor were presented to the following Confederate Veterans: O. D. Hodges, T. J. Cummings, Owen San *ters,'G. W. Smith, J. M. Hodges and 35.1,. Pinckney. As customary on such occasions refreshments were served -hy the members of the chapter after file presentation of the crosses. Stomach Troubles and Consti . pation. <sChamberfrin>8 Stomach and Liver Tabl - sis aro the best thing .for stomach trouble wu? constipation I have ever sold," says J. "S. CaBmaa, a druggist of Fosterville, Mich, tef ar? essy to take and always give satis? faction. I tell my customers ta try them -'aia? if not satisfactory- toc?me back and get their mo&fjMl bare never had a oom ??dsr WOT sale by all ?rcggfete. ANOTHER ONE LANDED. By Offering Reward Another Bicycle Thief is Captured. From The Daily Item January 18th. Jake W. Singleton, not the well known colored man employed at. Chi? na's drug store, was arrested yester? day for larceny of a bicycle. At the preliminary hearing before Magistrate Harby yesterday afternoon the de? fendant was sent to jail to await trial at the next term of the circuit court. The facts in the c?se are about as follows: On Monday night, the 9th inst., Mr. H. T. Edens left his bicycle on the piazza of his house on "Wash? ington street while he was at tea, and while in the dining room the wheel disappeared. Mr. Edens promptly noti? fied the police and at the same time offered a reward of $5.00 for the ar? rest of the thief with evidnce to con? vict. Early Tuesday morning, the bi? cycle was seen in the possession of Jake Singleton, and w^hen Mr. Edens was acquainted with this fact, he im? mediately sent word to the defendant that the bicycle was his property, and demanded its return. As the negro still held the wheel officers visited his house twice on Wednesday to recov? er its possession, but were unable to find him at home. He brought the bi? cycle to town Friday nlght^and turned it over to Mr. Edens. The arrest fol? lowed, the usual plea of finding the wheel was interposed, and after hear? ing the evidence, Magistrate Harby hound the defendant over to await trial in the upper court. NEW PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Decided at Meeting of Men of Congre? gation to Begin Work When $12, 000 are in Hand. From The Daily Item January 18th. The male members of the Presby? terian congregation met last night for the purpose of hearing the report of the committee that has charge of the new 'church building fund and to dis? cuss ways and means for raising the balance of the money required for the new church. . The treasurer reported. that' -the building fund now amounted to $8,80v cash in hand. During the past year the ladies of the church raised $2,000 for the build? ing fund. The members present last night subscribed $2,000 to be paid before January 1st, 1906. A committee was appointed to call on the members not present and obtain subscriptions from them, and it is expected that this committee will secure at least $500 in subscriptions to be paid this year. After a full and free discussion of the matter it was decided that it would not be wise or good business policy to begin work on the new church with the funds now in hand, and it was agreed that the work should not be undertaken until at l?ast $12,000 shall have been raised and paid into the building fund. It is expected that this amount will be made up during the current year and that work on the new church will be started early in 1906. Washngton, Jan. 21.-The commit? tee on judiciary this morning resolved to have a hearing on the Little reso? lution demanding an investigation of ? the steel trust and the secretary of commerce and labor. i Paris? Jan. 21.-Maurice Roubier, former premier and minister of finance in the retiring cabinet, this morning consented to form a new cab? inet. He is a radical Republican and is 62 years old. A Grim Tragedy Is daily enacted, in thousands of homes, as Des/oh claims, in each one, another victim of Consumption or Pneumonia. Bat When Coughs and Colds a e properly * treated, the tragedy ie aAerted. F. G. Huntley, of Oakland os, Ind., Writes: "My ?gufe had the consumption, and three doctor? cave her up. Finally she took Dr King's New Discovery for Cou? emption, conghs ant?, colds, which cured her, and to? day she is well and strong." It kills the germs of all diseases One dose relieves. Guaranteed at 50o and $1.00 by J. F. W. DeLonne' druggist. Trial bottle free Tie Lamest aii fa Colite Minmi Soii?li Geo. S. Hacker & Son -MANUFACTURERS OF DOORS] SASH, BLINDS, Moulding & Building Material. office and W&rerooms, King, uppoene CAT non Street, CHARLESTON, S. C. ?BF* Pnrctms* oar make, whicb we guar&D' - superior to any sold South, and taerebT nar* roon*T. Window ftsd?ancj Qlm a Specialty Oeiobftc IfcV LA GRIPPE-PNEUMONIA So many people who have apparently recovered from an attack of La Grippe are stricken with Pneumonia. This is due to the fact that the Bronchial Tubes and Lungs are left weakened and unable to resist disease. not only cures La Grippe Coughs, and prevent? Pneumonia; but strengthens the Lungs so they will not be susceptible to the development of serious lung troubles. Do not take chances with some unknown preparation that may contain some harmful drug when FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR costs you no more and is safe and sure. Contains ho opiates. I had a bad case of La Grippe about ten years ago which left my Lungs G. VACHER, 157 Osgood St, Chicago, says: "My wife had s very so weak that I have been troubled more or less every winter since until I used severe case of La Grippe, and it left her with a very bad cough. She tried FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR, which cured me completely and my Lungs z bottle of FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR and it gave immediate relief." no longer trouble mc-J. H. BROWNING, D.D.S., Orrie*, Mo. Three sizes-25c, 50c, $1.00. The 50-cent size contains two and one half times as much as the small size and - the $1.00 bottle almost six times as much. RefuSO Substitutes. TD FL XT Gr O O 2MC 3P J\. Southeastern Lime & Cement COMPANY. CHARLESTON, S. C. Building Material of al! kinds. High Grade Roofing "RUBEROID." ^mr .Atlantic Coast JLine. Effective Jan. 8, 1905 Passenger Trains arriving and leaving Sumter. Train 35 Florence to Angnrta Arrives 5 15 am w 54 Columbia to Wil m mg ton " 8 10 am " *57 Gibson to Sumter " 9 20 arr " 52 Charleston to Columbia and Greenville Leaves 9 30 am ** 46 Orangebnrg to Charleston (Tuesd'y, Tbursd'y, Satnrd'y ) " 9 25 am ** 58 Greenville and Columbia to Charleston " 6 30 pm " . 82 Augusta to Florence " 6 80 pm M *56 Sumter to Gibson " 6 50 pm u 47 Charleston to Orangeburg (Tnee?Fy, ThursiTy, Satnrd'y ) * 8 20 pm ? 55 Wilmington to Columbia u 9 30 pm Freight Trains carrying Passengers. Train *24 Sumter to Hartsville Leaves 6 30 am ** * 1 Bishop ville to Sumter Arrives 9 00 am " * 2 Sumter to Bishopville Leaves 9 45 am " *1S Sumter to Robbies Leaves 10 00 am M "ll Florence to sAter Arrives 1 50 pm u *12 Sumter to Florence Leaves 2 50 pm M *20 Robbins to Sumter Arrive?? 8 .00 r m ? ?25 Hartsville to 8umter Arrives 7 40 pm Northwestern Railway. Train *70 Camden to Sumte? Arrives 9 00 au M *71 Sumter to Camden [Leaves 9 86 an " " *68 Camden to Sumter w 5 45 pm " *72 Wilaon Mill to Sumter ' Arrives 12 30 pa ** *7S Sumter to WilsonMill * Leaves 3 00 pw ?* *69 Sumter to Camden ? 6 25 pa Trains;rcar?ed *. .daily except Sunday ; all other trains daily. For further information, apply to J. T, CHINA, Ticket A*ent A. C. L The Dixie Stalk Cutter-Wagon Attachment. Parties desiring A Good Stalk Cutter will find "The DIXIE" to be made of the Best Pennsylvania Steel and guaranteed not to clog and to give entire satisfaction. Our machines can be found at S. M. Pierson's livery stable, 6 and 8 S. Harvin street. The Dixie Stalk Cutter Co., Sumter, S. C. CABBAGE PLANTS. I ?I have for sale Succession, Wakefield and Early Springt Cabbage Plants, grown in open air on sea J coast from seeds 1 ought from the best ai d $ most reliable freedmen in the United States ? i . at the following prices F. 0. B. - - - - t I Lots 1,000 to 5,000 $150 Per M. S ? Lots 5,000 to 10,000 $1.25 Per M. | I Lots Over 10,000 Special Prices on APPLICATION. ? ? SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO DEALERS. | 9Any information as to the cultivation of Cabbage will J J. be cheerfully given on application. 5 S S. J. HUMPH, Adams Run, S. C. | TAX iNOT?CE. THE COUNTY TREASURER'S office in Court House building will be open for the collection ot taxes, with out penalty, from the 15th day of October to tbe 31st day of December, inclusive, 1904. The levy is as follows : For State 5 mills: for Count 3f? mills: Constitu? tional School 3 mills; Polls SI.00 Also, School District No. 1, Special, 2 mills; No. 2, 2 mills; No. 3, 2 mills; No. 4, 2 mills; No. 5. (Mid? dleton) 1 mill: No. 14, 3 mills; No. 16, 2 mills; No. 17, 1 mill; No. 18, 2 mills. I A penalty of 1 per cent, added for month January, 1905. Additional penalty of 1 per cent, for month Feb mary, 1905. Addition?! penalty of 6 per cent, for 15 days in March, 1905. Oct 2a T. W. LEE, Co. Treasurer. Cabbage Plants $1.50 Per 1000. I AM XOW prepared to fill any and j all orders with the best varieties of j Cabbage Plants. Orders filled for any amount and varieties. Write for j prices for lots of 3,00.0 and over. Ad I dress all orders to W. F. CARI?, Meggens, s. C. Dec. 21-3m. OSTEOPATHY Corwcts the cause of disease and cures urbe* nothing else will. Its cures are per? manent because Natural. All diseases treated Disease s of Women a Specialty. >K. R. V. KENNEDY. Office over Bul tm an Bros.' Shoe Store, Sumter, S. C. - Consultation Free If you haven't something you want try a want advertisement in The Daily Item. W. J. BOWMAN, Prest. C. OSS?RER, See. I ta. The Sumter Banking & Mercantile Company. Sumter, 3. Q. MMMM#ggCapital Stock $50$00QmmmmM Wholesale Grocers, Fertiliz? ers and Farmers5 Supplies. Sole agents for the celebrated brand of Wil? cox &?Gibbs Fertilizers. We are prepared to quote the very closest cash or time prices on au lines of Groceries, Fertilizers and Farmers' Supplies, And invite your investigation before making your arrangements for another year. Cometo see us. We will save you money, and give you a hearty, courteous welcome. Sumter Banking I Mercantile Company, Masonic Building, 2d door from the Postoffice. Sumter, S. C. GENUINE PERUVIAN GUANO. Sells itself. None better. 10,000 tons now offered for sale. Nitrate of 5oda, Muriate of Potash, German Kainit. Are Headquarters. Get our prices, please. Five Nice Lois For Sale. Desirable Lots On Broad Street. 2 Lots 75x420. 3 Lots 83^x250. At figures so cheap that they must attract you. Too far, you say ! ! ! Just 5 minutes bicycle ride, or drive. Have to keep a horse and buy gy!!! The deference in interest on the pur chase price of any other desirable lots will pay for the horse's feed, and you will have a whole1 lot of other pleasures thrown in, R. B. BELSER, Attorney at Law Real Estate Broker] Court Square ? Phooe 12