r tlWtt TBB 8DMTEB WATCHMAN, Kstftbllahed April, 1850? "Be Just and Fear not-Let all the Ends thou Airas't at be thy Country's, thy God's and Truth's.' THE TRES SOUTHRON. ?3 ta bl lab ed Jone, 1S6 Coso?idated An?. 2,1881. New Series-Vol. XXIV. No. 21 % Ck 'Matrktaii ato BM?\)?WL Set"'-'- ? -~ - c si Published Sirery "Ce?aesdays -BY 1 OSTEEN PUBLISHING COMPANY, SUMTER, S. C, V TEEMS: $1 50 per annum-io advance gK. ?DTIST?S.?KK?T: One Square first insertion.............$1 CO Every snbseqeent insertion . 50 Contracts for three months, or longer wib *? made st redacedraiea. , Ail ccauucoicatioQS which subserve private <^ interests will be charged for a3 acvertfecDents. {Obituaries and tributes of respects fill be BILKING THE BOLL WEEYIL The Task That the Convention of, Southern Farmers has Before lt. Kew Orleans, Dec. 5.-The Nation? al Boll Weevil Convention" to be held at Shreveport, Louisiana, Dec 12 to lath, and which will be attended by * * delegates from many states both east and west of the Mississippi River, ?has cat out for it, a task, the success of which means the salvation, and the failure of which means possibly the eventual destruction or serious curtail? ment of the South's great staple. Tbis subject will be discussed in a far broader and more comprehensive man? ner than ever before in the effort to find ways and means to check the east . ward progress of the weevil over Southern cotton nelda. Preparations have been made to have present many cf-the most dis? tinguished scientist of tbe country to confer with th? praciicalplanters and it is believed some substantial benefit will result and a device will be found to check if sot totally eliminate the pest whih threatens the very life of Southern prosperity. Planters, cotton men, spinners and statisticians are agreed that this season's cotton crop, favored in every possible way by ideal weather, has taxed the labor and the acreage of the South to the utmost degree. The perfect combination of circumstances, which may not be duplicated in a generation, has resulted in a record breaking crop.? Undoubtedly, tbe spinners will consume far more cotton this season than ever before ia the history of the industry, and jost so long as the South continues to supply all the cotton the spinners require no ... very strenuous or sweepingly concert? ed effort will be made to make india, frica or Australia big cotton produc? ers. The rapid encroachment of the boll weevil, however, is having a very se? rious effect on the confidence of foreign spinners who, ?oeking ahead several years, are wondering where their sup? plies of raw cotton are to come from when the boll weevil will have devas? tated ail the fields west and possibly east of tbe Mississippi, as they bave done in Southern Texas, arid when the American mills shall have greatly in? creased their annual takings. Every yea the wor rid requires in? creased quantities of clothing, and the manufacturers of dry goods re? quire increased quantities of raw cot? ton. For a hundred years to come the South can and will produce all the cotton the world will require, pro? vided the progressive ravages of the boll weevil be checked. In tbe boll weevil infested districts ten acres in many instances fail to yield one bale of cotton. Experte assert this will be the condition of the entire cotton belt, unless some successful method of de? stroying the boll weevil be found im? mediately. Governor Vardaman, of Mississippi, whose recent telegram. to President Francie of tbe Louisiana Purchase Exposition in regard to President Roosevelt bas can sed widespread comment, will preside over the delib? es ti ons of the co nv end OD. The deepest interest ia the coming convention is being taken hy leading citizens throughout the South, and by the Northern and foreign cotton inter? ests. Success will mean much to the Sot tb. but should the delegates fail to find a remedy for the boll weevil evil, it will mean notbiag less than calamity to the cotton industry af the South within a very few years. There? fore many prominent mes, wbo have given the matter deep thought, are personally urging the various sections of the several states to send full dele? gations to Sbrevenport on December 12th. Mother Be Careful. of the leailh of jour children. Look oct lor Coughs, Coldgj Croup and Whooping Coogh. Stoo them in time-One miuute Cough Cure is the best remedy. Harmless and plea-ant. So d by O. B. Davis. Camden, S, C. December 6.-W. E. Boyd brought suit for 85,000 against the city of Camden for dam? ages received in falling in a ditch and breaking bis arm. A verdict was ren? dered today in bis favor in the sum of $750.. Boyd also won a damage suit against the Seaboard some time ago for 810.000 He was represented by M. L. Smith, E?q. A Certah Cure For Croup When a chili frhow* symptoms of croup there i-1 no?me to experiment with new remedies, LO mauer how high?v they may be recommended. There is one preparation th t can always be depended npo .-. It has bee;; in nee for many years and ha- never h en known to fail, viz: Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Mr M. F. Compton of Market Tf xas; pays of it, 41 have need ChambC?la-n's Cough Remedy in f-evere Oase* of croDp wiih my children and can truihfo ly 88y it always gives prompt relief " i OT sale by all Druggist*, 60V. HEYWARD WANTS NO CHANGE. The Child Labor Law of 1903 is in His Opinion the Solution Satis? factory to Ali Parties. Gov. Heyward is not in favor of making any changes in the child la? bor law. This is evident from the fol? lowing letter which he wrote yester? day to Dr. A. J. McKellway, assis? tant secretary of the National Child Labor association, with offices a? Charlotte, N. C. : My Dear Dr. McKelway: I am in receipt of your letter of the 29th ulti? mo, which reached my office during my absence, and this is the first oppor tunitv I have bad to sive it my at I teution. It is needless for ine to tell you that I have read your communica ! tion with great interest. The phases of the subject you discuss are of seri? ous import to the south, and especial? ly is this true of South Caroliua, where the magnitude of our cotton mill interetss is greater than that of j any other southern State. For several years the question of child labor in the cotton mills was seriously discussed by the people of ! our State and the consideration given "to the subject showed that its impor? tance was fully realized. In my cam? paign for governor two years ago I advocated the settlement cf this ques? tion by the passing of a law known as "The Marshall Bill," this law prohi? biting, the first year, all children un? der 10 years of age from working in ?the cotton mills, with similar resrtictions, respectively, the second and third years, for children ? under ll and 12 years of age. At the annual session of onr gen? eral assembly in 1903 such a law was j enacted and has been effective from that time. This law is giving gener I al satisfaction alike to mill owners and I to ?he operatives, and no complaints i from any source regarding its admin? istration have.reached my office. . I believed when the law was passed ! -and I believe now, taking eveything into consideration-that such legisla? tion was the best solution of the ques? tion. I was much gratified that a law regulating this most important ques? tion could be so framed as ro meet the wishes of ali those most interested in its passage and in its results, as I deemed it essential that the matter should be permanently settled. I have every reason to believe that satisfac? tion with this law in our State contin? ues and I cannot but think that it would be unwise to disturb existing conditions by increasing the age limit from 12 to H years, as is sug? gested in yonr letter. While these are my convictions re? garding this law, I must admit that the educational aspect of your propos? ed plan appeals to me most strongly. Should any change be made, however, it is my belief that such change should include our entire educational system, thus bringing, not only our coildren in the mills, but all the chil? dren in our State, under its provis? ions. You have my full sympathy in che important work before "you andi sincerely trust whatever may be done will be alike beneficial to the interest of all concerned. Believe me, Very truly yours. D. C. Heyward, Governor. DETRIMENTAL TO COTTON TR?QE. Charleston Cotton Exchange Com? plains of Manner in Which Gin- ; ners' Reports are Issued. Charleston, Dec. 6.-The Charles? ton cotton exchange today adopted the following resolution and sent a copy to the chief statistician for man? ufacture, census bureau : "Resolved, That it is the sense of this exchange that the method adepts i ed this year by the census hnreau ; in issuing the report of cotton ginned . JU instalments instead of in sum to? tal, as done by said bureau in pre? vious years, has been a serions D?tri? ment to the cotton trade this season, unsettling the market values of spot cotton and creating erroneous impres? sions as to the final outcome of the cotton ginned. And it is further re? solved that the chief statistician of tbe census bureau be respectfully ask? ed and requested to issue all future reports of the cotton ginned in a j monthly form in its entirety, as was I his manner of doing same in the pre j vious season. j (Signed) "Thaddeus Street, "Secretary Board of Directors." j Acting Grand Secretary A. F. M. The illness of Col. Charles Inglesby, I grand secretary of Grand Lodge of ? Masons of South Carolina, is a t-omce j of great regret to all of the crafr and ; to his hundreds of friends and ac : .quaintances in Charleston and the State, but naturally the work of the j office must he carried on. Particularly . is it important at this time that the | i duties of secretary be assumed hy | some one, in the enforced absence of Col. Inglesby, Grand Master J. R. j Bellinger yesterday announced the appointment of Mr. John Harleston of Charleston, as acting grand secre? tary. Mr. Harlestou will at once assume the work of the secretary of the Grand Lodge and will complete the piacs . for the forthcoming session December i 13 and receive dues, answer communi ! cations, etc. All correspondence that j would othewise be addressed to Col. j Inglesby should be sent to Mr. I Harleston.-News and Courier. A Costly Mistake. Blunders are sometime* very expensive. Ocrwionally life it?elf i* the price of H mi-take, bat you'll never be wrong if you take Dr. King's New Life hills f\>r Dyppeppia, ft?zzine-8, Headache, Liver or Bowel troubles. They are gentle yet thorough. 25o. at J.F. W, DeLoriue'e l?rug S:ore, i SSdOBL FUNDS FROM DISPENSARY. Comptroller General has Issued Warrants for $276,500 Since First of the Year. The comptroller general recently sent ont to the various counties 875,000.- of dispensary school money to be distributed on the enrollment plan. This makes a total of the year ot 8276,454.55, in addition to the $5, C00 for the summer schools. February 10th there was a distribu? tion of $13,968.74 to the various coun? ties to supply the deficiency. There was also a distribution at the same time of $122,487.81. In May ?here was another distribution of $657000, and the sum sent out today makes the total given above. The total dis? tribution in 1903 was 8150,424,63 and a cash balance of $95,703.38. This year the only balance left will be the money turned over from now until Jan. 1, as it is desired to get all of the money in the hands of the schools at once. The distribution by counties is as follows : Abbeville, $ 2,358.81 Aiken, 2,181.42 Anderson, 3,318.42 Bamberg, 1,108.29 Barnwell, 1,725.68 Beaufort, 1,807.03 Berkeley, 1,392.28 Charleston, - 3,554.81 Cherokee, * 1,268.48 Chester, 1,521.57 Chesterfield, - 1,105.26 Clarendon, 1,662.85 Colleton, 1,431.36 Darlington, - 1,672.57 Dorchester, 904.82 Edgefield, 1,643.83 Fairfield,* 1,907.12 Florence, 1,662.60 Georgetown,. 1,050.01 Greenville, , 3,435.98 Greenwood, 1,871.73 Hampton, 1,181.92 Horry, 3,484.04 Kershaw, 1,178.26 Lancaster, 1,406.35 Laurens, 2,046.58 Lee, 1,127.42 Lexington, 1,662.26 Marion, 1,872.45 Marlboro, 1,430.60 Newberry, 1,821.87 Oconee, 1,419.13 Orangeburg, 3,810.32 Pickens, 1,205.37 Richland, 2,168.57 Saluda, 1,372.25 Spartanburg, 4,242.25 Sumter, 1,712.13 Union, 1,557.54 Williamsburg, 1,763.48 York, 2,670.90 875,000.00 This Year's Cotton Crop. Washington, Dec. 5. -The report of the department of agriculture today indicates a total production of cotton in the United States in the year 1904 05, amounting to 12,162,700 bales. The area picked or to be picked is estimated at 30,055,700 acres, a reduc? tion of 1,676,600 acres or 5.3 per cent from the acreage estimated as planted. The report says that from present in? dications the average weight of bales is not likely to fall below 500 pounds net. Round bales have been included in this estimate and reduced to their equivalent in square bales. The esti? mate does not include linters. The estimated production in bales, by States, is as follows : Virginia 19,300: North Carolina 609,000; South Carolina 1,099,700: Georgia 1,764,000; Florida 77,200; Alabama 1,278,900; Mississippi 1, 538,800: Louisiana 917,900; Texas 2,992,300; Arkansas 32,700; Tennessee 343,000; Missouri 43,900; Oklahoma 246,000; Indian Territory 398,100. Georgia Banker Disappears. Macon, Ga., Dec. 6.-Marion W. Potter, a young man who is cashier of banis at Davisboro, Glenwood and Helena, Ga., has mysteriously disap? peared, and his books, which have been checked up by an expret show a shortage of something like $15,000. It is said that the amount may exceed $20,000 upon further examination. A feature of the defalcation is that al of tbe alleged crookedness in the accounts seems to have been accom? plished within 90 days before it was discovered and the officials are won? dering what disposition Potter made of the money in so short a time. It is thought that he did not take with him more than 85,000. Congressman Lever Notified of Contest. Washington, Dec. 7.-Representative Lever is fae first member of the Soutti Carolina delegation to receive a for? mal notice that his seat in the next House is io be contested. The negro attorney of the Rev. C. C. Jacobs, the negro divine, who is contesting Mr. Lever's seat, served notice on Mr. Lever a few hours be? fore the latter started for Washington. At a meeting today of ?the committee on agriculture, ot' which Representa? tive Lever is a member, it was decid? ed to send a committee of five to Shreveport, La., ro investigate the ravages of the boll weevil cn the cot? ton crop. Revolution imminent A sure higa ci approaching revolt and serious tron?le in your system is nervous? ness, sleeplessness, or stomach np.sets. E'ectric Bitters willqnickly dismember the troublesome cau-e?. It never failt* to tone the stomach, regulate the Kidneys aud Bowels, stimulate the Liver, and clarify the blood. Ren d ?wn ey stems ben flit particularly and a-1 the nsual attending ache-* vanish nuder its searching and thorough effectivene*. Electric Bitters only /.Oe, and that i* returned if it don't gave perfect satisfaction Guaranteed by J. F. W. DeLorme, Druggist. CHINESE EXCLUSION. Mew Treaty is Strict. Yet Objec? tionable Features of Oid One are Eliminated. Washington, Dec. S.-The period of the convention between the United States and China by which the Chi? nese are excluded from this country expires today, bnt by mutual agree? ment its provisions will remain oper? ative until the new treaty arranged by Secretary Hay and the Chinese minis? ter has been presented to the senate and ratified. From all appearances the sentiment against Chinese exclu? sion, of which talk is heard now and then, is not sufficiently strong to en? danger the ratification of the new treaty by the senate. Should the op? ponents of the measure start a fight after the treaty is' presented to the senate, with any prospect of success, it is believed that the document would be withdrawn rather than per? mit its amendment by the senate in such manner as to weaken the restric? tions u]pon the admission of Chinese of the lower classes. The new treaty, it is said, will be equally as strict as the old one in re? gard to exclusion, but it will contain provisions which will permit the en? trance ?nto the United States of offi? cials, merchants, students and other excepted classes without the restric? tions now imposed. A thorough ex? amination will be provided for through which every Chinaman now in this country and desiring to visit China, with the intention of return? ing to the United States, shall be pro? vided with a certificate entitling him to reenter the United States within two years from the dateof departure. The treaty will also contain a provis? ion permitting the United States to establish immigration officials in China, charged with the duty of in? vestigating every Chinaman intending to come to the United States. With a certificate from such official, inspec? tion at the port of entry would be abolished, except as to the verification of the certificates and identification of applicants for admission. HELP FOR TEXAS FARMERS. One Bank has Offered to Carry 1,000 Bales of Cotton for a Year, and Others May do Likewise. Waco. Texas, Dec. 7 -A movement is on foot in Waco to afford relief to country merchants and others who have quantities of cotton so as to en? able them to hold what they have un? til the market regains its nonna! le'vei. Judge Eugene Williams tonight sounded Texas banas with a view to enlisting their aid in assisting all cot ton holders, a bank of this city hav? ing offered to carry 1,000 bales of cot? ton for one year, advancing $30 a bale, at six cer cent, and it is understood that all the banks of Waco will make similar offers. There are over six hundred banking institutions in Texas and if the move? ment becomes general, as is expected, it is believed that ample relief will be furnished to every cotton holder in the State who is in distress, as a re? sult of the recent flurry. Fire Damp Kills Coal Miners. Tacoma, Wash., Dec. 8.-Meagre details of an explosion in the coal mine at Burnett have been received. Ten bodies were taken ont at mid? night lt is positively known that five workmen are still in mines. Fire damp was responsible for the disaster. Just prior to the explosion forty miners were taken to the sur? face. Bryan's Bluff Went. William Jennings Bryan while mak? ing his recent stumping tour found he would be compelled to wait half an hour or more for his train, says the New York Herald. Taking a seat in the waiting room, be drew forth a cigar and lighted it Just then a por? ter entered and, pointing to a sign said : "I beg your pardon, sir, but you see that smoking is not allowed in this room." " Well," replied Mr. Bryan, "I sup? pose that rule is not always strictly enforced?" "Ob no, sir; neither is the one [alongside of it," said the man with ? a grin. "Employes of this railway are not , permitted to accept tips." Mr. Bryan finished his cigar undis? turbed. Edgefield. Dec. 7.-Mr. T. B. Bail? ey, of Ciarke's Hill, a son-ion-law of tiie late Hon. G. D. Tillman, while hunting on a plantation six miles west of town fell from a tree, killing him? self instantly. He shot a squirrel, which lodged on a limb of the tree i and in attempting to get it fell some j fifty feet,crushing his skull and break- j ing his neck. Beware of Counterfeits. De Witt's is the only pennine Witch Hazel j Salve" ?write'; J. L. Tacker, of (-entre. Ala. J have used it in my family for piles,cuts and Burns for years and can recommend it to i be the best Salve on the market. Kvery family should keep it, as it is an invaluable household remedy, and should always be j kept on hand fo*r immediate use." Mrs. ! Samuel Gage, of North Bush, N. Ynsays: ! "I had a fever p?re on my ankle for twelve I years that the doctor* could not cure. All j salve and blood remedies prov d worthless, j ; I could not walk for over two years. | ? Finally 1 was persuad-d to try Dewitt's 1 < Witch Hazel Salve, which has completely i i cured rr e. It is a wonderful relief, j '. "DeWitt'g Witch Hazel Salve cures with- j out leaving a scar. Sold by O. B. Davie. 1 HAMMERING ON THE RUSSIAN SHIPS Three More of the Port Arthur Fleet Damaged Yesterday. Tckio, Dec. 3-At imperial head? quarters it is announced that as the re? sult of the bombardment of the inner harbor of Port Arthur yesterday by the Japanese guns of large calibre, many shots took effect on the cruisers Peresviet, Probieda, and Pallada. Peresviet took fire shortly after 3 o'clock and the Probieda listsd to port. Japan Will Send Delegates to the Hague. Washington, Dec. 8.-Japanese today accepted the invitation of Pres? ident Roosevelt to participate in the scond peace conference at the Hague. Russia, it will be remembered, declin? ed the invitation a few days ago. List of the Killed. Tokio, Dec. 9.-In the fighting on November 30th the second son of Gen. Nogi was killed at 203 metre hill. His eldest son was killed at the bartle of Nanshan hill. Tokio, Dec. 9.-The Headquarters Staff today published a list of thirty six officers killed and forty-eight wounded. The place where the cas? ualties occurred is not given, bot it is presumed it was at Port Arthur. Has Seen This State. Mr. E. J. Watson, commissioner of agriculture and immigration, has re? ceived a letter from a northern gen? tleman, who once was anxious to get away from this State, and now would be very glad to get back. The letter is from the vice com? mander of the National Legion of the Blue and Gray, who is asking about the agricultural possibiilties of this state and for a list of farms for sale, with prices and locations. "In September, 1864, I escaped from Andersonville," he writes, "and I passed up through Berkeley county from a point of the Branchville rail? road within 14 miles of Charleston, up through Mt.Holly,thence to Straw? berry ferry, Bonneau's ferry, crossing Santee at Gourdin ferry, thence down the neighborhood road to Sampit bridge thence to Cat Island and down th? Santee on a dugout to South Is? land, where I remained in an old abandoned fort until I was picked up by the gunboat Patomska, which was blockading off Georgetown. You see I am interested in South Carolina. -The State. Another Railroad for Bishopviiie. As will be seen from the extracts from the Sumter papers, the survey of the Sumter and Northern railroad is being maae this week. The surveyors weTe expected to each here by yes? terday, but we presume that the bad weather has retarded the work and that they will reach here today or to? morrow. " If the citizens of Sumter, Bishopviiie and those all along the route are aroused to the importance of this road and throw no obstacle in the way of getting the right of way, the road is assured. There is plenty of capital behind the enterprise and if the citizens will give the right of way they will be more than doubly aid by the enhanced value of their property. It is proposed to connect with the Sea Board Air Line at McBee and then on to Jeffer? son and eventually to Monroe, N. C. which will give the shortest and most direct route to Norfolk and open up the finest section in the state for truck farming as well as cotton and lum? ber. It will give us two competing lines and that means better freight and passenger schedules. It stands us all in hand now to pull together. Just where the line will run will not be determined no til after the snrvey is made.-Bishopviiie Vindicator. New York, Dec. 7.-Hugh Mc? Laughlin, for many years Democratic leader of Kings county, died tonight at his home in Brooklyn aged 77. The cause of death is thought to have been heart disease. A Pleasant Pill. No Pill is as pleasant and posiiive as Dewitt's ' Little Early Risers. DeWitfs Little Early Risers are po mild and effectives that children, delicate ladies and weak people enjoy their cleansing effect while strong people say they are the best liver pills sold. Sold by O. B. Davis. A Frightened Horse, Running 'ike mad down the street dumping the occupants , or a hundred other accidents, are every day occurrences. It behooves eveiybody to have a reliable Salve handy and there's none as good as Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Burns, Cuts, Sores, Eczema and Piles, disappear quickly under its soothing effect. 25c, at J. F. W. Delorme Drug Store. Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 6.-Dr. James D. Barbee, a leader in south? ern Methodism, is dead at his home here aged 72 years. Dr. Barbee was for a nnmber cf years one of the agents of the Southern Methodist Pub? lishing House. Xo More Suffering. If you are troubled with indigestion get a bottle of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and see how quickly it will cure you. Geo. A Thomson, of Spencer, la., says: "Have had Dyspepsia for twenty years. My case was almost hopeless. Kodol Dyspepsia cure was recommended and I u?ed a few bottles of it and it i.j the only thing that has relieved me. Would not be without it. Have doctored with local physicians and also at Chicago and even went to Norway with hopes of ? cettine some relief, but Kodol Dyspepsia j Cure is the only remedy that has done me any good, and I heartily recommend it. I Every person suffering with Indigestion or , Dyspepsia should use it." Sold by O. B. j Davis. i A MATTER SF HEALTH POWDER Absolutely Pore ms m SUBSTITUTE ALMOST A PANIC ON STOCK EXCHANGE. Amalgamated Copper Stocks Tum? ble in Price Result of Law? son's Frenzied Finance Article. New York, Dec. 8.-Scenes cf wild excitement occurred on the Stock Ex? change this morning. Trading reach? ed an enormous volume and ic was im? possible for market evperts to give buyers and sellers accurately. Amal? gamated led in the toppling of the* pyramid of high prices which have been reached during the past few months of the bull movement. Stocks fell, ' in all, nearly ten points from last night's close, selling down to fifty nine around ll o'clock. United States steel, common and preferred sugar, Massonri-Pacific, Erie and Cand?an Pacific were among the stocks that fell with dull thuds. Lesses of a point or two were common. Lawson bulletins on the result of the stock condition come hourly from Boston and were freely circulated. Boston, Dec. 8.-The bear raid in copper shore market continued this morning. r At ll o'clock amalgamated, which clo'sed yesterday at G8y? had dropped to 59. Grip Quickly Knocked Out. "Some weeks ago during the severe win? ter* weather both my wife and myself con? tracted severe colds which speedily devel? oped into the worst kind of la grippe with all its miserable symptoms," says'Mr. J. S. Egleston of Maple Landing, Iowa. .'Knees and joint3 aching, muscles sore, head stopped up, eyes and nose running, with alternate spells of chills and fever. We began using Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, aiding the same with a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, and by its liberal use soon completely knocked out the grip." These Tablets promote a healthy action of the bowels, liver and kidneys which is always beneficial when the system is congested by a cold or attack of the grip. For sale by all Druggists OVERTAXED. Hundreds of Sumter Readers" Know What It Means. The kidneys are overtaxed ; Have too much to do. They tell aboutit in many aches and pains Backache, sideache, headache. Early symptoms of kidney ills. Urinary troubles, diabetes. Bright's disease follow. , A Sumter citizen tells herc a certain cure. ' George W. Hancock, keeper of the jail. 27 Canal ?St.. says: "I have been down in bed on account of my back several times and sui? fered the most intense pain right across the small of my back which felt just as if a log of wood was laying on it and crushing the life out of me and I was unable to get from un? der it, cou.d not turn over without taking both hands to pull myself. The kidney se? cretions were very dark, full of sediment and called me out of bed every little while. I think I contracted the disease during the war. away back in 18?2 and laying out in all kinds of weather, exposed to heat and cold. Since then during later years I have suffered everything a man could suffer and live. I used everything I could get hold of but nothing seemed to touch it. 1 finally saw Do ari's Kidney Pills advertised and went to Dr. A. .1. China's drug store and procured a box. They acted like a charm. I have used three boxes and all Hie pain in my back has left, the kidney secretions have been natural and I feel A No. 1. Doan's Kidney Piils are the best headache remedy on earth." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Mil burn Co.. Buffalo. N.Y.. sole agents for the United States. Remember the name-Doan's-and take no other. . Sour Stomach No appetite, loss of strength, nervous? ness, headache, constipation, bad breath, general debility, sour risings, and catarrh of the stomach are all due to indigestion. Kodol cures indigestion. This new discovery repre? sents the natural juices of digestion as they exist in a healthy stomach, combined with the greatest known tonic and reconstructive properties. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure does not only cure indigestion and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy cures all stomach troubles by cleansing, purifying, sweetening and strengthening the mucous membranes lic:ng the stomach. it Mr. S. S. Ball, of Ravenswood. W. Va., says: *) was troubled with sour stomach for twenty years. Kodol cured me and we are now urine it in miflt for baby." Kodol Digests What Yon Eat Bettles only. $ l .00 Size holding 2% ?mes the trial size, which sells for 50 cents. Prepared by E. C. DeWITT & OO.f CHICAGO For sale by Olin B. Davis.