PARENTS AND THE SCHOOLS. Now that the schools, in city, town and conn try, are opening again it is proper to urge upon parent to take an interest in the school work of their children. Mr. Charles Petty,the scholarly edi? te cf the Carolina Spartan,. writes very entertainingly and forcibly upon this subject in the last issue of his paper. He says: The teacher's duty is to assist the home training children. Too many pa? ds think that they are relieved from responsibility when their childen start to school. Here are some things expected of parents: They should get their children ready so as to be at the school room on time. Clothing and person should be clean. Children shoild not loiter on the streets and stand around the stores. Teach them to go home as soon as dis? missed. Encourage no tale-telling.. Do not find fault with teachers in the pres? ence t)f your children. if the teacher's work is unsatisfac? tory call on her and clearly make yct?r complaint in a friendly way. If she wrong she will change her plans thank you for your interest in the vpork. It is never a gooo plan to censure a' teacher by writing a note. These steel pens are very sharp and often say things that one regrets. Visit the school occasionally. The teacher can do. only a small part of tfoe training work. The mont of it must be done at home or left undone. If a teacher is doing good work do not be afraid now and then to show your appreciation by telling her that much. It is very encouraging. A hundred years ago*'Good Morals" -was in the curriculum of colleges and : high schools. It is now left out of catalogues and often out of training work. At the foundation of this de? partment is politeness. That is neg? lected in some families.. That has to "be taught st home.' Did you ever visit a family, the children of which were so noisy and self assertive that it was a relief to get away? If children are not taught genuine politeness, respect for elders, and good behavior in pub ite. filase their education is lacking. - Let all parents take more interest in their children's studies, in the teach ?Q&s tmd especially in the home train; tag. ' fiasi Sold a Pile of Chamber* j Iain's Cough Remedy. ? have sold Chamberlain's Cough Rem? edy ?or more, than twenty years and it has giveiL entire satisfaction. I have sold a pile of it and eau recommend it highly. JOSEPH McEiiHZKv, Liston, Iowa. You mil iind this remedy a good friend when troubled with a cough or cold. It always affords quick relief and ?s pleasant to take. Tor stale by China's drug store. Tokio, Sept 15.-Field Marshall .Qyama reports under today's date that the Russian position in th% direction of Mukden remains unchanged. ' ' We buried thirty-one hundred Russians at Liao Yang." The Stomach is the Man. A weak stomach weakens the mau, be? cause it cannot transform the food he eats into nourishment. Health and strength cannot be restored to any sick man or weak woman without first restoring health sud strength to the stomach. A weak stomach cannot digest enough food to feed the tissues and revive the tired and ns down limbs and organs of the body. Sodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat, cleanses and strengthens the glands and membranes of the stomach, and cures indigestion dyspepsia and hil stomach troubles. Sold by O B. Davis. ULM SPRINGS WATER The Kidney Cure. OFFICE OF County Supervisor, SUMTER, S. C., Sep. 14, 1904. ' I WILL be in my office at Sumter, ?L C., on Friday and Saturday of each week and sales day, to attend to Conn ifiy business, the remaining time will be employed in attention to Roads, Chain Gang, etc. WM. H. SEALE, Attest: County Supervisor. THOS. V. WALSH, Clerk. Sept. 14-4t B;erald and Freeman please copy. laster's Sale. BY VIRTUE OF A DECREE of the irt of Common Pleas for Sumter Coan 1y ia the State of South Carohna^in the it of Moses E. Lppez against Mary E. lt, Lizzie May Hall, Robert Troy Hall Rutledge China Hal), I will sell to the Ugliest bidder at public' auction at the irt House in the City of Sumter, ir. the County of Sumter and State of South ?lina, on saledsy in October, 1904, be? the third day of said mouth, during usual hours of sale, the following de real estate, to wit : AU that tract of land in said County and Slate containing one hundred and fifty acres, more or less, bounded North by lands of Thomas Oteen, East and South lands of estate McLeod, and West by lands of Widow Eolb. Terms of sale Cash. Purchaser to pay for papers. H. FRANK WILSON, Master for Sumter County. Sept. 7 4t SUNN SPRINGS WATER For the liver. Witty Rvxyoaxe *rt a Lecturer. A professor who acted as chiiiruiai ol a ineei:r:L' a: which Max O'Keil wa? to lecture iai'rxvUuced the Frenchnian \n the fci?oiv?n? manner: "uu?ies and uentlemen. when we wish to see ourselves as individuals we Lave recourse lo the mirror. This we cannot do as a nation. I take pleasure in introducing a gentleman who will act as R French mirror, by means of which you will. I am sure, obtain an adequate and pleasing view of yourselves as a nation." The introduction pleased O'Rell. ard be responded in a vein as jovial: *' am requested to reflect ou a nat?o However, I must take second place to the man in the moon, for he reflects ? on the earth. As an imported French mirror I shall clo the best I can to give you a correct picture of the nation. And if your chairman remains where he is, in the background, he will add greatly to the reflective power of the mirror." A Power for Good. * ? _? . The pills that are potent in their action and pleasant in effect are Dewitt's Little Early Sisers. W. S. Philpot, of Albany, Ga. says: "During a bilious attack I took one. Small as it was it did me more good than calomel, blue ma?s or any other pill 1 ever took and at the same time the effect was pleasant. Little Ear ly Sisers are cer? tainly an ideal pilL" Sold by O. B. Davis. GLENN SPRINGS WATER Cures Dyspepsia. MACHINERY COmm EQUPMENTS A SPECIALTY. ENGINES, BOILERS, CHINING MACHIN* CRY. SAW MILL ANO WOODWORKING MACHINERY, SHINGLE AND LATH MACHINERY, CORN MILLS, BRICK MAKING MACHIN? ERY, KINDRED LINES GIBBES MAOJSt?RY COMPANY, Gobabla, S. G. ? Existai M Geo. S. Haeker & Son -MANUFACTURERS OF DOORS, SASH, BUNDS, Moulding & Building Material ? o S cc- and Warerooms, Kiog, opposite CSD non Street, CHARLESTON? S. C, ?Sf Pnrcaas* oar make, wbich we gnaranu superior to - any sold South. and thereby save rooney. lindow and Fancy Glass a Specialty October 16-o jj AUB LDCKSlR I take pleasure ia giving no? tice to my friends and the pub? lic generally, that, having re? gained my health, > have re? opened my shop, and am ready to do any work in the line of Guns, Locks, dewing Machines, &c. Prices reasona? ble, work done prompt y and satisfaction guaranteed. Shop removed to No. 22 West Liberty street, two doors from Osteen's Book Store. * R S BRAD WELL. THE CHAMPION STUMP PULLER Tho Strongest, the Simplest and most economical of all Stump Pullers. Try it before you pay for it. Guaran? teed to pull your stumps or no pay asked. Write for Free Booklet jrivins terms and prices. The Champion Stump Puller Cc, G-8*-x COLUMBIA. S. C. Anrono sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention in prohably patentable. Communirn t iona strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. CM'?est aeencr for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive yptnal notice, without charge, in the Scientific Jfntericatt. t. handsomely !Hn**T?ted w*cMr. I ?rtrest jflr .nlatio-i i?f any *.? lei'iitic journal. Terni?, ty a ve;ir: four month?. iL Soldtoy *1I rew**teal?fc WM Will positively cure any case of Kidney or Bladder disease not beyond the reach of medicine? No medicine can do more? FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE strengthens the urinary organs, builds up the kidneys and invig? orates the whole system. IT SS GUARANTEED TWO SIZES 50c and $1.00 Passed Stone and grave! With Excruciating Pains A. H. Thurnes, Mgr. Wills Creek Coal Co., Buffalo, O., writes: "I haye been afflicted with kidney and bladder trouble for years, pass? ing gravel or stones with excruciating pains. Other medicines only gave relief. After taking FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE the result was surprising. A few doses started the brick dust, like fine stones, etc., and now I have no pain across my kidneys and I feel like a new man. FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE has done me $1,000 worth of good." No Other Remedy Can Compare With it Thos. W. Carter, of Ashboro, N. C., had Kidney Trouble and one bottle of FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE effected a perfect cure, and he says there is no remedy that will compare with it. SOLD IND RECOMMENDED BY MTER DRUG COMPAN Cheap Trips to the East -"VIA Atlantic Coast Line. Baltimore? Md.-Account National Convention Frater? nal Order of Eagle?, Sept. 12 to LT, 1904. Rate, one first; class fare plus $1.25. Tickets on sale Sept lOrh, 11th and 12th, limited for return to Sept. 19th, with privilege of ex? tending return limit to Sept. 25 Boston, Mass.-Account General Convention Protestant Episcopal Church, Oct 5-28. Rate, one first class fare plus 50 cents for the round trip. Tickets on sale Oct. 2d and 3d, lim? ited for return to Oct. 31, 1904. St. Louis, Mo., World's Fair. Season tickets, 60-day tickets, 15-day tickets, on sale every j day. Coach Excursion tickets on sale every Tuesday. Don't miss the opportunity for an excellent trip. Rates, j routes, schedules and all information given by ticket agents ? and the undersigned. H. M. EMERSON, W. J. CRAIG, Traffic Manager, Gen Passenger Agent, Wilmington, N. C. ?o : Let's Speak Frankly : ||| ?O Those who think they can afford it. pay thc "advertised 40 ' O*- price." Those who are not sure, invest?gate and calculate the 0? ?O cost, For example: Take a typewriter. $100 is the "stand- j?0 04 . ard price - well advertised. Vet we all know there ir? not one 40 hundred dollars' worth of value in any machine provided 0