IEPEST RM UV. Will See That R?solution Will Be Enforced. "Taer? te considerable interese in the recent order by the state board -of dis? pensa ry directors regarding the ose. of -2equj|?t. ho&ss by jaircbassrs ol whis? key. 'At a sheeting ??he board a few weeks ago the resolution call, ng at? tention to the law on the subject was passed and jail dispensers were direct? ed to obsei-ve the law to rtance of the work undertaken. Castings and moldings, which were formerly acne in .the north at a much greater expensa than could be done hereat home, have been made in the foundries in the city. .The workmanship and finishing have been equal to that done - away from . here.; Already some large contracts ia the way of m;iehiuery are planned for the coming. year. An increase of 30 per cent, is c onsider? ed a conservative estimate in the in? crease of foundry work. . Some arms which a year ago were doing a< $?0*000 and. $50,000 business ^are dcing twice that amount, and the prospects are bright for a still further'in crease dur-J 'iag'.the coming twelve mont h. This ? coes "sot limit-the work simply to re- j pairing machinery, but includes the constructing of machinery for the equipping of sugar mills, sawmills, dredge boats, etc* No. better indica? tion of the growth of New Orleans as a oort-oan be round than in the ever increasing amount of repair work which is done on ships and water craft of all descripKoBS. It is conceded that any repair work, no xnaliter what its character, could be done io battle-, ship, tramp steamer or steamboatat j as low a cost .-as at any other port, j Kew machines have been added from i ?me fco time to the workshops, with ino result tatt tjjejr equipments are j ?quai to any emergency which might arise in thu marine service. ?oimestieut Sumatra Tobacco. "A bird's-eye view of the Connecti? ez valley in. 1902 and 1903,,; says the Springfield Republican, "shows* a re? markable change in 1904. The white I?nts which dotted here and there the green valley between Bat?eld and Hartford have "been silently folded away, and the raising of Sumatra to JfoQSQ nader shade ia today largely a ?n?lter of history and ? subject of Ver? ifier, experiment. It is estimated that between 1800,000 and $1,000,000 have -**een lost in this venture. In 1902, 300 acres were planted under shade, %ut this year only a few acres are ?till beingexperiraeated with by. a small! sonority. Wide interest was at once f -S&own rn this agricultural ej.'periment, and promoters found little difficulty ia securing capital to start companies in the raising of shade-grown tobacco. Two seasons of bad weather and null markets have swept most of these companies from the tcfcwseo fields. , gt?ffn Sumatra ^ of Cl? ient had too maa? *iws in it Tao leal il saiu to have lacked elasti? city! that it is dull in color, and green, and that its aroma when used in wrapping good cigars is undesira? ble. Cifcar manufacturers bought Ismail quantities for trial, but with no?&ti*factory results, and tlw conse? quence is there is no markei; at present ? fer Connecticut shade-grown Suma Columbus, Ohio, v Sept 28.- The southbound * passenger car and the northbound work car on the Sciotica Uey traction line came together 20 les south of Columbus this morn Twenty passengers are reported injured. Some of tbem seriously, ;b none were killed. Both cars reported to have oeen burne4 by contact with the third rail after being crushed by the collision. Ie is also reported that several of those injured die. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Ko one who is acquainted with its good qualities can be sar priced at tbe great popularity of Chamberlain's Cough Rem? edy. Jt not only cures cold? and grip ef factually and permanently, but prevents these disease? from resulting in pr en mo? nia. It is also a certain card for croup. Whooping coa g h U not dangerous when this remedy id given, lt contain* no opium or other harmful substance and may be given as 'comfidently to a baby as to an adult. It is also pleasant io tafe?. Whoa all of these facts are taken into consideration it is not rurprising that peo? ple in foreign lands, as well as at home, aateem thi3 remedy very highly and very iew are willing to take any other after once using it. For sale by China's Drng Store. OFFICE OF ^County Supervisor, SUMTER, S. C., Sep. 14. 1904. I WILL be in my office at Sumter, S. C., on Friday and Saturday of each week and sales day, to attend to Conn is business, the remaining time will ne employed in attention to Roads, Chain Ching, etc. WM. H. SEALE, Attest : County Supervisor. TIIOS. V. WALSH, Clerk. Sept. 14-4t Herald and Freeman pLease^copy. A LETTER THAT ROOSEVELT NEVES WROTE. ASttr in Political Circles Over a Letter Attributed to President Roosevelt. ~Xew York, Sept. 28.-Au alleged forgery of the president's signature to a magazine article printed in Denver, which reflects on the Chicago meat strikers has created a stir in political circles. Thejarticle purports to have been a letter sent by President Roose? velt to President Donnelly of the Batchers Union of Chicago. It has the- president's signature, which he pronounces [& forgery. Several Wes? tern have papers published the letter. The source of the letter was explained today when the Evening Post reprint? ed the letter and introductory para? graph which appeared in its columns on August 1. The caption and intro? ductory paragraph which* explains and justifies the letter of Roosevelt to Donnelly. "The following letter is one which President Rooseveltt might have written with adventure to him? self and country. " Better Than Pills. The question has been asked-lu what way are Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets superior to the ordinary cathartic and liver pills. Our answer is-They are easier and more pleasant to take and their effect is so gentle and so agreeable that one hardly realizes that it is produced by a medicine.. Then they not only move the bowels but improve the appetite and aid j the digestion. For sale at 25 cents per bottle by China'* Drug Store. MACHINERY comm imrnms A SPECIALTY. ENGINES, 304LETRS, GINNING MACH 1N ZF^f, SAWMILL ANO WOODWORKING MACHINERY. SHINGLE ANO LATH MACHINERY, CORN MTLLS, BRICK MAKING MACHtfC* CRY. KINDRED LINES GIBBES ?tfAGH?NERY COMPANY, Coferabia, -S. C. Laisnjst and Hist Complete Miiint M Seo. S, Hacker & Son, -HAHCP?CTtiaBES 0? DOORS, SASK, BUNDS, Moulding & Building Material. c?ce and tfarercoma, Sing, opposite Gao DOO Street, CHARLESTON, S. C, ?B* Purchase our make, which we goarantt superior to any sold South, and t thereby rave money. Window and Fancy Glass a Specialty I take pleasure in giving no? tice to my friends and the pub? lic generally, that, having re? gained my health, I have re? opened my Bhop, and am ready to do any work in the line of Guns, Locks, Sewing Machines, &e. Prices reasona? ble, work dooe prompt y and satisfaction guaranteed. Shop removed to No. 22 West Liberty street, two doors from Osteen's Book Store. K s SHADWELL. THE CHAMPION' STUMP PULLER Ti?> Stron.i?Psi. Ute Simplest and most vtxmomicai of all Stump Pullers. Try it >>eior<.'you pay for it. Guaran? teed to pu 11 you r stamps or i io pay asked. Writ? for Free Booklet giving terms and prices. The Champion Stump Puller Co., 6-8-x COLUMBIA. S. C. ' lits) T?ADE WARKS DESIGNS CCT*Y?IGHTS Ac. Anyone sendtnjj aufcettfi and description may quickly ascertain our optmon free whether an invention is probably patentable. Communica? tions strictly confidential. H&ndbook on Patents sent free. (?dest aeency for securing patents. Patents taken throuph Wurm A Co. recetye %mcial notice, without charge, inlbe Scientific American. K handsomely illustrated weekly. T^rjrest cir .ulation of any scientific journal. Terms.%3 a vear: four months, $L Sold byan newsdealers. aWW &C3.3C,9road"*?*swM Brancn Office. Ci 8U WaAmatoi?. D. G KIDNEY CAUSE ONE-THIRD OF THE TOTAL DEATHS. When the Kidneys fail to perform their functions properly by not straining out the poison? ous waste matter from the blood as it passes through them, the poisons are carried by the circul?tion to every part of the body, deranging the different organs. This causes heart trouble, stomach trouble, sluggish liver and a host of other ills, all due to deranged Kidneys. corrects irregularities and cures Kidney and Bladder diseases in every form, tones up the whole system, and the diseases that have resulted from disordered Kidneys disappear, because the cause has been removed. Com? mence taking FOLEY'S/KIDNEY CURE at the first sign of danger. Do not risk having Bright's Disease or Diabetes. CURED OF BRIGHT'S DISEASE. Mr. Robert G. Burke, Elnora, Saratoga Co., N. Y.. writes:-I aro glad to have an oppor? tunity of telling 'what magnificent results I have had from using FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE after having tried other advertised medicines and several physicians. Before I began it I had to get up from xs to 20 times each night to relieve my bladder. I was all bloated up with dropsy and my eyesight was so impaired that I could scarcely see one of my family across the room. In fact, I was so badly used up that I had given up hope of living when I was urged by a friend to try FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE. One 50-cent bottle worked won? ders, and before I had taken the third bottle the superfluous flesh had gone, as well as all other symptoms of Kidney trouble. My friends were surprised that I was cured, as they all thought I was going to die. Every few days some one comes from mile's away to learn the name of the wonderful medicine that cured me of Bright's Disease, and not one that has tried it has failed to be benefitted. Two Sizes, 50 Cents and $1.0d. SOLD AND RECOMMENDED BY THE S?JMTE3PI DRUG COMPA3XT 55 LOTS AT AUCTION 55 At Sumter Court House, S. C., Monday, Nov. 7, 1904. Those elegant lots on Manning Avenue:. High and dry and the best location in the city. Terms 1-3 cash, balance, 1 and 2 years. 50x150 ! feet. Will supply you money to build, if you j pay for lot. The Investment of a Lifetime. ?, Pays better than bank stock or bonds, doubles in value every year. All titles guaranteed and warranted by Maj. Marion Moise. Don't miss this sale. Plats furnished free. H. L. B? WELLS, Att y. Sumter, S. C., Sept. 29,19?4 Sept30-N*ov5. Where and When? When you want an article, get it from Headquarters: get it J when you need it. Now is'the time the; school children need books and school ! supplies; thelf^ce to go for these articles is >/.." g & ? ! Osteen's Book Store. ! i Headquarters in Sumter for books, papers, inks and school | supplies of all kinds. There you find a full stock and a great j variety. Just at this season a specialty is made of school sup- j plies, but our stock is large and complete in other departments, j We ita ve a large stock of Blank books, Ledgers, J our-1 nals, Day books, Cash books, Letter books and j Records, manging in price- from 5 cents to the finest full j bound Double Entry Ledger on the market. Children's story books, paper bound novels, new popular; novels, standard literature in library bindings, poets in hand? some covers, Bibles, Testaments, prayer books and hymnals in fact, books of all kinds. Any special book or edition not in stock will be ordered and delivered within a few days. Our Strongest Line, Stationery. BOX papers range in price from 10 cents to $2.00, and we have an assortment that includes the best productions of a half dozen factories, and all the fashionable novelties. Pound Papers. Two leaders-French Cambric, 25 cents.. India Linen, 35 cents. We KU Inks, Envelopes and Writing Paper at wholesale prices, and merchants who are accustomed to order these articles elsewhere can buy here at the same, or lower prices than they have been paying, an