h ii wm SEIZURE. REVENUE OFFICERS CONFISCATE CARLOAD. Liquor Was Contra band and Had Reen Previously Seized by Disj>ensary Cons taimes in . Columbia. Columbia, Dec 21:-Tba United ? States, rebane department yesterday confiscated and is now holding the car and the entire shipment of whis? key which had, been seized by the dispensary constables at Caves's last Friday night and had been tnrned over to the authorities; of the State dispensary Saturday afternoon. The seizure by the government officeis was made because the t wc barrels men- i tioned at the time of the first seizure as containing wine were found to con? tain whiskey and were without the j * revenue tax stamp, as required by law. As. has been stated, there are about 490 gallons in the car load. AU of it is in five gallon kegs except the two barrels, which contain about 50 gallons j each, and it was the absence of the stamps on these two barrels which convinced the authorities that the en . tire shipment was illicit whiskey and resulted in the confiscation by the j re vence department. The law does not require that packages of less than five gallons shall be stamped, as it is presumed that these smiU packages have been filled from larger ones on which the tax has been paid. The shipment was made by Green & Cc, of Salisbury, N. C, but an in? vestigation fails to ?&d any trace of such a firm doing a whiskey business in North Carolina and there seems to be no doubt that this, name is ficti . rices, as are the names cf the SO con . sign?es to whom the whiskey wast) shipped. There bav? been numbers of large shipments of contraband whiskey into the State recently, and as a conse? quence both theatat? and the federal | authorities are unusually alert and de? termined to stop any further ship? ments as nearly as possible. Having identical interests they are working together more harmoniously than ever before. lt xs thought by some that this temporary increase in shipments of unstamped poods is due to the opera? tions of the Watts law in North Caro? lina, and it is known that. the force of revenue officers and agents is geater in .that State now than probably evsr be? fore. 1 7^ REQUISITION FOR CHADWICK. Governor of Ohio Will Ask Governor of New York to Arrest Husband of Famous Woman When He Columbus, Ohio, Dec 23.-The ap? plication of Prosecutor Keeler for a requisition on. the C4overnor of New T?k Mb* -tue* return to Cleveland of Dr. LeRcy S.. Chadwick reached the ?gcvernor?s once through the mails this ?morning. Governor Herrick is now in the - east and - no action can be taken until : his return next week. It is safe to say ? that the requisition will be issued, lit will probably be ready for presenta? tion 1o the {Vernor of wew York when Dr. Chadwick steps from the] European steamer. 3?AYESVILLE PYTHUNS Social Lodge Elects Officers for Next Year. Mayesvilie, Dec 22.-At the meet? ing of Social lodge No. 110, Knights of Pythias, on Tuesday night the fol? lowing officers were elected to serve for the ensuing year : J. R. Mayes, C. C. ; M. C. Mayes, V. C., C. D. Cooper, prelate; W. S. Chandler, M. of W. j W. M. Bradley, M. at A. ; S. W. Pringle, M. of E. ; A. J. Pringle, M. of F. ; S. A. Stuckey, K of R and S. ; S. E. Hndgens, L G. J. E. Moonyhanij 0. G. Edwin Wilson, C. D. Cooper and W. S. Chandler, trus? tees, M. C. Mayes, hall committee, C. D. Cooper, organist. The lodge is in very flourishing con? dition now. There are a number of aplications before the lodge now. DEADLY CHICKEN COOP. A New Jersey Coon Went Hen Hunt? ing Once too Cf ten. Camden, N.'J., Dec. 23.-Howard Brown, of this city had a musket trained on his chicken coop so that when the door was opened the gun would be exploded. Robert Dorsey, colored, neut to the coop this morn? ing and the gun exploded. He was taken to tba hospital minus one leg. MANY RUSSIANS DYING. Truly Awful Conditions Prevailing in thc Manchurian Army. St. Petersburg. Dec. 23.-Reports received from Manchuria tell of an alarming mortality among the Hes? sian troops there. In one week 852 soldiers were frozen to death and over one thousand were incapacited by cold in the same period. WAR IN PHILIPPINES. The Natives of Samar Annihilate Half a Company ol' Troops. Manila, Dec 23.-The natives am? bushed and killed at Dolores, Island of Samar, a Lieut enan and thirty seven enlisted men of the 38th com? pany of native scouts a few days. Two thousand rebels threaten the town and the situation is extremely critical. Philadelphia, Dec 23.-Eeven per? sons were overcome by coal gas this morning in a Russian bath- house at 815 Monroe street. They were taken immediately to a hospital but were resuscitated with difficulty. Scores of others, in the house were affected. A Frightened Horse, Running like, mad down .the street dumping the occupants, or a hundred other accidenta, are every day occurrences. ? It behooves everybody to have 3 reliable Salve handy ana here's none as good as Backlen's Arnica Salve. Burns, Cuta, Sores, Eczema and Piles, disappear quickly under its soothing effect. 25o, at J. F. W. Delorxne Drugstore, . v r? * $| MEIRQPOLITAN GLOB BORNEO. LOSS ABOUT ONE HUNDl?o THOUSAND DOLLARS, - I Washington, Dec 21.-The Metro? politan Ciao, the most exclusive so? cial institution here,, having a mem? bership of distingoished government officials and other notables, was gutted by fire early this mornihg,: ... . All the fire companies within the city boundaries were called out. The flames raged for more than two hours, and only the walls are now left standing. Several members of the elah were in bed when the fire started. They were rescued with great difficulty by the firemen. Tbe Club is only two -blocks from the White House. The most serious loss to the Club, was the library, which contained fifteen thousand volumes. The loss is in the neighborhood of one hundred thousand dollars. Fireman Purcell was dangerously injured. THE NEW INSURANCE RATES. .Some Interesting Figures Have Been Gathered by the Commercial Club of Rock Hill. - Rock Hill, Dec. 21.-As a result of the meeting held at the Commercial club rooms several evenings ago for the purpose of seeing what could be done with regard to the increase in fire insurance rates in Rock Hill since the reen trance of the Southeastern Tariff association into South Carolina some very interesting figures have been gathered. It has been found that under, the new book of rates promulgated by the tarin! association to be used by local agents after Aug. 25th lasted welling house rates Jjave been lowered considerably, but the amounts of premiums thus paid in, it is thought, will hardly offset the in? crease in the amounts to be paid-on merchants risks. Out of 62 risks on Main street, comprising buildings and contents, only 10 have been lowered, and some of these without apparent reason. Twenty-nine risks on Main street and one elsewhere show a total increase in premiums to be exacted under the sates the association has fixed, and which will have to be paid each year, of $1,650.52. Six Main street risks total a decrease of $64.93., making the increase in insurance tax reach an estimated amount of $1,585. 59. Few replies have been recieved hy the secretary of the Commercial Club to the 28 letters sent to cities and towns ia the Stats asking for in? formation as to rates existing there. None ipi these has contained the infor? mation' desired. One establishment in Rock Hill th? has installed fire hose, water buckets, connected its roof tank with the city pipes, so as to be sure of adequate water in case of emergency, employed a watchman and spent in all many hundreds of dollars in complying with requirements of inspectors, has found its cost of in? surance increased nearly 100 per cent. The result of the increase in rates will be, if the rate?; remain as now decreed by the tariff association, leas insurance and consequently less pro? tection. Atlanta, Ga., Dec 21.-The Rev. Albion W. Knight will be consecrated Bishop of the Episcopal Church here today. Mr. Knight was elected at the recent general Convention of the Church, held at Boston, to be mis? sionary Bishop of Cuba. Boliver, Pa., Deo 22.-Seven men were suffocated today in the No. 2 soft clay mine of the Reese Hammond Fire Brick company near here. The victims were Austrians. There were about 25 men in the mine and all but seven were rescueed, though they were all in bad shape and two are likely to die. San Francisco, Dec. 21.-The total gate receipts of the Britt-Nelson fight were $26,990, of which Britt received $8,770; Nelson $5,918 and the Yose? mite club $12,105. Detroit, Dec. 21.-It has been re? ported from Menominee that Engi? neer Garvin and Fireman Miller, of the fast Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul train were killed and fifteen passengers badly injured in a wreck at Lena, last night. A broken cail threw the engine and Two coaches in? to the ditch. Sunsbury, Conn., Dec. 21.-The memorial chapel at Westminster school erected by Secretary of State Hay in memory of his son, Adelbert, was burned at noon today. Only the walls remain standing. Mother Be Careful. of the health of your children. Lcok ont tor Coughs, Colds, Croup and Whooping Coagh. Stop them in time-One mioute Coagh Cure is the bett remedy. Harmless and pleasant. Sold by O. B. Davis. The Lamest and Most Complete Mbllsiieit South Geo. S. Hacker & Son, -MANUFACTURERS OF DOORS] SASH] BLINDS] Moulding & Building Material. office and Wa re roo rn 3, Ki og, opposite Can non Street, CHARLESTON, S. C, .?HF* Pnrchasrt our make, which we gu?rante superior tc any sold South, and thereby save money. Window and Fancy Glass a Specialty October 16o COLDS THAT HANG ON So frequently settle on the lungs and result in Pneumonia or Consumption. Do not take chances on a cold wearing away or take some tiling that only half cures it, leaving the seeds of serious throat and lung trouble. Stops the-Cough and heals the lungs and prevents Pneumonia and Consumption Consumption Threatened C. Unger, 211 Maple St., Champaign1, m., writes: "I was troubled with a hacking cough for a year and I thought I had consumption. I tried a great many remedies and I was under the care of physicians for several months. I used one bottle of FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR. It cured me, and I have not been troubled since." Cured Hemorrhages of the Lungs A. M. Ake, Vood, Ind., writes: "Several years since my lungs were so badly affected that ? had many hemorrhages. I took treatment with several physicians without any benefit. I then started to take FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR, and my lungs are now as sound as a bullet. I recommend it in ad? vanced stages of lung trouble." Three Sizes-25c, 50c, $1.00. The 50- cent size contains two and one-half times as much as the small size and the $ 1.00 bottle almost six times as much. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. SOLD IND RECOMMENDED BY DR.TJC3 Southeastern Lime & Cement COMPANY. CHARLESTON S C Building Material of al! kinds. High Grade Roofing "RUBEROID." ^&iot Feb" o Account Special Excursion, Havana, Cuba, ? ^ January 4=5, 1904. The Atlantic Coast Line will sell round trip tickets from Sumter at rate $40 25 including meals and berths on P. & 0 Co's, steamers. Tickets to be sold Jan. 4th, and for train pass? ing Charleston Jan. 5th, as will connect will steamer leaving Port Tampa night of Jan. 5th. Tickets will be limited for re? turn passage on any steamer leaving Havana until Jan. 19th, 1904, with privilege of stop overs at any point in state of j Florida south of Jacksonville, within final limit of ticket which will be Jan. 22nd, 1905. For information apply to W. J. Craig,.G. P. A. J. T. China, Ilmington, N. C. Sumter, S. C. The Dixie Stalk Cutter-Wagon Attac?ment. Parties desiring A Good Stalk Cutter will find "The DIXIE" to be^made of the Best Pennsylvania Steel and guaranteed not to clog and to give entire satisfaction. Our machines can be found at S. M. Pierson's livery stable, 6 and 8 S. Marvin street. The Dixie Stalk Cutter Co., Sumter, 8. C. Cabbage Plants $1.50 Per 1000. I AM NOW prepared to fill any and all orders with the best varieties of Cabbage Plants. Orders filled for "any amount and, varieties. Write for prices for lots of 3,000 and over. Ad? dress all orders' to VY. F. CARR, Meg/getts. S. C. Dec. 21-3m. Cabbage Plants. From the best tested seeds. Now ready for shidment, large, strong, healthy, these plants are grown in the open air and will stand re? vere freezes without injury. Early Jersey Wakefield. Large Type or Charleston Wake? field, which are the ?>est known varieties'of early cabbages, also Henderson's Succession, the nest large, late and sure header. Augusta Early Trucker, also a fine ty pe of late variety. Neatly packed in light baskets. $1.50 per fi; for five thousand or over ?1.25 per M, P. O. B. express office. Special prices made on large lots. I Chas. M. Gibson, 7071TSS ISLAND. S. 0. Dec. 14-3mos. THE CHAMPION s TUMP PULLER The Strongest, the Simplest and most economical of all Stump Pullers. Try ii before you pay for ii. Guaran? teed to pull your slumps or no pay asked. Write for Free Booklet giving terms and prices. The Champion Stump Puller Go., tt-8-x COLUMBIA. Call up telephone No. 30 for all business with the Daily Item. The Sumter Book istore number is :j96. From which you can select any style of glasses you could name. We guarantee the grinding and the purity and the accuracy of what we furnish. All the lenses are of the very best. If it's spec? tacles or eye glasses, we fit them acurately. No Danger of Bad Vis? ion When We Fit Your Eyes. I wish to announce that I will move to Asheville, N. C., in Jan? uary, and would like to have you to take note of my address as I will be able to supply you with dupli? cate glasses and repairs just as well as if I were in you neighbor? hood. I have a record of all pre? scriptions and can duplicate any lens by seeing the broken pieces or referring to the original pre? scription. Mail orders solicited. OPTICIAN, SUMTER, S. C. PLANTATION FOR RENT, WK DESIRE to rent our plantation of 4