The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, December 21, 1904, Image 2

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? viatcUuuui cit? ^aatjprc. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2!, 1904. The Sumter Watchman was founded in > 850 and the True Southron in 1866. The Watchman and Southron now ba? the com? bined circulation and ?c?aence of both of the old papers, and is manifestly the best ' advertising medium in Sumter. There should be a law empowering tbs Governor to discipline a sheriff who neglects his duty. This thing of offering rewards for the arrest of mal? efactors who should be apprehended by ti? sheriffs has gone entirely too Car. What are the Sheriffs for any how, if not to arrest criminals? Some of oar Southern cities are de? veloping an acute case of toadyism. The way they are falling over them? selves to extend invitations to Pres? ident Roosevelt evidences a bootlick? ing proclivity that is' .nauseating. These cities should go the whole hog ?nd be done with it by including Booker T., in the invitation. The attitude of the South Carolina "Conf?rence of the Methodist church in reference to the marriage license . law is difficult tp understand. Bishop Coke Sa?h's positon is equally ob? scure, for there can be no reasonable connection between a marriage license JAW and a divorce law. It seems to us that the marriage contract should be safe-guarded and regulated as vigor -ously as iC is preserved. If there vere fewer hasty and inconsidered marriages there would be less necessity foe? divorce law. Hasty maarriages ?resal?? in conditions that call for di? vorce and a license law is designed to prevent hasty marriages, and the "Gu ly object ion 'that we see that can be dirged against a license law is that it might operate to curtail the revenne cf those who conduct a marriage bu? reau cn the principle of quick cere? monies and no. questions asked. The Chamber of Commerce which Till be organized will be a business ogaaization with a great deal of work to do, and those who enter the organ? ization should do so with a full under? standing toa; they must provide the -means -for paying the necessary ex . penses. Unless an assured income of a? least $100 par month can be guar? anteed it ^vould be better not to or? ganize the Chamber of Commece. "Siaf income at least will be needed ?nd the attempt to conduct it for less dooms it to failure. Snmter should -have a Chamber of Commerce properly conducted '?l hone at ali. ?Congressman Livingston, of Georgia veants Secretary of Agriculture Wilson to take the public into his confidence .and tell upi?n what facts he based his last estimate of the cotton crop. The point lias been well made that the government has no business guessing ?afc the size of a crop, lt would, per? sona rts fell duty by collecting the -gincers- reports and announcing the ?total number of bales of cotton ginned ?ach month. The speculators could be left to do all the guessing. Two more Ohio banks have been put out of business as a result of the Chadwick exposure. These two banks risad none -ef Mrs. Chadwick's paper, <5mt the plain people of Ohio have '"?terally test much ot their implicit 'faith in the banks and began with .drawing their deposits so rapidly that chere was nothing for the officers to do but suspend payment. '?be seizure of a British ship by the 'Japanese for carrying contraband -goods for ti e Russians is not likely to '.create friction betwtea the English and ^aparres?, governments. Reports ' indicate that whiis tba blockadorauner was caugth with the goods, the Japa ~ xiese did aot pursue Rust-ian tactics * and sink the ship on the spot but j ?save-ordered a trial before a prize ^courl ^The "list of cuartera issued by ;Le Secretary of State within the present ! year shows that South Carolina hes j fead a fairly prosperous year ai;d that ! tfcs cotton mill industry, while con CkKiing to expand, does not cow over s&r.dow all other business enterprises, j ?feo oapitai represented by the new OBtpocatioos chartered and in the in creased capital stock of existing cor? ms aggregates 18,357,300. Of amount $645,000 went into new banks and $20?,00D toward increasing the capital of old banks. New oil milis with a'capital of $312,000 were chartered, and clay products and min? eral companies with a capital of $463, ?Q0O obtained charters. Of course some of these companies will never get beyond the incorporation stage, but even with an allowance for this, the showing for 1904 is a very good one indeed. The movement which was started by the Sunday schools of Sumter 12 ye?rs ago to provide Christmas cheer .^or the worthy poor of the city has grown into a permanent custom. Each' year has seen the interest in? creasing as evidenced by the larger crowds and growing contributions. It is a good indication of the benevolent ?sogKilses of the community and bids faic to, live and grow with the coming ^ears. No ^church in the city will here j&?tfer oe large enough to accommo date the crowd that attends these an naul meetings, and it is probable that next year the opera house will be used. It is a good custom and deserves the support of all the people of every creed. The benefit is two-fold. To the donees it is an undisguised blessing that they are remembered so sub? stantially by their fortunate neigh? bors. To the donors it brings the sat? isfaction of unselfish deeds performed. To the children particularly it is a lesson in practical charity which must result in making their lives more un? selfish and more useful to humanity. The proposition to interest other cities in the work is a good one. We feel sure that once it is introduced in any community it will take such a hold upon the people that it will live and grow and broaden with each return? ing year. Verily the best there is in life after all, is "the good we all may do as the years are passing by." Catch the Rascal. Hagood, Dec 19.-"Which one?" I did not think the cotton growers were thinking of but one, and they may be mistaken about him, that fellow up yonder at Washington who has, as they think, misrepresented the cotton crop by saying that over twelve mil? lion bales hare been made this year, and thereby caused a great slump in the prices. This is not all, for they charge that he is in collusion with Wall street, and will realize not less than a million on this decline. This may all be simply and purely guess? work, but it may be corrcet. . lt would be a high crime indeed, for the Secretary of Agriculture to I use his knowledge for private gain, ?to abet either the bulls or bears of Wall street, and should be punished j accordingly. But how may one find out all this, how may we "Catch the Rascal." Mr. Brown of New Orleans, of Brown-Hayne cotton fame, has set himself this very task it L said, and few men are in so good a position to do this work. He has written to all the ginneries for statistics of cotton ginned, which when collected and compiled will be given to the public. At the same time be will try to as? certain the amount and kind of fu? tures, if any, the Secretary has dealt in etc. Now suppose it is found that the Secretary's statement of the crop is incorrect, and that it is found he has been dealing in bear futures, what then? i We believe cotton will immediately advance, that Mr. Secretary will be fired out of his office and another put in his stead, but we realize also that aside from the loss the cotton producer has, or does sustain, an incalculable amount of harm will have been done the Bureau of Agriculture, and that which was organized and set up to help the farmer will come to be regarded by them one and all as a menace to their best interests. Be this as it may it is highly important that a thorough investigation of this matter be had, let the truth be found cut and if trickery has been used let it be exposed and the guilty party punished. We await the result with interest. Just a word to those who are hold? ing cotton. Do not sacrifice it, but hold it. You have the market under control, be patient and you will keep it so. Hagood. Statburg News Notes. Statesburg, Dec. 20.-Miss Janette McLure has gone to her home in Chester to srend the Christmas holi? days. Mr. Matt. Moore, of the Charleston Medical College, is at home for a two weeks stay. Miss Fannie C. Sumter, of Sumter, j spent Saturday with relatives here. Mr. Frank P. Burgess spent Sunday at home. Mrs. H. G. Muldrow spent Saturday in Columbia. Miss Lottie T. Nelson leaves this ? ?.eek for Florence where she is to) spend Christmas with Dr. and Mrs. I F. H. McLeod. ! Mrs. and Mrs. Early Mellette, Mr. H. G. Maidrow and Mr. Pinekney Norris spent Monday in Sumter. Mr. Richmond Pinekney of Charles- j ton spent a few days witli his sister I Mrs. George Murray last week. * ! Mrs. Deas of Camden and Mr. George Saunders of Hagood were up last Monday to attend the funeral of Mr. George Murray. Mr. Wolf of Ferguson, S. C., is the guest of Mr. W. L .Sanders. Local Cotton Market. The receipts today were the heaviest of the week, despite the fact that prices reached the seven cents level yesterday. The market was unchang? ed today. Middling, 7. ?n.?-?**..p. An Unprincipled Joke on The Minor Store. Some representative of Beize bub has circulated the report that the Minor Store is going out of business. The immense business done by this store wonld lead one to think that there is some truth in the report. Not so. The Minor Store is preparing for the biggest spring and sumn er business ever done by a Sumter store. Watch the Mino? Store grow. C. P. Osteen, M. D. OFFICE HOUBS 9 to ll A. M. Telephone No. 270. Residence tele? phone No. 254. Office at Mood-Osteen Infirmary, 22 8. Washington Street South Carolina College Centennial Celebration. The great celebration of the one hundredth anniversary of the opeu ing of the South Carolina Col? lege is attracting widespread in? terest throughout the State. The alumni, wherever found, are re? sponding to the call of their alma ma? ter to make this occasion the crown? ing event in the history of the grand old college. Every indcuement is be? ing offered to assemble together as many as possiole of those who have left Carolina's halls with diploma in hand. The people of Columbia will entertain all who attend, and it is sincerely hoped that the Game Cock county will send her full quota of representatives. The following program of exercises, with an invitation, has been received by alumni : South Carolina College Centennial Celebration, 1805-1905, Program?me of Exercises SUNDAY, JANUARY 8tfa. 11.15 a. m.-Sermon by the Chap? lain, Rev. J. William Flinn, D. D., in the Theatre. 8.00 p.m.-Sermon by the Rev. John A. Rice, D. D., of Alabama, in the Theatre. MONDAY, JANUARY 9th. 10.30 a. m.-Inauguration of the Centennial exercises, in the Theatre. Addresses of welcome by the President of the College, the Governor of South Carolina, the State Superintendent of Education and the Mayor of Colum? bia, with designated responses by re? presentatives of schools, colleges, and universities. 4.00 p. m. Dramatic and musical entertainment by the students, in Craven Hall. Class reunions. 8.00 p. m.-Joint celebration of the Literary Societies, in the State House, Hon. William A. Barber, of New York, orator for the Clariosophic Society, and Judge Joshua H. Hud? son, of South Carolina, orator for the Euphradian Society. 10.00 p. m.-Ball under auspices of the students, in Craven Hall. ' TUESDAY, JANUARY lOtb. 10.0 a. m.-Academic and civic pro? cession from the Library to the Thea? tre "From Generation to Genera? tion," the Centennial ode by Dr. George Armstrong Wauchope. Commemorative address on "The I Historic Significance of South Caro? lina College," by Gen. LeRoy F. You mans, of Columbia. Conferring of honorary degrees. 4.00 p. m.-Meeting of the Society of the Alumni, in the Chapel. 6.00 p. m.-Reception by the Fac? ulty, in the Library. 8.00 p. m.-Oration, in the State House, -on "The South Carolina Col? lege and the State," by the Hon. Joseph A. McCullough, of Greenville. 10.00 p. m.-Centennial banquet, in Craven Hall. Manchester Items. Manchester, Dec. 20-Well, Mr. Editor, at last I will again try to write a line for the Watchman and Southron, this cold morning. News is scarce. Farm work for 1904 all done. Some are cutting and shipping wood, others repairing buildings, &c, and some are gathering litter for mant?re, while others I bear are preparing to jump the broom over into matrimonial bliss. Miss Pritchard, (daughter of Mr. Ed Pritchard of] Privateer, ) I hear is to wed Mr. Eddy Trimnal tomorrow, the 2lst, and Mr. P. B. Lawrence of ? Pinewood arid Miss Olga Reynolds, j daughter cf Dr. W. II. Reynolds cf Paxville, are to be married tomorrow ! night at thc Methodist church in Pi i;e wood. Mr. Cliford B. Kolo who has been down with typhoid fever for the last two months, or so, is improving at la-t, so he can walk about his room at Dr. Murray's in Pinewood, and thinks he will be able to be move home this week. What has got the matter with the young men of your city, that they arc trying to kill themselves. I was real sorry to hear of Eugene Stansill's rash act, as we spent a pleasant time together the last week of November court. The usual moving has commenced. Mr. Jas. A. Brewer is moving from Wedgefield down near Pinewood to Mr. Warren Weeks's. Well, Mr. Editor, as I am such a poor writer, and also a slow one, and as 1 don't write any oftener, with this I will stop writing for the dear old Watchman and Southron, but as you think, so do. Well, wishing you and your many readers a merty, merry Christmas, and a happy New Year and many re? turns of the same, Mr. Editor, I will close. Sidra. Mr. Bluford Hussey appeared before Recorder Hurst Saturday to answer to charge of public drunkenness. Having entered a plea of "guilty," he was sentenced to pay a fine of So, or to serve cn the public roads fer (5 days. The fine has not yet been paid, and the defendant still remains in the guard house. OSTEOPATHY Corrects thc cause of disease and cures when nothing else will. Its cures are per marient because Natural. All diseases treated Diseast s of Women a Specialty. /K. R. V. KENNEDY, Office over Bultman Bros.' Shoe Store. Sumter, S. C. - Consultation Free. \ A HORRIBLE CUTTING AFFAIR. Butcher John Henderson Practices His Trade on His Wife. While at tea Saturday night, Mr. C. M. Hurst was startled by the agonizing shrieks of a woman. He and Mr. J.M. Lawrence ran ont to the street to discover the canse, and found a woman standing on the sidewalk crying, "John has cut me ! John has cut me I" On the other side of the street, they saw a man complacently viewing the scene, and when they ap? proached him to inquire if he knew anything concerning the woman he made a record breaking run, nnpaced, np Washington street, with Mr. Law? rence and Mr. Hnrst running a close second and third. Mr. Hurst attempt? ed to maka a short cut, and when crossing a ditch, the ground very un? ceremoniously flew up and hit him in the face. He was so bewildered that he gave up the chase. Mr. Law? rence got close enough to John to put his hand on his coat, and the magic touch of bis hand seemed to inspirit the pursued to greater things, and he bade his pursuer good-night. Mr. Lawrence stopped, and gazed upon ' tlie fleeing negro, and some one approaching beard him say, "Well. I guess that's running 'em some.19 When the two returned to the scene of the cutting, the woman was no where to be found. A little later Mr. Willie Moran nearly stumbled over her prostrate form in front of Mrs.Kilgo's boarding house. She was taken to Dr. Mood's Infirmary where she was dis? covered to be in au almost dying con? dition, being so weak from loss of blood that three hours elapsed before her pulse could be found. Heroic treatment was resorted to, a saline solution being injected into her veins, which resuscitated her in a remarka oiy short space of time. Her body was terribly cut, one wound being from her shoulder to her elbow, and severing the biceps of the left arm. Another wound on her head was a very ugly one-the ear was cut entirely in two. There were nu? merous other wounds on other parts of her body of a less grave nature. If she had not received medical attention when she did. death would have re? sulted in thirty minutes. Next morn? ing she was in a much improved con? dition. It was afterwards discovered that the woman was attacked by her hus? band, John Henderson, who is em? ployed by Mr. Eugene h ogan as a butcher. He was evidently trying a new blade cn his wife. Up- to- this time, no trace of him bas been found. Mary Henderson Succumbs io Wounds Inflicted by Her Husband. Mary Henderson, the negro woman who was so brutally cut on Saturday night by her husband John Hender? son, died Monday night at the bouse of Henderson's mother to which she was removed Monday morning. An inquest was commenced by Coro? ner Flowers at -i o'clock yesterday noon and the Jury after hearing the testimony of Mr. C. M. Hurst, in front of whose house the attack on the woman was made by John Hen? derson, and of Dr. J. A. Mood who dressed her wounds: rendered a ver? dict that tiie said Mary Henderson came to her death from knife wounds inflicted by John Henderson. Henderson has not been arrested. Atlanta, Ga., Dec. 21.-The Rev. j Albion W. Knight will be consecrated Bishop of the Episcopal Church here today. Mr. Knight was elected at j the recent general Convention of the Church, held at Boston, to be mis? sionary Bishop of Cuba. TM RETURNS FOB 190S. Office of County Auditor. Sumter County. Sumter County, Dec. 14. 1904. Xotice is hereby given that I will attend, in person or by deputy, at the following places on thc days indicated, respectively, for the purpose of re? ceiving returns of personal property r?jia poll f.xes for the fiscal year com ruancing January 1st. 1905. Tindal's Store, .Monday. Januaiy '.'th. Privateer, (Jenkins's Store? Tues. Jan. 10. Manchester, (Mr. Gardener. Levi's) Wednesday. Jan. nth. Wedgefield, ? Thursday, Jan. 12th. Statesburg, Friday. Jan. 13th. Hagood. Manday. Jan. 16th. Rembert's Tuesday. January 17th. ! Dalzell. Wednesday, Jan. ISth. Gordon's Mill, Friday, Jan. 20th. ! Mayesville, Monday. Jan. 23rd. Shiloh. Tuesday. Jan. 24th. Norwood's X Roads. Wednesday, Jan. 2 5 th. Oswego, Friday, Jan. 27th. The law requires that all persons owning property or in anywise having charge of such property, either as agent, husband, guardian, trustee, ex? ecutor, administrator, etc, return the same under oath to the auditor, who requests all persons to be prompt in making their returns and save 50 per cent penalty which will be added to the property valuation of all persons who fail to make returns within the time prescribed by law. Taxpayers return' what they own on the first dayof January 1905. Assessors and taxpayers will enter the first given name of thc taxpayer in full, also make a separate return for each township where the proper? ty is located and also in each and ev? ery case the number of the school dis? trict must be given. Every male citizen between the age of 21 and 60 years on the first day of January. 1905. except those incapable of earning a support from being maimed or from other causes, arti deemed taxable polls. and except Confederate soldiers 50 years of age. on January 1st. 1905. All rturns must be made on or be? fore the 20th day of February, next. T cannot take returns after that date and all returns made after the 20th day of February are subject to a pen? alty of 50 per cent. J. DIGGS WILDER. Auditor Sumter County. Atlanta, Ga., Dec. 20.-The Peach? tree residence of J. K. Orr, one of Atlanta's wealthiest merchants, was entered in broad daylight today and robbed of between S3, OOO and 4,000 worth of jewelry. The robbery was perpetrated iu the upstairs living rooms while the members of the family were down stairs, and was the clever work of a stylish dressed young white man. The affair is a mystery, the robber seemingly having com? pletely baffled all efforts of the police to locate him. How's lins? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re? ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in ell business transactions and finan? cially able to carry out any obliga? tions made by his firm. WALDIXG, KIXNAN & MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists. Toledo,. O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter? nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for con? stipation. Dec.21-lm. PLANTATION FOR RENT. WE DESIRE to rent our plantation of 400 acres now ocupied by W. W. Mccaskill, seven miles from Bishop ville. O'DONNELL & CO. Dec. 21-4L Cabbage Plants S?.50 Per 10007 I AM XOW prepared to fill any and ail orders with the best varieties of Cabbage Plants. Orders filled for any amount and varieties. Write for prices for lots of 3.000 and over. Ad? dress all orders to W. F. CARR. Meggetts. S. C. Dec. 21-3m. Cabbage Plants. From the best tested seeds. Now ready for shidment, large, strong, healthy, these plants are grown in the open air and will stand se? vere freezes without injury. Early Jersey Wakefield. Lar<re Type or Charleston Wake? field, which are the best known varieties of early cabbages, also Henderson's Succession, the best large, late and sure header. Augusta Early Trucker, also a fine ty pe of late variety. Neatly packed in light baskets, Sl-50 per Bl; for five thousand or over Sl.25 per M. ?'. O. B. express office, special prices made on large lots. Chas. M. Gibson, Y0TJ1TSS ISLAND, S. 0. Dec. 14-3mos. IM si Cte From which you can select any style of glasses you could name. We guarantee the grinding and the purity and the accuracy of what we furnish. All the lenses are of the very best. If it's spec , -tades, or eye glasses, we . fit them j acurately. ! No Danger of Bad Vis? ion When We Fit Your Eyes. I wish to announce that I will move to Asheville, N. C., in Jan? uary, and would like to have you to take note of my address as I will be able to supply you with dupli? cate glasses and repairs just as well as if I were in you neighbor--? hood. I have a record of all pre? scriptions and can duplicate any lens by seeing the broken pieces or referring to the original pre? scription. Mail orders solicited. . Higlsiitl, OPTICIAN, SUMTER, S. C. ms?k The Dixie Stalk Cutter-Wagon Attachment. Parties desiring A Good Stalk Cutter will find "The DIXIE" to be made of the Best Pennsylvania Steel and guaranteed not to clog and to give entire satisfaction. Our machines can be found at S. M. Pierson's livery stable, 6 and 8 S. Earvin street. The Dixie Stalk Cutter Co., Sumter, 8. C. Christmas The near approach of the holidays, sets the average person to thinking of their friends, and the most appro= priate gift to give them. We may be pardoned for sqggesting the advisa= biiity of considering more, the useful? ness of an article, than its ornamen= taiion, as a Christmas gift, and while we make no specialty of holiday goods our stock will be found to con= tain many things that make useful and appropriate presents. PIANO COVERS. $2.50. $3. $4. TABLE COVERS. .50. $1, $1.50. $2.50. KNIT SHAWLS. .50. $1. $1.50. FASCINATORS. .25. .50. $1. LAP ROBES. $1.50. 2.00. 2.50. 3.50. 5.00. 7.50. FURS. $1, 1.50. 2.50. 5.00. 7.50. 10.00. * LADIES' GLOVES. .25, .50, .75, $1. GENTS' GLOVES. .25. .50. .75, $1, $1.50. RUGS $1. 1 50. 2.50, 3.50. 4.00. ( 6.50. HANDKERCHIEFS. 5, .10, .15, .25, .50, $1.00, 81.50. TOILET SOAP. .10, .15, .20, .23 & .50 Per Box. COLOGNE. .25, .30, $1.00 in single boxes. LADIES' SHOPPING BAGS. .50, $1.00, $1.50. LADIES' BED-ROOM SLIPPERS. $1.00. $1.50. LADIES' NECKWEAR. .25, .50, .75, $1.00, $1.50, $2.50. UMBRELLAS. ?1.00, $1.50,'$2.50. GENTS' NECKWEAR. .25, .50, $1.00. TOWELS. .15, .25, .50. If you wish to be real generous, add a pair of "TAR HEEL" BLANKETS. < O'DONNELL & CO.