Pax SUMTES WATCHMAN, Established April, i860? "Be Just and Fear not-Let all the Ends thou Aims t at be thy Country's thy God's and Truth's. TEE TRCS OO?THSON, ??tot>f:*b* this mat- j ter. Reported Fail of Port Arthur Discredited. ? Washington, Nov. ll. The .lapa- j nese Legation has received no news ; from Tokio this morning corroborat? ing the report of the ea?itulaton of Geueiai Stoe>*el at Port Arthur. It instated ttiKt advices of such an event will be cabled here immeditely upon receipt of official news at Tokio. Russians Win a Night Fight. St. Petersburg, Nov. H.-Lieut. General Sakharoff today reports a minor Russian success during last night. Tbe contending forces in the fight were not large. The Japanese after a fight were driven from the town of Erthaitzi. London, Nov. 12.- The possibility of immediate peace in the far East, which has been reported in all parts of the world, is not optimistically receiv? ed in diplomatic circles. It is consid? ered unlikely that either of the bel? ligerents is d?sirions of quitting the conflict. This is thought to be espec? ially true in the case of the Japanese, who are naturally anxious to secure Port Arthur before considering peace. It would cause great surprise in offi? cial circles if an offer of mediation should be accepted before the end of the winter, when it is expected the re? lative gains and losses of each will be clearly defined and a good basis for a peace settlement would be obtainable. On the ocher hand, as diplomats pointed out to your corespondent this morning, there is always the possibil tyi of unexpected happenings. Home, Nov. 12.-A telegram from Crete states that a battleship, two cruisers and several torpedo boats of the Baltic fleet have but in there in need of repairs. This will probably further delay the departure of the fleet. The telegram adds that offi? cers of the fleet state that they have been informed that the Japanese have arranged to attack the fleet in the Red Sea. BLOW A? THE RUM MACHINE. Cherokee Couted the Cost Before She Struck. Colombia, Nev. 10.-The voters of Cherokee County, when they voted the dispensary ont, were fully advised of the mopey cost and what jnoney they would have to raise by taxation to meet the money lesses. In the settle I ment just had the ?county received $10,658.41 in profits. Of this amount $5,11917 went to the cities and an equal amount to the county, and there is a balance unexpended amounting to $420. In addition to this Cherokee County has received during the year $3,170 92 from the dispensary funds for school purposes, and it will get its share of the undivided fund in the State treasury. ?he levy for ordinary county pur? poses in Cherokee County is the low? est in the State,one mill, and this will have to be at least duobled, it is figured by Comptroller . General Jones, to meet the losses from the dis? pensary payments. The people of Cherokee, however, have figured that for every dollar they get through the dispensary they spend ten dollars with the dispensary, and that with the dispensaries closed there will be but little money spent for liquor, and that the difference that will be saved will result in a great net economy to the county. There is a clause in the Brice bill the " cracker7 that was put no it by the dispensary advocates which says that any county voting out dispensa? ries shall not participate in the sur? plus from the dispensary profits go? ing to the schools. The statute allows the deficiency fund, that is fully cov? ered by the constitution, to be paid, bat states that, after the deficiency is made ap, the surplus fund shall not be divided among counties that have voted dispensaries out. Tfcere are some people, however, who hold that under the provisions of the Constitution the non-dispensary coanties cannot be deprived of this surplus, and there is likely to be an issue made on this point in tho courts. At all events it is claimed that Chero? kee County cannot be kept out of the profits that have been accumulated for the schools while Cherokee County .had its dispensaries and ' much of which is still unpaid to the schools, and is largely represented by stock in the State and county dispensaries. The vote in Cherokee County-five to ,one-against the dispensary bas proven an utter surprise to people here who are interested in the dispen? sary situation. The advocates and frieuds of the system are very much worried by this marked verdict of the voters of Cherokee, and dc not quite understand what it may lend to. The action in Cherokee may lead to a State contest and utterly shatter the hopes o? the advocates of prohibition. County action is the strong card for the prohibitionists to play for a good while yet. Gaffney, Nov. S.-In Cherokee the first (:lecton under the Brice law has resulted in nu overwhelming defeat for the dispensary. By a vote of six to one the county has voted to close the dispensaries. Fourteen out of 2i boxes reported give dispensary l???aud no dispensary 1,032. In this county Senator Tillman j made a speech urging the dispensary's retention. --mum?- . ? -tam A Heavy Load. To lift that load off of the st >maeh take Kodol Dyspepsia Care. It digests what yor. eat. Hour stomach, belclu: g. ga* on (.tomach and all disorders of the stomach that are curable, are instantly relieved pud permanently enred by the use of KodoJ Dyspepsia Cnre. S. P. Storr??, R drnggist j at 207 Main street, New Britain, Conn., i says: '"Kodol Dyspepsia Cure i? giving j such universal satisfaction and is ?>o fure- j ly becoming ihe positive relief and subse- j quent cure for this distressing ailment, I j feel thal ? am always sure to yaiisfy and ? gratify my castomers by recommending it . to them. 1 write this to shew how well ' tho remedy is spoken of here." K<>dol j Dyspepsia Cure was di*c*.vered after j years of scientific . xnerime iii? *nd will poiHvely cnre all otomach tr? ubi***. Sold by O. ?. Davi*. fi MfiN HUNT IN WEST VIRGINIA. Another Feud Has Broken Out in Fayette County-Jackson Clan Kill Two Officers. Huntington, W. Va., Nov. ll. What promises to be one of the hard? est fought battles in the history of fend -ridden Fayette county is imminent in the mountains south of Montgom? ery, where an armed posse of two hnndred men are believed to have sur? rounded Harvey Jackson and two brothers, who are wanted for the mur? der of Sheriff Daniels, and John Kol? on Thursday. The Jacksons are known to have two Winchesters and several revolvers apiece and they are not expected to be taken alive as they know, if caught, they will he lynch? ed. Owing to the inaccessibility of the country it is hard to get news. The whole country side is worked up to fever pitch. The whole trouble grows ont of the murder of Constable W. A. Jackson, by Policeman Elliott, following an argument Wednesday night. Hearing of the murder his brother. Harvey Jackson, and two brothers started to clean out the en? tire police force of Montgomery. They killed Sheriff Daniels and also Rolf, who defended Daniels. They then took to the mountains. A DISPENSARY MURDER. Two Constables Kill Each Other Near Eastover in a Drunken Fight Over an Overcoat. Columbia, Nov. 9.-News was re? ceived here tonight of a double kill? ing at Eastover, in the lower part of this country, the participants being Dispensary Constables R. L. Irby and S. A. Phillips. According to the re? port received here rhe two men quar? relled over an overcoat and both pro? duced pistolls, firing together. Phil? lips was instantly killed and Irby liv? ed for about an hour. Both were be? lieved to be under the inflnence of whiskey. As soon as Chief Constable Hammet heard of the killing he notified Coro? ner Green, who directed that the bod? ies be taken charge of by Magistrate Wertz, who lives in the neighbor? hood. The men had gone down to Eastover on their regular round of inspection of the district, and their quarrel was purely a personal one, in which the dispensary played no part. The tragic part or the whole matter is that"Su A. Phillis came from East? on and was killed within a few rods of tho home where he was born, and dies leaving a wife and two children. He balbeen on the force about eigh? teen months and was appointed by the Governor after being highly recom ! mended by leading citizens of Rich? land County. R.'L. Irby wa3 from Laurens county and was a nephew of the late Senator Irby. He had bean on the constabul? ary force about seven years. Chief Hammet said tonight that he was one of the best dispensary constables in the State, and the best in this dis? trict. He was married and leaves a wife and one child. Chief Hammet regrets the tragedy very much, and said tonight that if the men were drinking it was in direct violation of the orders issued the force. WILL BAISE KEE CATTLE. State Hospital For the Insane Be? lieves in Local Production. Columbia, Nov. H.-At the regular monthly meeting of the board of re? gents of the State Hospital for the In? sane yesterday it was decided to raise for consnmption as many beef cattle and hogs as is consistent with the needs of the institution. For the pre? sent the beef contract has "been divid? ed between Pope and Heriot, local butchers. Capt. Iredell Jones of Rock Hill, who has been a member of the beard of regents for 18 years and has seen the development of the institution in that time, 6aid last night that the people of tho sooth are getting fired of depending upon St. Louis for beef. The movement to buy cattle on tho hDof and to feed them for slaughter has become quite general throughout the south and he is satisfied that the State Hospital can fatten its beef cat? tle at two-thirds of the ccst of buying from the markets. It is also the purpose of rhe board of regents to raise for use in the hos? pital a large number of hogs. There is a lot of offal matter on the farms which can be used to fatten hogs, and it is the purpose of the board to use everything fnr some purpose. A Runaway Bicycle Terminated with an ugly cut on the leg of J. B. Omer, Franklin Gi ove. 111. it j developed a stubborn ulcer unyielding to doctors and remedies for four years. Then ; Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured, li1? jnst B? j good for burn?, scalds skin eruption* aud piles. 2cc. at J. h. W. DeLome's drug siore. Parsons, Kas., Nov. ll. The Mis? souri, Kansas and Texas flyer has been wrecked eight miles north of here. Every surgeon of Parsons has been called ont. It is reported that many were killed. j Not a Sick Day Since. k,I was taken severely sick with kidney trouble. I tried ail sorts of medicine**, none of which relieved rae. One day ? saw an ad. of jour Klectric Bitters and determined to try" that. After taking a few doses I felt relieved nnd sunn thereafter was entirely cared HU-1 ha\e not ?sen a sick day since. Neighbor'* of mine have been cured of rheumatism, neuralgia, liver and kidney troubles nnd general dehility: This is what : H. V. B^*?* of Krem?mt, N. C. writes. Only ' hO-: at J. F. W. DeLorme, Drnggwt. A MATTER OF HEALTH POWDER Absolutely Pare MAS NO SUBSMTfflE ANOTHER WHITE NUR SENTE? TS DEATH. Earl Rochester to be Hanged at Walhalla on January 6th. Walhalla, Nov. 10.-Judge McCul? lough today at noon sentenced Earl Rchoester to be hanged January 6th next. A motion for a new trial was overruled. The scene in the court room was a most solemn one, when a young man of fine family received his death sen? tence for murdering his neighbor, whose family is equally as prominent. Before sentence was pronounced Ro? chester made a long statment, narrat? ing the circumstances that led up to the killing of Mills. He said "he was goaded into the killing by threats and insults. Evidence snowed that Mills was not armed when he was killed, only n small knife', a pipe and a pi*ce of to? bacco being found on his person. Gen. Grippenberg Oles of Apo? plexy. Loudon, Nov! H.-A telegram from St. Petersburg states that General Grippenberg, who was recently ap? pointed to command the second Man? churian army, died suddenly of apop? lexy today. -^*~-4 $ i -- Mothers Praise lt. Mothers every where praise One Min-te Congh Cure for the sufferings it has re lie ved and the lives of theSr cne3 it ha? saved. A certain cure for coughs, croup and whooping cough. A. L. Spafford. Postmaster, of Chester, Mich., says: "Our little giri wa9 unconscious from si range: a tion during a sudden and terrible attack cf croup. One Minute Cough Cure quick? ly ? elieved and cured her and I cannot praise it too highly." One Minute Cough Curs relieves cough?, makes breathing easy, cnts cut phltgm, dravrs cut icfUza mation, and re-novee eveTv cau*o of a cough and strain cn lun^v. Seid by O. B. Davis. Worse Every Year. Plenty of Sumter Readers Have The Same Experience.. Don't neglect an aching bael** lt will set worse every yc?r Backacbc is reaiiy kidney ?Ht?kv To cure the back yon must eure thc kidneys. If you don't, other kidney ?tts- follow fri nary troubles, diabetes, Blight's disease. A Sumter citizen letts yo;* ?tow tbe cure is easy. H. A. Betts, well-know? fanner,livfn*? ?wo miles north east of Si-mu:;. says: '"I believe I Man'sKidney Pills which I procured at Dr. A. ,7. China*? drug stow a*e a good kidney remedy. For a number of years I had a hurd time with my badi and every foki ? caught settled in my bach and !4w> pain felt just like rheumatism aix! would >?ist lay me un. I could not sit for any length of time ii: "ru* position or attempt Co turn over in bvd wit h? out the sharp pain striking me and mnkinir nie yell rij?ht ont and ? Iva?! to take hold of some I tiling to support mc when I got out of nod. ! The kidney secretions were irregular, un ! natural and at night too frequent in action. ? I used lots of remedies and took doctor's t medicine but was jost the same after T used j them as before. I was told about Donn's Kid { ney IHlls curing otherneopie so I we,: kt. ami J got them. They helped me immediately and sinet' then the pain has left im1, my bark i> strong*and the kidney secretions ?io not both? er me. My health is ^Featly improved in everv way and 1 give Dean's Rxiney Pills tile credit*' For sale by all dealef*. Pnce. ."?!> cents Foster-Milburn Cot, Buffalo. N. Y., sttic agent? for the 17 ni ted states Kern em ber the name Doan's-and tako no other. Indigestion Causes Cat arr H of tKe Stomach* For many years it has been supposed that Catarrh of the Stomach caused indigestion and dyspepsia, but the truth is exactly the opposite. Indigestion causes catarrh. Re? peated attacks of indigestion inflames th? mucous membranes lining the stomach and exposes the nerves of the stomach, thus caus? ing the glands to secrete muc?n ir?;?ad of the juices of natural digestion. This is called Catarrh of the Stomach. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure relieves all inflammation of the mucous membranes lining the stomach, protects the nerves, and cures bad breath, sour risings, a sense of fullness after eating, indigestion, dyspepsia and all- stomach troubles. Kodol Digests What Yon Eat Make tile Stomach Sweet. Bottles Regular size, $} .00. holding 2 Vi timai the trial size, ?Ucl? ?ella for 50 cents. Prepared by E. C. DeWlTT & CO., Chicago, Ul For sale by Olin B. Davis.